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/lit/ - Literature

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6461391 No.6461391 [Reply] [Original]

Post a poem or short story written in the style of a particular author

I'll start with the great ape, Kharm the charmer

Daniil wore glasses.
His glasses were of such a quality that he couldn't focus on things nearby.
His glasses were of such a quality that he could not see things far away.
Daniil removed his glasses and placed them on the table,
then looking forward, felt the same glasses settled on his face
then looking down at the table, saw the same glasses settled on his face

Daniil wore shoes.
His shoes were of such a quality that he could not walk in the heat without his feet sweating
His shoes were of such a quality that he could not walk in the cold without
his feet freezing
Daniil removed his shoes and placed them at his bedside,
then walked to the bathroom, feeling the same shoes covering his feet
then he walked to his bedside, and saw the same shoes covering his feet