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/lit/ - Literature

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6456989 No.6456989 [Reply] [Original]


>submit to a higher power because sky daddy said so

Bravo Milton

>> No.6457001

>epic poetry is fucking awesome but I can't pretend I'm a Virtuous Pagan, shit what do I do
He did well considering the circumstances.

>> No.6457004

You've just described every religion.

>> No.6457006

Isn't the tl:dr
>the devil has the best jokes

>> No.6457029

>i read fictional works for ideology instead of reading them for the aesthetic emotions they offer me

>> No.6457041

I read this book in college for an English class.

I honestly couldn't understand it.

I can't really read books written before the 18th century.

>> No.6457047

>Hold on, you're telling me, books written approximately 350 years ago, are going to be different to books written 200 years ago, or 100 years ago, or 10 years ago?
>This is preposterous, I won't read anything that requires hard work

>> No.6457083
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>> No.6457097

well I'm ABD in a top grad program for english lit, so most people think differently about me than you guys do

>> No.6457108

reading for "aesthetic emotions" seems pretty fucking vapid as well

why don't you just inject heroin, welcome to the sublime

>> No.6457122

but why would it matter what the plebs think?

>> No.6457129

>I never tell lies on the Internet

>> No.6457133

>reading for aesthetic emotions is the same as taking heroin

>> No.6457136

why do you care? and why are still trying to seek /lit/ approval?