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6444021 No.6444021 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread I am going to post photos I have taken while visiting literary historical sites. Feel free to join in if you have any of your own.

This first photograph is of Rudyard Kipling's house in Vermont.

>> No.6444037
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This is the House of Seven Gables in Salem, Massachusetts. It served as the inspiration for Nathaniel Hawthorne's book of the same name.

>> No.6444061
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>> No.6444073
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Street which Darwin lived on while attending college.

>> No.6444087
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This is the cafe where J.K. Rowling began her initial work on Harry Potter.

>> No.6444095

Any more Salem?

>> No.6444113
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Here is the view of Edinburgh Castle from the back window of the cafe in which J.K. Rowling began her initial work on Harry Potter. According to rumor, Rowling got some of the names for her characters from the headstones in the cemetery in the foreground.

>> No.6444124
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Here, the cell where Miguel de Cervantes was inspired to write Don Quixote. School trip.

>> No.6444127
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Here's the customs house which Hawthorne worked at.

>> No.6444135
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She also got a lot of names from movies.

>> No.6444137
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>> No.6444138
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Art the Writers' Museum in Edinburgh. This is a portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson.

>> No.6444143
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I visited Salem this past winter. Found out why the people there may have been driven crazy.

>> No.6444149

Nice. If you haven't you should check out the crucible, a play by auther miller based in Salem

>> No.6444153
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This is the Walter Scott memorial in Edinburgh.

>> No.6444158

Yes, I read it just prior to visiting.

>> No.6444174
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This is Merton College at Oxford, where Tolkien taught.

>> No.6444183
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A room at 221b Baker Street, the residence of Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.6444191
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>> No.6444203
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This is King's College at Cambridge, where Rupert Brooke, Salman Rushdie, and Zadie Smith studied, and where I did my abroad study.

>> No.6444231
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This is the orchard at Grantchester where Virginia Woolf and Rupert Brooke would go to get tea.

>> No.6444246
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This is the library at Pembroke College at Cambridge, where Ted Hughes attended school.

>> No.6444263
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This is Notre Dame; a cathedral in Paris which inspired the 1996 American animated film "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."

>> No.6444308
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This is the city of Avalon, on Santa Catalina Island in California, where Karl Marx penned his famous "Das Kapital" while living in a faux Spanish bungalow on the converse side of the island.

>> No.6444327

I remember noticing that a number of years ago but I had assumed it was coincidental.

>> No.6444340
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View from the library window at King's College.

>> No.6444348

How did you afford all these? Savings / Jobs / Rich parents?

>> No.6444351

How did I afford the photographs?

>> No.6444352
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I like to visit places like this too. Here are a couple of my own.

First one is Batemans, Rudyard Kipling's house in Sussex.

>> No.6444358

Yay, Kipling house buddies.

>> No.6444359
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I cried

>> No.6444363

>photos I have taken while visiting literary historical sites

>> No.6444369
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Eric Arthur Blair = George Orwell

also i just noticed that weird shadow on the last picture. wtf

>> No.6444370

That is what they are, yes.

>> No.6444372
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birthplace of Thomas Hardy. In Wessex, of course.

>> No.6444373

The travels, I meant.

>> No.6444375

I thought about visiting his grave when I was in Oxford, but it seemed difficult to get to and a bit out of the way.

>> No.6444388

Well, I live in New York so the travel to New England wasn't that expensive. The European photos are from when I was studying abroad, which I financed through a scholastic grant, a student loan, and some money from my family. I'm paying off the loan still, but I would gladly do it again if I could.

>> No.6444399
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Yes, it is in a quiet village called Sutton Courtenay. This is the church where the grave is. Orwell was a complex man and despite being an atheist and anti-Empire it was his last wish to be buried in an traditional English churchyard.

>> No.6444428

Shit that's comfy. Most libraries have a higher ceiling, removing the homeliness of it all.

>> No.6444450
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Jane Austen's house, Hampshire

>> No.6444454

Doing one of these trips next month in California. Nice pics OP, glad I'm not the only one who does this shit

>> No.6444484
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This is part of Lacock Abbey, which was the birthplace of photography (William Henry Fox Talbot lived here) and was also part of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films

>> No.6444521

I'm from California originally, and I'm actually moving back there (from NYC) in a couple of months. With the exception of Monterrey I wouldn't say there's much literary history there though.

>> No.6444532
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Dublin is a good place for this sort of thing

>> No.6444568

Most of what I'm doing is Brautigan, but I'll be picking up other beat stops too further north. Sadly, most of Big Sur that I'll get to see will be from the train, so I'll miss the Miller library and most of the Monterey pics due to time constraints. :( Going drinking in the bar Brautigan wrote a novel about in Bolinas though which is worth the couple thousand miles.

>> No.6446301

nice :)

>> No.6446378


>> No.6446411
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I've always wanted to visit what remains of Aristotle's School

>> No.6446447

fuck that bitch, HP is not literature

>> No.6447801

Ya huh

>> No.6448289


>> No.6448447

damn, good idea, now I do too