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6444410 No.6444410 [Reply] [Original]

If you could put two people to talk to each other, any two people without being bound by space or time or language, who would you choose?

How would that dialogue play out?

pic unrelated

>> No.6444431

Guy Debord and Henry Kissinger

>> No.6444437

Joyce and Nabokov

>> No.6444438

Christopher Hitchens and GK Chesterton.

I think at least one of them would lose their shit, but it would be the most delightful and engaging shit-losing in the history of debate.

>> No.6444469

Hitler and Freud

>> No.6444486

Plato and Hegel

>> No.6444517

Nietzsche and Icycalm

>> No.6444527

Jesus and Stalin.

>> No.6444611

>How would that dialogue play out?

>> No.6444665

Hitler and Kanye West.

>> No.6444682
File: 19 KB, 261x326, russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche and the Buddha

>> No.6444686

Zizek and a hunter-gatherer shaman that lived in Mongolia 15000 years ago

>> No.6444688




>> No.6444692 [DELETED] 

Marx and Ron Paul

>> No.6444694

Well played.

>> No.6444697

Marx and Engels :^)

>> No.6444730

hitchens would lose the debate easily

>> No.6444834


>> No.6444835


>> No.6444861

Stirner and Marx

For eternity

>> No.6444864

Henry Rollins and Socrates

>> No.6444869

Ben Garrison and ben-Gurion.

>> No.6444889

Jesus Christ and Richard Dawkins

>> No.6445134

>the guys who organized the event have glasses of water next to both speakers
>jesus turns his into wine and takes a sip
>dawkins at his feet
>debate ends
>turns into a sign up + selfie line towards jesus

>> No.6445173
File: 24 KB, 331x334, 1429307433387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lao Tzu and Stirner

The result would be nothing less than a NEET compatible philosophy that could simultaneously satisfy the ego

>> No.6445179

>Hitchens starts throwing out his anti-theism
>Chesterton begins to unpack all the contradictions in Hitchens' thought
>Hitchens grows increasingly more irate and surly
>Hitchens by this point is chain-smoking and looks a bit disheveled
>Chesterton by now is on his fourth pint and is a bit rosy-cheeked but still perfectly lucid

>> No.6445198

"perrverrted obzene joke"

>> No.6445788

Napoleon and Gengis Khan

>> No.6445810

Lil ugly mane and Julius caesar

>> No.6445837

Donatien Alphonse Francois, Marquis De Sade (just after he got out of the Bastille) and Bill O'Reilly.

>> No.6445847
File: 32 KB, 360x480, fuck yo ideology nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek and another Zizek.

>Oh no, we are two Zizeks, and so on. *snrff*
>The reality of you seeing me as a second Zizek *snrnk* is a mere construction of ideology, and so on.
>I agree, would you like to eat out of the trashcan with me and so on?
>Very much *frnng* and so on.

>> No.6445850

The Marquis de Sade and Annette Schwarz

>> No.6445870
