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6459953 No.6459953 [Reply] [Original]

Why is German culture of the 18th and 19th century the most based of all?

They produced the best music in human history in that era. German idealism is the best thing to have every happened to philosophy. Goethe makes every novelist today look like an ordinary blogger.
France looks like a pansy compared to that gloriousness. Anglosaxons are sperg tier.

>> No.6459956
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>German idealism is the best thing to have every happened to philosophy.

>> No.6459962
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>Disagreeing with that proposition

>> No.6459976
File: 20 KB, 474x528, le wise philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is German culture of the 18th and 19th century the most based of all?

This sperglord would say otherwise

>> No.6459995

Because of Johann Joachim Winckelmann and his revival of Greek influence.

In a way, but not in the context of this thread considering how much he loved Goethe, Holderlin, Beethoven, and Wagner, all Germans.

>> No.6460000

>Goethe makes every novelist today look like an ordinary blogger

I can tell you haven't actually read anything by him.

>> No.6460082

>German idealism is the best thing to have every happened to philosophy
The best thing that happened to philosophy is Greece. German idealism is just a case of domain hijacking. Take Fichte: "so you could say what i am doing is Schurmunzukruffkuzangigrafizschaften but I'll say I am doing philosophy because it is shorter. Or: 'Bratwurst'. It's shorter as well". Or take Schopenhauer: "Lol, guys, there is a French translation of the... uh... oompanishads on the flea market. You speak no French? Bummer. Let me summarize them in a book that's twice as long but signed by yours most humble."
>Goethe makes every novelist today look like an ordinary blogger.
Indeed. Because he is so caked with dust, so out of date even the old lady's "modern novelists" look like young and fashionable bloggers.
>They produced the best music in human history in that era.
There was Mozart, who was Austrian. And there the old Ludwig Van. He was Dutch. The Germans had Wagner. And Marschner. And Otto Nicolai. Is that good music? Is it? Nein.

>> No.6460087

>how much he loved...Wagner

He literally called Wagner a sickness.

>> No.6460094

>sperg tier


>> No.6460099

He must have caught some of the infamous Wagner crabs onto his stache.

>> No.6460104
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>> No.6460124

Because Wagner told everyone he had syphilis

>> No.6460164


Austrians are Germans in denial.

>> No.6460190

Yes. And all Continental Europe is Greater Germany in denial. We have heard that before.

>> No.6460195

one (german) narrative is that england was the land of radical economics, france the land of radical politics, and germany the land of radical poetry and philosophy

not the most convincing narrative, but it's one way to think about it.

and of course german idealism was the best thing to happen to philosophy (it was literally its beginning and its end), that goes without saying

>> No.6460207

>radical poetry
>There are two flowers in my garden
>Oh! Where is my garden dwarf
>The spring is coming, garden dwarf
>From spring winds you my flowers warden!

>> No.6460223

Sounds like that quote comes from the 3 strands of thought that Marx synthesised into his project. English political economy, French utopian socialism and German idealism.

>> No.6460242

18th century is probably explained by the policies of Frederick the Cuck, who tried to make Prussia some type of intellectual paradise and attracted scholars all over Europe.

19th century I honestly have no idea, possibly a legacy of the previous generation, but I think the censorship laws marked the beginning of its end, particularly with the repressing of every Hegelian in sight by the authorities

>> No.6460256

That's English, bro.

>> No.6461644

...wich was uttered by Lenin.

>> No.6463519


>Not knowing that Hegel has been BTFO multiple times

>> No.6463525
File: 102 KB, 349x601, Cedric_the_Saxon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anglosaxons are sperg tier.

u wot cunt.

>> No.6463527


>thinking philosophy is about not being btofing

>thinking analytics btfo hegel in their ground and not by saying "this is nonsense because you can't make it logical through propositions"

Even godel btfo analytics

>> No.6463539

anglosaxons aka germans okay bro. You're fucking retarded. Besides French culture ripped the fuck out of Germany's during the 19th.

>> No.6463562


>> No.6463574

>that goes without saying
why did you say it then? are you trying to convince yourself?