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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 280 KB, 1161x1744, filthyplebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6460154 No.6460154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well? Where are you?

>> No.6460167
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No idea. I've read and own books from all categories there.

>> No.6460169

>absurdism on the deepest level

maximum kek

>> No.6460171

Absurdism is on level 7. So every high schooler that has read Camus has 'transcended the very nature of literature and reading itself'?

>> No.6460175

At least one in every category except the last

>> No.6460179
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>implying Camus represents the full extent of absurdism

>> No.6460180
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well memed op

>> No.6460183

at least one in every category is a meme

>> No.6460192

A lot of that is misguided.

Erotic fiction is deep? Fifty shades of grey is one of the best sellers ever

>> No.6460196


Not what I was implying. Just saying that Camus is *an* absurdist, so reading him would belong on level 7.

>> No.6460200

kek fucking poetry slam is in level 7 this is pure memebait

>> No.6460202


I don't think the categories are divided strictly by "depth", but also by removal from the cultural/societal norm.

50 Shades was popular because it defied a lot of conventions and these days being edgy is cool so it sold well. Much kinkier stuff has been written before, and none of it sells nearly as well, but polish up some of the messier bits, make the guy a billionaire with blistering intelligence instead of a random creep in a van, hire a decent publicist and boom, bestseller.

>> No.6460214


Have you sat through a poetry slam in the last 5 years? It's barely even structured anymore, all pretense of poetic artistry thrown out the window. Now it's just queers and minorities shrieking about their feelings and how unfair society is

>> No.6460216


What is the actual deepest literature?

Nietzsche? Joyce? The Bible?

>> No.6460221

I can see but I only read in braille, where do I stand?

>> No.6460231
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>> No.6460233

does that make it deep? Open the page of a random buk poetry book and it'll be some free verse poem about chinaski taking a shit and then throwing up on the floor and then drunk driving to the liquor store at 6am. That doesn't make it whatever 'level 7' is supposed to be.

>> No.6460243
File: 293 KB, 283x455, 1419442283293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german idealism
>reality is a construct of our mind, immaterial

>> No.6460258

This is complete shit, wow

>> No.6460267


I love how it says "probably" immaterial. What the fuck

>> No.6460270

>court transcripts

That could be pretty interesting, are court transcripts something made available to the public? Where would I go for such things?

>> No.6460273

It is. Problem?

>> No.6460281


"Criminal court records are presumed open to public inspection, unless a judge has granted a motion by the prosecutor or the defense attorney requesting that some of the records be sealed.

Portions of documents filed in criminal court records that contain personal information about people may also be “redacted” or edited out by a county clerk to protect a person’s privacy or safety."

And as for getting a hold of them, you have to file a request with a court clerk. You can find a lot of famous cases online though.

>> No.6460286


But that ain't German idealism yo!

>> No.6460297

Poor choice, but I kept reading.
I chuckled, but this is still shit-posting. Bye.

>> No.6460305

Do you even read? Honest question. This just looks like you put a bunch of shit in random order.

>> No.6460307

I read in every category but 5. Forever plebian.

>> No.6460340




>> No.6460341

Check out the transcripts from the time moot testified in court about the meaning of terms like "white knight."

They were really amusing.

>> No.6460359

I like war fiction and long-running fantasy series. Where does that put me?

>> No.6460370


Now you're getting how these image macros work.

>> No.6460386


>who is this four-chan

>> No.6460401


>"Cthulhu" shit and Warhammer 40k
>on Level 6

I don't know why you guys are catching feelings over this obvious troll bait.

>> No.6460408

Level 0 Megapleb: YA
Level 1 pleb: Most genre fiction
Level 2 at least you're trying: American-tier 'classics'
Level 3 average good reader: Translated canon (both West and East, the canon of your native tongue
Level 4 challenges self: Philosophy that makes sense, Modernist Literature, foreign untranslated Canon
Level 5 masochist reader: Philosophy that makes no fucking sense (eg Hegel and Heidegger)
Level 6 : Finnegans Wake

Nobody should be on only one level.

>> No.6460411


Level 5 here. Love me some Hegel

>> No.6460431

>Philosophy that makes no fucking sense (eg Hegel and Heidegger)

my pleb radar started sparking and smoking and now it doesn't work anymore. i smell ozone.

>> No.6460438

Philosophy isn't literature.

>> No.6460439

middle lel

>> No.6460440

Schopenhauer wouldn't be very happy with this shit. Also, I didn't even know the word "postanalytic" existed.

>> No.6460453
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>> No.6460464


>Finnegans Wake in a class of its own

Only you niggers would elevate such a mediocre "classic" to such heights

>> No.6460471

Level four I guess.

Everything after five is rather silly.

>> No.6460474

wow, pleb.

>> No.6460479

Shit thread.

>> No.6460481


Nice meme

>> No.6460490

Can someone edit that pic? it's totally wrong.
I think that DFW must be in the deepest level.

>> No.6460498


Well, by this, I'd guess I'm lvl 2.5

>> No.6460502

>Finnegans Wake is the deepest and most obscure thing ever written!

If you think this, you don't really know anything about literature.

>> No.6460949
File: 3.12 MB, 1388x1528, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in deep baby

>> No.6460957
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What level is my dad on?

>> No.6460963

It's just a meme

>> No.6460986

>Marx before Hegel

>> No.6460998

stop fucking posting this

>> No.6461007

>pleb: the post

>> No.6461027

/fit/ dad tier

shit taste in fiction tho

>> No.6461042

The last one should include advanced mathematics and physics.

>> No.6461070

There's an entirely separate chart for mathematical concepts. I don't have it, but I remember Marianna's Trench-tier being filled with pseudomath.

>> No.6461082

>Read Diary of Anne Frank
Well I guess I'm level 7.

>> No.6461113
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>> No.6461313
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>Level 5: Patrician
>Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.6461481

>Warhammer 40k novels kek
I'm definitely an outcast then

>> No.6461486

>rant poetry is poetry

You are very pleb op

>> No.6461541

>Warhammer 40K
I was beginning to suspect some thing when Nietzsche appeared.

>> No.6461553

3 to 5, I guess.
It seems overly simplified, though.

>> No.6461571

There are lots of lol things about this but the one no one is mentioning is blood meridian being on level 4. McCarthy's a fucking hack.

>> No.6461575

Story of the eye more like it

>> No.6461596

Eroticism gets a bad rap because of shit like shades.

Bataille is a must if you're going to read any of the real stuff.

>> No.6461603

Bataille is based as fuck.
I can only praise his theory though, not his fiction or poetry

>> No.6461613

Rate based on three books:

>>1st edition of Emerson's essay's
>>Yoga Vasistha
>>Fanged Noumena

>> No.6461623

Mostly 3, 7/8. Going to read some alcohol sale carbons tonight. Court transcripts are normal reading.

>> No.6461661

All I read are cargo shipping manifests and ancient Chinese cooking texts.

What level am I?

>> No.6461662

>no Bacon
>no Galileo
>no fucking Newton


>> No.6461666



>> No.6461670
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>> No.6461687

These aren't even scientists but natural philosophers. No fedoratard would ever consider reading them cause "lol I can just look up natural laws in my textbook and Dawkins is better anyway".

Galileo was the first philosopher to make objective facts the cornerstone of a whole philosophy, and Newton spelled out everything about the world we still hold true.

>> No.6461694
File: 575 KB, 4688x4688, Jorge Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objective facts
Stupid analytic.

>> No.6461700

>objective facts
I guess it was just human nature.

>> No.6461703

Galileo was the original shitposter
He taunted church so hard that even when being buttbuddy with the pop he ended cucked

>> No.6461704
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le strawman xd

>> No.6461717

Camus isn't exactly an absurdist. Absurdity plays a role in his philosophy, but only so far as it leads him to existentialism.