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/lit/ - Literature

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6442378 No.6442378 [Reply] [Original]

I like stories about loners, rebels, misanthropes, people isolated from society, clearly exceptional and possibly more intelligent than those around them but largely going unnoticed. What are some good books with those kind of characters? I've read basic stuff like The Stranger (it's okay) and know Dostoevsky is good for this sort of thing.

>> No.6442391

>rebels, misanthropes
>possibly more intelligent than those around them
Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.6442549

The God Delusion.

>> No.6442557


>> No.6442625

Herman Hesse, Steppenwolf.
Gustav Meyrink, The Golem

>> No.6442641
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>> No.6442659

I suppose Catcher in the Rye sort of qualifies, though I despised Holden Caulfield the whole time.

>> No.6442711

L'Etranger - Camus
The sailor who feel from grace with the sea - Mishima
Hesse has been mentioned but narcissus and goldmund is my favourite - beneath the wheel is really good too
Also sprach Zarathustra qualifies to an extent as well I guess
Notes from the underground - Dostoevsky
The outsider - Colin Wilson
DH Lawrence wrote some beautiful short stories on this theme.
Jean Jacques Rousseau's confessions counts too (tenuously)

That's all I've got off the top of my head.

>> No.6442715

The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys by Scott Furhman

>> No.6442955


>> No.6443590

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.6443681

Don't tell me you think you see something of yourself in those characters

>> No.6443880

Heinrich Böll - The Clown

>> No.6443891

Pretty much anything John Hawkes ever wrote.

>> No.6443897

that's a good one too

>> No.6445318

Molloy by Samuel Beckett

>> No.6447236
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There's this guy called Markoff Chaney

>> No.6448906

war and war

>> No.6448922

The Day of the Locust

>> No.6448935

top book. rereading it now for the third or fourth time. george just got to hagbard's submarine :^)

>> No.6448958

Seconding all the Hesse works
Actually came to post Steppenwolf, it is most like what you are asking for, Narcissus and Goldmund are also very good and basically fit, too. I would also add his Siddhartha to the list.

Also seconding Notes from Underground

Will also add The Professor and the Madman (or The Surgeon of Crowthorne, depending on where you are) by Simon Winchester. Fantastic nonfiction book about a psycho who was one of the people most responsible for publishing the first Oxford English Dictionary

>> No.6448972

By psycho I mean fucking bat-shit crazy to where he is put in an institute for the criminally insane.

>> No.6448980
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>no my twisted world

you guys didn't mention the best fucking one

>> No.6448997

Pee Wee's Big Adventure

I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.

>> No.6449030

I fucking love this movie.

>> No.6450014

American Psycho deals pretty powerfully with alienation, though Bateman isn't smarter than his peers.

>> No.6450029

The Supreme Gentleman was sadly borderline-retarded though.

>> No.6450044

That movie is actually awesome. Completely forgot about it. Thanks dude.

>> No.6450050

The Savage Detectives
Another Country
Confessions of a Mask

>> No.6450065

>I like these books because I'm a lone wolf special snowflake who's smarter than the rest of these common humans

>> No.6450073

The Red and the Black
A Hero of Our Time

>> No.6450078

Tropic of Cancer
Ask the Dust

>> No.6450082

>I'm a lone wolf special snowflake who's smarter than the rest of these common humans
Fight Club

>> No.6450108


But it's true anon, 4chan makes you believe otherwise but because of muh inferiority complex.

Chances are that you are already above average of people, and maybe above with people you often speak with