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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 56 KB, 510x680, prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6447808 No.6447808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Best political books

Pic related. Anyone who wishes to be successful, not even in politics, should read the Prince.

>> No.6447833
File: 1.96 MB, 4000x3549, 1382070157345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much all of these

>> No.6447835


>> No.6447841
File: 1019 KB, 1500x984, 1413373573033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447868

People who follow the ideas expressed in the Prince are fucking retards

>> No.6447870

Because le SATIRE xD evoc Rousseau xD ignore te scholarship!! xD

>> No.6447875


>> No.6447882
File: 784 KB, 997x1681, Zentralbibliothek_Zürich_Das_Kapital_Marx_1867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If political economy counts.

>> No.6447975


I'm genuinely confused. Can someone explain why LOTR is on this list?

I've never read it but I didn't think that it had a political agenda.

>> No.6447978


>> No.6447981

That's exactly what someone who has read the prince would say, he doesn't want everyone else knowing the cheat code.

Haha the prince is shit everybody. Look away, look away!

>> No.6447988

For its criticism of industrialisation and 'progress', for its romantic portrayal of rural life and community. Also one of the books is called 'The Return of the King'.

>> No.6447996

It's not reactionary, but conservative.
It has a romantic feel of the 19th century national liberalism, just don in the 20th century, thus making it "conservative".

>> No.6448005

Reactionary and Conservativism tend to go hand n hand though.

>> No.6448007

Well that's like the opposite to what was said in a previous thread, that 404ed and made mods make a new sticky.

>> No.6448017


Conservatives become reactionaries when they know they've lost. See Peter Hitchens.

I accept the fact that SJW and liberals won, now I'm a reactionary too.. I want to go back to before all this garbage

>> No.6448020

>wishing to live in a hugbox society
You're no better than SJWs.
Kill yourself.

>> No.6448024

And liberals and sjws have lost the moment they think they've won forever.

>> No.6448035


>wishing to live in a hugbox society

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6448054


>> No.6448206

Anyone who acts according to a book, any book, but especially the Prince is a retard.
The ideas from the Prince could only be useful in some high-level politics, where people are born and raised to not care about subordinates, and their war with their equals can only be damaging for those below them, not themselves.

>> No.6448213

read the sticky

>> No.6448232

Considering the fact that you're using Liberal in the same sentence as SJW because of ex-Trotskyites, there is no before.

>> No.6448306

You're the exact type of person that Midnight in Paris was made for.

>> No.6448313

I just noticed the new sticky after i posted that. What a shame since you used to actually have somewhat useful political philosophy discussions on /lit/.

>> No.6448324
File: 18 KB, 240x300, 81631221d8e826d1c6123a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever noticed how he looks like le bazinga man?

>> No.6448342

Il princinga!

>> No.6448345

Bertrand de Jouvenel - On Power
James Burnham - The Machiavellians
Gaetano Mosca - The Ruling Class
Vilfredo Pareto - The Mind and Society
Robert Michels - Political Parties

>> No.6448361

Spooked as fuck

>> No.6448362
File: 190 KB, 510x295, lesmugsatireman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6448375


Funny you mention that, I loved that movie actually.

>> No.6448383

You were that kid in elementary school who took the hall monitor position waaaay too seriously weren't you?

>> No.6448416

Yet you learned nothing from it.

>> No.6448432


It's a good movie like most of Woody's stuff. Doesn't mean I have to agree with the message.

>> No.6448445

yeah, good luck talking about anything slightly left wing on /pol/. I don't mind so much having a separate board for politics but trying to send us to /pol/ isn't going to work for the people who actually want to have conversations without clashing ideologies. Mods know enough about board culture to know that it won't work.

>> No.6448519

>a good movie
>like most of Woody's stuff
I've never understood his appeal. His films bore me.

>> No.6448562


I like watching any film that takes place in NYC during the 70s. He was a master at capturing it.

Not so much a fan of his newer stuff except for Midnight in Paris.

>> No.6448571

Even that stuff bores me. Crimes & Misdemeanors alternated between boring me (with Judah's storyline) or straight up annoying me (with Lester's storyline)

>> No.6448595
File: 601 KB, 1405x1118, bakunin-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new sticky appears
>half new threads are politics
When are we going to do away with the mods?

>> No.6448611

You have to report them you dumbass of course the autistic teenagers from /pol/ are going to immediately make a retarded thread

>> No.6448622

>help the mods
But i want them away.

>> No.6448628


>> No.6448636

btw this thread is about books and doesn't need to be reported. you'd know this if you'd spend more time reading