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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 211 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150426_144336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6459037 No.6459037 [Reply] [Original]

Pecent rurchases thread.

>> No.6459072

[freedom intensifies]

>> No.6459081

I stole Tristes Tropiques from the bookstore today. I'd like to steal Thousand Plateaus but no store seems to have it.

>> No.6459091

I stole around 15 books when my Uni was having a massive book sale.

>> No.6459143

I have that same edition of Moby Dick, OP. I live in Mexico City, around the area where all the universities are, so this one bookstore receives all of the imported books that get damaged in the way, and sell them at half price. I got Ulysses in the new Vintage edition, M&D, Tristram Shandy and Moby Dick that way. Have you started it? Personally, I found the beginning magnificent, but couldn't continue because school readings.

I'm currently waiting for an Amazon order, which is supposed to arrive in a week. Will post.

>> No.6459177

Read some Baudrillard and Bauman you screaming abscess.

>> No.6459181

Do you want us to not take you seriously?

>> No.6459194
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r8 and h8 friends

>> No.6459200

Still better than the shit he is reading.

>> No.6459202

>complete works of Shelly
Nice choice. I visited his and Keats' grave in Rome. Incredibly beautiful.

>> No.6459216

>Barnes and Nobles Leatherbound Classics

Literally Reddit.

>> No.6459226

>ranking literature
Besides, I have little time for philosophy, even though I read so much of it already. Stop thinking that philosophy and fiction are the only things you should be reading and start getting into history, and social sciences for that matter.

>> No.6459232
File: 67 KB, 960x960, 10995988_10152659832551307_6564895946116483840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these yesterday!
Gottfried Benn, Selected Works, 2 volumes. Poetry, essays and prose.
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colours.

>> No.6459239

I think he was accusing you of materialism

>> No.6459242

>implying baudrillard is not related to history and social sciences
>untying the gordian knot

>> No.6459256


>> No.6459258

Alright well either way History and economics have been my books of choice. I will look into Baudrillard

>> No.6459259

2001: A Space Odyssey
Foundation (book #1)

>> No.6459261

Not the same person

>> No.6459284

Him*, not you

>> No.6459292

You are a cool guy anon

>> No.6459407
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My birthday was few days ago. All of these are birthday presents. I haven't bought anything lately, I need to finish these first. Also, I'm actually an Americlap living in France and I only want to read French for the next few months (except for lit in English).

>> No.6459416

How is it in France?

>> No.6459424

Happy birthday Anon!

>> No.6459427

Is there a 'definitve' book for E.A Poe?
Like Barnes' and Noble's Lovefract Complete Collection.

>> No.6459443
File: 19 KB, 260x353, 9781435106345_p0_v2_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean kind of like Barnes and Noble The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Collection? Beats me.

>> No.6459453

>The Brothers Karamazov
>The Road
And because I'm (re)starting with the Greeks:
>Mythology from Hamilton
>The Iliad

>> No.6459463

Working on a PhD. Love studying there. Excellent food, quite cheap for high quality imo. Housing is expensive but once you've found the hidden gem, it's real nice (my godfather owns an apartment and rents it to me so I'm lucky).
The only shit thing is some parts of Paris are not very safe and especially after 1am so I just tend to avoid buses at this time.

Thanks fellow Anon.

>> No.6459475

What's the subject of the PhD?

>> No.6459479 [DELETED] 
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>not getting the 19th century edition illustrated by Gustave Dore
>Buying a new book that's been in print for years like a typical bourgeois piece of human garbage
fuck you buddy

>> No.6459490
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Joyeux anniversaire compatriote !

>Drieu La Rochelle

>> No.6459496

thread ruined by memedgyposter

>> No.6459537

I guess so!
Thanks friendo.

>> No.6459546

US-France History.
Merci !

>> No.6459548

Sorry mate, I've returned it and tracked down dante's original manuscript to read. There's pages missing, the writing is faded and it's all in Italian, but at least you don't hate me anymore, right?

>> No.6459553
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How'd I do fam?

>> No.6459567 [DELETED] 

Give it to me or else I'll rape your asshole in front of your parents and then stab your parents to fucking DEATH in front of you. >:^(

>> No.6459689
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0430[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this Easton Press edition of the Canterbury Tales for $10 at a farmers market. Score!

>> No.6459744


What's the date on that Canterbury Tales? Nice find.

>> No.6459786

idk, somewhere around the late 14th century I think.

>> No.6459796

Just kidding. The copyright says 1978, but I can't say for sure when It was printed. I can say that when I bought it and the other EP books from the market they were wrapped in this plastic like they were shipped but never opened. So they're mint.

>> No.6459827
File: 1.96 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the other books I picked up at the market. The orange one on the bottom is Gulliver's Travels. They're all from Easton Press, mint. Except for the blue one on the bottom right, that's Moby Dick and it's a "Special edition for subscribers to the Oxford Library,"

>> No.6459872

nice fedora covers

>> No.6459877

thats a complete fedora cover too

>> No.6459881

oh god more fedora

>> No.6459894

Do you actually speak English, or are you a sentient mass of meme that congealed in a gutter somewhere?

>> No.6459921

Paradise Lost one is cool. Agreed otherwise.

>> No.6459924

just admit your covers are fedora

>> No.6459933

And that answers my question.

>> No.6459937

it does, you fedora tipping fuck

>> No.6459946

Ignore the assholes. Those are good choices and if you like those books, who gives a shit where you got them or which print. Happy reading

>> No.6459949

same poster

i can smell the fedora

>> No.6459966

Nice books anon. I've been meaning to get into shelley how are you finding that collection of his work?

>> No.6460054

Donde es eso? en miguel angel de quevedo?

>> No.6460284


poorfag detected. consider suicide to raise the collective average intelligence of the human race.

>> No.6460288

guy who doesn't have an eye for aesthetics detected

>> No.6460293

En Librería El Péndulo de Perisur. Siempre hay libros Penguin y cosas así en mal estado. Libros de 20 dolares cuestan 250 pesos, que ni de pedo es lo que cuestan en realidad, con el dolar a 16 y los cargos de importación.

>> No.6460441



Pues tendre que ir a ver, aunque siempre compro por bookdepository y en librerias de viejo, pero casi puras novelas de daniel steelle ;_;

>> No.6460478

>English translation of Faust

fucking trash it

>> No.6460500

book covers are always kitsch by nature

>> No.6460519
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not true.

>> No.6460550
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How did I do?

>> No.6460559
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sup nigs : )

>> No.6460562

I hope that you dont want to hold those forever.
Dover is superior to Wordsworth tho

>> No.6460568
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Now this I can get into.

>> No.6460572 [DELETED] 
File: 671 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking shit is how you did, cunt. haha for a sec i thought that was don Quixote, i don't have Miserables but if I did, I would get a dope ASS copy, not that fag shit you got yourself.

>> No.6460573

I hardly expect Dubliners to survive the plane ride home. For $3 you get what you pay for, but I'd rather have a physical copy that falls apart than try to read a pdf on my phone.

>> No.6460585

The only other copies were the abridged versions and the one with NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE across the front.

>> No.6460591

>dubliners for a plane ride
holy fuck where are you going?

>> No.6460617

I'm currently on a study abroad semester, I just meant that it won't last until I get back. No, Les Mis is for the plane ride.

>> No.6460671

is The Dub Liners worth reading?

>> No.6460851

I'm digging that blanket. Do you think you could share a picture of your entire bedspread?

>> No.6461598
File: 2.70 MB, 4128x2322, 20150427_072808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon

>> No.6461608
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And a surprise on the flip side.
No use of the words reddit or fedora if hating please.

>> No.6461695

>/lit/ Bed Bath & Beyond

>> No.6461726
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not him but wow nice


there was an anon here with the nicest bedspread, but I cannot afford.

>> No.6461773
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looks more like pendleton to me.

>> No.6462269
File: 1.75 MB, 3072x1728, how to master the margarita and other drink recipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that me? That's my exact bedspread.

I can't imagine why you would remember my bedspread and even save the photo from the Gant store page.

>> No.6462288

whenever I see your bedspread I think of your poster sized heart of darkness

>> No.6462294

oh jesus christ thanks for reminding me....

>> No.6462307
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This one?

>> No.6462309
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>> No.6462312
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>> No.6462328

I have that Lolita.

>> No.6462329

is that some chinese bootleg?

>> No.6462339

Nope. It's Amazon's German kindle print.

Except that it doesn't state that in the item description.

>> No.6463021
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My local bookstore didnt have the first two books of the Rat Series :^(

>> No.6463037


>> No.6463057

Why would I buy the last 2 but not the first 2? I ordered the first two online.

Why would I buy Murakami in the first place? I have poor taste

>> No.6463239
File: 719 KB, 1200x1600, Photo1195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Giants book looks great, post illustrations.

Just got that, it was just printed and I didn't know anything about this release. Damn I love France.

>> No.6463275
File: 3.18 MB, 4128x2322, 20150427_164937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not started it yet, but I bought it after reading his defence of poetry essay which was great.

>> No.6463289

>The Bell Jar
>Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
>A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
>Girl With Curious Hair

How did I do?

>> No.6463418

I have that copy of the Divine Comedy, it's a really dreary translation and the paper feels horribly cheap. I ended up giving it to my brother,

>> No.6463424
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bought these the other day for under $50. used book stores are the best.

>> No.6463434


oh, and the fourth book from the bottom is "The Farther Reaches of Human Nature" and if you can't read it, the fourth from the top is "Gargantua and Pantagruel"

>> No.6463455

>The pelican Shakespeare

>> No.6463473


What's wrong with that? It still contains the entire text.

Anyway, it came free with my purchase, so I wasn't in a position to be picky.

>> No.6463504

the fuck is wrong with you?do you only spew memes you read here on 4chan?

>> No.6464624
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What a coincidence. I bought a second hand copy of To the Lighthouse recently, too.

I also bought a used anthology of Luis Borges stories, and some qt marked it up. It actually helps with my reading comprehension.

>> No.6466298

People are the worst.

>> No.6466319
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>I only want to read French for the next few months (except for lit in English).

>I only wnt to read in French except when I don't

>> No.6466331

That's distracting as hell. What does some cunt know? Would you have really picked out those passages if you weren't automatically drawn to them by the highlighting?

>> No.6466333

It's more marked than not

>> No.6466337
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Yep. What can I say, I like nice objects and things. I'm like one of those birds that collects brightly coloured glass or stones to impress mates.

I get most of my books from the library these days but I recently ordered:

Her Smoke Rose Up Forever: James Tiptree Jr.
Grass - Sheri S. Tepper
The World Inside - Robert Silverberg
Peru - Gordon Lish

>> No.6466364

I am only taking it one story at a time and reflecting on it after I read. Probably makes me a pleb but I definitely feel like you need to slow down reading it but I'm definitely finding it interesting. Every story makes you think.

Plus it was super cheap so why not.

>> No.6466416
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x1836, 20150428_104953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to visit book store after half a year
>fav author published new sequel to fav book series (right).
>have only 15€for the end of month
>book costs 14,99€
>Bitch aks if i want a paypalcard
>fuck it yes
>can decide between 4 books for free because i got a paypalcard.
>took book on pic left.
>best day in 2015

>> No.6466421


>> No.6466609
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Top pleb :^)

>> No.6466702

*paybackcard is what i meant.

>> No.6466841
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im new

>> No.6466886
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>> No.6466929

>abridged kierkegaard

>> No.6466943
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Hopping on The Peregrine train

>> No.6466988
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Also, could someone post a link to the google doc a guy from here made about intro to philosophy. It was pretty much a long list of books.

>> No.6466991

>deckled edges


>> No.6466998

Reading Herodotus is good for your memory. Remember that. Try to become invested in the religion of the gods as well. The Histories is an amazing book. My favorite books were when he was describing different cultures. Books II and IV were my favorite because they detailed the cultures the Greeks knew little about. It's a book for anyone interested in history and the art of acquiring and disseminating it.

>> No.6467011

Yeah that was a pretty big bummer when I opened up the package.
What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.6467020
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these a few weeks ago, need money for more important things, and the time it takes to read as well for that matter. no more books for the foreseeable future (6-12 months!)

fuck knows why the arthur machen collection is wide and horrid like that (like A4ish size), but i havnt delved into it yet, so dont know just how irritating/unergonomic i will find it. it is all double-columned throughout with no illustrations as well...

>> No.6467093

"It'll look like it was printed in Homer's time!"

>> No.6467375

Look at me I'm a stereotypical angst ridden visceralist.

Imaginary tit job to whoever gets the reference.

>> No.6467379

>buying books when you probably have a library near where you live
>buying books when you have the whole internet at your disposable


>> No.6467381

I unironically love deckled edges, my Anna Karenina with them (the edition that everyone has) is wonderful

>> No.6467389
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>> No.6467400
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I only have this one on me. I'm at work.

Along with it I ordered:

Farenheit 451
Animal Farm
Clockwork Orange
Blood Meridian
Invisible Man
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Some differential equations book
Euclid's Elements

And I think that's it. Came in two batches.

>> No.6467458

keep it up, anon

>> No.6467492

thats a Perfect Waifu© right there

>> No.6469624


>> No.6469645

Because buy books keeps publishing houses in business. Libraries are for paupers.

>> No.6469648

Most people have read the savage detectives, you angry man child. I bet you got incredibly smug while typing that thinking only a few people would get that reference. Pathetic.

>> No.6470052
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Bumping with my own recent purchases.

>> No.6470059

>don quijote
>en ingles

Nunca voy a entender tu estupidez,/lit/.

>> No.6470076
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d e n s e

>> No.6470082
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"It's so dry!" -Bam

>> No.6470083

this book of selected DH Lawrence poetry I ordered about a week ago finally came today, I'm so excited ^_^

>> No.6470156

>learning to speak landscaperese

A waste of time

>> No.6470168

I hate those, but I got a hardcover copy of The Satanic Verses with deckled edges (it was the only version in the used bookstore).

I loved the book so much, I think it influenced my opinion on deckling.

>> No.6471607

My 100 Years og Solitude has deckled edges. It's not too bad.

>> No.6471622

And why would /lit/ care about keeping publishing houses in business. This place only reads classic /lit/ which is already widely in circulation.

>> No.6471647

>being proud of speaking dirty pig latin

Oy vey

>> No.6472330
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Good stuff so far