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File: 60 KB, 800x567, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6441718 No.6441718 [Reply] [Original]

>Marx and Hegel debunked
>Communism defeated 10x over
>Faggots like pic related still cling to their commie ideology

I don't even know what to say /lit/. It's not the pregnant 56 year old crack whore standing on a street corner trying to make a buck that makes me lose faith in humanity, its people like Zizek.

>> No.6441724

Irony here is that this is what they teach at so many universities now.

>> No.6441731

Who the fuck debunked Hegel?

>> No.6441733

>we aren't currently living in a communist paradise, therefore hegel debunked

>> No.6441749



>> No.6441754

holy shit rofl.

>> No.6441757
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>I have no argument

>> No.6441767

I don't understand a single fucking thing he says. What is wrong with me?

>> No.6441774


Nothing. You should be asking yourself, "What's right with me?"

>> No.6441777

>Its going to happen, I swear on the ghost of a 200 year old ideologue!

>> No.6441781
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Why are people who hate Marx always so agressive and misinformed?

>> No.6441784
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Marxism is the opium of the intellectuals.

>> No.6441795
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Dude, schopenhauer is at best an alternative view and skepticism to the volksgeist of Hegel.

But people of different ages do tend to act within certain patterns. so to call the human will 'totally' directionless qua thing-in-itself (whether or not such a will exists) seems to be less 'evident' than Hegel's version of human will.

So whats which all the "pure ideology" talk if you are so willing to back up on it yourself?

>> No.6441806

What did Hegel actually do besides playing word games?

>> No.6441811

he created a science of metaphysics

>> No.6441818


>> No.6441821


most philosophy is just semantics and words

>> No.6441833

How so?
But good philosophy has real life application, like predicate logic, the scientific method, and falsification.

>> No.6441852


>> No.6441855


How could such a poor writer get such a following? I feel like his fanbase must have never actually attempted to read any of his shit.

>> No.6441858

created an entirely new way of interpreting history.

There is a podcast called "the partially examined life" if you know literally nothing about Hegel its a good place to start and see what he was actually trying to do.

That whole "word games" meme is makes you look fairly retarded (no offense)

>> No.6441870
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When they see Marx they see a blood thirsty madman. They equate him and his work as Satanic or at best advocating totalitarianism. They think he inspired Stalin to kill millions of Russians.

If they don't actually believe these kinds of things, they actively try to smear the man's image.

He seemed like a jerk, but a well meaning smart dude.

>> No.6441887


>Responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions
>nah anon he was a nice guy

>> No.6441888

Philosophy should be applicable to real life, even Thales could predict good harvests and stuff.

>> No.6441897

>Hundreds of millions
Just keep upping that number, Naziman.

>> No.6441901

Kierkegaard destroyed his arguments

>> No.6441909


>implying I'm not hostile to Nazi's as well

Just as bad. I'm tired of all you fucking extremists screwing up our world.

>> No.6441916

you can't really debunk stuff that isn't falsifiable, which is neither an endorsement of Hegel/Marx nor a denouncement

>> No.6441923
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, friedrich-hegel-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>history is the dialectical progression of the World Spirit, culminating in the Prussian state and my philosophy

Fuck Hegel

>> No.6441928

Apologies, we get a lot of extremes in here.
I'm not Stalin apologist, but he isn't responsible for killing that many people.

>> No.6441970

Wooo posting in a shit thread yeahhhh

Firstly: you cannot debunk a philosophical argument, particularly a metaphysical one (as in, the majority if Hegel's arguments). You can make valid arguments against it, but they do not invalidate the previous argument if it itself is logically sound. If this were actually the case, no one would ever discuss any philosopher more than a century old.

Secondly: when a philosopher makes a claim, he is not immediately taken up in the arms of some higher power and placed on some throne (only to be booted off as soon as someone makes a good counter response to his line of thought). Philosophers are not necessarily RIGHT. They cannot be proven as such.

Therefore, this argument is pointless. Thank you, OP, you mighty sage (in all fields)

>> No.6441973

Because his ideas are sound. Brilliant. Kant was just as bad.

>> No.6441978

Sound logic didn't even exist in Hegel's time.

>> No.6442006


To be fare, you weren't exactly forthcoming with elaborations as to just how "schoppy" demolished hegel

>> No.6442025



Whose to say who is extremist and who isn't? Intellectuals defended the status quo of Rome, and it was an empire of slaves. You don't know shit about whether capitalism or the current social democracies are the best systems in the world.

>> No.6442040
File: 1.63 MB, 2031x2708, karl-marx-statue-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx is basically the Charles Darwin of the social sciences. He explained the evolutionary process of human society through its organisation of production and distribution, and therefore denied any particular society and the people at the top of any particular socioeconomic arrangement the right to see the structures surrounding them as a manifestation of some timeless biological, moral or religious precept. He also laid the groundwork for understanding social, cultural and historical constructs, despite the fact that the people who internalize them take it as a second nature, and explained our "consciousness" as an extension of material reality.

The people who hate him are exactly the same people who think Evolution is a lie, except that they replace God by "Human Nature" and then commit the same fallacies.

During the mid 20th century the comparison between Marx and Darwin was pretty common, both for the nature of their works and the fact that they were often "blamed" by the opposition for the two biggest totalitarian systems of the 20th century: Stalin "discredited" Marx for liberal economists just like back then it was widely repeated by religious people that Hitler, the Nazis and Eugenics had "discredited" Darwin.

It's also important to notice something singular about Karl Marx: he's the only thinker that, in order to stay against him, you *have* to stay absolutely ignorant about his writings and philosophy and how his system has been greatly developed and improved since he first created it. People like OP for example obviously take a weird, cynical pride in this ignorance.

>> No.6442045


Oh, the ideology. This is exactly the type of person who likes to describe himself as a "moderate" because he cleverly chose the middle ground between the two choices offered him.

>> No.6442057


I would say anyone is justified in calling anyone an extremist whose views are so sufficiently distant from one's own perspective that from the point of view of one's own interpretative framework the other's ideas are logically concluded to be both dangerous and irrational.

Convincing anyone else that someone has this property is a case by case thing.

>> No.6442060

You mean, social 'sciences'.

>> No.6442068

I agree.

>> No.6442075

Well, he was a scum bag, for several reasons. But the character of a person doesn't effect their thoughts or intellectual work. Thomas Jefferson raped his slaves, etc. But trying to strawman those that are disgusted by communism by saying its all ad hominem is futile, because you're wrong. I will say this, because a creepy rapist that never leaves the house means he hadn't the slightest idea how humans interact. Having never had a job or trying to provide for the children of his victims means he couldn't ever know what the conditions in workplaces really were like. So of course, someone so shut off from real human life would think that democracy is great and wonder and never goes wrong, that mobs bring out the best in people, etc.

He was an awful person, but of course that's not related to his awful and stupid philosophy, that enabled literal gangsters to take over governments and kill millions and millions. You brought it down to him as a person, so I'll discuss what a shitty person he was. If you want to make it about the ideas, I'll just discuss how shitty the ideas are.

>> No.6442090


ahh..natures natural debunker. Honestly, philosophy isn't anything but made up bullshit. They're all fucking worthless.

That produce nothing, that create nothing, they progress nothing, they add nothing to society, they add nothing to mankind, and they absolutely add NOTHING worth studying for a degree in absolute made up mumbo jumbo horse cock.

>> No.6442091

>Faggots like pic related still cling to their commie ideology

Zizek is literally the biggest redpiller for commie wannabes today. Watch him call out Chomsky on his Khmer Rouge bullshit:


Zizek is the hero communism needs, and the hero capitalism deserves.

>> No.6442107

Well, OP's fellow "debunkers" of Marx and Hegel have arrived.

>> No.6442110

Holy shit someone actually typed out an intelligent response.

>> No.6442112

Agreed. Ideas -- for example, let us say democracy -- have no bearing on the real world.

>> No.6442116

>Watch him call out Chomsky on his Khmer Rouge bullshit:

On his defense, Chomsky's Khmer Rouge faux pas was very common back then. He belonged to the generation who were raised hearing all types of Horror stories about Cuba and Russia, they'd be stupid if they were not skeptical.

>> No.6442149

>only communist/socialist experiments to exist took a turn to the FAR right into fascism so "communism can never work"
>capitalism exists so it hasn't failed us yet

This is what conservatives actually believe.

>> No.6442150

i hate USA

>> No.6442154

Lol. marx's theory of history wasn't great. Most of the events that really shape history aren't explained by historical materialism, or whatever cunty term that slime used. The social sciences in general are shit, a whole wing of learning that's meant only to reenforce state domination, as with the rest of marxism.

Yea, all smart people believe evolution. Most smart people aren't marxists. Your point is worthless shit.

The Soviets and the Nazis were both inspired by marx. That the master race idea could even sorta be inspired by Darwin or evolution is laughable then and now. marx discredited himself.

I've read some marx and engles. It all makes me realize how wrong it is and how I'm wasting my time and shouldn't read anymore.

You should read the Bible. You'll become a Christian if you read the Bible. Only people that don't read the Bible disagree with it. Anti-marxists read more marx than marxists.

>> No.6442184

>le production meme

it's like you haven't even read this thread lol

>> No.6442213


wen b8 so gr8 u palpit8 n prostr8 b4 in a st8 of 8/8

>> No.6442225

This entire post is priceless

>> No.6442231

The comparison between Marx and Darwin is a bit awkward because Darwin didn't go on to claim "and so nature is shit but we'll inevitably evolve into some sort of vaguely-described perfect species that will solve all our current problems". Also, the appropriate comparison for 'discrediting' isn't eugenics = stalin, it's eugenics = Marxism-leninism

If you were to take out all Marx's predictions about muh gommunism, you'd have one of the greatest pessimistic thinkers of all time, but he can't stop gravitating towards handwavey utopian bullshit.

>> No.6442249

Marx is the shittiest SJW troll of all time.

>> No.6442261

I wish /pol/ would be deleted so there would be more posts like this to just wonder at on /lit/

>> No.6442288

>The comparison between Marx and Darwin is a bit awkward because Darwin didn't go on to claim "and so nature is shit but we'll inevitably evolve into some sort of vaguely-described perfect species that will solve all our current problems".

I think it was already pretty evident for him that man no longer has any "adapting" to do so our evolution on a Darwinian sense was already pretty much over. Marx on the other hand showed up during the twilight of a new mode of production, a new ruling class, a new Ideology, etc. so he understood that the engines behind our advancement as a society are still operating. To put it briefly, our biology stops evolving when we cease to struggle with nature for survival, and our society stops evolving when we cease to depend upon an economic base that leads to a class-based society.

>> No.6442320

/pol/ is the single worst thing that happened to 4chan.

"Hey, how about we create a board, that normalizes activism and politics on 4chan that will blatantly get overrun with Stormfront swarmers and bugs again like the last 3 times!"

I thought after Chanology, everyone realized what a fucking shithole 4chan was for political discussion and activism. Nope, gotta create a megaphone for the stormfags.

If Moot really did believe it would act as a containment board, then he really fucking lost touch with the reality of how 4chan works.

>> No.6442348

agreed strongly with that last bit. Capital is like a detailed description of a plane crash, to the point where I can't figure out why he's so sure (mostly in his other work, incidentally) it'll actually land on a cloud made of puppies and rainbows.

>> No.6442361

You can always go to tumblr if you want to be a left wing activist.

>> No.6442387

I don't care about that, I just don't like /pol/'s shitty ideology having a platform.

>> No.6442389

Why would anyone want to be left wing, or an activist, let alone a left wing activist? Kids are so fucking stupid.

>> No.6442400

>Anyone who has a view I disagree with shouldn't be allowed to express it
Why are you even on 4chan?

>> No.6442405

I don't think he was as deterministic as you're suggesting and although I haven't read it myself, I do remember marxists here saying that he wrote about the possibility of the wealth-producing classes becoming passive and allowing capitalism to remain in place even after it has outlived its usefulness, which seems to be the stage we're living in. And I think the fact he lived in days where revolutions happened all the time might have fueled his optimism a bit.

But yeah, I too don't share his hopes for the future at all, particularly because he didn't live to see our age of "transnational" capitalism, of outsourcing, of economic interdependence and so on. Any revolution today could easily be starved to death without a single bullet fired.

>> No.6442414

Does this look like a lolbertarian board to you?

>> No.6442429

Zizek explicitly calls for cenzorsheep. Now more than ever, dogmatically. We should not, as it were, tolerate, even a discussion about rape, except this one you know and so on.

>> No.6442433

Example please.

>> No.6442435


Dude speaking of libertarians, what the hell happened to them? They were everywhere on 2010, but I rarely see one today.

>> No.6442436

the tendency of the rate of profit to decline is pretty deterministic, much more directly so than his broad dialectical work elsewhere. but, y'know, everybody should read Capital, everybody takes different things from it, etc.

>> No.6442441

This post holy shit.

>> No.6442445

National Socialism is the flavour of the new generation. All those old libertarians grew out of it.

>> No.6442447

This post is a legitimate 4/10 bait wise. Being angry at a field doesn't invalidate it chum.

>> No.6442468

i was a libertarian in 2010, then realized how retarded it is.

>> No.6442474

>>Marx and Hegel debunked
How so?
>>Communism defeated 10x over
How so?
Please, provide a short essay(about 50 pages) of you "debunking" basic premises of Marxism, Hegelianism and communism. Focus specifically on Marxian economics. I'll check back this evening and write you a detailed response.

>> No.6442475
File: 253 KB, 1152x1506, freedom was terrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know we have to stamp out your stupidity quickly before you get in power and destroy economies and genocide a few million people

>> No.6442476

Hegel does not suggest Communism...
If I recollect he refers to both Communism and Monarchy,
but it was obviously a pre-Feuerbach conception of Communism.

>> No.6442482

>Marxian economics
M8, no. I'm a Marxist, but Marxian economics is easily the weakest field of Marxism.

>> No.6442489

He's right dumbass

>> No.6442493

This, anons, is what is meant by misinformed.

>implying you have anything beyond a third-hand knowledge of Marxist philosophy

I honestly hope you do, because if you are any more familiar with Marx and would still present arguments like this, you should be in remedial English. Your comprehension would be that bad.

>> No.6442497

But Hegel has a million real life applications... Psychoanalysis, Clausewitzian theory, Marxism, Prussian constitutionalism, foundations of anarchism and fascism, existentialism, egoism are all Hegelian..

Hegel is the single most influential writer when it comes to the field of social sciences. His metaphysics isnt shouting in the evening: its a perfidious, all-encompassing system.

>> No.6442498

He was probably inspired by Fichte.
Because Hegel is only knowing himself to be the eye of God from which he fluctuates between changing and not changing the universe,
then his surrounding State, Prussia,
must also be the state of the "World Spirit".
Either way, every thing he writes is his "Art",
which he is creating so that when Spirit dies it may find itself again in the reading of said Art.

Or some thing.

>> No.6442504
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>Psychoanalysis, Clausewitzian theory, Marxism, Prussian constitutionalism, foundations of anarchism and fascism, existentialism, egoism
I said real life. Trying to sound cultured on a Siamese stone carving forum isn't a real life application.

>> No.6442507
File: 14 KB, 312x318, 125789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all-encompassing system
Into the trash it goes

>> No.6442513

read the bible faggot

>> No.6442517
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>> No.6442518

How do you mean "real life"?
Empirical inferences?
Epistemological inferences?

>> No.6442519

You idiot. Applications that improve the lives of others. Fucking Plato.

>> No.6442521
File: 31 KB, 450x329, Blessed Mother Teresa smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw these pics have never bother me because I'm simply glad someone suffering with autism has been comforted by religion

>> No.6442522

twinshia = best new tripfag

>> No.6442526

> doubling or tripling of GDP in 40 years
> Destroyed economy

the goal of socialist econonic policies was not maxing out profit and griwth: why would you evaluate them that way?

>> No.6442528
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>mother Theresa

>> No.6442532

This picture always makes me cringe. Why would he try to be Camus? Nobody but Camus could be Camus. This is essentially Hitch cosplaying Camus.

>> No.6442535

Lol, I was countering a shitpost with a shitpost. How wasn't the crazy obvious?

>> No.6442537

what a fucking scientific comparison, congratulations

>> No.6442587
File: 64 KB, 152x189, 1407689644639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evaluating socialism by material output

>> No.6442607

>denied any particular society and the people at the top of any particular socioeconomic arrangement the right to see the structures surrounding them as a manifestation of some timeless biological, moral or religious precept

Except communist intellectuals, of course.

>> No.6442615
File: 103 KB, 600x450, gobekli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills Marxism.

>> No.6442621

More stuff = more stuff for each person.

>> No.6442632

You missed the point, which is not surprising.

>> No.6442635

"We're the only smart people. Everyone else is brainwashed by the rich. Except for us of course."

>> No.6442642

>he's the only thinker that, in order to stay against him, you *have* to stay absolutely ignorant about his writings and philosophy and how his system has been greatly developed and improved since he first created it.

Most people, both pro- and anti-Marx, never read him. In my country, for example, there has been a Communist Party since the 1920s, Marxist intellectuals since the 1930s but his works were only translated in the 1970s. Wheter you like it or not, Marxism is a intellectual cult besides being a social sciences method (if that whole facet didn't die with Kautsky and/or Althusser).

And plenty of people managed to stay against with full knowledge of his writings, pic related for example. It's just that memetics on the right have made shallow opposition to Marx more common, but this is not exclusive to them, if you study history, for example, you will see a lot of strawmaning and shallow opposition to the thinking of Leopold von Ranke, the conservative historian who stands at the foundation of "History" as a academic discipline and source-based science. His importance to History is no lesser than Marx to sociology, and yet he is mostly dismissed with a passing mention by most professors and students do not even bother to read him to see if what they learn about him is true. Of course, the fact that he was a conservative, not a revolutionary radical, contributes to his passing, since it's not useful for anyone to come defending his legacy against stupid naysayers like you do for Marx-sempai for the sake of the communist movement.

>> No.6442650

There's a considerable gap between you misinterpreting something and what is between the quotes there, but whatever

>> No.6442655

why does Marxism have to be 100% right or 100% wrong? Why be so Manichean?

>> No.6442665

There is little difference between Marxism historical determinism based on class struggle and materialism and other teleological readings of history like the Christian millenialism of Joachim of Fiore or XIXth century British whig history.

Of course, you will say that the difference is that Marx is right, but that's just expected of you. My point is that he wasn't the first to deny the "right to see the structures as some timeless manifestation of something" because he did it too.

By the way, the first to deny the mechanicist view of history that was in vogue during the Enlightenment was François-René de Chateaubriand, not Marx.

>> No.6442667

This "misinterpreting" bullshit really has to stop. Anti-marxists are just as smart as marxists, if not smarter.

>> No.6442668

Not on /lit/ though, and I say this as an anti-marxist.

>> No.6442674

what is inequality in distribution of wealth driven by capitalism

>> No.6442678

>Of course, the fact that he was a conservative, not a revolutionary radical, contributes to his passing, since it's not useful for anyone to come defending his legacy against stupid naysayers like you do for Marx-sempai for the sake of the communist movement.

I think if you were really interested in drawing comparison between Marx and any other intellectual to see whether political bias is holding someone's legacy hostage beyond his times you'd logically start with Durkheim and Weber, these two "revolutionary radicals" that share with Marx the title of founders of the social sciences and are about as well known as Marx himself. Of course you didn't, which has to say a lot about your faith on this horrible point

Your first one is not any better - Marx was not only untranslated, but entirely banned in some countries that would end up with communist governments. There are many ways the objection you raised could be countered, like intellectuals maybe being able to read more than one language, oral teaching, pamphlets and works written by local people, internationalist movements, etc. I'm really actually kind of shocked that you bothered typing this

>> No.6442681

I'm not talking about misinterpretation of Marx himself (which I'm sure you only read a few pages of the Manifesto at best) but of a post that you quoted

I'm sorry, but your reading skills are atrocious

>> No.6442682

"We're the only smart people" again.

>> No.6442683


Are we doing an entire session of replying to things that were not written anywhere? It's like there are two people here battling a ghost.

But congratulations, you must have been eager to drop all that knowledge even if there was no valid target available. Are you relieved now?

>> No.6442690

>get mad at shitty marxists on /lit/
>then realize that /lit/ is a micro kosmos in itself
>realize that capitalism won in the real world
>and it keeps on winning currently sweeping Asia
>realize that most posters haven't even graduated
>realize that you will one day have to earn money
>realize that is the moment when you will see the flaws with marxist ideology
>half of you will turn capitalists
>half of you will be unemployed bums with tumblr accounts

I'm feeling good.

>> No.6442697

didn't marx play in the stock market or something

also engels was an industrialist

>> No.6442704

>communism doesn't work
>well look at capitalism!
The thread is about communism

>> No.6442729

Engels wasn't an industrialist. He was upper class and worked in his father's factory when all his playful revolutions in Europe failed. He was basically the equivalent to some middle class Occupy Wallstreet double that keeps on retuning to his Starbucks gig while shit posting about muh capitalism on the internet.

>> No.6442755

>half of you will turn capitalists
doubt it. Most of us will just become wage-workers

>> No.6442788

I done good at the readings.

>> No.6442791

The more stuff can be equally distributed. More stuff is always better.

>> No.6442793

Marx hasn't been debunked, it's just that economists pushed the labor theory of value out of economics, which was well established, mainly to combat Marx's theories, that way they can't even be argued in economics, because you have accept that they're wrong as a premise from the start.

>> No.6442817


But Zizek is post-Marxist. Nice meme, though

>> No.6442824

Post-Marxism is Marxism. Marx constantly developed his theories, I don't think he ever wanted them to be dogma...that was the whole distinction between le scientific socialism and utopian. Classes essentialism is less and less possible because of how pension funds work; class is more reasonably considered on a sliding scale.

>> No.6442830

Most based economist to have ever existed, Eugen von Böhm Bawerk, wrote a comprehensive tratement of das Kapital and related essays in his Karl Marx and the Close of his System.

Class struggle, which is perhpas the only interesting point of his writing, was discovered by Charles Comte and Charles Dunoyer before Marx and their theories about it about superior in every aspect.

>> No.6442845

As in worthless?

>> No.6442851

>Class struggle, which is perhpas the only interesting point of his writing, was discovered by Charles Comte and Charles Dunoyer before Marx and their theories about it about superior in every aspect.

Man I hate when you guys step out of your league like that

>> No.6442862

The most interesting part of Marx's writing is his analysis of capitalism, not his material dialectics.

>> No.6442869

>I call boy who cried wolf

Not really:

>For example, concerning Stalinism. The point is not that you have to know, you have to photo evidence of gulag or whatever. My god you just have to listen to the public discourse of Stalinism, of Khmer Rouge, to get it that something terrifyingly pathological is going on there. For example, Khmer Rouge: even if we have no data about their prisons and so on, isn’t it in a perverse way almost fascinating to have a regime which in the first two years (’75 to ’77) behaved towards itself, treated itself, as illegal. You know the regime was nameless. It was called ‘alka’ [?] an organisation – not communist party of Cambodia – an organisation. Leaders were nameless. If you ask ‘who is my leader?’ your head was chopped off immediately and so on.



Also, Zizek is the saviour we all need. Zizek and Stannis. ZIZEK AND STANNIS!

>> No.6442892

No he's not, Kant was right, Hegel was wrong.
Simple as that.

>> No.6442895

>That produce nothing, that create nothing, they progress nothing, they add nothing to society, they add nothing to mankind, and they absolutely add NOTHING worth studying for a degree in absolute made up mumbo jumbo horse cock.
Good, pragmatism and usefulness are disgusting, but it's a shame that philosophy is both of those.

>> No.6442904

/pol/ failed as a containment board once people started to come to this site specifically to post on /pol/ instead of it serving as a place where the people who already browse this site could post /pol/ crap.
I used to be a Libertarian until around the end of my senior year of HS.

>> No.6442912

>containment board

I dont know why /lit/ has continued to perpetuate this myth.

Neither /n/ /new/ or /pol/ was ever conceived as a containment board. In fact /pol/ is the third largest board behind /v/ and /b/. That is not containment, that is pandering to the majority user-base. You are really to thick in your head to get that. Like true marxists you construct your own little parallell realities.

>> No.6442914

>/pol/ was ever conceived as a containment board
/pol/ was literally created as a containment board by moot you fucking retard for fucks sake you fucking newfags are full of shit, and I'm not a marxist.
Why do you think the "no /pol/ shit outside of /pol/" rule exists?

>> No.6442925

Its a few people.

While I don't think lit has more "pol" threads than other boards do, we certainly have a tumblresq whinge squad to complain about the few we do.

That being said, while i don't dismiss all "pol" topics, i'm happy pol exists because it certainly does function as a containment board to some extent. But i would say Int is the same to some extent, and even tg qua fantasy shit, if for lit at least somewhat a containment board.

this is stretching the idea of containment to its logical limits however.

>> No.6442934

>hegel debunked
The reality is more Hegelian than even he himself could've imagined it.

>> No.6443005

marxism isn't so much debunked as it is irrelevant to the 21st century. As for Hegel, I think some of his ideas will certainly stand the test of time, albeit in a slightly more post-modern format.

>> No.6443011

i read two of his books. and am in 800 pages for the third. still dont get everything.
you also arent supposed to get lacan.
just watch the films. they can be understood

>> No.6443171

Gave birth to Nationalism, the conservative kind.

>> No.6443173

Do all extremists screw up the world, or is everyone who screws up the world an extremist? What does it mean to screw up the world? What is the world?

>> No.6443183

The sort of historical analysis which confirms the failure of communism must also confirm the success of capitalism.

>> No.6443186

My fucking sides. 10/10.

>> No.6443197

>Want to be an activist on 4chan at all.

You miss the point retard, the point is that 4chan for the most part is a terrible website for political discussion and activism because of it's hivemind and the fact the vast majority of the userbase is like 16 edgelords.

/pol/ was overtaken by Stormfront almost instantly, this is fucking fact, you can even go on Stormfront's forums and see the threads on how they did it, then /pol/ since it was 4chans only politics board, started having newfags and retards go there, think "Oh this is how I have to act and this is what I have to believe to fit in" (Hivemind) and that shit spread all over 4chan along with stupid political activism and we get fucking thinly veiled far-right wing cultural crusades like Gamergate out of it.

What happened to "Not your personal army?" Or "raids are the cancer killing 4chan?" not anymore, /pol/ fucking shit up the entire website with a real world political ideology. It doesn't help that /pol/ is probably the single most retarded board on the entire internet that suffers from massive dunning kruger. I would rather discuss politics with a 13 year old girl than discuss anything on that piece of shit board.

>> No.6443200

They thought they were "strong" and destined for prosperity, but when they realized they were fat friendless basement dwellers they started blaming tha JOOS, niggercucks, and SJWs for holding them back.

>> No.6443220

You sound like a whiny edgy teenager. If you dont like a board don't go there. Please tell me how the big bad meanie stormfront corrupted the innocent youths of 4chan /pol/, how they simply couldn't resist all the holocaust denial arguments, and how effective their ad hominems against marxist veiled the simple truth of the one true ideology.

>> No.6443266
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This, and there is room for substantive conversation. Anybody with a mind to actually discuss politics dodges hyperbole and the rampant racism at least (usually) comes from legitimate concerns and proof of future behavior from past action.

By the way, I'm new to /lit/. I want to become more grounded in philosophy instead of quasi intellectual shitposting.

>> No.6443289

>I want to become more grounded in philosophy and defend a board that has been garbage since the zimmerman trial

Get the fuck out cancer

>> No.6443300

I'm new to /lit/

>Start with the greeks

>> No.6443320

Nice blind hatred. My opinions aren't even representative of the majority of /pol/. In addition, if the majority had there way I'd likely be killed for the whole "being African" thing I do.

Reading through meditations right now. I'll go back to classical thinkers once I'm done.

>> No.6443326

the worst format

>> No.6443337

Browsing /pol/ any time since about the zimmerman trial or even Dorner is shameful. It's just the same threads bitching about tumblr for eternity. Philosophy shitposting is the cancer of /lit/.

>> No.6443447

>If you dont like a board don't go there.
Except they leak everywhere, just look at GG

>> No.6443611
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>> No.6443622

mccarthyism heritage

>> No.6443629

i warmed up to zizek after digesting his talk on buddhism. his views on that subject are deeply flawed and limited, imo, but i appreciated him focusing on it in the first place. i think he would benefit from a deeper study of the origins of buddhism and early buddhist doctrine. he already seems aware of the differences between pre-mahayana schools and mahayana.

>> No.6443690

>the earliest known human architectural construction was a communally built, used, and maintained structure that was not privately owned by any one and had the purpose of enabling a necessary (for the people of that time and place) public activity
>this kills Marxism
If anything it very solidly confirms Marx's ideas of historical materialism and debunks the popular feeling that capitalist modes of production reflect 'human nature'.

>> No.6443692


Are you a Turk?

>> No.6443730
File: 19 KB, 583x293, garl marx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Popper is the only guy who criticized Marx in a good way, instead of all those retards like Sowell or your average teabagger.

What is funny is, almost all people who criticize Marx don't even know who Popper is.

>> No.6443759

It's the name of an ancient site. If you want to circlejerk about your nationality there's /int/ for that.

>popper's political philosophy
into the trash it goes

>> No.6443764

Except that it is a superstructure that precedes the base.

>debunks the popular feeling that capitalist modes of production reflect 'human nature'

So basically Marxism fights against a strawman.

>> No.6443767
File: 688 KB, 519x680, into the trash I go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger please. Popper makes a good point. So far he and that guy who founded socialdemocracy (bernstein?) made good critiques.
The rest are pure trash.

>> No.6443768

>Daily reminder that Popper is the only guy who criticized Marx in a good way
Which speaks volumes about the quality of the anti-Marxist position.

>> No.6443780
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>Except that it is a superstructure that precedes the base.
>So basically Marxism fights against a strawman.
2/10, nibbled the bait but I see it for what it is.

>> No.6443782

why would marxism fight against modes of production? he proposes to take advantage to the ones existing and make them better

>> No.6443785

That's because no one bothers to read Leszek Kolakowski.

>> No.6443792
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>He came to believe that the totalitarian cruelty of Stalinism was not an aberration, but instead a logical end product of Marxism, whose genealogy he examined in his monumental Main Currents of Marxism, his major work published in 1976–1978.[4]

>> No.6443796
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>> No.6443798
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How not? Gobekli Tepe precedes agriculture by milennia, this directly contradicts Marx's writings that things such as religion (or violence, pic related) are a result of the division of labour during the neolithic revolution.

>> No.6443799

most of Sowell is just as unfalsifiable as Marx tbh

>> No.6443805

>this literally means anything i want to mean

Wow, Marxism is really a religion.

>> No.6443810

He thinks /pol/ started GG, it started on /v/, leaked to reddit, reddit shut it down, reddit leaked to /v/, mods started to shut it down on /v/, they took it to /pol/ because it is the only board where anything goes anymore. I followed GG closely in the inception.

>> No.6443812


>> No.6443817

>seeing this
>implying there isn't cultural marxism

If you believe in this and marxism you are literally obligated to destroy the Superstructure. For fucks sake this is stupid.

>> No.6443828

>half of you will turn capitalists
I doubt that, how will I get all the capital needed to acquire the means of production if my employer steals my surplus value?

>> No.6443830

It even comes with it's own rapture, The Revolution, like /pol/s The Happening, which is also not coming.

>> No.6443840

>class struggle was discovered by two French guys
top kek, what about all the workers in history that saw how their employers were rich as fuck while they barely could eat and revolted?

>> No.6443849

>Charles Darwin of social sciences

I know this is bate, but Marx is the literally antithesis of Mr. Darwin in the field of evolution. His dialectical materialism basically stands against the natural progression held within the theory of evolution.
In fact this stunted actual biological research in the USSR, due to government pressure to introduce the dialectical theory into the field.

>> No.6443853

Mostly, "class struggle" is just one part of the elite using poor people as cannon-fodder, against another part of the elite using poor people as cannon-fodder.

Jacqueries happen, but are rare. Mostly it's just Guelphs vs Ghibellines.

>> No.6443854

>I doubt that, how will I get all the capital needed to acquire the means of production if my employer steals my surplus value?

Loans which you later pay back, like most entrepreneurs start off.

However you do not have own major capital to be believe in capitalism - you only have to share the values.

>> No.6443858
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>muh open society
>totalitarianism is bad guise
Popper's political philosophy is horribly simplistic, if it can even be called that. He has no real insight apart from historicism, which itself is meh.

>t-true communism hasn't been tried!

>> No.6443862

The thread is not about communism, it's about OP's misguided attempt to equal Zizek's contemporary thought to its philosophical roots and to the political expressions of one aspect of said roots.

>> No.6443868

>>t-true communism hasn't been tried!
That pole said stalinism is the logical end of marxism.
And communism has been tried in a lots of ways, and not every country is stalinist.
See Vietnam.

>> No.6443883

Popper is guy who thinks Jaspers of the 30s is more radical than Heidegger. Can't take him seriously with that and his biased view on Hegel.

>> No.6443886

>That pole said stalinism is the logical end of marxism.

He didn't, that's just wikipedia fucking things up, sourced on someone who probably didn't read him. What he said is that Stalinism is not a distortion of Marxism, but a logical result of his political philosophy (not the only logical result though).

PS: Vietnam was Stalinist until the 1980s.

>> No.6443890

Recommend me a good fag who criticize marx

>> No.6443906
File: 246 KB, 800x994, anti usa propaganda vietcong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, then I should read that pole.
>Vietnam was Stalinist until the 1980s.
They were maoists, not stalinists.
>inb4 mao is a chink version of stalin

>> No.6443908

Julius Evola

>> No.6443913


>> No.6443914


They moved on after the spectacle of 2012. Ron Paul lost, libertarians on 4chan either dispersed or became National Socialists. I was an ancap in 2012. Then I became convinced of the damage that transnational corporations were doing by being allowed to move freely all over the globe, so I became a nationalist (not a national socialist, but I thought international trade should be restricted to keep developing this country with domestic libertarian policies), then I actually read Marx and various older socialists and anarchists, and some newer ones, and I became more of a traditional anarchist/socialist when I realized him and the various strands of socialists weren't as crazy as everyone made them out to be in the libertarian echo chamber.

>> No.6443915

>economic bondage
>implying most succesful people don't just pitch to investment firms

Who steal your product and company, alienating you from the product

>> No.6443916
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Come on, I'm serious.

>> No.6443920

>They were maoists, not stalinists.

They were "maoists" until the war with the US, when they realized that China couldn't support them adequately and switched to patronage by the Soviet Union. They actually went to war with China later.

>> No.6443925

The problem is that no serious thinking will actually "debunk" Marx is the sense of completely disregard his importance, but most serious thinkers do not take him 100% seriously either. So in the end everyone who is worth something criticizes Marx, but not in the way you would expect from the John Birch Society (which is what you are asking for).

>> No.6443929

Sean Hannity

>> No.6443932

I know they supported the USSR; but they weren't stalinist. Stalinism is different from what the Vietnam government was.
It was some sort of nationalism, buddhism and socialism mixed with marxism. They didn't attack the religious institutions, unlike the pro-US government.

>> No.6443935

I don't want someone to debunk Marx or claim that Marx is completely wrong, just a good critique that doesn't involve shitty arguments.
I've been reading too many /pol/ recommended books against marxism since I wanted to know what they think about Marx.

>> No.6443940

Karl Polanyi.

>> No.6443991

Lysenko Was Right

>> No.6444002

For economics: Steve Keen for a readable argument about how economics has progressed since Marx, Keynes if you really need the details

For broad politics/philosophy: Popper or Chomsky

>> No.6444005
File: 71 KB, 721x960, missing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me kek

>> No.6444011


Universities are liberal breeding houses today

>> No.6444019


Lel marx got btfo by Sowell. All he was ever good at was spending other people's money

>> No.6444032

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.6444060


>> No.6444070

>How not?
You haven't explain how it is. First, you're unaware that not only does the superstructure develop from the base but that the superstructure also forms the base. There's no reason to assume this didn't apply to early human societies, examples of art and artifacts would seem to suggest it. Second, you make some claim about the site preceding agriculture as if that explains how Gobekli Tepe is an example of superstructure preceding the base, but this claim is unexplained. Pre-agricultural humans didn't build things? Which part of Marxism prohibits humans from construction before agricultural production? Assuming you're right and Gobekli Tepe shows that early humans came together to magically build something they didn't have the tools, knowledge, and relations necessary to build, how does this "kill" Marxism when it accurately explains how all existing capitalist societies developed? All it would "kill" are some assumptions about early human societies, a subject that is still not perfectly understood.

>religion (or violence, pic related) are a result of the division of labour during the neolithic revolution.
1) Where does Marx say this? 2) Marx =/= Marxism. 3) You're making an unproven assumption about why Gobekli Tepe was made (religion).

>> No.6444071

>Universities in America are breeding houses of what is considered a 'liberal' in America

>> No.6444083

And American Liberals are rabidly opposed to actual Marxism/Socialism/Communism, and have been for two decades. Furthermore, most renowned American colleges are fundamentally Keynesian. For example, every University in Southern California I've been to (dozens) has had its Macro-economic courses routed firmly in Keynes with a handful of unorthodox professors strewn about.

>> No.6444100
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No, you sell your idea (intellectual property) in returns for capital to develop the idea. If the idea holds true both will get ROI.

>Loans is economic bondage

This thread deserved to die a long time ago.

>> No.6444107

>that image
Jesus, mate, how many Jivaroan, etc., people do you think there are in the world vs how many people there were in the US and Europe combined in the 20th century? And why are there no dates specifications for these people other than US/Europe?
>Steven Pinker
Gobkekli, back to your board, the lot of you.

>> No.6444121


Keynes is the embodiment of liberal fiscal policy. More state spending, higher taxes, more welfare programs. Give me a fucking break.

And socialism remains extremely popular in the academic world.

>> No.6444147

>Keynes is the embodiment of liberal fiscal policy.
Keynesian economics is neoclassical liberalism, burgerlord. Today's liberalism is Hayek's neoliberalism.

>> No.6444178

Holy shit the American brainwashing is strong in this one.

>> No.6444195

This is the most elaborate and developed bait I've seen. Thank you for writing that.

>> No.6444276

No, its just that labor theory of value is shit.

>> No.6444294

McCarthy did nothing wrong.

>> No.6444343

>they took it to /pol/ because it is the only board where anything goes anymore
And then they keep trying to force it back on /v/ with their shitty raids.
>I followed GG closely in the inception.

>> No.6444357

Has it ever occured to you that people use more than one board. The people that pushed it back to /v/ was /v/ itself and /pol/ posters that did not want anything to do with GG.

Yes I followed it, not participated, because it is fascinating watching these events unfold live. But whatever you're a fucking faggot what do I care.

>> No.6444376

LTV wasn't really pushed out because of Marx, and Marx's LTV was different than Smith's anyway.
It's not really shit either, it's perfectly consistent. It's also not super useful to predict anything in economics, where as the subjective theory of value ends up making much more definitive predictions.

Marx was wrong that he needed the LTV for most of the stuff in Capital anyway, it survives just fine stripped of it.

>> No.6444377


I'm sorry but I can't follow all these fucking terms. Maybe you should try explaining what they mean.

>> No.6444384

hella fr*gging epic

>> No.6444404

Americans try and infect every institution on earth with it's corrosive political discourse. To them every matter becomes reducible to a dichotomy between democratic 'liberal', and republican right, with some US libertarianism sprinkled in.

>> No.6444415

and nope.

>> No.6444429

Kant is right anyways so it doesn't matter if Hegel was debunked or not since he was never right in the first place.

>> No.6444440

Well, thats basically because the WASP elite was replaced by the jewish elite in the beginnings of the 20th century.

>> No.6444442


>> No.6444483


WASPs are the worst.

>> No.6444487

My response wasn't even much of a shitpost, lol.

>> No.6444501

Nope, LTV is completely incorrect. Relative theory of value doesn't predict anything, in fact its more robust in dealing with random changes in markets and individual valuations. You're wrong in three or four different ways.

>> No.6444528

subjective theory of value (I'm talking about the Alfred Marshall curve stuff here) predicts increase or decrease in price/volume with correspondent shifts in demand or supply (given perfect competition, many other assumptions, etc.)

LTV isn't "completely incorrect" as you claim, it's just unfalsifiable. I'm guessing you haven't actually read Marx (or Smith, or Mill, or Locke), so I don't really want to explain how LTV works, but the way it doesn't work is: I work for an hour so something is worth $5 more. Go read if you want to read how it does work.

>> No.6444615

>being a capitalist is somehow equal to being in favour of capitalism
you truly have enlightened me, anon

>> No.6444752

Libertarian ideology has and always will be an astroturf campaign by corporations in order to roll back labor gains made during the new deal/progressive era.

The fact that the likes of the tea party and ron paul morons were beginning to actually threaten certain aspects of the corporate kleptocracy meant the libertarians had to be reigned in a bit. Hence why they have less of a political presence outside of being a tool furthering GOP agenda.

People should actually read about the genesis of libertarianism, it's fairly amusing. The whole thing is such a transparent fraud but people get drawn to it due to the self serving rhetoric. It's the equivalent of a snake oil infomercial.

>> No.6444763

Perhaps you fail to understand it?

Most people have difficulty understanding the LTV.

>> No.6444771

>M8, no. I'm a Marxist, but Marxian economics is easily the weakest field of Marxism.
Please provide me with an argumented essay with counterarguments to basic premises of Marxian economics and then we will talk,

>> No.6444801

Here is a whole book http://bnarchives.yorku.ca/259/2/20090522_nb_casp_full_indexed.pdf

It draws a lot from Marx but in the end tears most of it down to built it back up better.

>> No.6444827

Marx's labor theory of value isn't different from Smith's, Smith espoused it, then added, "But of course this can't be totally accurate, or else where would profits come from?" Besides, the LTV was espoused in other forms by Benjamin Franklin (very close to Marx) and Ricardo (not as close to Marx, as his idea of was more akin to something Marx might call the labor-power theory of value).

LTV isn't designed to predict use or exchange value (which Marx also discusses at length), it's meant to contextualize them at the scene of production. If I produce a x market it, x's price can fluctuate considerably, but obviously it still all rests upon the thing the price is attached to and the labor that made its existence factual.

I think there is someone here who said liberal economists would say that if you kidnap someone's daughter and ransom her, you increase her value, which really illustrates well how confused liberal economis is.

>> No.6444836

The guy doesn't know what capital is in Marxian terms; it's pretty simple. Capital is something like a commodity or a machine or a money that you acquire through trade and then trade off again with the expectation of getting more and more and more, rather than just spending it. Capital is using something as an investment rather than an expenditure or simple conversion. It's converting one thing to another thing which you will probably contribute back the original thing (generally money) with more than you started out with.

>> No.6444843

>The guy doesn't know what capital is in Marxian terms
They spend multiple chapters talking about that because of the similarities in the way Neoclassicals and Marxists view capital.

>> No.6444853


New deal nearly destroyed the American economy. Learns some fucking economics and fuck off

>> No.6444855

>His dialectical materialism basically stands against the natural progression held within the theory of evolution.

Not it doesn't.

>In fact this stunted actual biological research in the USSR, due to government pressure to introduce the dialectical theory into the field.

Again and again I keep reading this as some kind of evident of marxist "anti-scientism" or whatever

Marx greatly admired Darwin, was influenced by him and wrote letters supporting him and his work. To judge his thought based on what Stalin decided was the proper science is something so illogical that I'm not even sure if you believe your own point.

And like always, you guys start at some fact detached from context and assume everything that lead to it based on nothing but your own conceited ignorance. There was no pressure to introduce "dialectical theory into the field" leading to the choice of Lysenkoism, Stalin's adherence to Lysenko was a matter of keeping unity in a multiracial empire in a time where eugenics and ethnic nationalism were growing popular. It also had something to do with agrarian policiy.

>> No.6444858

>marx or hegel but especially hegel

>> No.6444870

>implying bertrand russell the philosophy defener didnt BTFO hegel over 100 years ago

>> No.6444878

>New deal nearly destroyed the American economy


Real US Per Capita GDP 1870–2001
(in 1990 international Geary-Khamis dollars)
Year | GDP | Growth rate
1929 | 6899 | 5.02%
1930 | 6213 | -9.94%
1931 | 5691 | -8.40%
1932 | 4908 | -13.75%
1933 | 4777 | -2.66%
1934 | 5114 | 7.05%
1935 | 5467 | 6.90%
1936 | 6204 | 13.48%
1937 | 6430 | 3.64%
1938 | 6126 | -4.72%
1939 | 6561 | 7.10%
1940 | 7010 | 6.84%
(Maddison 2003: 88).

>> No.6444880

New Deal saved american capitalism and for that alone should be criticized. It was the state fulfilling at best its role of bringing reconciliation between classes and alienating the poor of the possibility of any major significant change.

The fact the dude could actually replace all the apparatus of the working classes that came from below for government or corporation-sponsored ones instead (like the unions) was a strike of genius. I'm not sure why the Right is always butthurt about it, it was a programme that lasted 30 years at best and killed 100 years of Radical tradition before (and probably after) it

Browder and Mussolini were right in calling it american fascism.

>> No.6444883

Yea, I've everyone you mentioned, and just enough of marx to know its complete shit. You guys really have to drop this "The only reason you disagree is because you're uneducated/misinformed/brainwashed/misunderstand."

>> No.6444887

I've heard of Niztan before. His work is not a "debunking" of Marxism, but rather is offering a third way of looking at accumulation of capital. His attack on Marxism is weak from the beginning. I'll cover the basics which I remember reading.
He claims that Marxists are unable to tell us what capital is - capital is a value which generates surplus value as the result of exploitation of wage labour.
He claims that Marxism cannot explain the accumulation of capital - the accumulation of capital is a process occurring through generation of surplus value.
Then, he claims that it is impossible to differentiate productive from unproductive labour. Marx never argued that labour is the ultimate and the only reasonable end - he also included efficiency of labour and cost of natural resources. I don't see why different types of labour are impossible to differentiate.
He claims that Marxism cannot explain the prices of commodities. Price is merely a standard measure of value, and value is determined by measuring its own value against the exchange-value of other commodities.

>> No.6444902

>I've heard of Niztan before
So have you actually read it or merely heard of it?

>> No.6444903

>"The only reason you disagree is because you're uneducated/misinformed/brainwashed/misunderstand."

The fact we never ever ever read proper rebuttals but only things like "this is SHIT" might have conditioned them to this.

Nearly every intelligent criticism of Marx and marxism comes from marxists themselves.

>> No.6444904

"Quantitatively, the dollar value of capital in the Marxist scheme is proportionate to its cost of production, and, specifically, to the amount of abstract labour socially necessary to produce that capital."

But that's not completely true, Marx addresses, for instance, that price fluctuates in the speculation market where the labor doesn't necessarily. Marx only applies this to profit for capitalists at the scene of production.

>> No.6444920

Smith's LTV was for exchange-value, Marx's LTV is for use-value (and he very explicitly distinguishes it from exchange-value). Similar (and equivalent if you collapse Marx's two definitions, as Marxists sometimes, incorrectly I think, do).

This book is great. Was it you who posted it in one of the Marx threads a few months ago? I downloaded it that night and read the whole thing in two or three days. One of the best finds I've ever had from /lit/.

I would seriously recommend reading the whole thing. They go pretty carefully through the advantages and disadvantages the Marxian view of capital, and made me pretty convinced that their view is at least worth considering.

>> No.6444927

sorry, fucked that up. Marx's is for exchange value but specifically within capitalist mode of production, which is really more like use-value. (Smith's is for the exchange-value commanded by the commodity, Marx's is for the exchange-value within the commodity under capitalism).

>> No.6444937

marxism and other forms of socialism are so simply stupid that criticism doesn't need to be sophisticated. Does an argument against eating a big pile of horse shit have to be complex?

What disgusts me most about marxism is how self contained it tries to be, thus stopping criticism by controlling language. Ideas like "use-value" and "exploitation" existed long before marx, but before than real thinkers already named them "utility" and "usury". So of course only marxists make "intelligent criticism", because they are the only ones that speak the marxist language. marxists does accept outside criticism, because its not in their exact language, their exact world view. Exactly like how the religious won't accept arguments unless its in religious language. marxists are not in the same realm of intellectual discussion as the rest of the world, sooner or later they have to use violence as a form of communication.

>> No.6444943


Second new deal was disastrous. No one debates that. We are still living with economic impediments like social security and still have an enormous government bureaucracy sucking the life out of the private sector

>> No.6444944

is this an ironypost because it's true within the field of economics that basically no one debates that, but because everyone agrees it was good

>> No.6445003


It's almost like you're trying to validate our point. Absolutely no arguments, no content, only personal insults and all the childish comparisons with religious people which, just like comparisons with "nazis" and "cults", are the trademark of the ignorant.

Control your anger a bit and read more, it always helps.

>> No.6445015

I'm beyond having to criticize the ideas. They've been disproved for a century and more now. What needs to be analyzed now is why people still cling to false truths. It has to be faith based, because the ideas themselves are so categorically wrong.

>> No.6445024

pathologizing your debate opponents is not arguing in good faith, but I suppose you've openly admitted that you're not arguing in good faith

>> No.6445031

I just don't get why statists think their type of state would be different than another type of state.

>> No.6445035

You went from "you're like religious people" to "you've debunked, period" how many horrible cliches that only idiots use are you going to drop on this conversation?

>> No.6445039

Zizek - the king of faggots

>> No.6445040


The guy is a libertarian people, anyone surprised?

>> No.6445051

are you one of those people who read that Milton Friedman blamed the Fed for the great depression and didn't realize he was saying the Fed didn't do enough to stop it

>> No.6445088

commies of lit will catch this bait furiously!

>> No.6445097

b-but every attempt to build communist state ended in class-based society.

>> No.6445115

I'm surprised it's not more common wisdom the fact that no communist leader has ever claimed to have arrived at the stage of communism, and the majority believed it wouldn't be possible in their lifetime.

Read more about the debates between the left during the revolution about whether Socialism could be built on Russia or not. It was nearly an universal consensus that it couldn'tt, a sentiment shared by the Bolsheviks, included.

>> No.6445128
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>Amerifat burger empire emerges victorious at end of WW2
>We now have to wait decades before society can progress beyond obscene liberal capitalism

>> No.6445174

That has more to do with the intellectual bankruptcy of the left. They have had ample chances to change things or at least push them in the direction they desired.

>> No.6445209

Didn't Mao declare that China had arrived there sometime in the 60s or early 70s?

>> No.6445215
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this entire thread should have not existed. Filthy, hypocritical collectivists.

>> No.6445222

I want a square egg!

>> No.6445250

in the US the economy got better, and gas got cheaper. all the gloom and doom of the financial crisis cleared away. rand paul has to court more traditional conservatives and isn't as libertarian as his father. legalization of marijuana is gaining momentum. the conversation about surveillance and police power has gone mainstream, and the left has reclaimed a lot of that ground with the recent ferguson debacle.

libertarianism has lost the circumstances that gave it popularity. its not entirely irrelevant, but its fan base, apart from the most hardline people, have moved on or softened their views.

>> No.6445335

>you guys
Hate to break this to you bro, but I'm a commie red too. And ya know what, you are right that Marxism doesn't equal Stalinism. But it is undeniable that the dialectical theory stunted growth in the Soviet sciences. Ironically, the dialectical materialism that was applied in the sciences was probably one of the pure implementations of Marxist theory.

But on your statement:
>Not it doesn't.
Yeah, I'm going to need some citations, or at-least an argument from you showing how dialectical materialism works along side the theory of evolution.

>> No.6445385

>people enter a school
>they leave liberal
it's almost as if educated people tend to lean left

>> No.6445388

It's pretty funny that you'll ask for citations when you make such a bold, ignorant statement without presenting any. I won't bother with it, instead I'll just direct you to the works of Smith, Levins, Lewontin and Haldane who not only believed in the compatibility of dialectical materialism and mainstream branches of biology but also thought their understanding of such concepts greatly expanded their understanding of scientific ones.

>but I'm a commie red too.

A communist saying something stupid is no different than a capitalist saying something stupid

>> No.6445421
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Or that leftism gives power to educated people.

>> No.6445436
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It didn't used to be like this though, universities were evenly divided between liberals and conservatives until leftists made an alliance with street gangs, took armed control of campus and demanded the hiring of dozens of other leftists and expelled every non-leftist.

Now it's easy to say "hurr durr leftists are intelligent because all educated people are leftists". I mean, do you really believe that control over the ideological state apparatuses is meritocratic and still call yourself a Marxist?

>> No.6445441

>It didn't used to be like this though, universities were evenly divided between liberals and conservatives until leftists made an alliance with street gangs, took armed control of campus and demanded the hiring of dozens of other leftists and expelled every non-leftist.


>> No.6445454

Cold war hangover. You have to remember that the U.S.S.R. was a totalitarian state, not just a communist one, and a warfaring, nuclear-armed state at that. Everyone is still butthurt. On top of that, you can't formally study Marxism in the US (at least at my university), it's complicated I guess.

>> No.6445457

>Person said a thing.
>Person went to a university once.
>Therefore, a thing is true.
checkmate analyticals

>> No.6445463

>Stalin was a Marxist.
>Marx was a Marxist.
>Therefore Stalin was Marx.
checkmate analyticals
(shitty logic arguments is now a meme)

>> No.6445469
File: 20 KB, 474x528, le wise philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I’ve never thought about it like that before; looks like it's time to embrace radical esoteric aristocratic warrior traditionalism

>> No.6445472

you da real mvp

>> No.6445627

>all of dat ad hominem

Oddly I have actually read Haldane already, and if you had too you wound know that he denounced the whole system of dialectical materialism from his scientific work.

Of course he used the dialectical theory in a historical and social context, which is fine. Honestly outside of the natural sciences I think that Marx's theory works wonderfully at showing patterns in history.

But anyways bro, I'm only half trolling you. I see the benefit of materialism, especially in the case of Lewontin.

>> No.6445653


I used to hate Zizek but I read some of his shit and this guy is indisputably on to something. His ideas about political correctness as alienating are glorious, it's just what the doctor ordered in our bureaucratic shit culture. He is at least somewhat a religious Marxist and I don't like ideological religions but there's more to Zizek than the orthodox Marxist parts of his thought and besides, as much as I would loathe to egg on any fundamentalist Marxists into thinking I agree with them, Marx can be quite insightful himself when he's not playing messiah. Labels are for cans man. Open your mind.

>> No.6445813

Cannot tell if serious or just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.6445843


Tip top kek

>> No.6446141


Some cliches are true...

>> No.6446150

Yea, its shocking that someone that wants liberty and self determination would be anti-marxist!!

>> No.6446155

Sorry sorry, I didn't mean "like religious people", I meant "religious people". marxism is a religion.

>> No.6446169

you sound 15

>> No.6446219

Actually that makes a lot of sense, never thought of it like that before. Academia is continuous, the old generation of idiots teach the new generation of idiots.

>> No.6446245

> you can't formally study Marxism in the US (at least at my university), it's complicated I guess.

What the fuck? Are you retarded? Every single college in the west is marxist. Every college has classes and majors in marxism. What the fuck do you think "gender studies" is about?

>> No.6446266

marx is dead, not marxism

though that, zizek is an attention whore

>> No.6446270

Just look at the behavior of Marxists in this thread and compare with the behavior of Christians on /lit/

>no one managed to refute the ontological argument neither the cosmological argument, threfore Christianity is right
>no one managed to debunk historical materialism or the labor theory of value, therefore Christianity is right

>you're bad, your life is worthless and you are devoid of any meaning until you find God
>you're dumb, your thinking is worthless and your work devoid of value until you find Marx

>> No.6446275

Ageist much?

hahah fuck you, I'm going to go cum on my wife's face.

>> No.6446280

>Marx and Hegel debunked
Holy shit, dude, pick. Hegel was only ever a heuristic for Marx in understanding the origins of a qualitative change from the quantitative increase. Pathetic and gay, stick muh 1000 guhrillions.

>> No.6446290

One of the worst things about marxism/feminism/leftism, is it makes religion look worse!

>> No.6446291

Marx deals with social evolution, which has somewhat replaced biological evolution for humanity. And Marx's method of investigating history needs to be developed, but is sure superior to the shit we use now. Marx understands social evolution as tied closely with technology, and he thinks "prehistorians" who divide history into stone bronze, iron age, etc. are more scientific than historians. And he's somewhat correct in that regard, even if historical dialectics are a bit dubious.

I don't really know why people think of socialism as utopian; contemporary capitalism would have seemed utopian a thousand years ago. I don't think socialism is utopian at all, I just think making it a normative is a mistake, we should reconsider what we as humans need to feel fulfilled.

>> No.6446297

>we should reconsider what we as humans need to feel fulfilled.

And what is that, in your opinion?

>> No.6446304
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Whoever made this is too puss to place language in either.

>> No.6446306

>not going to a Jesuit master race University.

Don't worry anon, we are in a secret war against the illuminati and the Marxists. As you can see the SJW coastal forces have over run our fortifications by 14%. Backlash over the operation's sluggish speed is being held from the public by a concerted effort from Chomsky, Zizek, and the heads of a majority of the Ivys.
Don't worry our network of spies are tracking several potential communist right now, all is well. Don't fear, the Jesuits have your back.

>> No.6446313

Pop quiz: Is individuality alienable? If not, explain it's inextricable link to freedom alongside it's absurdly clinical anatomical definition.

>> No.6446328

You sound like the people who say atheism is a religion because they're both "preachy" or that science is a dogma because they both involve "faith" on something.

>> No.6446344

Strong ritual and tradition. I also think socialism is far too concerned with freedom as the highest good, rather than duty. Socialism wants to alleviate the amount of work we have to do; leisure is emphasized, which I think is the wrong approach. Greek aristocracy, for instance, did not regard leisure highly, it regarded competition and fitness highly, which took a lot of work. Spartans did not regard luxury highly, they regarded it as gaudy and lower class. Rather than valuing excess, we should imbue more ceremonial value in what we have: compare the sip of wine at communion, with a sip of wine to feel luxurious.

>> No.6446346

Atheism is not a religion, secular humanism has some religious traits but that's all, Marxism definitely is.

Science is a method, Marxism is not a science but it's not clear, see this >>6443796

Do you have any formula on how the "superstructure" maintains the base or any theorem on how the base shapes the superstructure? No? Then fuck off and stop pretending to be scientific, that shit should have died with when World War I BTFO Orthodox Marxism.

>> No.6446356

Do you work? Full time/part time? If so, how do you find time to read so much? This has nothing to do with your posts ITT, I just have been meaning to ask you this.

>> No.6446361

I'm a futures speculator.

>> No.6446380

Man who was that lady, she hasn't been posted in months and months? I used to send her emails too

>> No.6446441

I think tradition grows organically out of any community, so there's no point being for or against it. A tradition can easily outlive its usefulness and become redundant, if not counter-productive, and eventually die. And there's nothing wrong with that imo.

My heart is a bit with you on the idea of self-restraint over leisure and sacrifice over hedonism, but I also think there's an economic dimension you're ignoring here. Elites in a pre-capitalist society where selected on the basis of individual merit and afterwards, family name. That merit had usually a link to martial hability, scientific knowledge or artistic skill, which created the culture of the aristocracy you're refering to: it had to keep discipline, it had to restrain itself, it had to be a role model of sorts. In a capitalistic society, only capital counts. And as we know the prevailing Ideology is nothing but a projection of the class consciousness and class values of the upper class, so we grow as vulgar and hedonistic as they are.

It's actually one of the banes of capitalistic society that in order to sustain itself, the narrative of social mobility has to stay alive, and for that narrative to stay alive the owners of capital have to sacrifice the patterns of behavior the aristocracy used to have.

>> No.6446567

>I think tradition grows organically out of any community,
It can, but it can be created consciously as well. Church tradition is a good example.

>A tradition can easily outlive its usefulness and become redundant, if not counter-productive, and eventually die. And there's nothing wrong with that imo.
Yeah, no shit. I'm a fascist, not a traditionalist, I believe in creating new, futurists traditions that are compatible with a post-industrial society.

We need to look to churches for a template here: every week you attend (optional, but good attendance record is required to vote), in a uniform, where some cultural hero is celebrated. An official party meet with ceremonies and music. Adults who have been initiated into the party (a process which should be open, but should take as much involvement as getting received into a church) get to vote; adolescents who are received get half-a-vote. The state needs to have vocational programs that are open to the unemployed, which are free if you enroll, but then you are required to work for the state on salary for so many years after so as to pay back their investment; you want to become an electrician? Okay, government will train you and certify you for free (if you are attending party convention), but after that you have to be on call for the state for say five years, for electrical work they need; you get assigned somewhere, just like the military, and you get a state electrician's uniform that looks snappy and makes you feel proud; you learn the electrician's creed; in important ceremonies, you are march with electrician's in a state workers parade.

>> No.6446616

How can anyone be this dumb?

>> No.6446983

Jesus fucking Christ, more GDP don't mean shit if the Government don't utlize it and if its hoarded by oligarchs. You can have shit education and shit health care (US) and be the richest nation of the world. Learn basic geography hoe.

>> No.6446993

Why does the economic output have to be distributed by the government? The people who create all the wealth are just as capable of distributing it. The more there is, the more everyone can possibly have, wither equally or not.

>> No.6446998

Does Zizek actually want Marxist revolutions? Thought he just supported the idea that a revolution was needed in this failed system. I think anyone who can see the basic flaws of capitalism would agree there needs a revolution. Zizek himself has no answer to what should be next after capitalism; but that there needs one. To not think so, is being one of those end of history faggots like Fujiyama; I'd just end humanity now if it just stuck in this self-destructing society.

>> No.6447020

Do you believe in liberalism? If you believe governments are capable (more effective) in handling laws and police enforcement then why not money? People who create wealth are profit based, there is no incentive for them to distribute fairly. I agree nation need a foundation economy but pursuing international commerce without socialist policies just screws the population as well as the government. No inflation to be controlled, Banks own the state, growth of inequality and the such.

>> No.6447030

Another problem with totally free commerce is that it actually promote less competition after a specific amount of time. The growth of big companies and billions of marketing means its hard for small businesses to grow. For a free market, I am quite unfree to build my own coke company cause i'd be crushed by Coca-cola and Pepsi. Eventually you can see this on a larger scale where one companies own over 50 or 60 products or institutions at a time. If its a free market why tf is it so difficult to become a bourgeois even with merit. Us is locked in this Lockean state and you guys are fucked.

>> No.6447175

Here's a fun fact: There's plenty of local sodas in the US. And when the market in South America was liberalized, the big soda companies suffered, because the smaller could compete easier. Before the liberalization, the big companies could simply subscribe to a market via the states.

>> No.6448382

But the reality is much different than theory. With the internet little businesses can compete with big companies because the cost of distribution is effectively zero.

>> No.6448797
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>My face when Zizek BTFOs such a train of thought repeatedly