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6456181 No.6456181 [Reply] [Original]

What was he actually depressed about though?

>> No.6456182


>> No.6456212

you;ve got to be jesting me

>> No.6456221

I think his suicide proves this isn't a philosophy you should live by

>> No.6456225

He was on antidepressants for 20 years. He tried to quit them, tried electroshock therapy, then went back on them. They didn't work anymore once he did.

>His wife kept a watchful eye on him in the following days, but on September 12, Wallace went into the garage, wrote a two-page note, and arranged part of the manuscript for The Pale King before hanging himself from a patio rafter.

>> No.6456227

>you will never read that note

>> No.6456228
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Do you really need to ask?

>> No.6456231
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>> No.6456242

I sort of want to read some short shit right now, not looking to get into a massive book like Infinite Jest.

Is Oblivion a decent Wallace book? Is it good entry level shit to Wallace?

>> No.6456261
File: 69 KB, 464x654, St. David.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start here:


>> No.6456283

>What was he actually depressed about though?
nothing, the depression is just whining officially recognized.

>> No.6456289

i wonder how many footnotes the note has

>> No.6456330

DFW is a rare example of somebody who can legitimately be classified as clinically depressed though. The commencement speech highlights the typical mentality of a depressed person; his speech, especially the grocery store analogy, shows a perceived monotony, overwhelming sense of helplessness, low self worth, and a notable lack of positive emotion present in any sort of manifestation, that are all generally common symptoms among MDD sufferers.

A major aspect of MDD is the potential for sporadic episodes of excessive emotional turmoil which, based on the account of events leading up to his suicide, is likely a major cause for DFW's death (especially considering his inconsistent usage of antidepressants around that time). His death shouldn't really be considered an objection to the validity of his philosophy, especially on the grounds that he wasn't in a relatively stable state of mind. More importantly this speech isn't a philosophy about how to deal with something as encompassing as MDD, but instead tackles a more general purpose of defining and solving feelings of monotony (a feeling which is present in a more general public).

Basically I don't think you can discredit his ideas on the grounds that it didn't work for him, mainly because his MDD is very clearly an irregularity that existed outside of the scope of his philosophy. This guy had all kinds of demons to battle besides a perceived monotony at grocery stores and traffic pileups.

>> No.6456377

Yes. A very short story that is powerful and quite Wallacey is Incarnations of Burnt Children. It's pretty heavy though

>> No.6456382

For you to be correct he would have to be claiming that his philosophy could cure chronic depression

>> No.6456398

>DFW is a rare example of somebody who can legitimately be classified as clinically depressed

not really that rare

I mean its overdiagnosed to sell pills but it isnt too rare

>> No.6456401

i believe the technical term is 'whinging'

>> No.6456408
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>DFW is a rare example of somebody who can legitimately be classified as clinically depressed though.

dumb statement on several levels and you decided to lead off with it, impressive

>> No.6456420

>depressed about


>> No.6456697

Oblivion is okay (the collection, not the story) but for fiction read Brief Interviews, that's where the good stuff's at.

That story is literally Palahniuk.

>> No.6456701

His lack of discernible talent

>> No.6456716

He really didn't like supermarkets and he had a weed addiction.

>> No.6457123

>implying you have to be depressed "about" something

It's like you don't understand how mental illness works.

Finally someone else who thinks Brief Interviews is better than Oblivion. In general I like middle Wallace (Brief Interviews & Infinite Jest) considerably more than late Wallace (Oblivion & Pale King). Although people will say that the prose is less self-indulgent in his later works, and I agree, I think the storytelling itself is more indulgent and more detrimental to the reader's experience.

>> No.6457142

I don't read books from people who commit suicide. Books are meant to enlighten a person and someone who commits suicide was clearly not enlightened. Enlightenment is able to trump depression and all other forms of human nature.

>> No.6457148


He killed himself because he was a narcissist, and being le genius writer didn't end up satisfying him in the end.
Just read Good Old Neon, it's pretty much autobiographical.

>> No.6457209

>it's pretty much autobiographical
fraudulence may be a part of it. Good Old Neon is just a about one small part of depression that he tackled

>> No.6457228

Nadal winning the 2008 Wimbledon final

>> No.6457240

DFW was the one of clinically depressed man. The rest are charlatans

>> No.6457258

this tbh

>> No.6457324

The poster has never read Kafka.

>> No.6457406

Read 'Good ol Neon'

>> No.6457413

He got married, which stopped him getting that prime teen pussy he loved so much.

>> No.6457419

>What was he actually depressed about though?
If you have a reason to be depressed you're not clinically depressed, you're just sad, and that's normal (everyone is sad once in a while).

>> No.6457422

>dad's brother's son committed suicide
>dad's sister's daughter committed suicide
>I was told I had 'depressive tendencies' by my uni therapist

Boy I can't wait to have a kid so I can pass this on

>> No.6457439
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>mfw there's a good post on /lit/

>> No.6458197


Underrated Post

>> No.6458204

He couldn't be Sisyphus, contented. No one can.

>> No.6458219

does anyone know where I can read his suicide?

>> No.6458407
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“If you are bored and disgusted by politics and don't bother to vote, you are in effect voting for the entrenched Establishments of the two major parties, who please rest assured are not dumb, and who are keenly aware that it is in their interests to keep you disgusted and bored and cynical and to give you every possible reason to stay at home doing one-hitters and watching MTV on primary day. By all means stay home if you want, but don't bullshit yourself that you're not voting. In reality, there is no such thing as not voting: you either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and tacitly doubling the value of some Diehard's vote.”

was he right /lit/?

>> No.6458449

No, because it doesn't 'double' a die hard's vote at all

>> No.6458837

>cherry picking
>not understanding what he means by 'doubling'
go back to /tv/

>> No.6458880

It's likely that he was genetically predisposed for depression. In Every Love Story is a Ghost Story a few other family members who committed suicide are mentioned.

>> No.6458885
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>> No.6458887

>author hasn't killed themselves
so jejune

>> No.6458893


>> No.6458903

How do you change the awful two party system then? Yes, I'm already taking the stance that it's awful and I imagine nearly anything could be better.

You can't change it by voting or not voting. What do?

>> No.6458912

>What do?

Isn't it obvious?
Commit suicide.

>> No.6458915

What if you read a book by living author that enlightens you. Then the author commits suicide. Do you have to revert and discard your enlightenment?

>> No.6458984

>what was the diabetic actually intolerant about though?

>> No.6459197

what an idiot

>> No.6459350

That's not how depression works...

>> No.6459574
File: 16 KB, 375x281, Dave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that all you have to say?