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/lit/ - Literature

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6445307 No.6445307 [Reply] [Original]

Without the belief in an afterlife, life itself becomes a matter of urgency or a bucket list, and not of purpose.

>> No.6445326


you'll rustle the fedoras

>> No.6445334


>> No.6445354

Prove that life is not a matter of urgency or a bucket list.

>> No.6445407


Well I can't possibly imagine that if people REALLY are sure this is it, this is their one shit, they don't go fucking crazy.

>> No.6445411


One shot.

>> No.6445416

With the belief of an afterlife, life itself becomes a matter of... eating and working until death, and not of purpose; protestant ethics, --- am I being understood?

>> No.6445423

You didn't understand.

>> No.6445430

With the belief in an afterlife, life is wasted, as it is treated as a mere waiting period or a practice round for real life, which is thought to be eternal.

>> No.6445433

Without any relation to literature, this thread becomes complete shit

>> No.6445453

If I was a believer, I still wouldn't want to waste my life. Both heaven and hell are just as monotonous as eternal darkness. Life is still a bucket list, and death is still frightening.

>> No.6445458

thread confirmed shit

>> No.6445465

You seem weak.

>> No.6445519

Do you believe that the one thing that has remained constant during the entire time you've been alive, or even just constant between the last second and now, will suddenly stop existing with the dispersal of your arbitrary meat form?

>> No.6445524

>do you believe that you will die when you are dead?

>> No.6445531

"You" is a spook.

>> No.6445534


>> No.6445560


Egyptians believed we had more than one soul.
It's not all "one or none" shit.

>> No.6445566
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>not knowing the universe is just having a great time trolling itself

>> No.6445569

hey, OP, I don't know if you knew this, but the board is called /lit/ because it is about literature, so if you maybe read some books that your parents never talked about you might learn why not everyone who has thought the same thing that you have thought (which is a lot of people) haven't killed themselves.
welcome 2 the club m8

>> No.6445591


>books keep you from killing yourself

You're taking this patrician lifestyle too seriously.

>> No.6445595

What you call "lack of belief in an afterlife" is more often than not a belief in the lack of an afterlife.

The difference is in how this affects ordinary life and how people think of their business and dreams, their moral choices and so on. You can live life without thinking about death either way, but these believes are there in the unconscious and they come about if you ask people what they think. The difference is in how much you count with the afterlife, if there is nothing or if there is reward, rebirth or whatever. Or, which is more rare and perhaps even impossible, to let it completely open without weighting towards either answer. I personally don't think that's possible.

How we think of afterlife reflects how we view life. I don't think either of them come first, they come together. And it goes beyond language, because two people can say the same thing, that they believe, for example, that the good go to Heaven and the bad go to Hell, while one may live a life of guilt and fear, another may see this under a very different light, seeking to work humbly through life knowing that there is justice and no reason to despair. In Tibet, the monks learn to see life as a passage, as a state of mind like many others(bardo), in which you must learn to let go of life. They learn how to die. There are vivid descriptions of what happends, a calendar of events that will happen after you die. But perhaps it goes beyond just talking about something that the living cannot see, but crossing the barrier between what is literal and what is metaphorical, these descriptions allow oneself to cultivate a way to see death and thus, a way to see life. Without a rush or fear, but without apathy either. Perhaps rather than trying to figure out what is or isn't going to happen, it is a matter to perceive how the way we lead life has been preparing us for the inevitable and how can we make each other grow in the way that we deem best.

>> No.6445609

If you can even question whether there is an afterlife or not, you are already riddled with spooks.

>> No.6445610

I had a near death experience.
I know nothing anymore.

>> No.6445613


life is wasted either way. If you live thinking on making it meaningful, you often find yourself trying to catch something too fast and too vapid. At least if you believe in a eternal soul you can feel comfy

>> No.6445659


Thinking you'll ever be spookless is a spook.

>> No.6445676

I took the time to read that and I'm glad I did.

>> No.6445729
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Life's an opportunity to do cool and fun things, regardless of whether you believe in an afterlife or not. Speculation on this ultimately doesn't matter, since the presence/absence of an afterlife is set.

>> No.6445739

>Life is given a purpose, not a *purpose*
Sure thing, Chirstfag.

>> No.6445744

A finite number, when compared to infinity, is considered zero. A belief in the afterlife means this life does not exist.

>> No.6445749


>> No.6445804


You're a woman.
You're never happy by default.

>> No.6446592

>A finite number, when compared to infinity, is considered zero.
how does that work?

>> No.6446600

The Aztecs believed in three!

>> No.6446611

Any real number, as big as it is, will always be 100% insignificant compared to infinity.

>> No.6446624

But one can still seek, or one used to seek, immortality on this earth. Though life is finitude, constituting and constructing a shared world is a way of transcending the biological crude facts of life and living on.

>> No.6446628

While this may be true, where do we even begin finding out anything about the supposed afterlife? Surely nobody has died and lived to tell the tale.

>> No.6446655

This physical life as a fraction of your total life approaches zero as your afterlife continues indefinitely.

>> No.6446678 [DELETED] 
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>has never taken calculus
>thinks he's a well-rounded intellectual

>> No.6446691

One thing is for certain. Nothing ever pops into existence or disappears.

>> No.6446695

>thinks he's a well-rounded intellectual

The fuck are you talking about? Get out of here fag. It's not like you need to learn calculus to be happy and fulfilled. Someone needs to hand me my Starbucks.

>> No.6446723

Personally I'm oddly happier now than at any time in my life, and though I face a certain death, what I am not certain of is whether I will pass before my species does.

Another point: Do we litizens not always complain about the world? Do we not say that life is suffering, toiling, misery? If by "never happy by default" you mean this, than it's something we share and not peculiar to my sex.


>> No.6446727

Yeah, all those scientists and engineers are the ones handing the 4chan C+ student philosophy majors their Starbucks.

>> No.6446736

>thinks contingency is useful

>> No.6446739 [DELETED] 


>don't need calculus to be happy and fulfilled

Nobody said that. I'd try and explain what well-rounded means, but you've already embarrassed yourself.

>> No.6446752 [DELETED] 


>"math is haaard"

>> No.6446753
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If you can't prove both possibilities, why do choose the most stupid of them?

Btw, your thirst for ''concrete material evidence'' only proves what OP just said.

>> No.6446755

>you often find yourself trying to catch something too fast and too vapid
a view which can be changed

>> No.6446764

There is no afterlife connected to this reality, but there is life after death.

>> No.6446769 [DELETED] 


Prove it, faggot

>> No.6446789


I've seen it in my dreams :^)

>> No.6447088
File: 19 KB, 500x365, zidane-redcard-1394708459[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prove a negative

bad form

>> No.6447174

If one genuinely believes in an afterlife, is there life not an urgency to fulfill the requirements of said afterlife? And if they do not genuinely believe, but still carry the belief, how are they any less vapid than the non believers who do not chase dreams or have bucket lists?

>> No.6447188

Sleep is not afterlife, nor is there dreams from a dead brain.

>> No.6447196

>life with a sub-4 inch penis would be miserable
>no one has a sub-4 inch penis

>> No.6447229

will you be my gf?

>> No.6447336

There is no urgency, unless death is a bad thing in your eyes. It isn't in mine, so I have no urgency.

(As an aside, I'd like to go on record and saying that I quite like living as well and am in no hurry for death.)

>> No.6447372
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>> No.6447402

>dinner at noon or midnight

>> No.6447408

Protestant ethics are extremely concerned with life, they're extremely politically active on both ends of the spectrum, mainline protestants being on the liberal end. Do you recall the postmillennial movement?

>> No.6447409

>OP has a sub-4 inch penis
No wonder he only has the afterlife to look forward to.

>> No.6447421

Is considered 0, yet the finite number still exists. It doesn't disappear when compared to infinity, it's just infinitely small compared to infinity.

>> No.6447426

>a matter of urgency or a bucket list, and not of purpose.

But those things are a purpose

>> No.6448081

All right, OP. Here is my bucket list :

- Get faith

>> No.6448093

>what are quantum fluctuations

>> No.6448136

Is a bucket list not a purpose?

Besides, fuck your western bullshit, I'd prefer if reincarnation was real.

>> No.6448167

You sound seriously butthurt. Also pick up a maths textbook, you will learn something new and useful you ignorant swine.

>> No.6448207

The existence of my meat form has remained just as constant as the existence of my consciousness.

>> No.6448210

He gets it.

>> No.6448214

>A finite number, when compared to infinity, is considered zero. A belief in the eternal not-being after death means this life does not exist.

>> No.6448215

Capitalist weltanschauung went so far up your ass that you literally equate life with your job that you have so you can enjoy free time when th day is over.

>> No.6448230

>A finite number, when compared to infinity, is considered zero

More like infinitely close to zero but not quite reaching it, I'd think

>> No.6448264


I meant that I realized reality is an illusion in a dream, nothing to do with actually experiencing death.

>> No.6449715

underrated post

>> No.6450559

Reality isn't an illusion.
Your dreams are, your imagination is.

>> No.6450800





You absolutely cannot say that with certainty.

>> No.6450904

I think I set my criteria perfectly well.

Whatever you want to think of "reality" it is not the "imagined"
One projects to our senses a real world while the other processes it into odd shapes.

>> No.6451100


How do you know your reality isn't constructed cognitively? My contrarian backpedaling an extension of your own internal combativeness. All seemingly real experiences dictated and projected by your emotions. Material objects you can see and touch equivalent to the images behind your eyelids. How can you know entities perceived via external senses are any different from those imagined? All input is equal upon realization, how can you say with certainty that the apparently physical is any different from the imagined?

>> No.6451141

>Material objects you can see and touch equivalent to the images behind your eyelids
They never are. I once tried to make a sandwich for my lunch to take to work. It was getting late and I had to pee so bad, but that damn sandwich kept getting unmade, over and over I wiped these fuzzy things that must have been my hands, around it to get it right and it just kept shifting around. Then the alarm went off.
If I'm still in some kind of dream scape, it's a long lasting one and it's images and sensory inputs are very elaborate. Am I living in a sort of purgatory before entrance to heaven or hell? Or birth maybe? I don't know, I *can't* know. But I shall it reality and enjoy my sandwiches.

>> No.6451197


>If I'm still in some kind of dream scape, it's a long lasting one and it's images and sensory inputs are very elaborate.

If you had clicked any of my links, they entail possible explanations for this.

>I don't know, I *can't* know

I would argue you can and that cancerous attitudes such as yours are, in part, what's preventing us from advancing to that knowledge.

>> No.6452162
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ITT: The wishful thinking of DNA Puppets

>> No.6452218

I personally assume that there is no afterlife. You were a sperm cell created by your father's body at some point in his life, in origin made of inorganic matter, carrying instructions to interact with other chemicals and build the complex animal that you are now. During the development of your body, a brain was created and with it your ability to think, feel self conscious, and write the shit I'm writing. By the very nature of your body, all the functions that work together now to make you move, think and all, will keep changing until they no longer work and I will die. This won't be anything special, nothing to fear. After all, you've been non-existent before, and only by means of what you are now - alive - and by the functions enabled by your body, you fear death. Schopenhauer would say one less universe will stop existing (world as will and interpretation).