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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 613 KB, 2327x3300, tundra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6461398 No.6461398 [Reply] [Original]

This is the official 'The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra 3: Tokyo Drift' thread. The project will continue from this point until completion, with a minimum of one month. This isn't one of those two-day miami deals.


>> No.6461402

its shit, dont bother.

>> No.6461421

The first was trash but served as a milestone for the board.
The second was hijacked and (unwitting of everybody else working on it) sold for a profit. It was rushed and somehow came out worse than the first.
We really don't need to make it a trilogy.

>> No.6461426

Yeah I bet that anon made a whole two bucks off the three copies sold

>> No.6461431

no dicernible talent

>> No.6461606

Sharing mode is shit, I'll just save it once a day


>> No.6461952
File: 487 KB, 1931x1221, 1423186604811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 same thing happens as pic related

>> No.6462364
File: 122 KB, 375x500, bump slow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6462477

> all these redditors backstabbing a /lit/ milestone

>> No.6462715

There was a second 1?

>> No.6462789


>> No.6462826

I've made a master-copy of the work as-is, I'll save it again in another ~12 hours but be sure to save what you write too.

>> No.6463104

I have written some thing.

a) How is it decided what remains?
b) Couldn't any one delete what I wrote?
c) Is there a theme to the text or can I write any thing?

I wrote with out a theme in mind.

>> No.6463293


If you remember me, I'm that self-righteous bastard of an editor that ruined this project singlehandedly. Since I won't be participating in this, I'll just dump the remnants of our previous document for your entertainment. Have fun.

tinyurl com/n87vkxl

>> No.6463603

get in here sports fans

>> No.6463634
File: 500 KB, 400x300, 9iGQedc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the tundra ever see peace with the completion of the trilogy?

>> No.6464944


>> No.6464951

Everything remains except things like 10 pages of the one word

Yes, but it is saved regularly. Also save your own work just in case.


>> No.6465119
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1425694312204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold for a profit

>> No.6465127

As the other anon said, it probably only sold a few copies. It's the poor ethics involved that bother me.

>> No.6466186

In the foyer there were many different figures gathered. The figures belonged to a group entitled “The East India Company +”™(c) [property_of_sony]. Their plan was to reunify the Asian countries under the flag of Nihon, as was intended in the late 19th and Early 20th Century. There was an underlying theme to their gathering, however, and these characters were by no means ordinary people. There was a misshape to them. They were a glitch. It is true that for many years various japanese businessmen had been organising the various fluctuations in popularity which defined the organism referred to as “4chan”, “2ch” et cetera. They begun with projects within their own locations, but one particularly perverse businessman was interested in bringing their business interactions overseas, in a sort of replay of the Pearl Harbor incident. Mr. Poole was a young japanophile who was both interested in visiting the Archipelago (or what he thought was the Archipelago but was actually a magnetic field of various spiritual Shinto “thingamabobs”) and also a frequenter of the infamous “Encyclopedia Dramatica”, which was said to be like “2ch” but for degenerates. In the same way that the Jewish people would unleash Marxism on Russia, so too did the Japanese release Mr. Poole on to the United States of America and by extension, Europe. There is a predisposition among “channers” to masturbate to prepubescent children, while referring to a book entitled “Lolita”, supposedly respected around the world (A lie spread by those exact oligarchs). Vladimir Nabokov was in fact a drunkard who spent most of his days in a shopping trolley being pushed around Belarus. While 4chan was very successful, the east asian oligarchs still have a “trick up their sleeves”. This trick is an extremely life like android entitled “Tina Tamashiro”, a supposedly japanese-american teen idol who is said to reduce any one who stares intently at her face for more than 3 or 4 hours to a hopeless wreck (if they already are not after frequenting 4ch). The precise amount of time is not known. With this, the “soft” attack on the US will soon be over, and the japanese will be free to unite the coloured people under the one banner of the rising sun.

This is all I could think of in relation to Japan off the top of my head.
Someone is deleting the posts every now and again,
so I will post it here as well.

I did not follow any pattern or scheme,
as I usually do not write,
so I am not savvy in regards to structure.
I hope you will use it, nonetheless.

>> No.6466236

It's a baseless claim

>> No.6466240

Next save will be in a few hours, but you can always re-insert it at any time if it's been removed.

>> No.6466365

People who wrote stuff earlier, your stuff is still safe

Reverting to earlier copy

>> No.6466402

Kid, I like your work. I like what you're trying to do. But I read each page and a think to myself, "Where are the memes?" Is this memelit or is this *memelit*?

>> No.6466405

The memes will flow with time

>> No.6466417

I wonder if you know
how they live in Tokyo
if you live it
then you meme it
then you know you have to go

>> No.6466807

The minute you realise it is a "meme" it has become stale.
Think on the next level.
These are the scriptures from which imageboard artists will be reading and preaching years from now.

>> No.6466813


>> No.6466888

>implying I can't just endlessly restore revisions

>> No.6467174

Is something like this acceptable?
I'm going for a short-story jamming in as many Murakami tropes as I can.

Suki Hamabashira set out from her hometown, an irrelevant place in the Aomori prefecture, to go to Tokyo, and with her she carried a first edition of a novel by an unknown author. The nondescript cover had in faded lettering its English name title and inside the pages were yellowed and its edges uneven.
She had gotten the book from her father, who personally knew the author once and had a great deal of interest in his writing, and felt very proud to own, as he put it, a very limited printing.
“But I didn’t get him to sign this one for me, you see.” He told her. “When I met him I was at university, and we went to track him down, two of my classmates and I. We knew he was in the city somewhere, and we heard stories about him, people said he went out all night drinking, so we searched the bars, and the only clue we had was that always carried a tennis racket. Nobody actually had his address or could describe him accurately but for that.”
He told her how after two weeks they came across a five foot tall middle aged man playing at an arcade, with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and strapped to his back a tennis racket.
“We were so excited we sat on the opposite end of the room, arguing amongst ourselves weather we should approach him, and what we should say. We didn’t know for certain that it was him, but I felt sure, and so all the more nervous. One my classmates asked the owner of the place if he knew who he was. “Oh, that guy comes here about twice a week, always drunk, and plays on everything we’ve got. He gets perfect scores on most.” He said to us.”

>> No.6467557
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Uh, they did the same thing for the first. What are you on about with this meme?

>> No.6468234
File: 33 KB, 635x475, 1419042826975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6468449


>> No.6468456

seriously, who is making money off of these projects?

>> No.6468465

I make money off of every copy sold. Not much overall tbh. made £100 roughly so far

>> No.6468513

Considering Stirner is a maymay on /lit/ it seems only appropriate that some one would try to monetize this shit.

>> No.6468635

Nuh-uh, I make a thousand yen

>> No.6468756

why did you do this?

>> No.6468760

You can make as many sequels and shit as you want.

But the only one /lit/ claims and the only one that is canon is the first edition of The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra.

Anyone else who is apart of Miami and this gay ass cunt shit is qualified as a permanent new/summer fag.

>> No.6468766


People who understand. Actual /lit/izens, not these reddit cunts who came here after the first one.

>> No.6468962

Revision restored

>> No.6469163
File: 9 KB, 401x367, 1428196933847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about contributing, friend? :^)

>> No.6469178

Oh wow we're already up to 14 pages

>> No.6469192

don't eat the b8
get in here m8
its getting gr8
It received an 8/8

>> No.6469227

What happened to the Kolsti book?

>> No.6469248

Never mention it again

>> No.6469250

>"What the fuck is this fag shit, get a job."
fucking kek'd

>> No.6469254
File: 64 KB, 600x525, 1429815991154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 15 pages of dubious content

>> No.6469293
File: 72 KB, 640x853, Steven_Pinker_2011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6469617


>> No.6469639

I'm actually kekking quite a bit already.

Good job whoever's doing this.

>> No.6469674

started reading a bit, got up to take a dump, and came back and now "slavoj zizek" is "slobknob beefsteak:".

too spooky for me.

>> No.6469689

holy shit that last part lmao

>> No.6469923


like, what?

>> No.6470091

tell me

>> No.6470166
File: 1.63 MB, 899x907, 1423863903725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I cut my chapter out of the Kolsti book, modify it, and put it in here?

>> No.6470176

Do you SEE any content rules?

>> No.6470230
File: 22 KB, 218x249, 1422255921204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thirty two actual pages of actual content

ily /lit/

>> No.6470338

Original tundra got mentioned in a news article on some shitty Indian site


>> No.6470351

>Most popular are collaborative real-time editors such as Etherpad and Google Doc. They have also been used to collectively write works of fiction, such as The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra an over 300-page book written by anonymous users of the Literature/lit/board of 4chan from over 71 countries over the course of 27 days using Google Docs.

People from 71 countries over 27 days, and still it's a pile of crap. Better than Miami at least, I guess.

>> No.6470416


>Some of this is actually good

>> No.6470420
File: 269 KB, 567x960, 1429298316418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what?

>> No.6470448

>Kid, I like your work. I like what you're trying to do. But I read each page and a think to myself, "Where are the memes?" Is this memelit or is this *memelit*? - Garry Blakes

>The internet is full of things
>Jet Fuel melts steel beams
>Ask everyone and it seems
>The ends justify the memes

Feels: Another shot on the rocks please.
[Pepe visibly annoyed, trying to clean his bar]
Pepe: Sure thing, just a moment Sir.
Feels: You know, I knew this one girl.
Pepe: We all knew girls, friend. I’ve heard enough about them.
Feels: But this one was special.
Pepe: Aren’t they all?
Feels: She was Irish, Pepe. Irish. Long, flowing golden hair. Freckles.
Pepe: Doesn’t sound too Irish. Aren’t they ginger?
Feels: Their hair was the color of ginger, I guess. You ever wonder why they’ve mixed up strawberry blonde and ginger? Strawberries are red. Ginger is golden. The hair’s all mixed.
Pepe: Better to stop thinking about it I suppose.
Feels: She loved me. She liked me. I don’t know why, and I keep asking God why, but I guess all these questions just made her leave.
Pepe: They all do, friend.

>> No.6470455


She is in a Bar somewhere in Tokyo, she thinks, I think. Little Japanese buy her beer, they offer her shots of anything, cheap Japanese whiskey, rice vodka, she tried a glass of Sake but it refused to agree with the top of her mouth. She settled on beer, cold ales, cold lagers, beers on tap, and imported from Europe, Australia, China. The bar lights warmed as the beer inside her warmed. Her toes rested on the brass footrest that runs the along the bottom of the counter, they felt tingly, after a heineken sparkling green in the bottle, then shimmering golden in her pink mouth, then a beige digestion in her stomach, she could no longer feel them.
She could no longer feel her ears, after a balding middle aged Japanese business man, Shiny yellow head sweating, offered her a brown glass of Irish stout. She could no longer remember Wojeck, or she could, but he existed somewhere else, somewhere in the pacific where little Japanese business men pulled in the last of the blue whales, the last of the blue fin tuna, the last of the frogmen in blue t-shirts. Wojeck belonged there, with Moby Dick, swimming in a rapid stream of feels, in a Mariana Trench of tow no gf.
She could feel her breasts, warm glow inside them, emanating heat that made her face go a bright red. She could feel, a pressure running up her thigh. A force pushing up underneath her skirt, reaching her underpants. She could feel Wojeck, at the door to the bar, looking above the little balding heads of the Japanese men, that had now formed a crowd around the white girl, about to be fingered to oblivion with their little horny hands. His own balding head, wrinkled brow, becoming their balding head, and his hands becoming theirs and his fingers slipping past the brave elastic holding the panties to her lips, holding the armour to the flesh.

She awoke, in an apartment overlooking a train line. Blankets piled on top of her, steaming underneath the piles of fabric, the cold burning her exposed face. Wojeck sat at the end of the bed, looking out of the open window. Goosebumps on his bare, pale arms. His back red in the cold. The open window, shivered each time a train rattled past, and a gust of wind blew into the room.

>> No.6470462

he saddest thing about Elliot Rodger could have been his inability to know.
He never knew that all people were selfish. He never knew that he was imperfect. He never knew that people were attracted to confidence. He never knew the touch of a woman, or the respect of another man. He was isolated, by himself and by the apathetic stride of strangers, by the shallowness of the women he knew, and by the shallowness of his own opinion. If he didn’t fight against his own insecurity the way he did, violent and enraged, then maybe someday he would have found a girl who liked the angular jaw, who liked his introspective shyness, who saw a boy and loved him instead of scorning him for not being a man.

>> No.6470616


>> No.6471179

The whole thing must have been both an elaborate joke and also an actual suicide.
Consider the following:
a) He contemplated suicide because he had no purpose with out what was evidently his infatuation and reason for living: an unnatainably perfect girlfriend.
b) Since he was going to commit suicide any way, he as well make a sort of joke "art piece" out of the whole thing.

>> No.6471241

We're gonna hit 500 pages by the end of May, calling it now.


>> No.6471415
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1378850479016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we delete at least a portion of that Sword Art Online bit towards the end? A paragraph or a page was funny but beyond that it just got tedious.

>> No.6471422

*near unattainably

>> No.6471432

I just can't believe how long it is.

>> No.6471792

refer to >>6463293

>> No.6472790

seems like it was just turned into something more coherent

though i only read the first few pages and some in the middle like i do with every book

>> No.6473441


>> No.6473448

looking good so far. since we're taking a month, I assume the page goal will be closer to the original?

>> No.6473485

>50 pages of pure ideology

>> No.6473801
File: 60 KB, 1024x850, 1428534470787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a whole month to write my diary within the margins

>> No.6474364

what is this tundra thing?
is it a big meme?

>> No.6474371

We write book
We publish book
We buy book

Miami was a mistake

>> No.6474410

The first one was legit, hilarious, and about 15 of us put in a lot of work, had some fun, and made a meme shit book on purpose and we bought some copies for the price of print.

Then some fags, I am guessing the same who are starting this, came from reddit to try and be apart of it.

The first one is the only one that is canon, the only one that matters, and the only one anyone who isn't a newfag claims as /lit/'s work.

>> No.6474416

>Miami was a mistake

>came from reddit to try and be apart of it.

>> No.6474609

my cover!! im basically internet famous.

the cover for this 3rd one is pretty damn fine though.

>> No.6474867

Yeah. Too bad it discontinued.

>> No.6475117

What do you guys think of chapter 19?

>> No.6475125

>muh sekrit club >:^(

>> No.6475147

There's two of them.

>> No.6475292
File: 71 KB, 563x1422, f&f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 is Miami
>3 is Tokyo Drift

So we're basically writing Fast and Furious fanfiction?

>> No.6475894

2 Totalitarian 2 Tundra

>> No.6476069

Did some ebin trole delete this? I see like three paragraphs.

>> No.6476094

Yeah :/

>> No.6476107

fuck, does anyone have a backup?

>> No.6476113

Revision restored

>> No.6476898

Someone deleted it again

>> No.6476982

I like it. It's one of the better chapters for sure.

>> No.6478251

bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bump

>> No.6478301

The beginning of this is terrible. Someone needs to move chapters around

>> No.6478346

Hey guys, im not a complete newfag but i've been lurking this board for some time and always heard about this The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, but couldnt quite understand what was the point of it. Is it some kind of collective written book that the community is making ?

>> No.6478365

It's a bunch of people posting memes in a google doc and pretending it's a novel.

>> No.6478419

It was a thing we all found amusing and were secretly proud of (some of us) at the time. It made history, sort of. It's on the wiki page for collaborative fiction at least. Only successful large-scale internet writing project that I'm aware of

>> No.6478422

The goodreads listing for it will show you what I mean

>> No.6478439

Give me a minute

>> No.6478443

>implying that's bad
>implying that's not hilarious
>implying it's not endlessly enjoyable
where'd they touch you?

>> No.6478458

Wow, it really seems nice. What's the story about ? How many books did the community wrote ? Will there be any sequels ? Can i contribute ? If yes , how ?

>> No.6478471

It's not a story. Most of it really is shitposting with literary references thrown around. It's pretty vulgar and ridiculous. You're going to be disappointed

>> No.6478476

And this is the third book. You can contribute by searching the link to that google doc at the top. But this one is by far the worst

>> No.6478484

No, Miami and Kolsti were worse

>> No.6478491

see >>6461421

>> No.6478492

Kolsti isn't even a thing anymore, it's something of a legend. What remains of it is what >>6463293 talks about.

>> No.6478496

lel, some other guy made this cover, I then added the reference to the other books in fucking paint as a suggestion to the guy who made ut, you can see the color of the fucking text changes yet its the one that keeps getting posted.

>> No.6478611

kek I find it hilarious and have even contributed to it a bit but my description still stands as fact.

>> No.6478638
File: 44 KB, 338x540, NYRB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYRB started picking up segments of the original TLoTT

>> No.6478661

someone put some shit in there about civil society so I can list this as a source on my semester paper

>> No.6478693

Uhhmm, but its complete nonsense or just a ultra crazy story ? Could someone indicate me a link to the google doc ?

>> No.6478697

le ebin troll deleted everything...

>> No.6478720


>> No.6478743

i dont think "memes" would be as fun as if we actually tried

>> No.6478755

Trolls will ruin it for everyone else

>> No.6478789

Got the doc for the first and second one if its not asking too much ?

>> No.6478804

Let's revive it. There's over 100 pages of material still there and a lot of it is really good. The plot about moot's retirement and the reptilians and Kolsti fighting moot are all amusing, and some of the SJW-style interludes are great. The rap battle was great, and the interlude thing Kolsti contributed himself is the best-written part of any Tundra novel. I know it isn't as lolsorandom as the others, but it's still worthwhile, and leagues better than Miami.

>> No.6478817

I'm busy right now so I'll have it back up within 10-12hrs if it's actually deleted

>> No.6478822

I'm stupid, but does anyone know a way to copy the text of the whole document and paste it into, say, a txt file? For backup/archival purposes or in case we have a NestedGrouse situation where the editor in charge closes off the file indefinitely?

>> No.6478855

I'm not gonna abandon this thing, but I'm pretty sure you can make a copy under 'file', or just copy-paste

>> No.6480437

oy boy

>> No.6481027

"Popping that pregnant belly like it’s a zit"
We made it boys, an instant classic.

>> No.6481050

this is shit needs editing. looks more like a thread

>> No.6481479


>> No.6482318


>> No.6482368

Come now anon, now is not the time for editing, that comes later!

>> No.6482391

can i ask how it's to be edited, personally i think it should all be the same font, and some other publishing stuff. But i mean in terms of the morrowind images, are they to stay?

>> No.6483085


>> No.6483310

hey any one have a copy of that one story that was in one of the critique threads a good while ago about a Texan in Japan talking to some kid about some desperate J-pop girl shaving her head on TV to get attention from those who abandoned paying any attention to her after it was revealed she was dating and therefore Not Available? I think that might go in this quite well, though it might need some tweaking. Might be a Carl Hollywood chapter, idk

>> No.6483317

Look in the archive

>> No.6483340

> [even my metaphor holds more nicely than Nabokov, i’m good at doing /lit/ stuff: important metashitposting onboard a cuban pre-historic-tapestry shitvessel by the name ‘four of cháns,’ notorious canadian dollar forger, we’ll return to that point in the narrative after some considerable memeing
Could it be at least one paragraph before turning into complete shit? Is that too much? Why make 100 pages of poor syntax and meaningless inside jokes with oneself?

>> No.6483353
File: 75 KB, 565x545, 1414125753087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone make a general plot synopsis of what's been written so far? Maybe at least mention which sections they feel are finished and which are open to expansion?
I'd like to write something, but it's pretty hard to struggle through all that shit and I doubt someone else will do the same to follow on whatever I write.

ALSO, whoever is doing footnotes, remember that if anyone erases it all the footnotes won't be in the rtf or txt extraction google docs does. Try to leave leave them out and give them format at the end.

>> No.6483383

Have you even read the first Tundra?

Where do you think you are?

>> No.6483388

If anyone deletes the footnotes then we can just jump back to an earlier revision.

Regardless, you should be externally saving whatever you write just in case.

>> No.6483398

Is this project completely taken over by the same anons that make threads with random pics of dfw and never ending syllmarilion troll threads? If that's so you should let us know from the beginning to avoid false hopes.

And even then the first Tundra had like three readable pages and two plot chapters before getting into HS multiple parenthesis and pointless commentary on how ironically pseudo intellectual you are level.

>> No.6483413

People don't read tundra for the story.

>> No.6483421

Tundra 1 had more story than 2, and many more read the first one than the second. No one wants to read 100 pages of shitposting, no one even reads it when posted here.

But it's cool, it would be nice if you let us know that it will be unreadable and without any attempt of actually being a novel but reading half a page is no big effort either.

>> No.6483427

well sure that's shallow but the Carl Hollywood chapters are pretty good. I mean, there's a lot of shitposting, but some of the short stories that I've read so far are pretty good/great

>> No.6483438

How is someone expected to find them when the first page is a single paragraph with multiple sub-sentences that self referential to themselves, dank memes and cheap pseudo tractacus analysis of pointless things?
It's as if someone was doing an earnest attempt to looks smart, failed and then hurried up to make it look intentionally idiotic. You can't start your multi-author novel with shit or no one will pass the start, the beginning has to be the most polished part of the turd or there is no point. Would you watch a movie that has starts with 10 minutes of someone making a cheap parody of a Godard film that they haven't actually seen? Would you listen to an album where the first three tracts are fart noises and muffled voices of the band members congratulating themselves on their great idea?

>> No.6483442

There's no point fighting it, the very nature of the Tundra books attracts crap and always will.

>> No.6483444

Anyone who's spent any time on 4chan knows that it's a process of shifting through shit to find something that makes you laugh or think. This is just the same thing in book form.

I'm sure Reddit would be a much more workable environment for your desires.

>> No.6483457

Tell me where are the first three things you find interesting in the project, I seriously want to know.
Some anon said that there was something good starting in page 10. A lot of the previous stuff is just copy pasted. If you like shit you should go lick a public restroom, it isn't "more 4chan" to make something that only the one who wrote it will notice it. It's depressing at best, and only if you happen to pay any attention to it in any way.

>> No.6483459

it was more than a week ago. hrm. i looked around warosu for a bit and nothing came up

>> No.6483460

No, but if you're expecting decent content from 4chan you need to reevaluate your worldview

>> No.6483461

Calm down you fucking autist. It's a post-post-meta-modern fic and not meant to fit your conventionalities.

>> No.6483462

>Anyone who's spent any time on 4chan
Go fuck yourself newfag, you don't get to define the site as shit because you want to defend your own stupidity.

>> No.6483466

So you're going to tell me that 4chan has been a consistently great site for all these years up to today?

>> No.6483468

I'm three of those, and all I wanted was someone to tell me a general plot, characters or anything. Maybe explain why it has three prologues before any kind of anything happen. I just don't like this kind of circlejerks where everyone gets a gold star for posting how lolrandom they can be.

>> No.6484406

bippity boopity

>> No.6484820
File: 665 KB, 981x707, Screen Shot 2015-04-25 at 11.47.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about tundra
>doesn't contribute to tundra

>> No.6484866

A preface that says something about Ronald McDonald, which story hasn't been talked about afaik, so far; making fun of Nabokov; poem; some shit about toruses and Zizek and Hegel, which are probably related, and probably relate to the thing as a whole, in an oblique way, maybe; Japanese cock glitches -- this part is not a bad short story about a depressed worker; poem; Carl Hollywood (CH); coloring page / memes ; some shit about 9/11 and Daddy fetishes ; Japanese man -- intermission about doors -- intermission about mixtapes; poem about memes; Buffalo buffalo, etc. but in Chinese: shi shi shi shit, etc.; Pepe and Wojak scene; short story about Wojak and a girl; making sense of Elliot Rodger; CH; making fun of Stephen Pinker; vignette about an old man and his dog; vignette about a NEET; another vignette about some autist; making fun of Stephen Pinker while also baneposting; making fun of Stephen Pinker -- fun in the footnotes; more about the autist; 4chan A-Z; making fun of Stephen Pinker; making fun of Stephen Pinker and some Zen trainee-man -- fun in footnotes; vignette about a dude w/ a huge dick; some shit about Vietnam and eurocentrism and I don't even really know ; something about some guy -- it's written well, but hard to describe; joke about a moth; poem about vibrations; ???; baneposting; baneposting that looks like a shit 'academic' preface or something that takes about the use of prefaces or some shit; baneposting and Stephen Pinker, again; CH; joke about hedonistic Fyodor and Tolstoy and Voltaire; ??????????; poem; Pontious Pick

that's how far I've gotten

>> No.6485065

bimpity boop

>> No.6485097

So it's just a selection of the worst of multiple boards?

>> No.6485112

>makes it impposible to enjoy reading
>demands people to contribute to shit
>won't take any meassures to make it not shit
it's like vacuuming the grass, you can get all the dirt you want as fast as possible.

>> No.6485157

probably, though it feels more like /lit/ making fun of /tv/, /b/ and /r9k/ in those segments.

major players thus far: Stephen P. Canadienne, Bane, and Carl Hollywood.

I'm not sure what we're going to do about the short stories that are strewn about. The poems are kinda nice. Some of it is too shit to keep though, like that 9/11 thing.

>> No.6485180

I think random abandoned unfunny stuff should be just erased. Like, let everyone know so they finish whatever they feel they started but if someone doesn't care about his shit there's no reason to worry for him.

>> No.6485196

And everything has to stay? Everyone gets a gold star for trying?
Can't we make a list of sections and vote which ones get hacked, like, if 5 independent anons hate it and no one defends it it goes away? I don't know if that would work, but some kind of standard would be nice, or anyone could perfectly just start copy pasting wikipedia articles and call it a cut up project and make 50 pages of that.

>> No.6485258

Before anyone freaks I'm taking away the empty space. I'm not erasing anything even though getting 80 pages when half of it are pictures that take half a page is something middle schoolers would be ashamed of doing.

>> No.6485282

I'm also expading the useless chapter about some anon shitposting in /tv/ to make it about people trying to stop him from wasting his life in 4chan. You can thank me later.

>> No.6485309

someone said before that everything would be kept but that shouldn't happen, and I do agree w/ both of you. The decision to remove things must be collaborative, though, which presents some difficulty. Everyone's just letting everything stay in there, mostly, as far as now, but we should make a list of sections (>>6484866, this of mine, incomplete, but has most of it down -- too vague to tell from it if things should be kept or not. I could probably point out, as could most anyone else, where the one-off stuff really lies, but I'm not sure if it ---- the Shi shi shi thing should go. The coloring page that's just a dick, while it was funny the first time around, because it was a stupid surprise, loses that very quickly -- don't know if it should be kept. A lot of the Canadienne stuff is quite good. The 9/11//Daddy Fetish thing should go, probably. Someone should integrate the 4chan A-Z into the /tv/ Anon story. See, that is the problem w/ a lot of this -- no proper context, orphaned, shit. If someone wants to integrate the meme poems into something that'd be nice, etc.)

>> No.6485313

I'm integrating the /tv/ thing into Hollywood's story by making that anon go to Japan. Is that a bad idea?

>> No.6485339

So I'm taking his story and trying to make it a continuation.

>> No.6485349

no that's fine. integration here would be great. someone down the line integrated the Japanese Cock/computer programmer thing w/ Stephen P. Canadienne, in a way, which I though was nice. I mean, integration as a principle is nice here, as in connecting the disparate/chaotic elements of the thing and later tying them together and such, not necessarily 'pat' per se, and sentimental, and silly, and not necessarily directly (ie. it may be very oblique or indirect, some of the edges between the vertices of material, on this graph of a novel, but a wholly connected thing, i.e one may see how to 'walk', so to speak, from one thing to another, but that it's not completely connected en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planar_graph, which seems somehow silly.)[this little digression here doesn't have any sort of insight at all, but I'd rather this thing not be like a /lit/ humor thread, all pieces different and concerning different and unconnected subjects, though funny, that's not how novels 'work' most of the time], but you're asking if in this specific case, is it good?, and I'd say so, probably, if you do it right, if you think (I know some of /tv/'s culture but I don't lurk there) a /tv/ Anon would be a weeaboo, or something.

>> No.6485460

I'm going through the full thing numbering the chapters. I'm leaving the random numbers you chose because I know how you guys love that reddit random humor.

>> No.6485544

Again, inb4 freaking out: The 10 missing pages are literally empty space between poems or chapter titles that lead to internal discussions or random pics that had no context whatsoever.
Some of the writers dialogue I integrated into surrounding chapters, but a lot of it was just someone asking something and never getting an answer or people patting themselves on their back.

I want to believe this has a no circlejerk policy or this will become literary reddit.

>> No.6485640


-P. Canadian is falling into Japan
-Someone with his same name was turned into Pepe
-Danny turned anon and drives around maybe killing Japs, he has turned into a personification of 4chan
-Carl Hollywood is escaping from something through china. He should go back to Japan.

>> No.6485648

This is what you get out of anarcho-synergistic effort. Communication between authors is almost an impossibility, and everyone is free to contribute what they so desire, without restriction.

>> No.6485662
File: 20 KB, 640x461, Facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nobody knows about the incorporated chat function on google docs.

>> No.6485733

Im writing those by putting all the random story ideas I have on scraps of paper and untitled.txt's I have lying around with the persona I built around the incredibly badass name I had on my old fake ID. Or I am Carl Hollywood, and I really did all these things. Regardless, I dont remember typing that out.

>> No.6485953

Okay, as I'm living the satte of the main plot lines is as follows:
-Guy turned into Pepe is the brother of Steve P. Canadian. They are both named the same. They are both in Japan.
-Danny is 4chan personified. He's edgy, works for yakuzas. He left Pauline in the states and is still angry with her. He refers to himself as Anon.
-Carl Hollywood, enemy of shamans and successful programmer, is still in China avoiding taxes, he doesn't speak Chinese.
-Steve P. Canadian (non-frog) is hooked to the electric line in a Neuromancer inspired scheme.

There are a few pages after the numbered chapters about bees and shit. If you want to add them to the correct numbering do so, but try to make them worth reading before that. Intermissions are fun if one knows they are an intermission, otherwise you skip it.

Try reading from the begining, skip things that don't look like plot. It's starting to be a thing.

>> No.6485985
File: 12 KB, 195x195, 1378917904954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is this fag shit, get a job

>> No.6486592

Not literally everything will be kept, I deleted 4 pages the other day which were just this thread.

>> No.6486741

>“You know,” he said to the receptionist, “I think you should open up a bookshop here. Sell framed profiles of Stirner, maybe a copy of Finnegans Wake here or there, you know. Normal stuff.”

>> No.6486746


>> No.6486769

>When Steven P. was well on his plane ride to Tokyo, he realized that Tao Lin was the pilot. His dull uniterested voice on the intercom was so forgetable that it took him over ten hours to recognize it. The issue got worse when he saw that all the staff were, too, Tao Lins. Serving him food, coffee, peanuts, zero soul all around. The same applied to the passengers, empty eyes that could write tomes about nothing at all. Steven P. looked over the sea of Taos, and whispered “Go to bed, Tao.” and the Taos vanished. The plane started to go down.

>> No.6486780


>> No.6486884

There's gotta be a way to automate the chapter numbers, so if someone inserts one between two others someone else doesn't have to fix all the ones after it.

>> No.6487114

Stop trying to impose ordnung

>> No.6487130

It only started having real numbers today when I did it. It's just skimming through 80 pages looking for big black letters, 4 out of 5 times it's a title. Also if you want to add something in the middle correct posterior numbering and don't be a bitch.
Also also, if you're gonna add things in the middle at least make them related to something, it doesn't need more lol so random shit.

>> No.6487166
File: 80 KB, 190x448, Imagen 80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever keeps writing the Hollywood parts, I love you. Tried to follow the China section and just couldn't make it work like you do. If you could eventually take him back to Japan that would help him connect with the other characters, but that's obviously up to you.

>> No.6487501

The return to Japan didn't happen for a while after China.

>> No.6487515

What milestone would that be, exactly? It's a really retarded and unfunny idea to begin with.

>> No.6487573

>despite that, I chose to read through this entire thread full of subject matter I hate

>> No.6487580

I didn't. I skimmed through it.

>> No.6488632

Is this going to be the last book or will you guys keep the meme train rolling?

>> No.6488643

There's no ending it.

>> No.6488959

Legacy is a trilogy.

It has been agreed by no one that the next book will at least in theory be about Hegel's years as an underground Hegel in occupied Germany.

>> No.6488980

I'm pretty sure it hasn't been written yet. Unless they are out of order, which would be a terribly stupid idea considering that it's already an effort to go through all the random filler people shit out.

>> No.6488985

I read that as androgynous Hegel and like it a lot.

>> No.6489018

>WAT Racing Development ad

bredy gud dagumi

>> No.6489637


>> No.6489710

You have some explaining and history-deletion to do, Anon.

I propose we get rid of the shitposting and stick to the plot/subplots, or anything coherent.

>> No.6489728

It would be cool to have a different thing in the future. Unrelated to tundras and shit. It feels too derivative of something that was funny for a very short time.

>> No.6490221

Shitposting is a crucial part of Tundra

>> No.6490444

Does anyone still think this meme is funny?

>> No.6490576

o i am laffin

>> No.6490614

I like how in this one the filename is correct but then the post is just the word "ass."

Glad ur switching it up

>> No.6490626
File: 181 KB, 140x105, 1430560380888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not, the funny part is inside it. For a while TV was a meme, but eventually people started putting memes inside of it and it just worked.

>> No.6492259

Mein Bump

>> No.6493130


>> No.6493130,1 [INTERNAL] 

also, don't vandalize, dicks

>> No.6495037

lets get it bumping

>> No.6495041


>> No.6495692
File: 23 KB, 289x292, 1407404873230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496233

bimp bimp bimp

>> No.6496778

nice trips m8

>> No.6496844

Page 100 celebration what whaaaaaaat

>> No.6496853

I hope people like my Nicolas Cage chapter.

All in all it's turning into... something.

>> No.6496873
File: 1.60 MB, 2448x3264, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna read it unless it has something as good as this examples from the original

>> No.6496879
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>> No.6496912
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>> No.6496918
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>> No.6496927

I don't know how you all aren't completely embarrassed by this.

>> No.6496952

The onyl embarassing part is the lack of justified paragraphs and I'mgonna take care of that this time whether they like it or not.

>> No.6496979
File: 10 KB, 294x449, 1426227432467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to hurry up and think of something edgy to write. My 15 minutes of fame can be being a part of this utter faggotry.

>> No.6496983


>> No.6497039
File: 138 KB, 663x702, Imagen 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6497812

Pure ideology

>> No.6499146

To lazy to look it up.
What are the best parts so far?

>> No.6500680

Who the fuck removed the left margin? It was you, wasn't it?

>> No.6500709

we started out w/ a curator, but now not one exists, at least, as a real role; some people just take it upon themselves to cull this or that meme shit, but given the 'no curator' thing, it's open to vandalism, but there's not as much as I'd expect.

it wasn't me, i swear!

>> No.6500826

The last few pages definitely.

>> No.6501444

>it's my job to delete what I don't like
Leave it to the end you shitmongler

>> No.6501448

I can't believe I made the first chapters readable and Kowalsky a playable character.

It takes a week for a chapter to slowly erode till it's good. Try the Hollywood chapters, the first few Danny chapters and maybe the Steve P. chapters.
I do like the Nicolas Cage chapter even if it's pretty new, though.

Just put it again. Jeez.

>> No.6502797

Play it again jeeves

>> No.6504753
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>> No.6504935


top kek, you know its true though

>> No.6505045

You faggots need to make another doc for the rest, this shit's starting to lag me up.

>> No.6505068

Mh... Origina Tundra had one google doc for each chapter. It's too late to do that but two google docs, one for each half, would be a nice way to make it easier to read the previous stuff and move on with the new things.
My 2007 computer has been lagging since day 2.

>> No.6506325

Once it gets to 150 pages

>> No.6506328

mine's been lagging since at least page 50
it's Ubuntu 14.04 on a 2004 Dell something

>> No.6506330

wait wait wait
how did you guys know how many people contributed and where they came from for the first one
if it was in a google doc
was that tabulated afterward

>> No.6507387

The count was bullshit

>> No.6507598

ok just checking.

>> No.6507768

Why is the formatting shit?

>> No.6508012

Im assuming all the chapter names and whatnot will be standardized a bit when editing is closed.

>> No.6508128

There is some space to freedom when it comes to chapter titles and paragraph structures. If someone does something that breaks the rest it will eventually be fixed to the closest possible thing, the same with design things that got broken in later additions (like the fading out thing). Chapters that have no particular anything will be standardized when it's all finished to avoid constant corrections and needless rechecking.

If you mean the margins issue, I don't know, someone who knows his docs should move it a few centimeters to the center.

>> No.6509962

If someone has consistent paragraphing. then it is puo aquespque to these demands.

>> No.6510071

I thought there was some sort of record. I remember going on it and seeing 100+ people (a number) logged in, editing it

>> No.6510183

It's shit. Not in the sense that it's not coherent, but that it's oftentimes not funny, even ironically or metaironically.

Is it reasonable to edit passages that literally have no humor value out and replace them?

>> No.6510232


>> No.6510238


Why not though? If it's shit it's shit, no? Don't we prefer good content to shit?

>> No.6510830

Are you the absolute judge of what is shit and what isn't?

>> No.6511816

Keep it rollin

>> No.6511830

Slavic-pagan batalions
Are Will extarminate this little countries
Just 'cose you where born not a this
U'r boady must dies for long fears

>> No.6512010


>> No.6512232

I posted something... What's going to happen with this?

>> No.6512274

If you modify someone else's work try to keep the spirit it had, don't be an asshole to what someone else did. If you think you need to take away full paragraphs or entire chapters discuss it in the thread, there is no rush anyway.

Remember there needs to be some shit to make the mediocre parts look good.

If we reach 300+ plus pages and can't add anything else we'll leave it a few weeks to fix spelling, complete chapters, standarized things that need that, make the images fit the space, and so on.

>> No.6513625

This isn't post-modernism, this is shitpost-modernism.

>> No.6514707
File: 23 KB, 600x381, cypher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is two weeks old

>> No.6515152


No, but can we at least agree that, for example, if we see something like the letter A copy-pasted for 4 pages, and it's never introduced or mentioned before or after, it's spam?

I wouldn't delete anything that looked like a genuine effort by an anon, or even okay shitposting or weak/shitty writing but stuff that could be described as showing the writer is "Basically objectively not funny, isn't even trying, and has clearly put no thought into his work" should be cut.

>> No.6515406

we need more good writing like this with Elliot Rodger


I'm begging

>> No.6515413

Well yeah, OP said earlier

>> No.6515414

wtf happened to the beginning

>> No.6515520

I'll look at earlier revisions, seems to have happened over 12 hours ago

I reiterate, save the work you've put in the doc in case of things like this.

>> No.6515545

Alright it's time for a second document for ease of use, I'll sort the first part out in a master-copy.


>> No.6515561

Note that while I've restored an earlier revision for Part 1 (before the earlier part was vandalised), I still have all the content made between the 8th and now on another document for merging.

>> No.6515601


There was a 2?

>> No.6515695
File: 1.66 MB, 896x943, 1431044313196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I contribute to Part 2? Editing appears to be locked, while you can still add stuff on Part 1?

>> No.6515702

Accidentally shared a viewing link instead of an editing one, I'll start a new thread so nobody gets mixed up.

>> No.6515722

Alright then

>> No.6515806

What happened to the new thread? I saw it for a while and then it got deleted?

>> No.6515909

Cunty mods

Link to part 2 is here


I'll make it again tomorrow, or whatever.

>> No.6516951


>> No.6517016
File: 60 KB, 714x684, 1431061640901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for deleting my story about Kid Chameleon the dolphin eating chocolate cake out of Tao Lin's ass.

>> No.6517893

It'll be integrated into the final, I have two copies saved.

>> No.6518439

they did the same for the first one under the pretense if it just being for production costs