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/lit/ - Literature

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6437128 No.6437128 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you want to be a writer, again?

>> No.6437136

egotistical and i want to go down in history as the lil boi who created the greatest paradigm shift of the 21st century

>> No.6437139

I've been reading for a long time now and I still haven't found what I want from literature.

>> No.6437149

Avatarfagging is against the rules.

>> No.6437150

too late tao lin already do that.

>> No.6437151

that can't be right anon

that's why *i* want to be a writer

>> No.6437154

stop posting threads faggot

>> No.6437157

who is making these asuka threads

>> No.6437163

so i can write shit

>> No.6437166

No, that is why I want to be a writer.

Wait a second...

>> No.6437172

>anonymous faggots being remembered


>> No.6437186

Because reading impregnated my brain with memes and now this pregnancy must come to term

>> No.6437194

so when you're anonymous on the internet, you're anonymous for real? that doesn't make sense man

>> No.6437229

So people will respect me and I don't have to hang out with anime faggots on a scottish fishing board

>> No.6437241
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>/lit/ - Feels, Memes, & Anime

>> No.6437257

It's sad to frequent a board that has less actual discussion than /mu/

>tfw you still come here and tell yourself it's because this is the only place in the Internet where people talk about classics
>tfw deep down you really just come here for the memes and shitposting

>> No.6437282

/lit/ is one of the better boards.

>> No.6437293

I wish there were more mods. Shitpost threads stay up for several hours at times.

>> No.6437305

When the undergraduates and reddit aren't here that may be true.

I propose we call undergraduates "undies" in a similar fashion to how r9k has dubbed normalfags, "normies"

>> No.6437310

What's with this new undergraduate "meme"

I'm pretty sure a good chunk of /lit/ is in college and the ones who aren't dropped out or never got in in the first place, and it's always been that way

>> No.6437320

>blaming /lit/s shittiness on an imagined other

Sure is Summer in here, remember when 4chan was good
that's irony

>> No.6437337

because i like film and i want to make at least one.

>> No.6437389

Nobody wants to be a writer, OP. Some people just are

>> No.6437416

Ya this pathetic shit has to stop. Search the fucking catalogue before you post a thread.

Keep the frogs and feels in one thread.

Don't make duplicate threads.

God dammnit we need a fucking better sticky with better rules

>> No.6437418

that was good.

>> No.6437419

It's two or three guys really buttblasted about it. Somehow they forget the dfw boom we had a couple of weeks back or the lack of content in most critique threads. it's always the same.

>> No.6437424

The mods don't care anymore, anon.

>> No.6437426

The worst part is that the sticky used to be better. It had a few pastebins with rec charts and even a ebook rider buying guide. I don't know what happened to it.

>> No.6437431

if at least they fix the link.
we should fix the wiki too is a mess.

>> No.6437437

Because I have passion and a story to tell.

>> No.6437460

All the download links to ebooks in the wiki are dead too, last I checked.

I really liked the huge collections they had of literature from various countries.

>> No.6437721

I write for revenge.

>> No.6437742

My reading of monster girl fetish fanfics sparked my literary side to try a hand at writing.

>> No.6437781

>implying anybody reads the sticky
I just want an all encompassing recommendation chart or at least a repository for all of the "After reading X, go Y" infographics. Somewhere to redirect all of the new reader threads to much like the godly /fit/ sticky or the 1k posts /t/ sticky.

>> No.6437849

Anything in particular?
I'm a lamia/arachnid man, myself.

>> No.6437874
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Because a lifestyle of expression, drugs, and endless masturbation attracts me.

>also ego

>> No.6437953

>What is the Evangelion of /insert board here/?

Where do people seem to get this notion that Evangelion (or its "equivalents") is the be-all and end-all of art?

Yes, I have seen it

>> No.6437957

They're emotionally and mentally stunted.

>> No.6437997

It's a meme, Facebook bros.

>> No.6438050
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Because I wasn't good enough to be a doctor or in any feasible way help people. Literature and the ideas i've gained from it, the names. They're the only things that have meaning to me anymore.

Other than not, nothing particular. Trying to get a day job with a degree in basket weaving is fun.

>> No.6438058

>wants to be a revolutionary but my girlfriend wont let me

>> No.6438292

I can't draw and I hated the people in the music scene. Film sounds cool but I don't know enough about it, and it seems expensive.

>> No.6438294

The only subject i've ever been good at is literature, the only awards i've ever won have been for writing.

>> No.6438365

Because someone needs to take that j k Rowling bitch down a peg

>> No.6438416

I enjoy drinking cannabis tea and writing poetry

>> No.6438512

I want to change the world.

Now you can laught at me.

>> No.6438550

I need to create things to feel happy, and writing is creating things

>> No.6438572

It's a meme used to make fun of overzealous Madoka fans. The original was "Is Madoka Magica the Evangelion of anime?" Lurk more.

>> No.6438831


In order to create a new paradigm shift, one has to defeat the old paradigm.

Our current paradigm (Post-Modernism) emerged because it defeated the previous one (Modernism.) And Modernism only emerged after defeating Romanticism. And Romanticism only emerged from defeating Enlightenment... etc. etc. etc.

But a new paradigm shift would look like something out of pol. Why? Because it contains controversial truths no one dares to speak.

>Inb4 awkward laughing.
>Inb4 angry denial.

So....nobody here will probably actually create a paradigm shift. Because they are waaay to invested in the current paradigm to actually take it on.

This is why academy is usually conquered from outside forces, as the schools they teach become outmoded every 3-5 generations.

>As if Tao Lin actually will take on the current order.
>Inb4 anyone still believes we live in the 1950s.

>/Lit got all that student debt for nothing.

>> No.6438855

I want money and I don't want to have to work for it

My father worked, and it killed him

>> No.6440006


>> No.6440028

why did you bump this thread

>> No.6440074

I write so I can make sense of all these errant thoughts in my head. I desperately want to be heard and understood. I'd like to be able to express myself so clearly that there's no room for interpretation, to craft a phrase that will encapsulate an experience so well that it will be relatable to all. That and also it would be dope to be fucking famous and fuck chicks.

>> No.6440081

I really enjoy writing and I would much rather spend my days doing that than the engineering job I have now.

>> No.6441903

Centaur, lamia, and yeti are what I am draw to the most. Though I find myself writing more about dogs and cats and shit.

>> No.6441932

I want to a clever, quirky, and decently attractive author that is well known. as apposed to the clever, quirky, and decently attractive loser i am now