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6445683 No.6445683 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post the Lexile score of the book you're currently reading (or the score of the last book you read that has a Lexile score) and if you agree with its score (you may need to look up other book scores to get a better idea of how your score stacks up)

>Things Fall Apart
>disagree, should be much lower

>> No.6445686


>> No.6446013


>> No.6446034

Dubliners, I see 2 conflicting scores, 900 and 1350. I definitely think it should be more like 1000, considering Harry Potter is 880.

>> No.6446044

this is for children, faggot. It hardly has any books in the catalog

>> No.6446074


>> No.6446081

Tcol49's rating comparable to divergent
fuck dis site

>> No.6446097


tcol49 is 1060L

divergent is 700L

not comparable at all

>> No.6446131

>Doesn't even have gravity's rainbow

Shit site is shit.

>> No.6446163

Screwtape Letters 1250L

Seems high?

>> No.6446179

>War and Peace

definitely high. remembering the names of six hundred Russians isn't an acceptable metric for difficulty

>> No.6446181
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>The Sound and the Fury

Algorithms are a stupid way to determine book difficulty

Just look at pic related *bellers uncontrollably*

>> No.6446188


Or Lolita

>> No.6446197

>The Critique of Judgment

Well at least it knows Kant is in a whole nother tier of fucking impossible

>> No.6446198


>the sound and the fury is less difficult than Harry Potter

I don't even

>> No.6446204

It's really high if they're going for just like reading difficulty, but I guess it's a little more understandable if there's judging the fact that most children using the lexile scale won't quite get the theological perspectives

>> No.6446217

It's just a ratio of difficult words to not-difficult words in a work. It completely fails to judge any of the intension and meaning of the work.

AKA, like >>6446198 said, Harry Potter is "harder" than Faulker's stream of consciousness because Faulkner uses less complicated words overall, but his work is much, much harder to read by a long shot.

>> No.6446264

also, their metrics are don't really do the text justice. someone could very well be technically at a 1000L reading level and still get nothing out of lot 49

>> No.6446273

Apparently Sirens of Titan is more difficult than The Road

>> No.6446314


that's accurate

>> No.6446421

I didn't think so. McCarthy's "show, don't tell" style fucked with me, I guess.

>> No.6446979

Emile Zola - Nana

These kinds of scores are always meaningless.

>> No.6446988
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>that glorious feelireno when you broke Lexile in school and got to read whatever you wanted