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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 114 KB, 391x500, ph_0111201517-Baudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6446485 No.6446485 [Reply] [Original]

we can all agree Baudelaire is the goat 19th century poet, right /lit?

>> No.6446490

He's good for a chuckle or two, but I don't know much about poetry.

>> No.6446502

how is flowers of evil good for a chuckle or two

>> No.6446520

How is it not? Have you read any of it?

>> No.6446532


its good and not funny

>> No.6446539

If you weren't amused by any of it, I don't think you should be reading Baudelaire.

>> No.6446540
File: 430 KB, 664x874, Rimbaud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446543

It's probably Goethe, actually, tbf.

>> No.6446552

Hell... he almost has "goat" in his name. For serious

>> No.6446556

why would anybody read translated poetry?

>> No.6446558

in what ways was it supposed to be funny

>> No.6446561


why would you pretend that you can speak ancient greek?

>> No.6446563

We dont, we read him in French like all patricians should.

>> No.6446566
File: 65 KB, 600x450, MallarmeManet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mallarmé is good.

>> No.6446585

i have trouble reading this because it makes me feel inadequate

>> No.6446591

I'd explain it to you, but you seem kinda autistic so I won't waste my time.

>> No.6446594 [DELETED] 


>> No.6446596

I would appreciate it anon pls

>> No.6446603
File: 162 KB, 831x1121, stephane-mallarme-1892[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446606

He is indeed very based

>> No.6446614

i think i am autistic wrong quote >>6446591

your time will not be wasted anon I'm trying to learn

>> No.6446615

Jamais un coup de dés n'abolira le hasard is absolute god tier

>> No.6446848

>Jamais un coup de dés n'abolira le hasard
It's Un coup de dés jamais, mate.

>> No.6446850

>tfw I accidentally reveal my pleb status

>> No.6447317

How is it to be 14 years old?

This >>6446540 or this >>6446566 is far more correct

>> No.6447329

>muh modernisation

>> No.6447339

How can Baudelaire appeal to teenagers when he deals with themes often found only in adulthood ?

>> No.6447346

>How can Baudelaire appeal to teenagers
All the teenagers here read Baudelaire, it's often their first taste of "real Literature", and they like it because they have no taste (I don't say that Baudelaire is bad, he is actually very good, just saying that he is overrated)

>when he deals with themes often found only in adulthood ?
Like almost every poet since the beginning of poetry, and still young people read poetry and understand it.

>> No.6447350

Would you say you are bitter when it comes to Baudelaire because teens are infatuated with him without truly understanding his works, and then overrate him, or are you simply against the fact that he panders to a large demographic ?

>> No.6447356

Baudelaire was the biggest influence on Rimbaud you tard.

If Baudelaire didn't exist neither would Rimbaud, or at least as you know him.

Baudelaire is the greatest poet in the French language.

>> No.6447360


>All the teenagers here read Baudelaire, it's often their first taste of "real Literature"

This is literally the same with Rimbaud fans. In fact it's probably even more true for Rimbaud fans as he's more popular here.

Don't play then teen reader card and then link to fucking Rimbaud of all people lol what are you doing with yourself.

>> No.6447361


>Baudelaire is the greatest poet in the French language.

LOL this is complete accuracy

>> No.6447364
File: 73 KB, 432x650, resnais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hahhhaha you are such a teen you should read rimbaud instead

>> No.6447379

>and then overrate him
Teens surely overrate him, but it isn't the main problem, it is understandable that a young person is fascinated by his first 'love'/'touch' with a great writer, what I despise is that some people will continue, all their life, to idolize their 'first' writer and thus creating retarded things like this thread
But I'm not necessarily implying that OP read Baudelaire when he was young, just that this idolization of Baudelaire is either a social construction (by repeating indefinitely that Baudelaire is the best French poet, people will really think that it is the case) or simply a lack of reading experience

>Baudelaire was the biggest influence on Rimbaud you tard.
Yes, of course, I never implied that it wasn't the case

>If Baudelaire didn't exist neither would Rimbaud, or at least as you know him.
Same for a lot of poet, if Gautier didn't exist neither would Baudelaire of at least as we know him (same for Byron and Lamartine)

>Baudelaire is the greatest poet in the French language.
I just don't know what to say, it's completely senseless, so much poets deserve this title more than Baudelaire

>This is literally the same with Rimbaud fans
Not really, Rimbaud is even harder than Baudelaire, thus creating to some teenagers a small disgust

>In fact it's probably even more true for Rimbaud fans as he's more popular here
Where do you live? Here in France Baudelaire is probably more popular than Rimbaud

>> No.6447381

you are a fucking retard

goddamn im so sick of /lit/ being this stupid

>> No.6447382

Care to elaborate?

>> No.6447383

Who then deserves the title ? Wouldn't you at least concede that Baudelaire is among the ten greatest french poets, maybe the five ?

>> No.6447392


>>This is literally the same with Rimbaud fans
>Not really

just admit that you are peddling in confirmation bias and stop fucking embarrassing yourself in this thread. your posts are a lol.

>> No.6447394

>Wouldn't you at least concede that Baudelaire is among the ten greatest french poets

>Who then deserves the title ?
La Fontaine (who probably deserves this title more than anyone else), Racine, Corneille, Ronsard, Hugo, Boileau are the obvious responses
You might want to include Rimbaud and Malherbe as well
I never read Chrétien de Troyes to be honest, so I can't say anything about him

>> No.6447397
File: 71 KB, 751x900, louis-aragon-1897-1982-french-poet-everett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447400

Boileau is such a god.
Not really agreeing with you on La Fontaine being numéro un, though, but then again I haven't read anything but the fables.

>> No.6447411

>Boileau is such a god.
That's quite true, he probably is the greatest master of the classical alexandrine along with Racine, his lines are so pure and simple (not an hugolian simplicity, but just a natural and elegant simplicity)

>Not really agreeing with you on La Fontaine being numéro un
Well I was sure that everybody would agree at least for this one, he is the absolute master of French versification, he completely understood how to use each meter perfectly

> but then again I haven't read anything but the fables.
Well, I think that it's almost enough, it's such a genius work
But if you want to read more, I advice you Adonis and Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon (and if you want even more, read Daphné, L'Eunuque and maybe Les rieurs du Beau-Richard)

>> No.6447423
File: 60 KB, 511x760, Paul_Verlaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much, yes. His greatest achievement is that he alone changed the way poetry should be understood and written, and influenced a whole bunch of future young poets who all wanted to be like him. It cannot be exclaimed enough how much Baudelaire did for modern poetry. He was also an outstanding art critic.

Also another GOAT poet coming thru

>> No.6447465
File: 15 KB, 364x569, 8876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT poet coming through

>> No.6447554

Who is that ?

>> No.6447582

I hope that you are joking

But if you aren't French and not very familiar with French Literature, he is Charles Leconte de Lisle, a Parnassian / Romantic poet of the XXth, a friend of Flaubert, Banville, and Baudelaire
One of the greatest French Parnassian poet of the XXth along with Gautier, Hérédia and Banville, and a true master of the epic style
He is also very famous for his Parnassian descriptive style of Nature and animals

>> No.6447827

Why "19th century"?
He is goat.

Sur l’oreiller du mal c’est Satan Trismégiste
Qui berce longuement notre esprit enchanté,
Et le riche métal de notre volonté
Est tout vaporisé par ce savant chimiste.


>> No.6447829


>> No.6447855

You picked one of his worst verse imo

>not Reve Parisien

>> No.6447880

>No Paradis Artificiels
I'm disappointed.