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6455852 No.6455852 [Reply] [Original]

>rescue lesser known classics, foreign gems, artistically relevant non-fiction, and minor offerings from major writers
>use an instantly recognizable, minimalist package design
>packed with actually worthwhile 'bonus features'
>limit their availability to a select few retailers and charge a small but noticable premium

I'm at the point where I'll read a book that I've never heard of just because it's published by them, the same way I'll let criterion collection be a mark of historical or artistic relevance.

Is there any of ther publisher more deserving of the moniker 'The Criterion Collection of Books'?

>> No.6455868

Whats Penguin Classics?

>> No.6455889

Literally those walmart exclusive "ACTION 4 PACKS" that might have that one flick you cant find anywhere else in it but it's really poor quality.

>> No.6455890

Printed on terrible paper, for a start.

They also don't fulfil the aspect of 'lesser known classics'. Penguin and Vintage usually go after just the obvious widely-accepted classics, and the NYRB series is good at filling in the gaps that those others don't cover.

>> No.6455903
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That's not fair or even true. Penguin for one offers thousands of books that would otherwise be out of print. Say what you will about their construction quality, but they make a lot of books available to the masses.

I bought two James Welch books and pic related of theres' recently.

>> No.6455916


it is a pretty good analogy. the titles nyrb publishes are usually pretty top notch. but i'm not exactly in love with the design. it is adequate and unobtrusive but not all that appealing. it's hard to say exactly why.

>> No.6455933
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>Is there any of ther publisher more deserving of the moniker 'The Criterion Collection of Books'?

Obviously Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions.

>> No.6455940


>those bindings


>> No.6455945
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>mfw someone "likes" the criterion collection on fartbook

>> No.6455946

>lesser known classics

Like what?

>> No.6455950

>When someone likes anything that isn't going to give them useful or relevant notifications and serve only to show their "friends" that they like anything


>> No.6455953

No one had read Stoner until they republished it.

>> No.6455969
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>I love buying Criterions, I'm such a film nerd xD

Why do Americans have to ruin everything?


>> No.6455975

because you're a jingoist faggot?

>> No.6455979

the fact that Amazon and internet shopping exist makes this shit a million times faggier

>> No.6456292
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I personally like New Directions.

>> No.6456845

I would have loved reading those editions when I was in grammar school.

The binding and feel of those editions are perfectly suited for making lifelong readers out of bright kids.

>> No.6456858

So you're saying you like nude erections?

>> No.6456909

This is demonstrably not true. When Williams died in '94 there was a surge of newspaper articles and accompanying sales. Then the next generation of journalists conveniently forgot that so they could do the same project again.

>> No.6456930
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Yeah, actually Penguin publishes fucking loads. On the other hand NYRB pretty much just publishes good shit, some Penguins suck.

Pushkin Press are contenders. Not always great editions, but a whole lot of Zweig.

>> No.6456945

>I'm at the point where I'll read a book that I've never heard of just because it's published by them
Me too.
It's one of my favourite 'stamp of approval' in the publishing industry.

>> No.6456951

All right then. I buy one NYRB classic tomorrow.


>> No.6456960

Your post is demonstrably not true - this Guardian article says that Stoner was out of print within a year


>> No.6456962

Hard Rain Falling
Amsterdam Stories
The Peregrine
The Land Breakers
The Foundation Pit

Pick one.

>> No.6456963

The Long Ships

>> No.6456982

Yes. It went out of print, and was then majorly revived in the 90s before falling out of print again. The review in Private Eye actually showed that since publication it has spent more time in print than out. Don't let the facts get in the way of broadsheet hyperbole.

>> No.6457003


Can you recommend any of those? I want to pick up at least 2 (to get free shipping).

>> No.6457012
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>> No.6457061
File: 159 KB, 1600x1200, pleiade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to know if you guys know any sort of equivalent to the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade/Library of America (neutral cloth or leather bound, great quality, complete works in one or even several tomes), but with British classics

>> No.6457067

i agree

they re-published edmund wilson's to the finland station, which is a truly great piece of historical writing by one of america's great public intellectuals, that had long been out of print

I would love to start a similar kind of printing press myself, re-publishing old, forgotten classics.

NYRB has a lot of cachet in the literary world though, which is why they're so successful

>> No.6457132

In Foyles, central london, there's a whole wall of these. Austen, Trollope etc. in big prestige editions. No idea who publishes though, because too little money to shell out.

>> No.6457145

probably Penguin Clothbound Classics

>> No.6457169


>> No.6457378
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Oh shit I love this press.

pic related

>> No.6457386

and also torrenting, why does no one ever go out and torrent this shit, there's literally zero cons to torrenting

>> No.6457391

Reading on a computer screen makes my eyes hurt and kindle is for pussies.

>> No.6457425

Fucking Baudrilliard. Ever since that guy university types have felt like owning things is too bourgeoise, helping the economic system and THE MAN. Trust the hedonists. Have nice things.

>> No.6457442

I don't know why I'm watching that video, but holy shit is that horrendous.
>unironically calling yourself a cinefile
>being a group of friends competing for buying the same dvd's, and not just watch them together
>muh property
>so culture
>not a good movie but a good "criterion"

hold me

>> No.6457506

"forgotten" if you will then, speedboat is another example
they're also bringing back authors who haven't been translated into english or who were out of print, Stefan Zweig is maybe the best example

>> No.6457553

He's an asshole. Stoner was most definitely only revived when NYRB reissued it. Just cus 'muh google search' shows it might have been published somewhere, somehow before then doesn't mean it had any impact or garnered any acclaim. NYRB is solely responsible for the book's recognition today.

>> No.6457564
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I wouldn't have discovered Stoner, and John Williams, if it weren't for /lit/ memes.

Thank you /lit/ for enriching my reading experience. You the real MVP.

>> No.6457856

>the same way I'll let criterion collection be a mark of historical or artistic relevance

LOL. Criterion has been pure shit for the past few years in terms of quality releases. This needs to made evident regardless of how good their restorations are as I see no one else criticize them for it.

Let's look at their latest announced releases for july.


>The Killers boxset
both forgetable films

>Hiroshima mon Amour
Great. best release of the year so far under a pile of shit.

>The black Stallion

>Here is your life

>Moonrise kingdoom
Of course somehow all of wes andersons filmography as seen as worth shit by the faggots in charge there as well as mumblecore shit like Tiny Furniture.

>My Beautiful Launderette
Who literally gives a shit?

>> No.6458023

What're the best NYRB stuff you guys have read?

Stoner goes without saying, makes me want to read Butcher's Crossing next. On Being Blue was sublime, and Fear was a better WWI novel than All Quiet.

>> No.6458025
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As someone that has way too many criterion DVDs and Blu Rays this just makes me sad.

>how their selection seems to be based entire off of cover art and name dropping value
>how the make safe tired jokes
>how they allude to needlessly edgy political opinions.

I mean fucking hell.

>> No.6458067
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I'd say Pushkin Press is more closer to Criterion than the New York Book Review of Classics are but still somewhat debatable.

>> No.6458074

Was looking at Petersburg the other day. I'm assuming the Pushkin Press translation is the best?

>> No.6458097


I'm reading the Elswroth translation at the moment and it's pretty damn good, no idea what the Penguin one is like but I like the cover better just for that painting.

The main character reminds me of a /pol/ user in the 20th century.

>> No.6458138

>The main character reminds me of a /pol/ user in the 20th century.

For some reason that makes me think of a Russian Ignatius Reilly

>> No.6458159

Black Stallion is beautiful. I haven't seen Here Is Your Life, but I don't mind Jan Troell getting a nice release.

But yes, they have been releasing too many things that they don't need to waste their time on (Tootsie, Broadcast News, The Fisher King)

>> No.6458176

This entire fucking thread is a travesty. Going for "collections". Yup, be a sucker and buy the entire NYRB library. They have bad translations and overall bad quality on the book in several books. You pick book by book. Not just going by publisher.

I wish /tv/ could leave

>> No.6458184

Franklin library

>> No.6458188

Define "bad quality" in this context, and say why the translations are "bad"

>> No.6458209

>You should pick book by book
How do you know something is good before reading it? People itt aren't saying the whole collection is good, but rather you'll be more likely to find a good, original, or interesting book with nyrb. No one is suggesting buying the whole library either.

>> No.6458211
File: 150 KB, 1500x1000, O_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading translations at all

>> No.6458216

Bad quality, as mediocre layout, cheap covers that break easily, bad fonts, bad size, bad margins etc.. bad translations is bad translations, what is it that you dont get?

>> No.6458222

You think paper quality, font selection, font-size, margins, reading legibility , illustrations or not has nothing to do with your experience of the reading

>> No.6458784

Thanks a lot !

>> No.6458959


>getting mad at youtube videos

c'mon now.

>> No.6459988

Nice reading comprehension there, lad. I think someone might have missed a few English classes.

>> No.6460003

Like any other publisher, some are hit and some are miss. If Stoner is the only "popular" book they list (if you could even call it that), I have doubt they could truly be that great.

>> No.6460512

v jealous of your collection.
Harakiri is still one of my favorite movies.

>> No.6460543


The Dune one looks kind of cool

>> No.6460596

>>The Killers boxset
>both forgetable films

I was going to defend them until I realised that although I've seen both, I can't remember a thing about them beyond the initial Hemingway bit.

>> No.6460632

Criterion /is/ based tho.

I haven't torrented movies in years (why bother when libraries have them) but they didn't used to torrent special features, and a lot of criterion dvds have printed essays/articles.

>> No.6460713

Aside from one of the versions of The Killers is one of the best examples of hardboiled noir I can think of, doesn't the set also include Tarkovsky's student film?

>> No.6460756

My Beautiful Launderette is probably the best film of the bunch and I like Duras (as a writer).

>> No.6460812

criterion are annoying, their selection is ok at best and the releases are pretty good

nyrb is probably a decent comparison

>> No.6460819

Hold onto your butts, we have a True Patrician™ here.

>> No.6460952

There's quite a few important and very good books in there. If you're asking whether they have The Great Gatsby, you're missing the point of the entire fucking thread.

>> No.6460961

>Hemingway story
>directed by Kubric

how is that not worthy of being on an art film label?

>> No.6460975

>I'm at the point where I'll read a book that I've never heard of just because it's published by them, the same way I'll let criterion collection be a mark of historical or artistic relevance.

Jesus fucking Christ you guys miss God.

>> No.6460991

eh it's not so bad. I was reading Girl w/ Curious Hair, and it was annoying for a while, and then I got into the groove of it. And e-books?


you're the bitch-ass weak-willed pussy here

>> No.6460996

I don't think you understand.

What's wrong with a publisher printing and promoting books that have gone out of print? Nobody reads a book just because it's published. But just because it's published they might want to look into it, see what it's about, then make up their own mind whether or not they want to devote their time to reading it.

It's not like the NYRB is some arbiter of patrician taste or anything like that, but I do think they are providing an important service.

>> No.6461004

is this supposed to be
>Of course somehow all of wes andersons filmography is seen as worth more than shit by the faggots in charge there
a friend who 'likes films' considers Grand Budapest, of all the movies he's seen, his most favorite -- is this pleb/bad/unwise

>> No.6461018

too bad dune is sci fi genre fiction shit

if we still burned books, i'd use it to keep me warm at night

>> No.6461034

it's bad, worse than pleb

grand budapest hotel wasn't even interesting to me. i'd rank it one of the worst of wes anderson's movies. I didn't even think it had a compelling narrative. Sure it had nice costumes and sets, but it was all style and no substance.

God damn I hate that movie and hate that it got nominated for/received so many awards

>> No.6461047

>to me
>i'd rank it
>I didn't even think
>I hate

quit being such an entitled little shit, no one cares about your fucking high school opinion.

>> No.6462590

I saw everymans when I was last there.

>> No.6462603

I don't like the small print and bunched up line spacing. 1 page is like 1.5 pages of a normal book.