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6441963 No.6441963 [Reply] [Original]

What's the scariest book you have ever read?

>> No.6441977


>> No.6441980

There Will Come Soft Rains (short story)

>> No.6441990


Though probably not "scary" in the way you're thinking.

>> No.6442014

Den of Thieves
Retirement Heist

>> No.6442094

...scary how then. Read V. plenty of times. Scary how?

>> No.6442202

The Ego and His Own.
Very spooky.

>> No.6442224

It was like looking into a broken fun house mirror and not liking what any of the reflections showed.

I'm not going to explain in any more detail than that.

>> No.6442229

Lost in the Funhouse, the short story

>> No.6442254

What do you find scary about it? I just find it annoying and desperate, like most of Bradbury's work.

>> No.6443965

The part where the children are literally dismantling the woman is pretty scary, or more disturbing than scary I guess.

>> No.6443993

My diary

>> No.6444481

Don't know if I'd use "scary" to describe it, but the last chapter of The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea almost had me sweating.

A great, anxious ending.

>> No.6444550

although this is sure to be an unpopular opinion, i find koontz's early work to be pretty spoopy. obviously anything in the last 15 years blows.

twilight eyes will always be one of my favorite stories. phantoms. intensity.

>> No.6445233

The bible.

j/k I don't read trash.

>> No.6445242

The Amityville Horror was really scary for me. Served as a stile to better books though.

>> No.6445278

that god character is a stone cold psychopath

>> No.6445286

Gustav Meyrink's Der Golem

Not scary per se but weird, eery and creepy.
It reads like a mix between Kafka and Dostoevsky.

>> No.6445444

Naked Lunch

>> No.6445662

Was also gonna post Naked Lunch. Shit's scary.

>> No.6445678

Naked Lu--oh my god! Spooky!!!!!!!

>> No.6445680


>> No.6445688

Boo! by Donald Dane


>> No.6445698

I can't really get scared at books without feeling tremendously silly, but the eeriest story I've read goes to Lovecraft's "The Music of Erich Zann".

>> No.6446381

House on the Borderland.
Lovercraftian bullshit that actually gave me anxiety.

>> No.6446492 [DELETED] 


What an embarrassingly shallow interpretation

>> No.6446500 [DELETED] 


So you're saying you do get scared at books but you feel silly when you realize that you're scared?

>> No.6446504

It's not an interpretation at all though. It's just a description of how it made me feel.

>> No.6446511

Green Eggs and Ham

spooki shit right here

>> No.6446554

The Zombie Survival Guide

Call me a pleb but the dry, encyclopedic style made it come alive in a very subtle, subliminal way, to the point where it started to invade my psyche.

>> No.6446617 [DELETED] 

Semantics, you clearly either skimmed it or you read on a 6th grade level

>> No.6446644

I could say the same about your reading level since you don't know what the word semantics means.

>> No.6446658 [DELETED] 


>conflating reading with writing
>not recognizing the semantic caprice in making a distinction between "interpretation" and "description of how the work made me feel"

Oh, you poor low-IQ little man

>> No.6446662

Haven't been legitimately scared by a novel yet. The scariest things I've read are certain parts of House of Leaves and Ted's Caving Journal

>> No.6446672 [DELETED] 


>scared by TCJ

Fucking pussy lmao

>> No.6446795

The Shock Doctrine

Nothing is scarier than real life Neoliberalism

>> No.6446822

But seriously speaking, it's the Bible.

>> No.6446861

along with the last question, that's babby's first sf and you should feel bad

>> No.6447115



>> No.6447129

undercooked roast

>> No.6447144

This may not be the scariest story, but I agree it's one of those that left a strong impression on me. Good taste.

>> No.6448575


>> No.6448579

>the inevitable outcome of scary writers threads


>> No.6449463


>> No.6449851

Has Stephen King ever written anything that anyone here finds scary?

>> No.6451382

Youre forgetting Lovecraft

>> No.6451402

The Tommyknockers is actually a meta exploration of alcoholism in exposition between the main character's obsession and her acquaintences actual addiction. He unknowingly wrote a solid allegory while drunk as a skunk himself.

Same thing with cujo, the situation with the barking dog paralelling his coke addiction and it's effects on family dynamics.

Interestingly enough these books are considered among his worst and written off as "he was too fucked up to write a good story", but offer the most insight into The Human Condition when projected against his essence or whatever.

>> No.6451610
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>> No.6452796

So do all of those connections with addiction rely on death of the author to pick up, or did he ever knowingly write about it like that?

>> No.6452818

How can a book even be scary?

>> No.6453138

Not a book, but I found Gas Station Carnivals really creepy. Really all of Ligotti is creepy.

>> No.6453169

Why couldn't it be?

>> No.6453222

Under The Skin

>> No.6453619

Pet Sematary, although the scariest part for me wasn't the supernatural stuff but more the way Gage's death and the aftermath are described. Just felt horribly real.

>> No.6453658
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It was pic related, but "scary" more in the sense of anxiety-inducing. It was a horror in a helpless, alienating kind of way.

>inb4 meme pick
Give me a break, I don't read spooky stuff. And yes, Stephen King can be very scary.

>> No.6453698
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