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6457707 No.6457707[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys majoring in and what college/university are you doing it at?

How do you deal with being looked down on by the entire STEM department and all the people who say you'll never find a job.
Do you care about getting a job or would you rather enrich your life and learn what interests you?

I'm a Music Theory and Composition major with an English Lit minor and Commonwealth Studies minor

I'm a brother to a STEM guy and he makes me feel like shit everyday for learning what I enjoy

>> No.6457731

Physics in Germany.

Shit is cash.

>> No.6457765

>Caring what autists think

>> No.6457769

Do these people really believe that a world full of physics would be so much better?

>> No.6457770

I already finished university. I studied English. Most of my friends were humanities students, and the few STEM people sure didn't look down on the rest of us.

But to be honest, right now I'm unemployed, and I have STEM friends already making 6 figures.

>> No.6457771

Don't worry Anon. STEMS will never realize their own lack of intelligence. They are the definition of the "common man" and would have been equally served going to trade school. Cultivation of the mind is only viewed favorably by the intelligent, free thinking man.

>> No.6457781

This is bait.

>> No.6457783

>history student
>father earns 300k a month (that's a lot in here) as an "engineer"
>tfw he thinks I'm studying Industrial Engineering
How fucked up am I?

>> No.6457786

Arts and Social Sciences - Majoring in Politics
at Maastricht University

62nd in the world for Social Sciences, pretty good.

Not really planning on having much of a career, gonna tefl around a bit then teach english part time online when i'm a bit older and just live somewhere cheap as dicks.

>> No.6457787

Probably very. Does he pay for your school?

>> No.6457788

>300k a month
wut. What currency?

>> No.6457792
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>> No.6457794

Just switch to pure maths and you'll earn that much starting

>> No.6457799

Yes. Something around 100 dls a year.
I'm shit at math.

>> No.6457827

That's also totally not true

Maths graduates over their entire lifetime earn something like an extra £100,000 (in the uk)
Starting salaries are still £24,00 0 if you are lucky, you just get promotions slightly quicker and generally can negotiate maybe an extra grand a year over a non maths graduate.

>> No.6457848

Hey bud
I'm a dual-major in Music and English. Don't be worried, just get busy.

Always be learning something new in addition to your curriculum. A language/hobby/skill/whatever. This accomplishes two goals: you learn new shit that might come in handy, and you'll learn things faster.

Most art degrees are shit because a vast majority of their students enroll for easy curriculum and lazy introversion. Apply yourself and you'll be okay. Do research, internships, always look for opportunities. Your degree is only as useful as you are. You have tons of time to better yourself right now, and it'll pay off when you graduate.

>> No.6457850

what kind? nuclear, astro...

>> No.6457857

Plain ol' physics.

>> No.6457863

Surely you wouldn't believe in the false STEM/humanities dichotomy in 2015, right?

>> No.6457865



Those are fucking rad! Everything else is for fucking lame-os.

Or you can major in nonSTEM and be the raddest motherfucker ever

>> No.6457868

Working on a Planetary Geology Phd at ASU.

Your major is irrelevant. If you're dedicated and good at what you do, you'll succeed. If you're incompetent and lazy, you'll fail regardless of what your degree says.

That being said, statistically you probably are average, and being average and without any employable knowledge or skills is probably going to be worse than being average with employable knowledge or skills. So you better really love what you're doing, because you've chosen it over supporting yourself.

And I never got the STEM major/English major shit show. I love writing and have had some moderate success in it, and I do a fair amount of photography work as well, in addition to being a scientist. In fact, most scientists are also musicians or painters or writers, or indulge in some sort of creative hobby/side work.

Most undergraduates are dipshits and will end up selling insurance whether their major was STEM or fucking Russian Literature. Judge people based on what they've done with their lives, not the lot they've thrown themselves in with by virtue of choosing a damn degree.

>> No.6457877


STEM is being oversaturated anyway too so the whole job security thing only goes so far in both STEM and humanities

There is no point in going to university and majoring in something you're not interested in just for money, you can go to a tradeschool and still make a large amount of money (6 figures) while having the time to study what you like

People who look down on humanities are shit

>> No.6457886


How would I go about getting research and internship opportunities? I'm really introverted and socially retarded to a fault.
Pretty sure I have a mental disorder too
I speak English & Spanish at an equal level

>> No.6457893


this is why you don't major in art or humanities

people like >>6457848

are fucking idiots

there is nothing stopping a STEM major from being just as arty and involved with the arts as a humanities major

>> No.6457906

english at Vanderbilt.

it's pretty cash

>> No.6457909


which is the opposite of what you'll be making post graduation


>> No.6457917

What's that?

>> No.6457924

Is anyone here a teacher/professor?
How is it?

If professor, how do you deal with it being near impossible to get tenure at a useful time in your life
If teacher, how do you deal with low pay

>> No.6457933

In my experience, people tend to deride those with esoteric, oddly-matched degree subjects (e.g. combined honours in Iberian Studies, Egyptology, and Music Tech, is one I've heard), more so than arts-based ones.

Besides, who cares what they think?

>> No.6457950

They're schools for "trade" jobs. You know, plumbers and electricians and shit. Actually a seriously great option if you don't have enough talent (and that's evidenced talent, not delusions of grandeur) to bank on a university degree panning out. The decline of trade schools in the US are devaluing both those trades and the university degree. The "everyone, to a man, needs to go to college" push in the late 80's/90's will ruin academics if they don't reign it in. Universities should be for people who want to be there, not those who feel forced into it.

>> No.6457963

oxford, Dphil

>> No.6457965

you learn to be a hairdresser, plumber etc

I've been wondering this, but for lower level course tutors, wouldn't mind teaching intro to philosophy and political science at an all right uni.

>> No.6457966

If you need a teacher to tell you to read a book, you'll never make it as an author.

>> No.6457987

I'm a Russian & Philosophy Major, working my way towards unemployment.

Which would be kind of sad considering I have 2 jobs already, I figure I can just get the degree and keep working where I'm at.

>> No.6457988

studying in a cold country
want to do masters somewhere warm
all universities in Spain, Italy and Greece are terrible in the international rankings

Could i still get into a decent second masters or phd program at a world top 100 when dipping to the 200-400 range?

>> No.6457994


Step 1.) Respect, and do not deride your major(s).

Step 2.) Do not deride the STEM

Step 3.) Look at statistics for the major you have in question. Determine the average unemployment and career-wide salary earnings of what you do. Are you happy with it? If it shows 10 percent unemployment, then in a room of ten peers, are you better than at least one of them? If so, don't worry about it too much and keep an eye to how you can productively employ what you do.

people 'say' you might not find a job, but people don't know shit besides what seems culturally appropriate. Statistics says that out of every X number of people, Y will be employed making Z a year.

Case in point, you're probably better off than a psychology major (not to disrespect the field) because of the large unemployment and low pay.

Still, in no case should you feel sorry for yourself; you picked a path off the main-road, least you can do is own it and realized you signed up for a little bit of mocking like the rest of us.

>> No.6457997

Get a russian teaching qualification and tutor people online.

>> No.6458000


How flexible are you? Russian and Philosophy might do good in the gov. career track, especially w/ the lack of Russian speakers nowadays.

>> No.6458004

I'm taking a few TEFL classes here because I'd like to spend a few years abroad, so yeah teaching is something I'm considering.

>> No.6458009


You'll be a cool cat before too long, esp. if you are willing to think outside the box (and the country)

>> No.6458011

Do what you love nigguh.
There are plenty of ways to live a close to middle class life working self employed.

Teach music, save for a masters, then charge loads for private tuition. Work 20 hours a week and enjoy life.

>> No.6458034


if you aren't making six figures then you LOST life

>> No.6458050
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That's like, your opinion man

>> No.6458052

Learn what you love because you love to learn about what you love.

Then just find a job. Having a degree for anything looks good on paper because, with the proper attitude, it shows the dedication to learn and stick with something. This isn't the 80s anymore, you can get a good job without a degree, or with a "bad" degree.

Do what you love man. Life will even it's way out.

>> No.6458057

American, I presume?

>> No.6458058

Working towards that is how you lose at life.

>> No.6458095

>Working towards that is how you lose at life.
My bro with a software engineering degree from an okay school is making low 6 figures at age 24. He's not in finance, he's not in NYC, he's not in Silicon Valley. He just works for a standard software company. Six figures is not something you have to "work towards" for extended periods of time unless you fucked up at life/college.

>> No.6458106

my dad made 6 figures - or the equivalent for when USD was worth more - most of his life and it sure as shit didn't lead to happiness, just 2 divorces and a house in the country to retire in.

>> No.6458111

good goy

>> No.6458120

bet he still works 40hrs+ a week

>> No.6458131

Marketing. Shit is the true top tier. Job prospects are great. Combine both hard statistics and analyze data while also manipulating normies with emotional cues.

>> No.6458136

>hard statistics

>> No.6458150

I know you're trolling but marketing has learned quite a bit from statistics.

A/B testing, for example, is a single blinded random experiment and I've seen quite a few articles on using statistics

>> No.6458153



you guys are bigger fedoras than STEM

all marketing majors thing they are le epic donald draper

>> No.6458158


Considering that is how you determine what's working empirically, yes. Stay jealous that you chose the wrong major

>> No.6458173

I'm sure marketing uses statistics heavily, but calling it hard statistics might be pushing it. Particle physics uses hard statistics. Marketing, like most things that use statistics, are just...ya know, USING statistics.

Not to denigrate it, it would be an idiotic waste of effort to use anything more for something so inconsistent as what is basically applied economics/psychology.

>> No.6458198

How do you define "hard" statistics? I've never heard of that before, and Google says nothing

"hard" as in hard to use?

>> No.6458208


Considering your reaction, I now know for sure that I made the right choice

>> No.6458220

Guess that is a bit vague. I assumed it was referring to top-of-the-field statistics, as in "we employ a statistician and develop novel methodology", not just applying statistical methods that have been widely available for decades. I wasn't implying marketing didn't use statistics, just that calling it hard statistics is a bit of a misnomer.

>> No.6458238


go smoke lucky strikes

>> No.6458276

STEM major works are shit, only contributing to developmwnt of machins to make or already easy and lazy lives even easier, is just fucking meaningless. STEM work is well paid monetarily, but if you have any kind of sensibility you'll realise what a waste of time it is.
Getting home at 7 pm doesnt leave too much time to study and read, sure, money's good, but is pointless.

STEM major who just quit and is going back to study philosophy

>> No.6458293
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>Not knowing that the proliferation of STEM majors and degree programs is due to the hyper capitalist mentality of wanting highly productive (economically speaking) workers who do not have the critical reasoning skills to question their working conditions.

>> No.6458300

Why do people only assume STEM means engineers and fucking IT guys? Engineering has always sucked, always been for the boring and unambitious, and the "technology" aspect is for people who couldn't even do engineering.

Science and mathematics are the shit, though. There isn't even much difference between them and the humanities. It's a bunch of weirdos doing shit they love for usually very little pay.

>> No.6458332


don't knock CS

>> No.6458354

I was lumping CS in with science, honestly. Anything involved with it that couldn't be called science deserves a bit of knocking.

>> No.6458360
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>a world full of physics
>geology is cool and so is mining engineering but geological engineering isn't
rarely does a jaded post end with an acknowledgment of jadedness

>> No.6458361



so many people lump cs in with engineering/tedhnology

i agree that people who do cs just to be mindless code monkeys are the worst

>> No.6458369


>getting home at 7 pm


>> No.6458373

Not to mention that the surging increasing in STEM majors and their subsequent effect on industry will have a detrimental effect on everyone else too. Production will become more and more efficient due to rapid developments in technology, which will radically diminish the need for workforces and leave an increasing number of people jobless.

Luckily, I'm heading straight into academia so I can avoid all that bullshit. I might be a worthless academic doing nothing but publishing journal articles but I'd rather be a pussy than have to take part in the merciless cycle of capitalism

>> No.6458384


have fun being treated like a jr. professor until you're 45 if you're lucky and then being easily firable and replaceable (working shit wage too) until 65 IF YOU'RE LUCKY

>> No.6458401

Vanderbilt my nigga. Honestly don't know why anyone here studies engineering

>> No.6458421
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Luckily I have a natural aptitude for writing critical bullshit, so I'd say I have as good a chance as any for success.

Hell, even if I'm not particularly well-renowned, at least I'll have spent my life reading and contributing nothing. I just hope that my rheumatoid arthritis doesn't spread to my eyes, otherwise I'm genuinely fucked

>> No.6458423

>Luckily, I'm heading straight into academia so I can avoid all that bullshit.
Yeah ... You might want to look a bit into that before you get your hopes up. Academia is full of bullshit and you will be working your ass off.

>> No.6458446

Oh, I'm well aware that academia is just as awful as any other workplace. I'd just rather spend a life of meaningless toil in a field I have a genuine interest in, rather than settling for something I couldn't give two shits about just for the dollar

>> No.6458469

Mechanical engineering student here doing my masters in a top 20 engineering university worldwide. Going to specialize in automation and robotics. Feels good to help humanity work less :)

>> No.6458479

If only that was actually the case.
What you will actually do is cause untold thousands of people to find it harder to get a job, because a machine can do it for them.

If we were living in a benevolent socialist state people would work less, but you aren't doing anything to help us achieve that, now are you?

>> No.6458487

If your job can be done by a robot, your lack of ambition and ability makes you irrelevant anyway. Only now you're irrelevant more literally.

>> No.6458491


>> No.6458507

Or maybe you were born into a family with a low income, gained a poor education, were unable to even develop any real sense of ambition and instead were made obsolete by a man with a spanner and a degree.
Awesome show great job :)

>> No.6458511

Implying that wont be a massive portion of the population within our life time, at the rate current technology is movement.

Except unlike immigrants, who require services and grow an economy, robotics and highly intelligent computers don't actually help anyone but the businesses.

This is why we need more arts and social sciences funding.

>> No.6458512

Major in Poli Sci, Minor in History

I'm just hoping I can find some easy job in local government.

>> No.6458515

You shouldn't be too worried. Most jobs requiring modicum of intelligence won't be outsourced to robots or AI's until after at least 20 years or more given the current rate of technological advancement.

I was also kind of kidding with that statement of helping humanity. I'm just looking out for myself. Looking at the state of the world now and it's future development, you would have to be naive as fuck to not see how things are heading.

>> No.6458519




>> No.6458528 [DELETED] 

Having a good reason for being incompetent doesn't somehow make you incompetent. If that's your issue, blame the politicians, not the engineers.

>> No.6458531

This attitude is why things are heading that way.

Ya'll nigs and ya'll self fulfilling prophecies

>> No.6458536

I'm a mechanical engineer, already with a job in the military market

I'm developing new mechanics for robots who will be doing the killing

I absolutely love my job

>> No.6458538

I doubt more art and social science funding will happen though. More likely rich people will invest more in profitable businesses and what are called democracies today develop into some kind of neo-feudalistic states where the elites live in closed communities and the poor stay in the ghettos. Expect improved drone and robot security in the coming decades.

>> No.6458540

>Blame the politicians, not the engineers.
Yes, also blame society.

But thinking all people, or even most people, have a good chance at accumulating any real wealth within one life time is foolish as best.

>> No.6458546

Yeah let's all adopt a hippy happy attitude of loving everyone and saving this environment to fulfill a happy life of creating art and sucking our dicks.

>> No.6458556

yeah, I prefer helping out the world goes kaboom in 15 years scenario

>> No.6458557

>Not wanting to spend your life working 2 hours a day and spending your spare time painting and engaging in autofelatio

But seriously, I would rather slow down the rate of technological advancement if it meant I got to live in a "happy hippy" type socialist state.

Not that the happy hippy way is any way to go about things. It absolutely isn't, I detest lifestyle anarchism.

>> No.6458573

>Having a good reason for being incompetent doesn't somehow make you incompetent
Uh, yes it does. A reason by definition is the explanation for the cause of how something came to be.

>blame the politicians, not the engineers.
I can't really argue with this, but try not to broadly label the disadvantaged as 'irrelevant', it'll trigger me :^)

>> No.6458576

>But thinking all people, or even most people, have a good chance at accumulating any real wealth within one life time is foolish as best.
Show me one time, literally just one, at any point in human history when this has been the case.

>> No.6458577

Studying Industrial-Organizational Psychology here at the Bachelor's level. Trying to decide if I want to pursue a Masters or a PhD

>> No.6458594

You are telling me that if you had been of average intelligence, went to an awful school, had drug addicted parents who made it impossible to work, no incentive to work at school, no money or grades for college etc etc you think you would do fine?

In the state you get in thousands of dollars of debt to get a basic degree, which is devaluing year by year. The average salary in the united states in below $40,000 dollars a year, meaning 50% of the population will earn below that for their entire lives.

Now consider you live as a peasant in the phillipines, what you gonna make of your self now?

All the rags to riches types generally have increadible luck and even better connections.

>> No.6458595

Best case scenario is that worlds governments adopt a Basic Income plan when robotic technology has advanced to a state of providing us with abundant supplies of everything and then giving people the time to pursue arts, science, whatever.

But knowing the greed of humans, it's a very unlikely scenario.

>> No.6458605

Also quite literally for almost all of written history, Greeks, romans till present, people where completely unable to change social status.

In greece the only way was to transition from slave to free man, which was very rare.

In fuedalism there was no social mobility.

In monarchism there was again, almost no social mobility.

The highest point in history for social mobility in the west was the 1950s and it's all been downhill from their.

>> No.6458618

I'm an economics major looking to graduate in a year. Econ is fucking cool, but there aren't many careers for a theoretical guy like me.

Shame I graduate so soon too; I wanted to get more of a focus on history, philosophy, or math. Econ feels like a fusion of the three sometimes, but in a very shallow manner. Why can't I just be a perpetual student?

>> No.6458648
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I'm in STEM. You have to be a retard to pursue a liberal arts degree in this day and age.

>> No.6458652

>come from a wealthy family
>always room for me in father's business
>majoring in English

have fun being my autistic lackey anon

>> No.6458655

I don't have to hypothesize. I grew up in the asshole of Appalachia with an uneducated single mother and three siblings. We were barely able to eat, let alone any luxuries. My public education consisted of the most incompetent, burnt out educators available. I worked my ass off, I learned math and science and art and literature myself, read constantly, enjoyed learning and dug my way out into a decent undergrad, now I'm finishing up my goddamn Phd and will make in a year what my mother made in ten. There was no "luck" to it. Just years of hard work without trying to drum up excuses why I couldn't succeed and how it was all the rest of the worlds fault.

If you live in a first world country, you can do literally anything. Peasants in the Philippines might have an excuse, but if you're on the internet or have a library, you sure as hell don't.

>> No.6458658

Fucking nepotism.
I bet you believe in the free market too.

>> No.6458665

No worries, he won't learn any marketable skills and probably crash his fathers business into the ground as soon as he takes the reins. With his work ethic his children are sure to grow up spoiled and worthless.

>> No.6458670
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Except I come from a wealthy family too. The difference between me and you is that I'll actually run my father's business, while you'll be the trust fund babby while your brother/cousin who has a STEM degree will run the company.

>> No.6458672

Well if you really are in the process of taking a phd then you supposedly should be very intelligent.

Most of the world is not very intelligent, not motivated.
You had a clear advantage. Not to mention there will certainly have been a degree of luck involved, all of the opportunities taken, applying for university, jobs etc was all against other people and there is a degree of luck involved.

If you really have done these things fucking fantastic, good for you. But most people in this world can't just learn all this shit in their spare time and the real underclass dont have free time as children to learn.

>> No.6458675

hah, as if I give a shit about running a business.

I can live comfortably for an indefinite amount of time and do whatever I want. bretty good deal if you ask me anon

>> No.6458681
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>I can live comfortably for an indefinite amount of time and do whatever I want. bretty good deal if you ask me anon
Sure, but from time to time, despite trying hard to suppress the thought, you're going to reflect on your life and realize what a pathetic failure you are.

>> No.6458693

>Most of the world is not very intelligent, not motivated.

I agree, but that's always been the case. Not being motivated or intelligent is a personal issue, not any systemic fault or unnatural disadvantage. Even if we improve education, people will still be smarter than others, and the discrepancy will still exist. Life is inherently unfair, unequal, and rewards accordingly. That's how nature functions, that's how it grows. The only alternative is everyone being the same, and that only breeds stagnation.
What are you even suggesting as an alternative? Success and fulfillment aren't basic human rights.

>> No.6458696

>being in the 0.1% of all people in terms of living conditions
>having access to thousands of years worth of human creations

What failure? Seems like you're bitter you can't appreciate just how good your life is. I have everything I could ever want, I don't need more.

>> No.6458704

But it still basically amounts to you doing nothing to earn being handed those reins. Your dad or whatever ancestor has built it and you're literally just riding off the success.

Why would you want the kind of inheritance where you toil away your life maintaining it vs. one where you can do whatever you like, whenever you please?

Is this some bullshit work = worth/valued member of society thing?

>> No.6458708
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>What failure?
The failure to deserve what you have. It's the worst kind of personal humiliation.

>> No.6458709

>insert some parable here about wisdom not being equated to wealth

>> No.6458717

>But it still basically amounts to you doing nothing to earn being handed those reins. Your dad or whatever ancestor has built it and you're literally just riding off the success.
Managing a company takes hard work. It's true that you're advantaged due to inheriting one (without having to create it yourself), but it still requires work.

>Why would you want the kind of inheritance where you toil away your life maintaining it vs. one where you can do whatever you like, whenever you please?
Because it's _____fun_____

>Is this some bullshit work = worth/valued member of society thing?
Kind of. I personally look down on those hipsters with rich daddies.

>> No.6458777

You must be American because nothing you've said there is bad yet you spin it like an insult.

>> No.6458791
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I know, right? Probably the best undergraduate experience for humanities students (barring HYPS).

>> No.6458799
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Lol. Wall St. recruits people from all majors at Vanderbilt. Have fun doing a STEM degree at podunk.

>> No.6458806

I'm not american.

Although, keep wishing for that fantasy utopia while drinking your expensive starbucks while writing that next-generation novel or studying a irrelevant subject which will get you at most a nagging wife and a Honda hybrid.

>> No.6458811

>implying it isn't the yuppies with a nagging wife and a hybrid car


>> No.6458820

Come on anon, you study English, you should know from your readings of Lacan (If you're a student who's actually worth his salt) that desire is always left unfulfilled.
I'm a lit student too, but I came from a pretty poor family, attended a shitty inner city comprehensive, and worked my arse off to get into one of the top universities in the country. Imagine we're in a dialectic and you're the master and I'm the bondsman; I become self-conscious in work, but in failing to acknowledge me as your equal (your upper-class apathy is testament to this) you'll be left completely unsatisfied.

>> No.6458826

>another thread descending into political bullshit
there's really no stopping you guys, is there?

>> No.6458847

be careful bro. i knew a humanities vandy bro with dreams of working on wall street who was nojobbed into getting an accounting degree from a local school and doing that for a living

>> No.6458849

>I'm not american.
That's even more embarrassing. You should be better than this bitterness.

>> No.6458855

There's a lot of shit-flinging in this thread, but I'd imagine some of this copypasta is applicable to anyone regardless of major. I've found that reading your professors' work really comes in handy during seminar discussions, since you better understand what they're looking for.

>what you should do, OP is approach any and all of your professors during their office hours to talk about the reading, a paper, or to clarify something gone over in class. once you do this a few times they will almost certainly take a shine to you, provided you are doing well in the class. if, after a few such meetings, any of your professors stand out in particular as really liking you, go to your Uni's website, go to his page, and read up on his research (all professors worth their salt are doing research). if there are links to articles he has published, read them. then, on your next visit to office hours, enthusiastically mention his research. professors love this. using your charisma, guide the conversation toward what they are doing right now, and ask him if he would take you on as a research assistant. this is a guaranteed resume item and possibly a recommendation letter provided you don't fuck it up. try to spin the research position into multiple semesters, and after this, offer to TA one of his lectures. do this a few times, with a few professors, over your years at Uni. ideally you want a named acknowledgement in a published peer reviewed article but this isn't always possible.

>also, start your own research as soon as possible. talk to your undergrad advisor about doing an independent study, and talk to your professor/mentor about him supervising that study. the earlier you finish a proper 20 page paper the better. once you have mastered the art of literary research, replicate it as often as you are able and try to get published in grad school or during your PhD program.

>word of warning: all of this is hard work. currying favor with a professor is hard work. doing grunt work for a professor is hard work. identifying a gap in criticism, researching that gap, and then writing to fill it is hard work. but five years later when you're the foremost expert on that gap and conferencing your papers it will be worth it.

>> No.6458864

The worst thing about 4chan's anonymity is that it always descends into baseless aggrandisement. It's particularly sad to see /lit/ fall into this kind of shit, arguing about wealth, imagined or otherwise.

>> No.6458875

If you don't go STEM you can always go into sales, such as insurance.

>> No.6458892


Philosophy Honours

>How do you deal with being looked down on by STEM kids?

My friends aren't idiots and are impressed by my work ethic and think that the idea of writing a 20 page paper of pure theory sounds difficult. I also fail to see how someone who works in theoretical math or physics is in a particularly better position than I am. My engineering friend once looked down on me and I pointed out that science is just an off shot of natural philosophy and how it still requires the Philosophical aspects of science to make progress and still has a pretty deep connection with Philosophy on the theoretical side.

>Do you care about getting a job

I think I can make it into a good enough grad school so I can work in academia, doing Philosophy and teaching( I actually really enjoy teaching from my time as a guitar teacher) for a semi-low wage is fine. I know they will pay me enough to keep me alive and decently fed, and I will have access to all the books I want. My only weak point was not taking university seriously in my first few years so I have a medicore total GPA, I also messed up a bit on my required Science credit this semester. But since my second year I have been doing 4th year courses mixed with Graduate students and have proven myself to be more than competent in my major. My GPA as far as just my Philosophy courses will be somewhere around a 3.9 . I've gotten allot of positive reinforcement as well and it seems quite clear to me that I have what it takes. Besides, Philosophy and my Music is all I have in life anyways, women have always been disappointing to me and that is the only reason I see to wanting to make allot of money.

>> No.6458898

chemical engineering in america

its interesting

>> No.6458902

>My friends aren't idiots and are impressed by my work ethic
please stop

>> No.6458907


>wanting to work Wall st.
>my undergrad degree from x is better than your undergrad degree from y!

wow, you're worse than a STEM major

>> No.6458916


that sounds impossible
I have no idea what professor to even go to for this, I'ms o fucked

>> No.6458917


I know I catch myself falling into this trap. It seems like an easy bake oven made ego boost.

>> No.6458958

i just want to believe that everything is going to be okay

but instead i feel forced to major in STEM that i have never done before but i kinda enjoy it so i guess itll have to do
its impossible to be a professor in this day and age and not end up at a CC barely workin above minimum wage
my life is i cant anymore i cant

no matter what direction you go in in life, they're all fucked

>> No.6458962

I'm good at math so I majored in accounting. Now I have a cushy job that makes me more than enough money and I get to read and write a lot in my spare time.

There are tons of Yale and Harvard lectures on youtube from which you can learn for free. I do not understand the point of someone getting a degree in humanities subjects unless all you want to do is teach.

>> No.6458971

If politics is talking about how man should live.
What is ethics?

>> No.6458991


>learn to reading comprehension

Never said I wanted to work on Wall St. I'm just saying its there.

>> No.6458999


They kind of set this up for you in Honours in my school, you do your own independent paper and have a professor supervise. The whole research assistant thing would be harder imo, at least in my specific field since my school only has three research groups.


Being good at it is the reason. Just watching a few lectures on your own will not gain you skills that having papers to hand in, presentations to do, and constant criticism of your work will.


>its impossible to be a professor in this day and age and not end up at a CC barely workin above minimum wage

That's not true, you just have to be dedicated and stand above the crowd.

>> No.6459032
File: 77 KB, 640x426, Schiele_bookz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing my PhD at the German Aerospace center. Officially I'm doing aerospace engineering, practically it's computational plasma chemistry, but I'm really a theoretical physicist.
I'm really into (quantum) field theories from the perspective of modern (intuitionistic) type theories, but that's not job-able and so I do that research in my spare time. What I'll job after might be just to get some money on the side. I'm disillusion from both academia and industry - tbh in the next few years I'll be mostly interested in fucking young chicks.

>> No.6459036

its super shitty though advertising is gay as fuck and nobody likes it
if you could get involved with some product design stuff and communicate what consumers want to engineers to make cooler shit it'd be nice

julian koenig was one of the best marketers of all time and thought it was a bunch of bullshit and hated it. i guess if you're a misanthrope who gets off on trying to influence people to buy shit bird products go for it, but that sounds opposite of appealing

>> No.6459076

now that looks like the bookshelf of a cool motherfucker