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File: 521 KB, 1000x562, quote-Seneca-Seneca-difficult-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457849 No.6457849 [Reply] [Original]

There is this girl I know from class that will soon have birthday. I dont know her well but what I do know is that she likes good quotes..

So I want to print quote from this picture on a piece of paper (just black words on white paper. no pictures). What do you think? OK or too cheesy?

>> No.6457854

you're going to give the girl a quote? on a blank piece of paper? as a birthday present? what the fuck mane, no, absolutely not, holy shit, no, god, what, who the fuck, why. NO. don't do that shit, that's worse than nothing.

>> No.6457859

Listen to this guy>>6457854 for your own good OP listen to him.

>> No.6457864

And like, just give it to her? And in what context? Seems weird as shit to me. This is with love btw, I've done some goofy shit in the past too

>> No.6457870

>chasing girls
>not letting them come to you


>doing something this gay

>> No.6457872

>being this beta

Kill urself my mane.

>> No.6457879

gee guys, I didnt know

I found it better than buying something generic from gift store.

>> No.6457881

how about u just be normal non autist and bring her alcohol.

>> No.6457889

OP, you should only do this if you are a 9/10 on the beauty scale. Are you a hottie or are you an ugly motherfucker?

>> No.6457891

bring her alcohol like a normal human bean

>> No.6457892

>acting as if any 9/10 would be on this website.

>> No.6457897

and what in your mind specifically would be this something "generic from gift store"[sic]?

>> No.6457898

Also dont do it if you're 9/10, let women come to you if you're 9/10

>> No.6457901

Unless a girl is already slightly in love with you, you shouldn't do anything that could possibly be construed as weird.

>> No.6457902

Good idea, OP. Also give her a single red rose, and doff your fedora when you hand it to her.

>> No.6457905

>not a 15/10

>> No.6457907

>not a skeleton

>> No.6457908

Guys, I am not doing because I want to get her to like me. I will simply spend some time with her alone because of school and thought it would be inappropriate to not bring anything.

>> No.6457911

I somehow doubt that she regards "good quotes" as one of her interests.

>> No.6457912

Even with Zyzz body he wasn't 9/10. I don't wish to speak ill of the dead but guys face was pretty average.

>> No.6457913

Definitely don't do it then, what have you got to gain?

>> No.6457916
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Scratch that. Give her one of those vibrating duck thingies instead.

>> No.6457918 [SPOILER] 
File: 172 KB, 960x644, 1430066026356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gee guys, I didnt know
>gee guys
>being this literally autist

>> No.6457919

Does she have a cat OP? if she likes cats steal her cat and put it in a box. Then give it back to her for christmas, just say "Look who came back! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."

Source: I did this with my 8/10 gf and she immediately left her own party to have sex with me in my volvo.

>> No.6457923

Well she posts them regularly on fb.

Since when is giving presents about having something to gain? Its just natural thing to do for me.

>> No.6457927

"And maybe you can give me a little pussy later." then wink.

>> No.6457931

meant for >>6457911

>> No.6457932

You are weird and your gf is weird.

>> No.6457934

You are dumb and you don't have a gf.

>> No.6457939
File: 473 KB, 1366x1306, 1421533191360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remind me of this guy OP

>> No.6457940

>You are dumb and you don't have a gf.
Actually I do but I don't put fucking animals in a box you weirdo.
I should also add that your taste in cars is shit.

>> No.6457962

OP, consider the following:

>She doesn't like quotes, it's merely for making an image of her

>She doesn't care about what gifts other bring to them, she only cares about what gifts will bring the one that she chooses (her love etc)

>She doesn't care about gifts at all, she cares about the party and if she will get laid/have fun/get power in his social circle

>If she isn't your friend, and if she isn't into you, then you don't have literally nothing to do

>If she is your friend, and she speaks with you, then you should know her enough to see if she reads or if she doesn't. If she reads, give her a recommendation of a book (be cold), if she doesn't read, what the fuck are you doing anyway? this is silly.

>If you want to flirt with her, try to get to the birthday party and work from there. But do it sloowly, you are not a walking james bond

>Don't do actions that you think will make instantly recognize you (unless she isn't into your class and you just saw her in the street and you literally have 1 possibility), you must work slowly, doing it like you didn't care or like it were pure luck or coincidence.

>> No.6457969

I bet if we took a vote putting stolen pets in a box is less weird than giving some bitch who put you in le friendzone some sappy quote and asking 4chan.


>> No.6457970

It may have occurred to you guys that OP wasn't trying to bone the girl but had merely received a proper upbringing and was taught to give gifts to people on their birthday.

>> No.6457972 [SPOILER] 
File: 840 KB, 1200x675, 1430066631539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the natural thing to do for you is respectable, but to think because she has a passing interest in quotes, because seriously unless it's every single day, and she's liking/sharing millions of quotes, or something, to the point where it's autistic, like she has a binder of quotes, organized by theme, then she doesn't really have an interest in them, much more than anyone other person does, and depending on what pages she's liked, she can get handfuls of quotes handed to her very easily that she could find even marginally interesting enough to like. and beyond that, no one, absolutely no one, wants to have a quote, w/ absolutely no design to it, as a present. e.g., look at this shit. this has style and finesse. what you suggested was trite, quotidian, banal: ridiculous. also, think about it: if she posts them regularly, that means that your one quote, as present, is equivalent to five seconds of her downtime on fb, effectively. she looks at it, and then consumes it, and it has no lasting power or worth. then she becomes disappointed. she thinks that you think that she doesn't deserve anything more, or that to you she is nothing but what she posts on fb. and then you've fucked up. so, don't. get her a mug w/ a quote on it, if you're feeling the quote line, and know that she likes coffee or tea, or something, because that has staying worth.

>> No.6457973

I'm not OP, wtf dude.

>> No.6457979


OP, you should instead give this girl an important variant on this quote:

"They Think It Don't Be Like It Is, But It Do"

>> No.6457980

Giving gifts to people you don't know that well is creepy though.

>> No.6457983

Make her a handmade bookmark with a quote on it you literal fucking autist.

>> No.6457986
File: 459 KB, 1121x537, results!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

equally weird, apparently.

>> No.6457991

Who gives someone a quote printed on a piece of paper as a present? you have to be really high on the autistic spectrum to think that shits ok. Just give cash or a hallmark card or nothing but don't print out some shitty quote and give it like its an actual present. If someone did that to me on my birthday I would be insulted if they weren't wearing a helmet.

>> No.6457995

Get Katie to make it for you

>> No.6458002

Thank you

Sounds manipulative as fuck. I prefer simply being honest in my deeds..

Thank you as well. That will work better I guess.

>> No.6458006

So he's gay?

>> No.6458008

The autistic part is not the impulse to give a gift but the choice of gift. If he gives this girl a Stoic quotation on a piece of A4 paper she will think he's retarded.

>> No.6458014


>anno domini 2015

>not being a consequentialist

>> No.6458019
File: 24 KB, 331x334, spooky pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being raised as a Stirnerist

>> No.6458020

I didn't say OP's choice of gift wasn't weird

Not everyone wants to bone every girl they see, mostly because not everyone is sexually frustrated or emotionally empty enough to consider all women as potential targets.

>> No.6458021
File: 14 KB, 238x300, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say to me? you fucking scoundrel?

>> No.6458027

>not everyone is sexually frustrated or emotionally empty enough to consider all women as potential targets.

Yeah but you would assume everyone on 4chan is wouldn't you

>> No.6458028

If you're above the age of 13 then you are not required to give birthday gifts to anyone but your girlfriend, your children and perhaps your mother. If some acquaintance I barely knew gave me a birthday gift I'd be nonplussed. If they gave me a piece of paper with a quote on it I'd be doubly nonplussed. If you're attending the party, just bring a bottle of cheap booze and a few cans of beer.

>> No.6458031

Don't. Just don't. The only thing similar that would be acceptable is a poster. If she likes reading you could give her a book that you've read and discuss it with her.

>> No.6458036



>> No.6458039
File: 42 KB, 479x720, fedn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6458044

Well I'm not the sexually frustrated one.

>> No.6458751

If you must give her something, buy a Seneca book and carry it around when you will see her on her birthday, social engineer a way to bring her to tell you it's her birthday, act surprised, then give her the book and tell her you just finished.

THEN tell her about the page your quote is on, say it's something you liked.

Fuck yea, you just got laid bro

>> No.6458871


Also OP, don't you know that the quote that you want to send her has to have a relation between you and her? This is how things works, you send a quote to someone to express something about them, and also something about you.

In this case the quote of Seneca sounds creepy as fuck, like "I want to fuck you, but it's difficult, I just dare to do it... we could do it *wink*"

>> No.6458942

tears now