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File: 46 KB, 340x450, sacredheartjesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6460321 No.6460321 [Reply] [Original]

Can you still be a good Christian if you do not do exactly as Jesus says?

>> No.6460328

Sometimes you just gotta kill a hooker, Jesus understands.

>> No.6460332

If you do EXACTLY what Jesus says, you should hate your family.
He uses quite challenging language sometimes.

>> No.6460346

That's what I mean. Am I a bad Christian because I don't want to abandon my family?

>> No.6460382

Jesus' exact words were lost probably before Christianity as a religion reached Rome. His message is what's important.

>> No.6460390

What do you mean "abandon my family"? He wants you to put God before everything else.

If your family or something wants you to drop Christianity or go against it, ignore them. That's what he's saying.

>> No.6460404

"He who wishes to be my disciple, let him count for nothing father and mother, and wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and all his goods, and let him at every hour be ready for anything. And only he who does as I do, only he follows my reaching, and only he is saved from death."

>> No.6460424

The nigga is performing miracles left and right, people following him around expecting free shit, then he turns around spitting out the hard decisions, saying "It ain't easy following Jeesy"

>> No.6460461

aint no need to be his fucking disciple

just follow God

str8 easy

>> No.6460465

If his exact words weren't recorded, how can we be sure his message is in fact his?

>> No.6460469

there is no distinction between just following God and being his disciple

>> No.6460472

The faith of the Apostles and divine guidance.

>> No.6460477

so just make shit up as you go along as long as it doesn't rub your conscience the wrong way. got it.

>> No.6460555

Take from it what you will anon, You test my patience and I am not the messiah.

>> No.6460592
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>just believe it without thinking. TRUST me you fedoras!

>> No.6460602

>You test my patience
And yet you take on the pseudomessianic mannerisms so well. I bet you're one of those long bearded edgy ironic Christians that this place seems to be lousy with.

The kind of guys who raise their hands up and close their eyes at mewithoutyou concerts.

>> No.6460606

Please don't post spoilers, its my first time reading.

>> No.6460611


Daily Reminder

>> No.6460612

Just feel the Holy Spirit, Anon. When you do, you'll know.

>> No.6460620

How do I know that it isn't Satan pretending to be the holy spirit?

>> No.6460621

>I bet you're one of those long bearded edgy ironic Christians that this place seems to be lousy with.
>The kind of guys who raise their hands up and close their eyes at mewithoutyou concerts.
I bet you're the kind of person who spends his whole weekend arguing with stranger on the internet about atheism

>> No.6460643


kind of like what you're doing now?

>> No.6460895
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>is it possible to be christian without being a slave?
Your answer is no OP, its simply impossible. But can you handle mental freedom or will you give up like Kierkegaard? Christfaggotry is fascinating to read sure but its still christfaggotry.

>> No.6460913

That sounds so much like a modern cult leader its terrifying. Is this a real quote?

>> No.6460924

Well, consider what it would compel you to. Jesus says that "anyone who loves me will keep my commandments."

We see that his commandments are twofold: Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. These are the words of Christ. His Spirit would naturally compel someone always to follow those commandments.

>> No.6460929

Yes, it's in the Gospels.

>> No.6460932

>Daily Reminder

Reminder of what, how much of a moron Stephen Fry is?

>> No.6461341

Hes not saying abandon them. He's saying don't put your stock in them. Only put your faith in God and God alone. Be at EVERY HOUR ready to die for Christ.

>> No.6461370

And don't dick anything with a penis

>> No.6461383

Part of Jesus' message was that the apocalypse was imminent, which is why you're supposed to not put your stock in your family or possessions and to love your enemies, so you can be prepared for the world to come.

>> No.6461387

I think that falls under loving your neighbor. After all, buttsex gives you AIDS.

>> No.6461397

But you can buttsex a person who doesn't have a dick too

>> No.6461453

Only until you're married

>> No.6461474
File: 44 KB, 480x322, divine_mercy_confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus forgives; all you need to do is ask for it earnestly.

>> No.6461534

If you ever take an oath against or swear against God, it is irredeemable, you will be punished no matter how well you live your life afterwards

>> No.6461572


>> No.6461579

it was from Jesus' own words

>> No.6461615


I would have been a far better Christian if I knew that every time I asked for forgiveness he would shoot me with forgiveness lasers.

>> No.6461621

There are no records of what Jesus said.

>> No.6461706

there's this thing called the gospels

>> No.6461730


That's not what blasphemy against the holy spirit is

>> No.6461731

Jesús message was simple, become a son of god. Don't be a son of a bitch, or a son of donkey, be a heavenly person by seeing God in every humans face, no matter who they are. God exists in every saint as much aa he does in every killer

>> No.6461743

They aren't reliable first person sources.
The guy who gave the "sermon on the mount" was likely not the same guy who drove out the money changers from that temple. One was executed, but maybe the one named Jesus was hung or beheaded.

>> No.6461752


Oral tradition. Books and writing have crippled our memory


>> No.6461753

The Bible is the word of God

>> No.6461756


>> No.6461757
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>> No.6461758

That would be The Koran

>> No.6461771

What a mess has this board become. This is /pol levels of shitposting.

>> No.6461780

Mods purged the wrong kind of cancer. Or at least the less fucked up one

>> No.6461781


Agreed. Atheists need to GTFO my /lit/

>> No.6461785

I am not a creationist.
You need to check out what is Faith and it's role in knowledge and religion (maybe Pascal would help you ?)
The scheme you posted is incomplete and tries to approach the faith mechanism from a logic edge.

The Qu'ran you silly willy

>> No.6461790

>4chan is a Christian website meme

Typical christfag's history revisionism

>> No.6461793

Ad fedoram

>> No.6461797

What isn't?

The Christian meme needs to go back and save the soul of /pol/

>> No.6461798

Just like Jim Jones eh?

>> No.6461803

I'm just joking.
I love atheistfriends all the same even if they will burn in Hell

>> No.6461808
File: 40 KB, 364x510, 1429045326706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're taking over. There's been a shift in the userbase in the past, it's happening again. We're only growing in numbers and gaining converts on this site. And the louder we speak up here, the more Christians we draw from other websites. Pretty soon there will be a Christian subculture on every board. This is the future. I suggest you deal with it.

>> No.6461810
File: 39 KB, 425x253, telephone-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oral tradition

>> No.6461819

Why would something sacred be altered ?

>> No.6461820

>trying to be witty by combining ad hominem with fedora
>implying that anyone who disagree with christfags are fedora

Even if you are trolling, I can't really tell coz I have seen christfags being this dumb if not more so

>> No.6461827

because interpretations
because degradation of information
because of fallible humanity
because it isnt sacred, duh

>> No.6461829
File: 485 KB, 706x442, scribe-comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would alteration have to be intentional?

>> No.6461838

My question wasn't rhetorical

I'm just joking
I am the one using ad fedoram

>> No.6461839


Nigga plz, christposting hasn't grown in a while. Even if it does, once reddit jumps on the bandwagon, it will all disappear.

But if going on a pointless crusade to claim a Malaysian rain dance board as your religion is your life mission, good for you I guess

>> No.6461845

not really. Just more christians are leaving the "technology is the devil" bubble and actually embracing things like the internet. The numbers are still dwindling.

>> No.6461852

Poe's law is a bitch my friend. I won't advocate this kind of behavior coz it will encourage christfags to become more idiotic

>> No.6461855
File: 45 KB, 403x300, 1428989845783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigga plz, christposting hasn't grown in a while.

It comes in spurts. Fact is we now have Christian subcultures on /pol/ and /lit/ where even a year ago it was just /pol/.

>reddit jumps on the bandwagon

This isn't a mere meme like atheism, it's the truth, and even something as detestable as Reddit won't destroy people's faith.


Saving souls is never pointless.

>> No.6461870
File: 432 KB, 749x550, 1429835475587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Catholicism has held at a steady 25% in the US while protestant denominations are bleeding members like they were founded by Alexei Nikolaevich. Let their numbers dwindle, the mother church will stand strong.

>> No.6461892

>being proud of a Church that has fucked the world

Jesus would have hated it

>> No.6461903

>shitposting now counts as subculture
Kek. I will concede to you that /pol/ but /lit/? Nigga you think too highly of your crusade

>it is not mere meme, it is the truth

Funny how christposting became a thing after the fedora meme became viral

>Saving souls
>implying it doesn't trap them in fanaticism, making them believe themselves as maytrs with a toxic relationship with divine

Christposting is as annoying as the LGBT pride movement

>> No.6461910


All those schools, hospitals, orphanages, and charities have sure made the world a worse place to live. 10/10 argument bought a fedora.

>> No.6461918

are you kidding?

he would have hated them just how he hated the orthodox when he was around

how about those rapes, or the pope saying condoms spread AIDS? or the other millions of atrocities they have committed?

the bad FAR outweighs the good

only quacks still believe in the catholic church

>> No.6461920

>/pol/ but /lit/?

I've seen a Christian thread on this board every time I've visited it for a month, at least. Granted I only visit a few times a week, but that means there is a big enough population to keep discussion going and threads bumped.

>Funny how christposting became a thing after the fedora meme became viral

People became disenchanted with atheism. Only natural some of them would find the truth.

>implying it doesn't trap them in fanaticism, making them believe themselves as maytrs with a toxic relationship with divine

If realizing the ills in society and striving to live a more moral life while helping others makes me a fanatic, then I guess I'm a fanatic.

>> No.6461930

>how about those rapes

School teachers rape at a higher percentage than Catholic priests. Why not scream bloody murder at the teacher's union?

>pope saying condoms spread AIDS

No pope has ever said this. You're either misinformed or just making things up.

>other millions of atrocities

I think you're being a bit hyperbolic here.

>> No.6461947


also make sure to look at the screenshot at the end to see how irrelevant it is becoming

>> No.6461970


I don't accept any criticism of my church from gay, suicidal people. Let alone actors who think they have something important to say.

What you've done here is the equivalent of me posting George Clooney talking about whatever it is he's always going on about. Think about that for a moment. Let it sink in.

>> No.6461972

>I've seen a Christian thread on this board every time I've visited it for a month, at least. Granted I only visit a few times a week, but that means there is a big enough population to keep discussion going and threads bumped.

Real discussion is rare my friend. Usually it is sucking Augustine's dick, arguing each other coz denomination or beating on the fedora straw man. Ie shitposting

The fedora meme usage is simply the modern heretic. Whereby christfags can label certain dislikable behaviors as such to encourage the ignavi to come to their side. I.e. "If you don't want to be like them, be like us." It polarizes the conflict between athetism and christianity, hence more and more people are becoming either of the two

>If realizing the ills in society and striving to live a more moral life while helping others makes me a fanatic, then I guess I'm a fanatic.

Kek. If you will really do that good for you. But I have seen how shit christfags and christposting are in RL and 4chan, which is why I want them to stop. Maybe you can pull a no true Scotsman on me but I have seen a christfag who is like Christ. No one tries to be except be moral crusader screaming Hersey and Deus Vult

Captcha: redit

>> No.6461974

>i'll just ignore the factual evidence and use an ad hominem

you are pathetic and clearly you just want to avoid arguing about the points made in the video

you represent everything that is wrong with the Church

>> No.6461992


Just a matter of perspective really. You know a tree by its fruits. Whatever's causing that man to be gay and suicidal isn't something I want any part of.

>Real discussion is rare my friend. Usually it is sucking Augustine's dick, arguing each other coz denomination or beating on the fedora straw man. Ie shitposting

Yeah, that's how it started on /pol/ too.

>The fedora meme usage is simply the modern heretic

To be fair a big part of that is backlash against how obnoxious internet atheists were getting for a while there. You're right though in that it is a huge oversimplification.

>Kek. If you will really do that good for you. But I have seen how shit christfags and christposting are in RL and 4chan, which is why I want them to stop. Maybe you can pull a no true Scotsman on me but I have seen a christfag who is like Christ. No one tries to be except be moral crusader screaming Hersey and Deus Vult

Meh. I haven't really been completely Christian in this thread but it's like 4:00 in the morning on a brazilian macrame image board. Sometimes you just gotta shitpost.

>> No.6461997

Nice fanfic m8

>> No.6462031

>Eating Cheerios for breakfast
>Going bowling
>Using Facebook

Being a member of the largest group is a great heuristic for being average. I bet you're a Yankees fan.

>> No.6462034



>> No.6462040

>Sports fan

quod erat demonstrandum

>> No.6462056

Is that what your priest said when you were 7? To touch his "Holy Ghost"?

>> No.6462062

That's sodomy which is a sin. No alternatives when it's your wife's time of the month. Also you're not allowed to talk to a woman when she's on her period.

>> No.6462081

Why do you waste your time posting such tasteless jokes ? How do these contribute to the thread ?

>> No.6462086

Why do you waste your time responding?

>> No.6462098


>> No.6462112

"I talk to priests who say, 'My diocese is flooded with condoms and there is more Aids because of them.'"

The guy went out and wrongfully says that condoms spread aids more then not using one. What are you, a retard? No... you're a christian. I forgot.

>> No.6462129

And the reason would be?

>> No.6462143

lol u fucking teenager this is wishful thinking
he says that people fugg more because of condoms and then more aids happen
are you retarded
this is basic math
reading comprehension

>> No.6462144

>Is that what your priest said when you were 7? To touch his "Holy Ghost"?
fuckin' kekkkk

>> No.6462147

That's a good point, I'll stop.

>> No.6462148

The Catholic church would literally go out of there way to say condoms spread aids more then unsafe sex.

You're being a moron.

>> No.6462153

But it's true
Also why do you insult me

>> No.6462155
File: 255 KB, 1897x1428, lungs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, God does not need us to love Him.
But oh, how we need to love God.

>> No.6462161
File: 115 KB, 640x640, 1427391096750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you fags believe in:

that the church bread is meat
that women should not speak in church and exist to serve men
that there is going to be a second coming of christ and an apocalypse
that everyone except you is going to hell
that god impregnated a virgin
that jesus disappeared after getting rekt
that jesus healed people miraculously
that jesus h walked on water
that hell exists
that the sun orbits the earth
that you owe 10% of your money to the church so they can build tacky buildings on useful land

I'm just wondering, it's not like I think your beliefs are retarded or anything.

also catholics, what happens if someone leads a blameless life, says all the right prayers and always gets his confession in, never thinks any gay thoughts, etc etc and then has an accident and dies before getting his last rites? Does he go straight to hell? If no, why practice the last rites at all?

>> No.6462163

So Humans are in the friend zone?

>> No.6462165

shhhh...pizza is sleeping

>> No.6462167

its a metaphor retard
its a metaphor retard
im too poor anyway

your last question depends on doxas

>> No.6462172

Are you a Christian? Because these answers are conveying that you are not

>> No.6462180

no, wtf?
yes, women are not equal to men, men have another part to their personality, a political part, with which women should not interfere
no, some who are honestly deceived but live a good life will go to heaven
yes, why can't a being who is everywhere at every time impregnate a virgin, given current ability to induce pregnancy
yes, relativity proves there is no true stateement in whether one orbits the other or not

>> No.6462182

I believe in the existence of God outside of time and space and in Jesus as my lord and savior.

I'm not really a Christian since my personal dogma differs from the church.

>> No.6462189

Yep, see Miracle of Fatima
Yep. Read "An Exorcist Tells His Story", it's on the Bred Pill list
>that the sun orbits the earth

>> No.6462202

And the funny thing is that it's true. Countries with a focus on telling people to abstain and use condoms as an alternative had much less aids compared to condoms lands.
>So do you fags believe in:
>that the church bread is meat
Not in a banal way you phrase it
>that women should not speak in church and exist to serve men
>that there is going to be a second coming of christ and an apocalypse
>that everyone except you is going to hell
>that god impregnated a virgin
>that jesus disappeared after getting rekt
>that jesus healed people miraculously
>that jesus h walked on water
>that hell exists
>that the sun orbits the earth
How is this related to Catholicism again?
>that you owe 10% of your money to the church so they can build tacky buildings on useful land
This wasn't a belief, it was a tax like the one you have today to the state
>I'm just wondering, it's not like I think your beliefs are retarded or anything.
Read the catechism
>also catholics, what happens if someone leads a blameless life, says all the right prayers and always gets his confession in, never thinks any gay thoughts, etc etc and then has an accident and dies before getting his last rites? Does he go straight to hell? If no, why practice the last rites at all?
You practice last rites because no one leads a sinless life

>> No.6462432

just converted to christianity, any good books to help me full on deus vult against fedoras?

>> No.6462433

just be yourself :-)

>> No.6462796

Catechism of the Catholic church

>> No.6462812

Luke 6:46
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

>> No.6462857

So why are Christians going to heaven and Muslims going to hell if they both submit to God?

>> No.6462869

>To be fair a big part of that is backlash against how obnoxious internet atheists

By being obnoxious internet christians? Come on son.

>He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you

>> No.6462871

the fuck are you talking about you retarded faggot

>> No.6462876

Why are Christians right and Muslims wrong?

>> No.6463117

Mohammed wasn't a prophet of God and Jesus was God

>> No.6463131

well, what makes you so sure?

>> No.6463137

Christians think that anyone that doesn't agree entirely with them is bound ta hellfahr, thank ya jeyeezus

>> No.6463142

Oh not much, just two thousand years of christian dialectics and 3 billion christians worldwide

>> No.6463148

>it's important and popular, so it's right

>> No.6463154

Something I never understood is when people pick and choose what is literal and what is not. I mean, it clearly says some things. Picking and choosing what you want to follow, does not a religion make. I dont see how someone can't see through that, it just feels so illegitimate

>> No.6463170

>he ignored the dialects

>> No.6463177

>he thinks other religions don't have their own dialectics

Tell me about it
>that Genesis stuff? Hah hah oh that's a metaphor, silly!
>the lake of fire? That's real, man. Fucking REAL

>> No.6463181

yeah, well, that shit doesn't count because it's just heretical pagan scribblings, not true enlightened Christian dialectic, that's the only kind that matters

>> No.6463190

Why doesn't it count? because you said so?

it just doesn't seem legitimate at that point if you just pick and choose.

What is validity?

What is truth?

>> No.6463193

I want to believe you're a troll but given how /pol/tarded this thread is I'm not entirely sure

>> No.6463194

So the fact that Islam will overtake Christianity as largest religion means it's actually correct, or at least will be correct.

>> No.6463198

>What is truth?

>> No.6463210

No, because we know Islam to be false

>> No.6463220

But 1400 years of theology and 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide prove Islam to be true, dum-dum.

>> No.6463240

2.7 billion actually, srs

>> No.6463393

There it is, then. Anyone that wants the truth must convert to Islam, or else risk being a johnny-come-lately.