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/lit/ - Literature

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6441710 No.6441710 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of The Stranger by Albert Camus?

I just finished reading it for the first time and I don't know what to make of it so I'd like to hear what others have to say about it.

>> No.6441742

I liked it a lot, very cozy read.

>> No.6441746

>I don't know what to make of it
So give it time to sink in.

>> No.6442193
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I'm really interested in existentialism and have been looking into existentialist novels. Is this book a good place to start?

>> No.6442198

I hope not

>> No.6442200

It shouldn't take more than an afternoon, just go for it

>> No.6442208

How come? It sounds interesting.

>> No.6442222

Finished it myself yesterday anon. Great read, just
Listen to this guy

>> No.6442228

Okay I think I'm gonna check it out tomorrow then, thank you.

>> No.6442235

i thought it was underwhelming

>> No.6442238

i don't know! what did YOU have to say about it? what scenes stuck out for you? why? how did you feel when Mersault was losing his shit at the priest? how did that differ from his earlier behavior? how did the first line of the book affect your reading of mersault's narration? do you trust mersault? is he trustworthy? what's the difference? if not how does this affect this story? if you do?

to be honest i've already fed you too much. if you can't come up with these questions and postulate an answer to at least one on your own i suggest you immediately stop coming to /lit/ and read more until you stop reading books and not "know[ing] what to make of them"

coda: does anyone on this board fucking read literature? anyone? does anyone care?

>> No.6442251

i should temper this: a lot of people, when tackling quote unquote capital letter L Literature wil immediately start looking for the "meaning" or the "significance" and will come up blank. this is because, in my opinion, "meaning" should be the end goal of analysis, not the means by which the analysis is undertaken. meaning: start first by looking at the elements of the story, how the characters behave, what happens to them, how that reflects on them, things like that. also pay close attention to flowery language; good authors don't waste words, and purple prose is often [not always] laden with imagery and metaphors that can be central to the author's "thesis" if you like [careful with that word though it implies some things about literature]

after you've noticed something about any of those things that seems important, after you've pulled some key pieces out the toybox, put them together to see how they play with each other. some sort of "significance" or meaning may float to the surface. if not, look for more pieces. if so, do that anyway, but this time with the same critical approach to YOUR OWN reading, testing it against other moments in the book.

>> No.6443642

Yeah I have obviously thought about those things, but I would like to hear what others have to say as well.