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/lit/ - Literature

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6455853 No.6455853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus christ. Has anybody else noticed the mass purging of everything not quintessentially literature related lately? Who decided to put a mod in charge that doesn't know anything at all about the huge overlap between philosophy and literature, and of politics and literature? There's a difference between political LITERATURE and political EVENTS (which should be on /pol/ yes). The reason that marxism is often discussed on /lit/ instead of pol is because..... its a DIFFERENT community! YES! next they will be banning philosophy threads and philosophy users along with marxists will be left without a place. Uprise now before the /pol/ infected mod infects /lit/

>> No.6455858

the mod should edit the sticky to make a distinction between political literature and political events.

>> No.6455859

Commies don't belong on an American imageboard

>> No.6455861

Mods, delete this cunt; he can't use the catalog or netiquette, let alone English grammar.

>> No.6455867

As long as he's wiping his schlong out on those hegemonic Marxists I'm fine.

>> No.6455877

What we really need is better moderation on /pol/, then it would be safe to talk about Marxism there and we wouldn't need to talk about it on /lit/.

>> No.6455884

There needs to be a leftist /pol/ and a rightist /pol/

>> No.6455888

but even if /pol/ could impartially discuss opposing ideologies, the nature of the board is still completely different from lit. pol is polemical whereas lit is scholarly. pol is more concerned with proving or disproving schools of thought (lit does also to an extent) but lit is more concerned with trying to understand the theories behind different schools of thought

>> No.6455894

this is actually a good idea

>> No.6455895

Usenet please leave.
/pol/ will never recover.
I think philosophy/politics discussion is fine provided that it discusses literature (e.g. arguing points made in Das Kapital). Politic generals do not belong on /lit/.

>> No.6455907
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Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.6455938

fuck this mod

change to /lit/ - Literature, Philosophy, & History

art, music, and political discussion can also be tolerated

>> No.6455943

This. Similar to how /sci/ is Math/Science.

>> No.6455947

When was the last time someone actually made a purely political thread on /lit/, though? Maybe I've just missed them, but it seems like they've always been what the OP says, discussions on literature and philosophy that happen to generate political debate.

>> No.6455949

Mods should delete the new sticky and replace it with the you could be reading now pepe. Obliterate /pol/ mods, obliterate means you don't mention them at all

>> No.6455964

"hey i just read this book"
"let's talk about it on /lit/"

"oh wait, this book has some political themes, looks like we can't talk about it, damn"

please tell me you see the conflict here

>> No.6455968

>marxists btfo'd
what? is there a problem?

>> No.6456004

mods should sticky this thread to promote discussion on the subject

>> No.6456014

It's frustrating because it doesn't acknowledge the reality of the matter.

/pol/ is not a politics discussion board. that may be what it says it is, but in actual reality, /pol/ is a hard right politics discussion board.

If they want to tell us to take politics to the politics board, I think they rather need to provide one.

>> No.6456020

W-what happens if we report the sticky?

>> No.6456022

Any other politics-related board would just become /pol2/

>> No.6456023

you unlock the secret link to the /lit/ inner circle, where it's all plush, and leather chairs, and quiet smoking rooms

>> No.6456033
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>> No.6456042

>Error: You cannot report a sticky.

>> No.6456045

>looks away from the screen
You mean they'd finally ban me?

>> No.6456047

I really like this post

>> No.6456048

>Error: You cannot report a sticky

>> No.6456052

Fuck you for letting me dream I wasn't here forever

>> No.6456072

This, /pol/ is not a politics board.

>> No.6456073

What the fuck is going on with the mods? They just deleted a Tolstoy thread because muh religion but it's totally /lit/ related.

How illiterate you must be to see christianity as something not /lit/, jesus fuck

>> No.6456076

>/politically correct/

>> No.6456078


Tolstoy on religion is as /lit/ as it gets.

I mean, it's not like it suffuses his literary work, or anything...

>> No.6456079

I think they'd rather we post about that kind of stuff on the /rel/igion board. Oh wait...

>> No.6456081

нeт бoги нe мacтepa!

>> No.6456085

A /rel/ board would just be /christ/

>> No.6456088

I for one am glad there are cracking down on the Christianity shitposting

>> No.6456091



>considered shitposting

srs, go to sci and keep reading about evolution

>> No.6456092

Yeah, it's great until something you enjoy discussing gets deleted.

>> No.6456096

The ridiculousness of enforcing the new rule comes to the fore when you consider, for instance, that literary awards are obviously appropriate topics for /lit/ - and yet it's often impossible to talk about them without talking about politics.

Is there any reason a conversation about the Hugos shouldn't be allowed on /lit/? But is there any way to have that conversation, this year at least, without talking about politics? Let alone the political factors of Nobel Prize stuff.

>> No.6456098

a traitor to the great legacy of western civilization like you is a cuck

>> No.6456101

>Cue the endless back-and-forth raiding, like two warring clans in the Neolithic period
Actually, might be kind of fun.

>> No.6456102

>Is there any reason a conversation about the Hugos shouldn't be allowed on /lit/?

Because genre fiction is irrelevant.

>> No.6456111

/pol/ is one the boards with the most traffic. A leftist /pol/ would almost immediately be turned into /pol/ echochamber 2.0

>> No.6456115

unless it was called left wing politics...

>> No.6456120

You think that would stop them from posting on it?

>> No.6456122

well no but there would be reason to regulate the content on each

>> No.6456125

They would get bored eventually, look at /lgbt/, the most degenerate board on 4chan

>> No.6456142

Some of the /lgbt/ culture is legitimately disgusting. I can't tell if it's due to /pol/ ethics invading it or just because of warped tranny minds.

>> No.6456148

kek, faggot.
is called /d/egeneray for a reason.

>> No.6456149

It's about motherfucking time. This board isn't your fucking soap box.

>> No.6456156

girls with dicks is NOT gay!!!

>> No.6456160

Seriously, it is about time.

>> No.6456163


This, but then there would be no need for the sticky. Nobody talks about political events on lit. The discussion of politics is almost entirely relegated to the philosophies and works of specific people. Frequently dead people.

The sticky is specifically there to stamp out philosophy about politics. So the mod just needs to have his mind changed.

>> No.6456187
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Gentlemen and ladies, clearly we can not control ourselves. The mods are caught in-between a rock and a hard-place here.
They can continue to allow our political discussions, but this is only lead down a path towards a /pol2.0MarxistsCentral/. Or they can risk endangering the generally highish level of discussion on /lit/.

Clearly they have decided on the former, which is objectively the better choice. Do you fine people want to face a cut off from the politics drug now, or in a year or two from now when /lit/ turns into a marxists cesspool?

>> No.6456191
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what is the alternative, letting this board be flooded with endless duplicate nonsense? i m sure you would ve been left alone if you only had 1,2 political or christfag threads, but every moron who felt his/her opinion deserved its own thread was ruining the board.

you people have no one to blame but yourselves.

>> No.6456194

Okay we need to define the problem:

>/pol/ is a shitstorm of idiots and only barely related to politics
This problem is none of our concern. Forget about it

>people think there should be a place on fourchan where political discussion is not a shitstorm of idiots
There isn't, won't be, and y'all need Twain
>I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's.

>but muh political literature
This was never a problem. If you were in a thread where you think the other person is /pol/ or an idiot or objectively wrong, you're still the idiot talking to them

>but threads are being deleted
This is a problem made worse by the sticky: it gives grounds to reportfaggot idiots who don't walk away from the other idiots to report things which are literature but they think should not be in books. These people are worse idiots than someone who reports a 50 Shades of Grey thread as fan fiction, but we let them report shit.

/lit/ is very good at handling raids BUT ONLY WHEN REPORTING IS NOT AN OPTION. This sounds like madness, but search the archive for tubs. [s4s] can flood a board at twice the speed of any other and they got bored when /lit/ joined in.

There is one problem with the board and that is that it is getting faster. The tubs raid was during a much slower time, and, again, we out funposted s4s. We're not getting faster because we have more quality posts or posters; we are getting faster because we have less idiots lurking and more of them thinking their opinion is worthwhile. Reports are an opinion. This culture (and I know we shouldn't talk board culture) is what is going to kill /lit/: the person who thinks their opinion is precious enough to report something as politics or religion when they could not make a worthwhile post to save their life, and do not know they can't.

One solution could be tightening the spam timer so you actually have to go read a book. This would probably only be beneficial if the board turns to pure cancer (i.e. we continue to have troll threads at the rate we have since the new sticky, while the trolls making those threads and not being reported by litizens who have better things to do report perfectly legitimate threads on the grounds mods want us to report their troll threads) /lit/ might regress to its mean before the sticky once it's no longer new, but the mean before the sticky was still too fast for anons to be pumping out more quality than shitposts. Removing the sticky might achieve this quicker, but it would still be a poor mean.

What we really need to do is shift focus. /pol/ isn't an issue for us, it's /pol/'s problem and if you didn't like discussing politics there, we aren't your hugbox. When is the last time you saw a thread on sprezzatura or New Latin romantic poetry is a problem. Can you write one? No? Then stfu, use time lurking to read between your five allocated posts per week is your solution to not be cancer.

>> No.6456197

nice try /pol/

>> No.6456202

if the majority of the board likes discussing politics and only a minority dont like it, fuck off

>> No.6456206

>politics and philosophy isnt a problem, our only concern is writing books XD

said no fucking author ever

>> No.6456208

Ehh, it was worth a shot.

>> No.6456210

you completely missed the issue...
it isn't that we dont want to discuss politics at /pol/ (we dont though), it's that literature and politics are often inextricably linked

>> No.6456213

Lurk moar, and read Huckleberry Finn while you're doing it, faggot.

>> No.6456271

Apparently mods think literature is not inherently political in-itself

I agree.

>> No.6456288

Nah, I think that "literature and politics are inextricably linked" mene is because "inextricably" is inexorably fun to say.

Mods probably put the sticky up to prevent political shitposting which wasn't a problem until they brought it up. Maybe they felt we weren't saying inextricably enough. That would be the best case scenario of a mod trying to change board culture but the new mod is probably just a paranoid schizophrenic who really thought /pol/ had invaded.

>> No.6456294

all threads about animals books belong on /an/
all threads about visual books belong on /co/ and /ic/
all threads about music books belong on /mu/
all threads about emotions belong on /r9k/
all threads about self help books belong on /adv/
all threads about politics books belong on /pol/

see the problem?
the problem is that what constitutes the legitimacy of literature is a whole academic polemic and for mods to claim that theyve deliberated on the subject or that their opinion is the arbiter of worth is frankly insulting.

lets take it a step further
all threads about the social science of literature belong on /sci/
all threads about book covers belong on /fa/
all threads about world literature belongs on /int/

>> No.6456297

fuck off, I think it's good and correct

>> No.6456301


>> No.6456317


>> No.6456352

Nice redutio ad absurdum. Also the constant feelthreads and political arguments were really annoying.

>> No.6456373

>all threads about politics books belong on /pol/

Come on u guys, u really think people get to talk about politics in /pol/?

>> No.6456378






>> No.6456389

just a couple quality marxist threads:

>> No.6456402





>> No.6456409

do you know what website youre on?

>> No.6456410

This is missing the real problem: The definition of /lit/ itself. The only reason politics seems to overshadow literature is because nobody fucking reads literature. It would be like making a /cj/ classical and jazz music board then wondering why you have a bunch of traditionalists and hippies shit it up with their fights instead of discussing the music. Of course debating music as a proxy for politics would generate consistently more replies than just the music.

The real solution is to turn /lit/ into the hobbyist board it should have always been: books. Genre fiction. YA. Self help. Popular history and science. Fan fiction. Let the plebs loose. Giving a tiny group of academic elites a whole board is absurd. They can have a general in neo/lit/.

More importantly this should also generate more mainstream users for 4chan and help its branding issues as 'niche', which will make its investors and owners more money.

Of course I'm sure this has been discussed internally before. It seems like a win-win not sure why it's still /lit/.

>> No.6456412





>> No.6456414

>The only reason politics seems to overshadow literature is because nobody fucking reads literature
Delete board and sage your useless posts

>> No.6456421

no you were comparing quality of an ephemeral image board with a demographic of late teens to young adults with deliberated discourse from renowned authors...
i was implying quality was relative to different social spheres you autist

>> No.6456425

>Genre fiction. YA. Self help. Popular history and science. Fan fiction. Let the plebs loose.

That was some stupid advise. Would rather have /pol/ and christposting here than that

>> No.6456426




>> No.6456430

But it's the right move for 4chan.

>> No.6456432

thats the point you cockstain

>> No.6456434



>> No.6456455

being able to unable excuse the threads (im assuming youre talking about politics threads or the threads im linked) is precisely the point of this thread

what dont you understand?

>> No.6456457

being unable*

>> No.6456461

>I should be able to post whatever I want on the literature board because the board that was created specifically for the content of my post might belittle me

If you actually grew some skin and lived up to your intellectual self image, you shouldn't have much trouble bringing Marxism to /pol/.

>> No.6456464

oh you're daft


>> No.6456475
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You are talking as if this is a bad thing. I bet you were making all those off topic threads and legitimizing your shitposting with the banner of "philosophy"

you want to talk about marxism, feminism, or jesus, go to /pol/

>> No.6456477

Go ahead and pretend 99% of Marx threads aren't just a left wing political circlejerk. You didn't just happen to drift into politics because it's political literature, politics was the goal from the start.

the mods caught onto your shit. You and the Christians and the rest of the retards can go.

>> No.6456500

you're literally politicizing right now by engaging in this thread and self evidently supporting the thread by posting in it

>> No.6456508


So? OP got to have his opinion, I should get to have mine. This thread will be deleted soon enough.

>> No.6456518

yes but the point is yours different to his

>> No.6456521

yours is no different

>> No.6456648
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What year is it!?

>> No.6456682

Something it seems a lot of people need to be reminded of, /lit/ mods included.

>> No.6456692

Let's go remind the /soc/ mods too

>> No.6456700
File: 96 KB, 800x850, 1426753284258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mods are just being communists.

>censor free speech
>only allow threads approved by the mod komissar

But yeah I think that it's ridiculous to delete non-/lit/ related threads. I mean, who cares if a thread devolves into politics/religion? Why must every single politics thread be posted on /pol/? This compartimentalization is absolutely ridiciculous.

And let's be honest the politics/religion threads are the best threads. If you delete them you're left with :

>r8 my bookshelf guise XD
>Le Zizek maymay :^)))

>> No.6456702

fuck off

>> No.6456705

I'm enjoying the flood of threads about divisive writers who are affiliated with politics or religion, just to get around the mods.
It's not even about the politics or religion anymore, it's about the meme's.

>> No.6456708

technically zizek should be banned

>> No.6456709

I refuse to believe any /lit/ anon is childish enough to post in caps lock

>> No.6456711

fuck me that would be good if it happened

>> No.6456712

>those filthy feet

every time

>> No.6456718

jesus, is that modern art or something?