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644667 No.644667 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for another "stupid westerner" moment.

See this book? Bought it at the local yard sale for about 25 cents. It appears to be written in some dialect of chinese, and may be a buddist prayer manual. Even as an athiest, I still have this romantic image of buddists. So I've bought it and it is completely useless to me, maybe /lit/ can help me out here.

does anon wish to translate it for me? There is bound to be a chinese-speaking /lit/erate somewhere. I'll post the first three images in the book.

>> No.644675
File: 1.03 MB, 2448x3264, 100_3923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first written page of text. The big colour picture of old golden buddha tipped me off to the book's intent. At least... I think

>> No.644685
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, 100_3924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was another image of buddha on the page after the last one, but I skipped it in favour of jumping straight to the text. Notice that the spine is mounted on the right-hand side, it took some getting used to

>> No.644690

stupid westerner? Really? It's quite nice that you're curious enough about another culture that you'd try to pick up their literature, even if you can't understand it. I'd say you're the farthest thing away from stupid and ignorant.

Wish I could help!

>> No.644696

If it is not for the fact that he bought a book in a language he doesn't understand. I don't know about you but i usually buy books to read them.

>> No.644700

was thinking the same

>> No.644711

heh, maybe. It's more just that idiots like me waste time and money on completely irrelevant and basically useless trinkets to lug around. I don't believe in the religion, so why should I need to have a collection of buddha statuettes and a prayer book? It gets me sometimes.

At any rate, looks like we don't have many chinese-speaking anons here. I might have to try /int/

>> No.644769
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You're not allowed to be an atheist if you can't spell atheist.

>> No.644774

Maybe he means he's the most athy?

>> No.644777
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>> No.644802


Holy fuck, chinkfag here, I have the same book. :3

>> No.644809
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The exact same book?


>> No.644813


Also, too lazy here to do any translating.

>> No.644822


Hey, thanks! Probably a bad google translation, but good enough

"Formerly, disillusioned dreams as a butterfly, butterfly Xuxu however, compares himself to fitness blog and I do not know Zhou. I was conscious, then Qu Qu"

>> No.644834

> fitness blog and I do not know Zhou. I was conscious, then Qu Qu
Haha, Google Translator. I'm not making a reference to the text.

Zhuangzi's Butterfly Dream, did OP dream me or did I dream OP?

>> No.644840
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prehaps the man in the book dreamt us

>> No.644854
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Maybe the author is WRITING your life!


>> No.644865

>Even as an athiest, I still have this romantic image of buddists
what a fucking idiot

>> No.644877
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Meh. It is one of those stupid things, probably traces back from my father as a traditional thing. He ws not religious either, yet studied zen and buddism very intently. Add to this the positive portrayal of buddism in popular culture, and you get me having respect for the practices.

>> No.644880

So you're an atheist because of its popular too?

>> No.644887

shove it

>> No.644894

I don't think it's stupid. I love the tone of Eastern religions. It's beautiful, quite honestly.

>> No.644900

wow... way to romantisize the exotic.

>> No.644901

Uh, people do that anyway. I'd rather romanticize something that actually has intellectual value than belly dancers or something.

>> No.644912

agreed, there are many interesting things in the eastern religions

>> No.644920

man, you really don't know much about the old tradition of belly-dancing (not what they serve tourists at Gizeh Blvd) and what culture is associated with it.

>> No.644927

I was talking about Westerners obsessions with stupid shit, and saying "dark skinned girls" as being exotic just seemed a little coarse.

>> No.644941

hmm, this turned into a pretty interesting thread, even with the trolls. Learning new stuff everyday, it seems

>> No.645402


Get the fuck out white bwoy, we niggas owning dis board now.

>> No.645425
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Black folk? Lit?

>> No.645483

>Even as an athiest, I still have this romantic image of buddists.

This is because you don't know anything about Buddhists. Populist Buddhism is almost parallel with populist Christianity in it's teaching (Shinran Buddhists believe that only by the grace of Amida Buddha will they attain entrance into the Pure Land.) The history of the Buddhist Church is just as sordid as that of the myriad Christian Churches.

And esoteric Buddhism is as far removed from this as more esoteric forms of Christianity.

>> No.645508
File: 12 KB, 200x250, donkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. That would be why I mentioned it as a romanticized , and the whole "stupid westerner" thing.

>> No.645545

a dinge on /lit/?

>> No.645570

This is true. Monasticism exists across all creeds and is quite a profound and humdrum search for meaning in existence. Plus it is only one of the many esoteric strands of spirituality that truly do what they should.

>> No.645578

What you could do is to scan it as a document.

Then translate the document via google translate.

>> No.645589

If you acknowledge all that (and we can't know everything so I'm not riding your ass on that particular issue) then are you satisfied with having romantic "romantic" idea of Buddhism or do you actually want to know something about Buddhism? If you declare yourself a stupid westerner, I read that as either 'I admit I don't know much and would like to know more' or 'I admit I don't know much and find bliss in my ignorance'.

I went with the first interpretation, hence the bit of info on Buddhism. Was I wrong?

In other words, do you want to chat about Buddhism or does your interest stop at "what did I just buy?"

I would help you on that point if I could but my Chinese is terrible, and while I can recognize individual symbols I can't put them together into any sort of coherent translation. Sorry.

>> No.645685
File: 23 KB, 450x360, 1272250129551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, sorry for the late response. I do have interest in buddist religious practices, yes. More from an anthropolgical point of veiw than anything else, but It does hold interest to me. Yes.

If you want to enlighten me, that would be great

>> No.645821

seriously you have got to work on you "i before e's" man

>> No.645827

Unfortunately my academic concentration was in Japan and not the Buddhist religion, so I can point you in some directions but am way to ignorant myself to do any enlightening.

If you're atheist I would steer clear of any Pure Land Buddhism. It is overly simplistic and Shinran is kind of the Buddhist Jesus, who is persecuted, is the focus of miracles, gains followers among the little people, etc. The more I read about him the more I figured I might as well go back to the Church if I believed the stuff he said. If you do want to get a good idea about the basics of Pure Land Buddhism You Were Born for a Reason is a decent intro, though it is proselytizing in tone. Perfect Freedom in Buddhism is much more in depth and academic than the simple "Amida loves you" of the other title, but it's out of print.

If you really want to start learning about Buddhism the Theravada/Mahayana split is a good place to start. For a very vague and general parallel, imagine Theravada as the Christianity of Christ and the early church and Mahayana as the Church started to absorb foreign concepts and practices into itself and adjusted its tenants for greater spread.

And then Chinese Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism, Bali Buddhism etc... all have their own quirks and interesting tidbits.

>> No.647630

My Traditional East Asia professor handed one of those out for everyone to see, except it was a giant sheet of paper attached to two hardcovers that accordioned out. I was the first to handle it and of course it dropped out of my hand and went all over the place.

Damn Buddhists and their prayer manuals.

>> No.647632

Except in "atheist"! That's what got him in trouble in the first place.

>> No.647702

Where can you get that? I have never seen anything like it.

>> No.647724

Once, for a fleeting moment during meditation, I was able to experience non-existence, but once I became aware of it, I became aware of my awareness and the feeling fleeted. Then I suck "Fuck this!" and went to bed.

I've tried twice since, but I haven't gotten there again.

>> No.647731

>I've tried twice since
Good to know you're really dedicated. You realize people dedicate their entire lives to this feeling, starting from pre-pubescence? And you think a couple tries for a half-hour every few months is going to do anything for you? Typical idiot 4chan arrogance and ignorance.

>> No.647733


I just used "fleet" twice in the same sentence. I'm a terrible writer at 6am.

>> No.647770


I meditate when it is time to meditate. Wei wu wei.