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6442798 No.6442798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you live in the UK and didn't go to Oxford or Cambridge for your undergraduate degree, you will NEVER EVER get a book published or get a worthwhile position in publishing, the media, politics, academia, or showbusiness.

>> No.6442803


>> No.6442806

Jk Rowling must be a figment of my imagination

>> No.6442829


>> No.6442879
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I had an interview for physics at Oxford. I was unsuccessful. tfw

>> No.6442902


Even being a STEM autist at Oxbridge gives you a better chance at OP's stuff than English at UCL / Durham / KCL

>> No.6442907
File: 19 KB, 390x470, 2590023-Oh-You-Make-Me-Cry-Laughing-Meme-Rage-Face-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw anglos have to study at expensive universities to be something

>> No.6442909

what is this ? what were the questions asked ?

>> No.6442939

Completely agree, shame at 16 I didn't realise how serious it would be.

>> No.6442954

It's why I emigrated and never ever regret it.

>> No.6442980

>thinking a BA matters
I'm on track to getting an incredibly high first, I'm interning at a very prestigious vintage books publisher and I'm almost guaranteed funding to take an MA. Who needs Oxbridge when you can be self-sufficient and fucking great at what you do?

>> No.6443003


>> No.6443033

The Netherlands is signifigantly cheaper and significantly more rigorous than most UK universities.

>> No.6443038

Give me an "O"!
Give me a "L"!
Give me an "I"!
Give me a "G"!
Give me an "A"!
Give me an "R"!
Give me a "C"!
Give me an "H"!
Give me a "Y"!

And what does it spell?

>> No.6443068

the exclusivity of the power doesn't change the fact that BAs are essentially worthless unless you take them to a higher study. If you have a masters from a prestigious university, then you're much better off - but anyone who manages to convince themselves that their little undergraduate degree is actually worth anything in the real world is a tad deluded.

>> No.6443072


you're retarded. it's unbelievable how little everyone on 4chan, from biz to pol to sci to everywhere, knows about careers

>> No.6443077

>any more expensive to go to than other unis

u wot m8?

>> No.6443079

Maybe I should be more specific - certain undergraduate degrees are worthless, and if your intentions are to be a writer then it's likely you've chosen one of those less valued subjects. But anyways - why don't you correct me on where I'm being 'retarded' instead of just being dismissive?

>> No.6443097

9000 a year is expensive nigguh
Still not as bad as our American chums

Most places in Europe are between free and about 3 grand a year

>> No.6443106


Yeah but a lower percentage of people go to uni on mainland yurop

Oh god, I fucking wish the plebs had never been encouraged to go to "yooonay!". I had the grades to get in to university even if I was born 30 years earlier. I was easily top X % (X < 10) and had the best grades in my schoolyear. My dad got a phd back when barely anyone even went to uni. my mum speaks 4 languages. my genetics were ready to go but i got zero career guidance and picked a shitty engineering subject at a yoonay in my hometown, ranked between 30 and 50 and I've only just realised what a huge mistake that was. I wish elliot rodger never left the uk.

>> No.6443127
File: 270 KB, 1724x464, le STEM masterrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their little undergraduate degree
>real world
>tad deluded

You forgot "special snowflake" too.

>> No.6443137

So what? My auntie has a phd in biochemistry and has spent her entire career working for Unilever, finding out how to lower the dairy percentage in butter and make it cheaper.Just because someone has a phd from a good university doesn't mean they aren't going to spend their lives doing shit things.

>> No.6443138

And to make a clever joke involving Starbucks

>> No.6443144

Just being part of the institution itself doesn't matter because they form exclusive groups within it based on a common pool of traits (including upbringing, family status, etc) and reject others from the same institution that are 'commoners'.

From this group comes the politicians, the businessmen and the mainstream intellectuals, pundits and artists.

I mean Jesus OP haven't you learned anything watching Stewart Lee's bit on David Cameron?

>> No.6443187

Daily reminder that English is a bad language for philosophy, community, singing technique and global media culture is killing English grammar.

>> No.6443208

Not like it matters. You get loans for the costs, and the conditions are so favourable that it really isn't a proper loan at all.

>> No.6443212
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god bless america
where REAL LITERATURE flourishes!

>> No.6443215

I know, that's why I've decided to live a life of crime riddled poverty and keep a secret journal detailing all the sordid affairs of my days, then bury it when I sense death approaching, so that it can be dug up and burnt for warmth by a future generation of future chavvy scene kid analogues

>> No.6443219

>Daily reminder
your first mistake, not only do you not daily remind us, we do not need a reminder of your opinion daily.
>that if you live in the UK and didn't
again, nice blog about your opinion, looks interesting.
mummy will get cross if you shout
4/10 could do better

>> No.6443328

What decade is this? Anyone can get a book published. I'd be surprised if many high academics do anything great from this point on. Having a successful book nowadays is more about being an entrepreneur. Academics choose the safe life.

>> No.6443542

>tfw going up to read English at oxford this October
feels good man

>> No.6443689

Because instead of wasting 150k on a worthless piece of paper, they are busy working or learning a real, actual job.

>> No.6443977

I am not knowing myself to care.

>> No.6444199

I've got an offer to study History at Cambridge. Suck me off OP

>> No.6444219

damn anon, this just depressed the hell out of me. brb going to kill myself

>> No.6444407

This is entirely untrue. Scotland has some of the best universities in the UK, yet it's free.

>St. Andrews

>> No.6444413

I'm very envious of you.

>> No.6444417

Helpful reminder OP is an Americunt and probably thinks public schooling is free and subpar.

>> No.6444439

>Adam Thirlwell graduated from the University of Oxford
>Zoe Pilger graduated from the University of Cambridge
>Zadie Smith graduated from the University of Cambridge
>Ned Beaumann graduated from the University of Cambridge

>> No.6444471
File: 244 KB, 610x475, whyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>August - get 5 As at AS
>Late November - find out I got an interview for PPE at Oxford at my preferred college
>actually have a chance to achieve what I want to do
>Have spent the past 6 months going through in my head what the interview could be like if I get one, what would I say
>Have passionate discussions with myself to prepare myself for it, think im gonna show how much I care and I'm not just going into PPE to get a first and then fuck off to some think tank or go to the guardian
>Go down to Oxford for the interview
>barely say anything, they ask me on a topic which was related to a dissertation I wrote
>croak out a few words
>Realize the moment I walk out the first interview im fucked
>get recalled for a third interview at a different college
>do better but still fuck up some really basic questions (deductive logic) because I just froze up
>slimmer of hope
>Christmas time I get rejected from LSE
>Come January as expected I get rejected from Oxford
>Come March I get rejected from UCL
>Rejected from every uni I wanted to go to

I was so close and all my prospects just melted away


>> No.6444474

>tfw Zadie Smith did a talk at my sixth form and because I was le gifted english student I got/had to have lunch with her beforehand
>tfw she was a tedious cunt and I spent the entire forty-five minutes wishing I'd gone down to Tescos with my friends
Literally any moron can get into Oxbridge you retards, just work vaguely hard, be a minority and have an influential father.

>> No.6444477

You posted this like a year ago didn't you?

Also how was her father influential?

>> No.6444478

Fuck bro you could have ruled the word
Well, maybe next year you won't be a retard?

>> No.6444485

it doesn't how much of a thing people make of applying to oxford so the rejection is even more humiliating

>> No.6444489

>PPE at Oxford

Hahaha you stupid fucking cunt I'm glad you were rejected

>> No.6444492

>doing as
>start off with 5
>drop to 4 bc 2much work
>drop to 3 because maths is too hard
>all that free time and i still don't revise for my work
Exams are gonna be bad

>> No.6444494

>Finish A2s
>Get A*AAA
>Do work experience/have fun/something interesting for a year
>Overcome your autism
>Apply to university again
>Get anti-anxiety medication from GP
>Get into universities you want to
Your prospects are still there you autistic fuck, get a grip.

Yes, I did. I wasn't necessarily implying she had/has influential parents. The third line of my post was mainly tangential to my initial comments on Zadie Smith.

>> No.6444495

What...? For A-levels you do AS exams in the first year, then you apply to university in the beginning of your second year based on what you've achieved at AS plus your predicted grades for A2. I'm not sure what you're on about

>> No.6444507

>Maths is hard
AS maths is actually one of the easiest things on the fucking planet that isn't your whore mother, holy shit. A2 mathematics is actually vaguely difficult, but only to the extent that you have to actually do work. You were fucked from the moment you were conceived, Anon. Your brain is shit. Just lower your standards for life a little bit and you'll be okay though.

>> No.6444509

Jesus fuck now I hope you don't get in. See >>6444494 and reapply but if you can't work out A level applications you really shouldn't be left in.

>> No.6444515

I just don't understand your point. Applications are mostly done before you've finished your A-levels unless you're going on a gap year. I know I can reapply again in September, but that doesn't make the current situation any less disheartening.

>> No.6444519
File: 616 KB, 800x1200, mp_brutalismus-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you have got an unconditional from KCL for physics and Philosophy?
Oxford looks quaint and fancy and everything but is it seriously going to top MOTHERFUCKING LONDON?

I didn't even apply to Oxbridge add I had my mind set on London and applied to LSE UCL KCL Impers and RHUL

When I visited KCL seemed the nicest atmosphere and the lecturers were total bros so I feel I made the right mistake.

But then some girl gets an offer for Norse and Celtic studies from Cambridge and she gets a photo published in the local paper and I feel totally worthless.

It's a really stifling attitude we have in England to heap all of this significance on Oxbridge when the London unis and certain redbricks and Russells (Manchester Bristol Leeds etc.) Are just as influential when it comes to research and input into the scientific community.

>> No.6444524

>He thinks Kings is any good


probably the 5th best uni in london m9

>> No.6444529

no m8 that's your mum

>> No.6444534

Scotland isnt free for English people.

>> No.6444539

>I know I can reapply again in September, but that doesn't make the current situation any less disheartening.
It should though. Stop being a spastic. You won't lost long in the real world if you allow yourself to get stressed about things like that.

>> No.6444554

That's the thing, I know i could get it, but my brain just feels so stupid. I smashed core 1 and then sort of went through core 2 in a daze and got a U in end if unit test. By that ti me I was trying to catch up with core 2 we started mechanics and I know nothing about that too FUCK

>> No.6444558

> be Finnish
> Get 41 IB predicted
> Apply to England
> Ox Hist/Politics, LSE Econ Hist./Environment and Developement/Sociology, King's Political Economy
> Put delayed entry because muh army, later realize that this fucked my shit up hard
> Go to the Ox interview in New College
> Zero practice because I was not aware of how seriously people took this shit. Just sat in the college lobby all day reading The Third Policeman and occasionally hanging out with two other Finns there (other didn't get in, other did get into Law in Balliel or whatever the college right next to Blackwells is)
> Semi-autist politics, but ace history
> Don't get accepted
> Two rejections from LSE the same day
> Feel devastated, decide to go to Uni of Helsinki for comparative litearture
> Middle of March
> Have offer from Kings, where I wouldn't want to go, and thats it
> LSE Sociology just randomly gives a very easy offer (37/45 and I was predicted 42/45)
> Everything seems like a smooth sail now
Its a shame really that I can't re-apply to Oxford now though without losing the LSE spot.

>> No.6444562

mechanics is the easiest fucking thing in the world lmao. There's only like five things you actually need to know to get an A in it. I get that it's daunting but I guarantee the only problem is that you're not working hard ot efficiently. Start working, do two hours of maths a day, hire a personal tutor if you're still failing at that point.

Oh wait exams are like two weeks from now disregard that you're fucked. good luck.

>> No.6444570

For physphil (which isn't offered at Imperial or LSE) it ranks top.
It's 16th in the world (overall) according to QS and 5th in Europe.
It's the fourth oldest in the UK and has famous alumni such as Higgs, Galton, Maxwell, Crick and Watson and NAPOLEON ffs


It's a pretty decent uni

>> No.6444573

Lol you got it, time is not on my side so I gave up. that's why I'm on 4chan right now

>> No.6444576

>living in the UK to begin with

>> No.6444577

I mean real talk if you're gona live in UK as late teens/20s you wana be in London (assuming you can afford it). Having said that, if you have oppertunity to go to Oxford and you don't take it you're a fucking moron. You have rest of your life to live in London, getting that Oxford education is gona get you so much further in life.

>> No.6444578

> 2 hours a day + possible tutor
> easiest thing ever
stop undervaluing youselves math nerds

>> No.6444583

> Overall rank
doesnt really matter now does it when there is 0 interaction between subjects

>> No.6444584

To be fair though who knows what to make of uni rankings. On the national rankings it barely makes top 20.

>> No.6444585

Well how about post-grad?

>> No.6444588

If you're capable of disregarding your emotions no matter if you know how nonsensical they are then you're a lucky person

>> No.6444606

Again, if you can study at Oxbridge you should probably stay there. London is great, it really is but unless there is some great career advancement oppertunity to be had by studying there you might as well study at the best. Besides both Oxford and Cambridge aren't that far from London anyway, can always travel their.

>> No.6444613

I got nice offers from Glasgow and Aberdeen
Never going to forgive myself though that Edinburgh rejected me

>> No.6444620

Meh, I'm probably not going to go there because I'm a habitually lazy fuckup. But honestly, I found the application process stupidly easy. My interviewers were all extremely impressed when I knew basic political philosophy. The interview at Queen Mary was probably tougher.

I dunno, might ask them if they'll lower their offer, see if I can get away with that.

>> No.6444623

On a related note who has done English Literature A-level? Seems pretty vital for applying for English Literature at university here - as in almost all universities require it for some reason. Is it anything like studying English Lit at uni?

>> No.6444627

It's exactly the same. Makes you wonder though, dunnit, why a course on English Litereature expects you to have shown interest and to have studied it at A level?

>> No.6444639

Shocking that a person's interests could change from 15 to 18-19, or that someone could be turned off English Literature during secondary, isn't it?

>> No.6444640


>Mind set on London
> applied to RHUL

RHUL is not in London.

If you actually got an offer from LSE / Imperial, go there instead.

>> No.6444643

Yeah RH is a huge troll about that.

>> No.6444661

>Ian McEwan
>Terry Pratchett
>Neil Gaiman
>JK Rowling
>George Orwell
That was hard.

>> No.6444691

Did you not see what I wrote?
LSE and Imperial don't over physics and philosophy joint Msci
So I applied for physics at imperial and philosophy and LSE. Got the same offer from both: A*AA.

King's do offer PhysPhil which is what my heart was set on so that is my decision. Also UCL was lacklustre on visit and was full of tossers from private schools.

Did I really fuck up that much by totally writing off the idea of Oxbridge? I grew up in Cambridge and am just about dick of the place and Oxford was a really dingy place when I visited - it was just a smaller shit version of London with shootout shittier pubs, clubs and restaurants... It was just a huge reality check when that girl had a huge amount of attention for getting a place for Norse studies at cambs.

I should feel proud for being one of the few from my state school for getting a good STEM offer from a top London uni but I dread the possibility that I'll spend the rest of my life being made to fell thick by Oxbridge alumni :/

>> No.6444696

∆∆Sorry for all the typos... My phone's autocorrect is really fucking annoying

>> No.6444699

There's a hell of a lot more reading, they expect you to be almost entirely independent on your ability to analyse and you do delve into the theoretical side quite a bit, which I actually prefer to the textual analysis side of things.

>> No.6444729

>they expect you to be almost entirely independent on your ability to analyse
Is this the case with Scottish universities as well? I always loved theory and thinking for myself, but I still think it should be taught. Otherwise, people may believe that they can make out anything of the literature they read.

>> No.6444783


In terms of prestige, for me it would be LSE>Imperial>>UCL>>KCL but if LSE and Imperial don't offer the course you really want to do then I guess you can justify rejecting them for KCL.

>Did I really fuck up that much by totally writing off the idea of Oxbridge?

You should've applied since RHUL is not even in London and is a shit uni.

>> No.6444794

RHUL isn't too bad. It's actually quite pretty.

Hmmmm. Maybe reapply next year?

>> No.6444826

what is there possibly for a STEM student in LSE

>> No.6444831

Maths you numbnut.

Regardless, I applied to LSE for philosophy

>> No.6444837

you at Hills?

>> No.6444862

>undergraduate degree

It literally doesn't matter what uni you go to

>> No.6444867

No haha. They are the well-off kids. They all end up at Oxbridge anyway.

>> No.6444877


>Rejected by LSE Philosophy TWO WEEKS after applying

Also, what does everyone think about the New College of the Humanities?

Is it worth it? I have an offer (and full scholarship) but I think i'm going to reject it for UCL!

>> No.6444898

We could be London friends.
LSE has a lot of Asian students that are really boring. UCL and KCL have the reputation of being more "fun". And between the two of those UCL is definitely more blue blooded.
I'd have expected stand poly would be more popular on lit as it is still quite religious and had a beautiful chapel - whereas UCL is kinda secular

>> No.6444901


Sorry m8 you fucked up. I live in Cambridge too (currently drinking my way through a gap yah) and I'm going to Oxford in October to read English (turned down UCL, KCL, Bristol, St Andrews etc). You have the rest of your life to live in London/Paris/New York (I'm aiming for a first and then Columbia for post-grad) and fuck around on the actual literary scene, but there's no other universities in the world that come close to the Oxbridge undergraduate experience. To be honest though, if you decided not to apply to Oxford on the basis of the "pubs, clubs and restaurants" then clearly you aren't Oxford material


Which college?

>> No.6444918

This thread makes me feel old. I didn't go to oxford and I've done alright. Once you've got a job nobody cares. As long as you go somewhere half decent, get a 2.1, get some experience you'll end up fine. Maybe not straight away, but I'm 4 years out of uni now and most people seems to be finding their groove career wise. The ones who arn't were idiots in the first place.

Oh and don't bother doing a masters unless someone else is paying for it. Or you want to do something specialised. Everyone has masters now, it's nothing special. Just means you didn't know what to do after uni so took another year. Careerwise there is no difference between my friends with masters and those without.

just go to a decent uni, study something half sensible, do alright, move to london afterwards (only rich foreigners go to uni in london), get a job a bit shitter than you expected (for most its temporary) and enjoy yourself spending fiver a drink to stand outside a pub in central london.