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6450787 No.6450787 [Reply] [Original]

So the 21st century's main contribution to philosophy is the concept of the "other"

>inb4 hegel/lacan/arendt/derrida/etc

Other philosophers have talked about it, but it wasnt the sole focus of most philosophical thought like it is now

>> No.6450794

You know there's a philosophy department at CERN, right? No, wait, 'course not, you're too busy catching up on last century.

>> No.6450798

i disagree. it definitely peaked in the 90s after edward said's orientalism. the return of the cartesian subject is trendy these days

>> No.6450801

forgot second half of post:

seems kinda lame to me. I can take 20 classes on post-colonialism/representation of minorities/queer studies/feminism/intersectionality/etc but none on the implications of possible immortality, robot ethics, or anything else interesting

>> No.6450807


I can't imagine an entire philosophy department is necessary to analyze why grown men find comfort in smashing tiny things together

>> No.6450808

>I live in a shit hole that's trapped in the 90s
This seems like a problem for you more than for philosophy as a whole.

>> No.6450809

>le feminist comment on silly men with their tiny penises!

>> No.6450810

Yes, it's not like Plato made 'otherness' (to heteron) the definition of difference or anything..

>> No.6450812


> I can take 20 classes on post-colonialism/representation of minorities/queer studies/feminism/intersectionality/etc but none on the implications of possible immortality, robot ethics, or anything else interesting

this is the stupidest shit I've ever read

go the fuck away, I can smell your navy blue sweats from here

>> No.6450815



kill yourself, shitstain

>> No.6450817

>I live on the internet and don't go to an actual university

not even OP but you have to admit this shit is everywhere in the university system

>> No.6450820

>but none on the implications of possible immortality, robot ethics, or anything else interesting

Why take classes on those things when you can discuss them on LessWrong for free?

>> No.6450821
File: 54 KB, 348x437, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't own the other

>> No.6450825

not even reddit or a sci-fi fan, it just seems like there is so much more our society is dealing with and we could explore, but instead we're stuck in academia on blaming everything on capitalism or 'whiteness

never said it was invented in the 21st century...

>> No.6450829

If you're planning on tapping out at BA or earlier in the US maybe, but robotic ethics is massive across Europe and Asia and has been for about a decade even at that level. I'll admit it's a problem if you're getting a fluff degree from somewhere laughable to the rest of philosophy, but the way I would define the problem is you paid money for junk and want me to care about that.

>> No.6450834


I know, but I'm literally saying it's a central concept. For Plato already. And also Hegel makes the dialectic between Something and Other extremely important in the Science of Logic.

>> No.6450835


yeah, totes, why give a shit about people actively being oppressed when there's all those spinning balls of dirt to look at!

go read a book

>> No.6450844

Post left anarchism. There you go, now move onto real problems

>> No.6450845

I'm not going to school for philosophy, maybe you'd call an MFA a fluff degree, but I dont really care.

All I know is I am required to take Critical studies for the liberal arts and its almost like ideological brainwashing

>> No.6450854

So you're paying for junk and want me to care about that. You're right, there is a problem: you.

>> No.6450855


I can smell your purple hair from here

>> No.6450860

I was just thinking about this. The other is instinctively repulsive to us, no matter how hard we try, because the true experience of the other is always a traumatic one.

>"...and here I’m a little bit sentimental in the sense that I remember years ago I saw a photo of a cat, immediately after this cat was submitted to some unpleasant experiment.
>"This cat was put in a centrifuge and it turned like crazy. What you then see was a cat with broken limbs and so on, and most shocking to me most of its hair was gone.
>"But it was still alive and just looking into the camera. And here I would like to ask the Hegelian question – what did the cat see in us. What kind of a monster. Not what the cat is for us and so on, but what we were for the cat at this point."

-Slavoj Zizek, (1949-present)

>> No.6450863


>doesn't into ironic shitposting even slightly

why are you here?

>> No.6450871


yeah, nah I'm actually good at art. but shoot me for wanting to learn something interesting instead of brainwashing

>> No.6450873

I agree with OP


>> No.6450877

>being a woman crying about oppression

why are you here?

>> No.6450879

>shoot me
Why would I go to that effort? I'm sure you're perfectly capable of shooting yourself and solving the whole problem all by yourself.

>> No.6450885


want to see my cock?

>> No.6450888
File: 44 KB, 350x263, zizek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just wanna learn something XD!
>implying learning isnt brainwashing

pure ideology

>> No.6450892


>> No.6450901

>Implying theres no difference between learning multiple angles/theories and deciding for yourself and only ever being able to choose from one ideological stance

>> No.6450902

Nice trips, but I'm still waiting for your gif to go on a cocaine induced rampage.

>> No.6450909

>implying you've been kidnapped and forced to go to college by some very strange and college orientated sect against your will
Blink twice if you want us to get you kicked out.

>> No.6450910


>> No.6450919

eventually :)

lets do it together, my philosophical friend. we are too good for this world, you and I.

artists and philosophers 2gether4ever

I have been, by late capitalism and cultural hegemony. I thought you people knew this.

>> No.6450927

This has been more codependent than speed dating. Don't wait for the other anon to reply, I'm both of those. Good luck with the rest of your poor choices in life and finding a scapegoat to enact your cultural rituals over.

>> No.6450928

Why are continentals always fetishizing the inaccessibility of the Other?

e.g. https://youtu.be/KKD9anjgcCI?t=7m06s

Why are Derrideans obsessed with remaining non-committal?

>> No.6450934

love you too :^*

>> No.6450988

>the return of the cartesian subject is trendy these days

any rec's?

>> No.6450991

Analytic philosophy doesn't even bother with that concept so I'm not even sure what you're talking about, this board isn't the philosophical community at large & in no way resembles it.

>> No.6451000

It's their term for ¬

>> No.6451017

>21st century

>> No.6451033

>the philosophical community at large

is embarrassing so why even bring it up? Academic philosophy is the best example of "frantic activity in defense of impotence" I've ever seen.

>> No.6451361

>but it wasnt the sole focus of most philosophical thought like it is now

I've only encountered it in Social Theory. We never touch it in Philosophy. The nature of time, causation, the justification of belief, modal logic, mereology, universals, moral realism vs moral constructivism, etc, are what we focus on.

This guy get's it.

>> No.6451403
File: 618 KB, 681x864, St-Augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Other is actually the central concept of both Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. To the Ancients and the Medievals, we only know ourselves in relation to an Other. That is why you never see real self-reflection in ancient writing and medieval writing. Aristotle's formulation of a friend as an "other self" reveals that the Ancients could only conceive of themselves as a response and a reaction to others around them. Even Augustine's Confessions, the world's first autobiography, aren't a real self-reflection- they are an opening up to God, and through that relation Augustine comes to know himself and to know the universe.

The "other" that the 21st century has managed to scrounge up is still ultimately a focus on the Self, which was the great innovation of Modern thought. The only way Moderns can think of the Other is in how it relates to THEM, not how they relate to it.

>> No.6451627

This is a logical fallacy called ad hominem.

>> No.6451646
File: 72 KB, 687x1000, Michelangelo_Merisi_da_Caravaggio_-_St._Francis_in_Ecstasy_(detail)_-_WGA04080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting. Has any thinker in your opinion reached true self-reflection?

The "other" that the 21st century has managed to scrounge up is still ultimately a focus on the Self, which was the great innovation of Modern thought. The only way Moderns can think of the Other is in how it relates to THEM, not how they relate to it.

Too true.

Thank you for being serious and thought-provoking instead of shitposting like nearly everyone else. Would you happen to have reading/an essay about this?

>> No.6451689

I don't have a handy essay; the conclusions in that post are largely my own in response to my reading of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern writers.

How can you tell a Modern from an Ancient or a Medieval, though? If you look at the time periods and sync them up well enough, you'll suddenly find all these writers talking about the self, about themselves. Montaigne says "I am myself the matter of this book." Luther says that Scripture should be interpreted yourself. Hobbes talks about mankind as a war of all against all- which is the war of yourself against other selves.

>> No.6451697
File: 30 KB, 600x503, Salomon Koninck, Philosopher with an Open Book, 1645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"The Other" is such a bullshit concept.
Durrr let's capitalize a noun, how profound.

Philosophy used to be this hermit's undertakement, now it's bunch of frat kids rationalizing their "I need friends to live!" bullshit.

>> No.6451743
File: 1.25 MB, 2582x3286, van dyck - christ carrying the cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luther says that Scripture should be interpreted yourself

Sure, but the one inarguable point of the new testament is 'love your neighbor as yourself'. Where do you think Christianity fits into all of this?

>> No.6451778

Interesting, it kind of makes the social constructivists seem reactionary. I ned to read about this..

>> No.6451983

Even post-colonialism is more of a thing than possible immortality, though.

>> No.6451992

>Really basic concept was the main contribution of philosophy of the past century

It's like we're in an actual Tedtalk.

>> No.6452052

>dude other lmao

this isn't philosophy

>> No.6452243

>the return of the cartesian subject is trendy these days
lol, where?

>> No.6452246

>caring about contemporary philosophy

Only philosophers that have been dead at least 300 years are worth reading

>> No.6452273
File: 73 KB, 666x408, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, continental. Your posturing is not philosophy.

>> No.6452364

>Not interesting


>> No.6452368

>the colonised aren't well off because of multiculturalism
So profound.

>> No.6452382

>This idea does not align with my political views or life experiences so I won't bother to understand the first thing about it

>> No.6452388

What's not to understand? Post-colonialism is the study of countries affected by multiculturalism.

>> No.6452411

I think a lot of what she's saying is interesting, but at the same time there's a hint of anti-intellectualism in just letting things be.

It reminds me of those kids who just want to stay on the surface of a story and just take it at face value as "just a love story."

>> No.6452476

why fucking bother living, it never ends until it does, then yo udon't want it to

>> No.6452495

It's a bit more than that:


>> No.6452545

Colonialism is a form of multi-culturalism

>> No.6452551

>I can be dismissive of other academic fields while demanding respect for my own! The internet is amazing!

>> No.6452695

>The truth of appearance is the essential relation. Its content has immediate self-subsistence: the existent immediacy and the reflected immediacy or the self-identical reflection. In this self-subsistence, however, it is at the same time a relative content; it is simply and solely as a reflection into its other, or as unity of the reference with its other. In this unity, the self-subsistent content is something posited, sublated; but precisely this unity is what constitutes its essentiality and self-subsistence; this reflection into an other is reflection into itself. The relation has sides, since it is reflection into an other; so its difference is internal to it, and its sides are independent subsistence, for in their mutually indifferent diversity they are thrown back into themselves, so that the subsistence of each equally has its meaning only in its reference to the other or in the negative unity of both.

>> No.6453175

Maybe in critical thought, but post-modern philosophical thought is much more concerned with the disintegration of 'self' and 'other' into a more schizoid, rhizomatic conception of interaction between individuals. Critical thought wants to keep that barrier of 'self' and 'other' with political correctness: postmodernism wants to collapse both simultaneously.

>> No.6453208

What if I want postcolonial sci-fi exploring the implications of an immortal ruling class or the power imbalance between spacefairing and non spacefaring civilizations?

>> No.6453211

I'm with OP on this actually. the notion is alluded to from Plato to Sartre but more recently it has become a a central doctrine

>> No.6453234


But Plato didn't allude to it. Otherness is central to his philosophy. It's literally his solution to the problems posed by the Eleatic School in the Parmenides dialogue. I'm saying that for Plato, everything in the universe relates to everything else as to an other.

And also for Hegel, otherness is such a big issue, not something that's merely alluded to..

>> No.6454198


>demanding respect for my own!

I'm not a student or a scholar, shitlord. sorry about your big boy science pants