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/lit/ - Literature

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6456898 No.6456898[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you realise that Elliot Rodger was the best artist of our generation, has written the work of art, My Twisted World, that best represents our era, and that he was the first writer to successfully integrate the internet in to his work, both in the form of forum posts and YouTube videos?

Me, when I saw this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHfoLnCN2no

After I saw that, I realised that he was intentionally great. It wasn't some fluke.

>> No.6456904

the minute he shot some bitches i was like damn he's onto something

>> No.6456932

post in this topic you fucks. this guy is important and he's the voice of our generation.

He's also important because he wasn't afraid to be a loser in literature. Bukowski did it but that was before media saturation / facebook etc. I feel like it's profoundly different to be a loser in our times.

Even nabokov had humbert humbert as some 6'3" guy with movie star good looks. In Pnin, where the main character is a loser, nabokov writes in 3rd person!!!!!!!!!! le fook?

My Twisted World works as the anti-american psycho because, just as Bateman wasn't ridiculous, he was basically what society says men shoudl be like, elliot was what society says men shouldn't be like. He drives around in a BMW ffs! He didn't even have blue collar pride (which is just societal pity). Society couldn't even give him the "glory / admiration" of pity! That's how pathetic elliot was!

>> No.6456935

Turn off your computer, stand in a corner and reflect for 5 minutes as to why you decided to create that post.

>> No.6456938

m8 I wrote a lengthy series of comparisons of him to Proust before the bodies were cold, it's not our fault you're late to the party and have a poor grasp of the history of unreliable narrators. Read more, better, and faster.

>> No.6456939


i wrote in eiter one or both of the original bit /lit/ topics about him. I said that his narrationw as more unreliable than any book I've read. I compared him to the wolf of wall street and those other "masculinity wish fulfilment" fantasies and how mainstream audiences aren't ready for a genuine loser in art.

link to your writing though?

>> No.6456944


>original bit

actually "original big"

>> No.6456946
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>> No.6456955

I'm the first post mentioning unreliable narrators, called him the best since Proust. Also the first anon to get to the listening to his sister fuck and posted the page ref and screenshot. Some anon did try to rip off my posts after the first few thread deletions in but with a lacklustre understanding and shorter posts, so i suppose that might have been you. This should be enough to find it in the archive, or you could just search his name for its first occurrence.

>> No.6456966
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What an expose on the human condition.

>> No.6456972

This dude sounds exactly like me when I'm in the bus on my way home lmao

>> No.6457558

>the best of our generation
I don't doubt it.
Our generation doesn't have much going for them.

>> No.6457579
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>> No.6457588
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Such an utopic vision

>> No.6457656

My twisted life was the greatest comedy of 2014.

>> No.6457808

>He's also important because he wasn't afraid to be a loser in literature.
On the contrary - he indulges in it to the point of ludicrousness. If anything his manifesto and videos act as a kind of modern art piece testament to the destructive potential of heteronormative convention - I mean, in a world where the heterosexual relationship is plastered everywhere as the pinnacle of human interaction and fulfilment, what happens to those who feel entirely excluded by it?

I often think that, even if he had the chance to find a girlfriend, he would pass up on it purely because he finds more satisfaction in playing the role of victim than actually overcoming his inadequacy. Just look at the video of him watching the couple kissing on the beach: he claims he doesn't want to watch, but he feels as if he is obliged to, to proclaim to the world how unfair everything is on him. If you read his manifesto its full of moments where he claims things as unequivocally his, then takes a perverse kind of pleasure in having them slip from his grasp. He was the one true prince of the internet, a figure who took pleasure in his own wretchedness. Just look at how so many memes are organised around the same thing: feels, spaghetti, the friendzone. It's no surprise that the internet bred such a man.

>> No.6457833


Elliot Rodger will be studied in classrooms many years from now, i truly believe this. He will be an example piece of what happens when society itself breeds monsters.

>> No.6457840

I just finished reading My Twisted World a few weeks ago. There's a section where he goes on about how unfair it is that women don't want him then the next paragraph he talks about getting a world of Warcraft Gatorade flavor to drink while playing the newest expansion pack. I was reading this on the train ride home and trying to control my keks so no strangers would ask me what I was laughing about.

>> No.6457846

>mfw hegel was right

>> No.6457873

Did he actually browse /r9k/? Because I swear he sometimes parrots word for word what they say.

>> No.6457929

Some details were off

"My sex drive was at its peak at this age. Whenever I got back from school, I had to masturbate. The urge was too strong. During my masturbation sessions I often built elaborate fantasies in my mind that I had a hot, blonde-haired girlfriend to have passionate sex with; almost like having an imaginary girlfriend. I told no one about this. In fact, I didn’t talk to my parents at all about my sexual development. I felt too guilty and embarrassed about it. Whenever they probed me, I lied to them, telling them that I had no sex drive. My mother once caught me looking at pictures of girls online, and I franticly had to convince her that I stumbled on those pictures by accident.
I also noticed that my voice was getting deeper. I was starting to sound like an actual teenager. The last stages of puberty were over.
Halo 3 came out in November. I got my mother to buy it for me on the very day it was released. I had a lot of fun playing it while drinking the special mountain dew flavor that was released with the game; Mountain Dew Game Fuel, it was called. The game definitely lived up to its expectations, and to my surprise I found myself playing it more than WoW for the first couple of weeks."

>> No.6457971


>Mountain Dew Game Fuel

holy shit, people in some decades will think this was satire

>> No.6458005

/pol/ ---->

>> No.6458042

>This guy is the voice of our generation
>Some retard who cries over women not wanting his dick

Sluthate.com please go and jump into the ocean.

>> No.6458080

Is 'My Twisted World' worth reading?

>> No.6458107

It's torture at first. He spends a lot of time on his childhood. It doesn't start getting funny until puberty. He doesn't have much of a vocabulary and he was incredibly spoiled and lacking in self awareness. But there are some great unintentional lulz in the later stages of the book. And many unintentional and some intentional indictments of society - consumerism, toxic masculinity, victim morality, hedonism, narcissism.

>> No.6458114

Captures the zeitgeist really well tbh

>> No.6458118

My Twisted World isn't a criticism of hedonism - actually Rodger says himself that he would like it if he were part of it. What he hates is selective hedonism, aka people who get to enjoy all the fun while others are left behind.

>> No.6458163
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Does anyone here have cover of my twisted world someone made in style of BEE covers like pic related?

>> No.6458169
File: 1.27 MB, 780x1198, 1430052630486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got this one?

>> No.6458193

That's amazing.

>> No.6458435

So, I guess when you said that politics aren't allowed on the board, you meant just leftist politics and Christianity, and it's totally fine if your politics are centered around hating women?