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/lit/ - Literature

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6461890 No.6461890 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you want to be a writer, again?

>> No.6461896

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus, family Cucurbitaceae) is a vine-like (scrambler and trailer) flowering plant originally from southern Africa. It is a large, sprawling annual plant with coarse, hairy pinnately-lobed leaves and white to yellow flowers. It is grown for its edible fruit, also known as a watermelon, which is a special kind of berry referred to by botanists as a pepo. The fruit has a smooth hard rind, usually green with dark green stripes or yellow spots, and a juicy, sweet interior flesh, usually deep red to pink, but sometimes orange, yellow, or white, with many seeds.

>> No.6461898

so i can get my cock sucked

>> No.6461924

so i can bang women

>> No.6461959

To bring out cultural milieu to one of revolution!

Smash the Church!
Smash the State!
Smash the fucking Caliphate!

>> No.6462028

Serious answer: because it is my calling
I am pretty sure that everyone here are well aware of all the disadvantages posed by choosing the path of literature. From extreme financial poverty, to total social seclusion, even up to the high chance of suicide, we heard it all.
No matter how you look at it, in the eyes of someone with a rational judgement, any forms of art is tantamount to living a life of hell but you just know that it is what you want.

I tried to run away from it, I really did. I tried to perish the thoughts by doing some "real" useful stuffs but the more I try to avoid it, the less I am satisfied with myself. Spending a whole day contemplating about a writers block feels alot more valuable than earning money from a job that offers no creative freedom.
Ugly as it was, that's just how passion works. You do not choose to become a writer.

>> No.6462035

I want to write adventures and have the money and time to have my own adventures. I figured being stuck in an office five days a week might get in the way of that and all I need to write is a pen and paper for notes and a laptop.

>> No.6462043

because i'm special and other people should recognize it

>> No.6462046

this. any other reason is not seeing the PURE ideology.

>> No.6462990

I used to read as an escape from an abusive alcoholic mother. The joy and escape fiction novels gave me is something I want to give to others.

>> No.6462996

honestly on one hand because its fun but mainly because i'm pretty decent and it feeds my ego

>> No.6463003

I just like writing.

>> No.6463018
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Understanding individual perspective, physically human beings are alike, but our perception of reality is not objective. My world might be so different from yours in ways unimaginable. Which is whyoy we read, to understand the journal of another mans soul through his eyes..

The problem is books like t these are rarely written anymore, literature has commercialized and been written based on a pathetic culture of a lost generation.

>> No.6463022

perfect response.

essentially the respect of following life journey you are certain you want to take, What else matters??

Great response man, muh feels

>> No.6463027

Like you said... I didn't really have a choice.

>> No.6463052

What a fucking faggot, I hope you never put pen to paper

>> No.6463062

No. I just read alot of Russian works. It can twist a mans mind.

>> No.6463071


>> No.6463073
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>> No.6463087

he's high on benzos, ignore him

>> No.6463115

yet despite my terribly written posts the points im trying to raise are far from invalid. I can control myself. I just get lost in typing whats in my head sometimes..

>> No.6463907

I've been told I'm talented since I was a kid
I enjoy it - it's a way to clear my mind and consolidate my thoughts/emotions
It's a way to get remembered/influence people after you die (I'm egotistical like that)
I want to do something notable like articulate muh generation, make reading cool, or generally make people care about literature again

>> No.6463917

Because I hate doing actual work

>> No.6463925

To agitate effectively for Revolution, Socialism, Decolonization, and Feminist resistance to sexist politics.

>> No.6463929

Because I want to make everybody else as unhappy as I am.

>> No.6464248

I don't. I enjoy literature a lot, but I don't write. I just don't feel the need inside me.

Is it uncommon?

>> No.6464254

I want to be the Karl Pilkington of the literary world. Then I would have a reason to chuckle on my death bed.

>> No.6464270

For some odd reason I can't stop and if I don't do it over an extended period of time I feel like a pathetic failure. I'm probably mostly driven by the ideal of it, but I do it anyways, and nothing will stop it.

>> No.6464389

People care more now about literature than they ever have in history. Fuck yourself, faggot.
>Muh wrong generation