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6435917 No.6435917 [Reply] [Original]

"The terrible predicament of a beautiful girl is that only an experienced womanizer, someone cynical and without scruple, feels up to the challenge. More often than not, she will lose her virginity to some filthy lowlife in what proves to be the first step in an irrevocable decline."
- Michel Houellebecq

Why do all quality writers and thinkers ( Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Hegel, Céline, Bukowski etc etc ) hate women?

>> No.6435920

>quality writers and thinkers ( Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Hegel, Céline, Bukowski

when the b8 so gr8 u r8 8/8

>> No.6435927

@>quality writer

>> No.6435930

Rimbaud wrote a poem about this

There is too much chaos in the human female. You have no idea what you're getting into when you deal with them.

>> No.6435931

That quote isn't a good example of him hating them. Though I've had this cynical thought, the "decline" isn't inevitable or "irrevocable"

They're just sensitive thoughtful people, but weird and too shy for their own good.
In before simplistic beta-philosophy ramblings.

>> No.6435939


Schopenhauer didn't hate women, he just believed they were intellectually and morally inferior.

Which is of course true.

>> No.6435941

what are you talking about, hate, is the wrong word here. He prefers virgins.

>> No.6435945
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i dont think houllebecq hates women. i think he attacks men for not being brave enough to approach hot girls.

on the other hand you should know by now:
Le femme n'existe pas.

>> No.6435946

That didn't even rhyme

>> No.6435947

People in the anglosphere are so self obsessed that they believe any criticism is hate.

>> No.6435949


>He prefers virgins

who doesn't?

>> No.6435952


Is that what Lacan claims?
Can you please elaborate?
I'm actually interested in that claim of his.

>> No.6435953


that's not from the poem you autist. I'm trying to find it

>> No.6435955

Nah Schopenhauer prefers little girls.

>> No.6435957


Pretty much this.
I also think Tumblr ruined public debate.
In 2006 people weren't as hysterical online as they are now.

>> No.6435958
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>tfw i kind of agree with that quote

>> No.6435960

women are a meme

>> No.6435963

women will never not be a meme

>> No.6435965

Why would you conclude that a platitudinous statement means he hates women?

>> No.6435970


>platitudinous statement
>implying it isn't true

Too much 4chan white knight "this is more reasonable than you OP" counterposting has made you immune for the truth.

>> No.6435977
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It seems more like wistfulness or sadness than hate of women. Perhaps "misogynistic" ... but "misogynistic" is meaningless in its current use; it is something you call writing you don't like, a cop-out for legitimately criticizing something.

>> No.6435979


nigga please

pretty girls are usually stuck so far up their own asses that it's impossible to even get their attention unless you treat them like they're absolute trash

>> No.6435984

its not about hatred, its about understanding. women are different from men in some ways that are unsavory to describe (just like certain differences of men are unsavory to describe). but today any statement about women in general that isn't unambiguously positive is seen as unforgivable misogyny.

>> No.6435986

I know :)

And all human beings have "too much chaos" in them. You have no idea what you're dealing with from any of them.

Which makes you a moron.

>> No.6435990

Pretty girl here. Can confirm, although it's a mix of that and having absolutely no self esteem. Varies case to case.

>> No.6435991

True, but even then the word for any mistreatment of a woman was "mysoginy" which means "woman hate". It's pretty silly to think that sexism behaviour is woman hate, sounds like those rappers that bitch about "dem haters" all the time.

>> No.6435992

Gender is a construct.

>> No.6435994

yes, it's lacan.
actually i don't totally get it either but he claims women and men dont have the same kind of subjectivity.
women only exists as far as men fail to actualize or eminate. women dont have a phallus (not to be confused with the penis, i think phallus is some kind of Maker-meme in Lacan). Furthermore men can speak the truth, whereas women are spoken by the truth.
I think in the end he means something along the lines that women want to be loved and cared for and define themselves from an outside perspective.
however this would be a pretty sexist comment in the current gender discourse.
i also dont know if he sees contemporary civilization like this or if this is a feature of femininity as such
does anyone else have a clue?

>> No.6435998

The dictionary is your friend. It fights for freedom.

>> No.6436001

I see more posts from your type than I ever do supposed white knights.

>> No.6436002

i dont. had some, theyre pretty hot, but inexperienced, too tight and bloody

>> No.6436003

i would say that women are far more vain and shallow than men, please prove me otherwise (i've been waiting mah whole life)

>> No.6436005


too bad sex is a biological fact

>> No.6436006

That's pretty much what he's getting at. Only the jerks with all that confidence and swagger get their attention.

But just enough to think you deserve a handsome or well placed dude? Or is this another level of pretty girl?

>> No.6436008

>it's a mix of that and having absolutely no self esteem.
I have never met a woman who didn't claim to have low self esteem.

>> No.6436009

gender roles are largely biologically determined and there will never be as many highly intelligent, talented and successful women as there are intelligent, talented and successful men.

>> No.6436011
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I dunno OP. All I know is that the weak should fear the strong. Something /lit/ opposes.

>> No.6436015


>yfw women do much better in school and university than men


>> No.6436020


great cuckland pls, the adults are talking

>> No.6436028


that's because our schools are run by women for girls

fuck off with this shit

>> No.6436030

The average dude doesn't even try. My type, whatever that is, fails to stand to the occasion and can't impress without being a tryhard or lapdog.

This is no self esteem. Completely different thing. It's like you didn't have a self image until you were an adult and now you don't know what to do with it or how to use it the way everyone else would.

>> No.6436039

average women do better than average men. more women have 3.5 GPAs in not particularly challenging fields, sure. women, however, are not providing the bulk of research in advanced mathematics and sciences nor creating great art or starting highly successful companies.

>> No.6436042

Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were too original to get a college teaching position. So they didn't have status. They became famous after their death. It's tough for an outcast to get women.

Bukowski dropped writing after constant rejection. He's been a poorfag doing McJobs. He grew lots of resentment against women. He started writing again at almost 50y/o. In his book "Women", you can see that as an old man he became a womanizer and got his revenge. Nice happy ending.

Céline was a medicine Doctor (Dr Destouches). Probably a rich fag. Who says he hated women? He probably had many.

Hegel was the most famous philosophy college teacher of his time. Probably had all the pussy he wanted. Who says he hated women? Maybe he writes somewhere that men are superior. Wouldn't prove that he "hated" them.

>> No.6436044

>Completely different thing.
I'm sure it is but I also met plenty of woman who claimed they "hate themselves". that's even lower than no self esteem

>> No.6436046
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as >>6435990
pointed out your wrong. i have been with several dead drop gorgeous girls and they seek affirmation alot. of course they know they are superior to most other women as there is a strong hierarchy among them which pretty much taboo. pretty girls are even more dependant on attention by alpha males etc because of their looks. when they get 13/14 they suddenly realize the power they have and sometimes concentrate too much on this particular trait, so that if this fades away (or they imagine it to fade away for a few days) their esteem turns to shit.
conclusively i would say girls are more dependent on outside appraisement, pretty girls even more so. but when they get it and are even smart like >>6435990
they have every right to feel like the queen of the world.

>> No.6436049

because those things require creativity, which women generally lack

>> No.6436054

il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel

>> No.6436058

It's a rare breed. Met like 2 others. Complete opposite of hating yourself, you just don't use it in self appraisal at all.

>> No.6436059
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My ideal human is a woman. Elegant and noble, without the rottenness that haunts the realm of men.

>> No.6436061

I've dated girls who are drop dead gorgeous too, and they have all been completely bat shit insane. And pretty often, giant hoes, manipulative, attention starved, stubborn, the list goes on and on

>> No.6436062

>Le femme n'existe pas.
Lacan is a mystic.
He only wrote one book in his whole life. He liked it when people didn't understand what he said. He liked to be seen as a prophet. Derrida is nothing compared to Lacan.
He also said that there is no sexual relation(ship), etc.
nominalist meme.

>> No.6436066

sounds like you're a misogynist anon

>> No.6436071

When a civilization is in decline you will see the practise of game exponentially rise since male ambition is funneled away from avenues of productivity and instead squandered on animalistic mating ritual.
Of course those best fit for this are deviant scum.

Houellebecq goes into this as well, in his book "Whatever".

>> No.6436073

just saying it would seem to be a highly common trait if one trusted the people who say it, which i learned not to.
Shame it makes it harder for the ones who actually suffer from this.

>> No.6436079

Guys want affirmation from me and it sucks. If all you have to talk about is how I look and how lucky you are I'm not like other girls, you're doing something wrong because it's the last thing I care about. Not that I don't stay in shape because fat fucks are gross.

>> No.6436082

yeah, usually try to avoid those but the "crazy/beautiful" scale, to say it in the least /lit/ manner as possible definitely has its merits.
i think those that turn out best are the ones that reach puberty late and are some kind of tomboy before so they arent completely spoilt when they get 18.

why do you think they were all insane?

>> No.6436092


I can agree on this.
The women I've dated have been as well.
They can only be tamed by men of the likes OP refers to.
I see this all too often how they seek at these men to keep them in check.

That sounds like anecdotal evidence, if it weren't backed up by actual research:


>> No.6436096

It's only the genuinely nontraditional types that are the most sincere. No makeup, no fucks.

>> No.6436100

>why do you think they were all insane?
men's fault, not even kidding

>> No.6436106

probably because they were young, I'm only 19 myself. waiting for a beautiful girl who doesn't feel the necessity to stare at her cellphone all day participating in idolatry

>> No.6436109

everyone wants affirmation. the question at stake is whether women define themselves more about affirmatione then men. if so lacan's la femme n'existe pas would make some sense.
i talked to my gf about it and she said women maybe really sometimes don't dare to exist.
but she's not very emancipated from a tumblr-perspective.
zizek/lacan also claim that men already exist out of their bodies as a seperate voice/identity, whereas women are still stuck in this process which makes them somehow hysterical.

>> No.6436111


The feminization of education is really troublesome.

I've been a teacher and all the schools I went to, even for interns.. I'd say 7/10 of the teachers are women.
Not good at all. I'm against mixed schools more and more.

>> No.6436119

It's what daddy issues, a competitive/equally narcissistic mother and constant reinforcement do to you. I call it cheerleader syndrome.

Much more than that.

>> No.6436122

>pretty girls are usually stuck so far up their own asses that it's impossible to even get their attention unless you treat them like they're absolute trash
Sounds crazy but fug is this true
I guess that's just the result of having guys who don't know what they're doing drool over you for 10 years in a public education institution and then having basically everyone double take/stare at you in public

>> No.6436123
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I've had a few gorgeous women.
I love women to a fault.
I look a bit like pic-related, I look like a puppy and think the world is unfair.
I love the film "Ich will doch nur dass ihr mich liebt" (I only want you to love me) by Fassbinder, where the girl loves her husband as a puppy ("schmauz")
Milla Jovovich also dated John Frusciante from RHCP.
After sex, women will usually say "wow, you're surprising!"
For some reason, they expect struggling artists, women lovers, to be repressed.
In the heat of action, everyone will become crazy.

>> No.6436125

stop trying to find girls who have the same personality as you. just go for girls who are attractive whose company you can enjoy for simple, sensual reasons rather than intellectual reasons. if you want someone to talk about deep thoughts with go find a man.

>> No.6436132

I had no idea /lit/ was infested with robots

>> No.6436134

U r either sheltered or delusional if u think women are naturally intellectually inferior and that their lack of powerful social position is self-perpetuated

>> No.6436137

On this level, it's a little different. I was raised by my dad and can't really comment, but will say female culture is a little toxic to grow up in. It's what makes the worst of gay guys, but that has too much outside psychology to use as an example.

>> No.6436141

>My type, whatever that is, fails to stand to the occasion and can't impress without being a tryhard or lapdog.
This is why I don't try: your attitude, other women having this attitude. Why the fuck do you need to be 'impressed'? Why do you view the interaction as a one directional circus act where he has to impress you, rather than having a regular conversation?

>> No.6436144

nah, not so sure. some women have pretty deep insights in psychology and power structures and the like. sometimes women, even if they have less knowledge are better observers and are more empathetic.

>> No.6436147

Hey guess what women aren't human beings also I cannot get laid because I don't understand people finally I get to speak my opinions

>> No.6436150

>Much more than that.
tru dat, but it's the reason women don't knock it off.
last time i said this on /lit/ i made someone sperg.

>> No.6436151

I mean that it stifles regular conversation and men turn into chest beating monkeys. It's not hot.

>> No.6436152


you know that there are only few AIs in the world that can solve captcha and argue about Lacan right?
Im one of them
inb4 i'm no robot

>> No.6436153


>all deh ppl not agreeing with the feminist news speak of today cant get laid lel

Here we go with the ad hominems.

>> No.6436157
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Is this you?

>> No.6436159

>Why the fuck do you need to be 'impressed'?

>> No.6436167

i feel you there.
as the male you always have to take initative, you have to come up with the subject. its your fault when the conversation runs dry etc.
dont know why women are like this but its part of the game and i think the game is kind of fun

>> No.6436169
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>> No.6436172


>tripcucks show up
>thread magically goes to shit

see you guys later

>> No.6436177


I'm the one cucking you bubs

>> No.6436179



Another quote from the same book

"In the liberal system which Bruno and Christiane had joined, the sexual model proposed by the dominant culture (advertising, magazines, social and public health organizations) was governed by the principle of adventure: in such a system, pleasure and desire occur as a result of a process of seduction, which emphasizes novelty, passion and individual creativity (all qualities also required of employees in their professional capacities)."
- Michel Houellebecq

>> No.6436184
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>> No.6436191

I always thought he was talking about "women" as a signifier in that context. Using the idea that all words are made up of other words (see Derrida's interminable dictionary) as a foundation, there is the idea that words without referents (signifiers without signifieds) can still take on meaning because of the self-referential nature of language. So "women" comes to represent something that isn't actually real, and anyone who dresses like what we typically call a woman is doing so *in service of the concept*, almost as a mimesis.

>> No.6436197

Trannies aren't women though.

>> No.6436204


>"Must....make sure...people...know....I'm straight....on an anonymous image board..."

>> No.6436205

You're one of the worst tripfags in the history of the board. We've actually had plenty of great tripfags, but your opinions are boring, stupid and unfunny.

Nobody likes you
Nobody likes you
Nobody likes you
Nobody likes you
Nobody likes you
Nobody likes you

>> No.6436209

Houellebecq is right, but you probs have a shitty personality.

>> No.6436215


I dunno how you could possibly determine that from that quote post.

>> No.6436217


>> No.6436218

I'm a woman and they are a disgusting parody of whatever they think women are.

>> No.6436219

Surely replying to him will make him stop.

>> No.6436221

i think its due to what we put in children's heads. if wed encourage girls as much as boys in many fields they would achieve equal results.

>> No.6436222


Seems like someone is getting......


>> No.6436224

So many of you build with bricks which will disintegrate in two years. You need to escape your context, ie 4chan, internet memes, SJW/MRA nonsense. The typical criticisms and apprasials which come from that context toward people from entirely different backgrounds and historical positions (Schopenhauer, etc) make no sense, especially when the ideas are plucked from their textual/philosophical context.

>> No.6436225

choice of quote (personal selection) and what you're agreeing with, mah nigga

>> No.6436228


>"Must....make sure...people...know....I'm straight....on an anonymous image board...."

>> No.6436229

>"gender is a construct!!"
>"I was born a woman in a man's body"
>somehow that chick with a dick isn't taking on a female persona/construct

Leftist logic.

>> No.6436230
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>> No.6436232
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every post you make is embarassing. Why do you feel the need to trip? You literally have nothing of value to say, ever

>> No.6436233

Most writers don't hate all women... They just hate a woman, and since induction is so easy...

>> No.6436235

We did to the point that girls outperform boys academically in lower education. Hasn't changed what fields they go into or who succeeds in the slightest.

>> No.6436237


Well you agree with it too, so...

>> No.6436244

yes, i also think he talks about it in that context.
the signified falls into the signifier.
that the signifier "women" doenst point to something signified pertains though.
why is there no signified? juda christian religion=?

>> No.6436245



It's really the opposite. White nationalists are very embarrassing people.

>> No.6436248
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bi-lesbians are the solution.

>> No.6436249


>he hasn't filtered foucunt yet

>> No.6436253

this is a noble pursuit and I would have absolutely no problem with it if there weren't so many retards who believe girls playing with dolls created all of society's inequalities.
if society pushed gender roles are so important how come there are so many males who are complete losers, not to mention bums? and if playing with dolls is so bad how come lots and lots of women choose career over family care?

>> No.6436254



>> No.6436257

>Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were too original to get a college teaching position.

Those two actually got teaching positions in university durgin their lifetime.

>Céline was a medicine Doctor (Dr Destouches). Probably a rich fag.

He was from a puny money-obsessed middle-class family. He also spent a good deal of his career in the popular part of Paris tending to poorfags/low-classfags parisians. Irc he had one woman (his wife) for most of his life. In his writings, he hated everything.

>Hegel was the most famous philosophy college teacher of his time. Probably had all the pussy he wanted.
>college professor
>in XIXth century Protestant Germany
>had all the pussy he wanted

I get what you're trying to do but please stop.

>> No.6436261

Yep, your physiology is a social construct.

>> No.6436263

>quality writer/thinker

Yeah, if you're an edgy adolescent who romanticises alcoholism. Everything he wrote was shit except maybe ham on rye.

>> No.6436265


Sex and gender are two different things. Gender is what we imagine sex to be through subtext, linguistics, culture, etc. The color blue and pink. Sex is chromosomal.

>> No.6436268

When people say "gender is a social construct", they are distinguishing gender from biological sex. Evolutionary psychology is what generally attempts to relate the two. Sociology and critical theory generally distinguishes them.

>> No.6436271

I don't see what's so bad about constructs that the very accusation of being one invalidates something's nature.
Morality is a construct and it's very useful.

>> No.6436273

Women seem to love judging men on the things they don't have control over (like height, dick size, voice, etc) while getting mad when men judge them on the things they do have control over (behavior, intellect, hobbies, etc).
This makes me wonder why women raise their sons to be the opposite of what they find attractive. Are they ashamed of what they like?
Maybe women have some kind of dissonance which stops them from admitting that they want to be dominated. So when they fall for a dominant man they project genteel qualities onto him. Women go on believing that gentility is what they really/primarily want so they train their sons that way.
Or they don't think of their sons as men. Just like they have different ladders for male friends, romantic partners and hook ups which seldom meet, maybe women have a separate ladder for their boy children. In women's eyes their son will only ever be just that so he doesn't need to learn to be dominant. In fact it would be better if he were passive since it would make him easier to control. So women teach their boys to be the kind of CHILD they want but not the kind of MAN they want.

>> No.6436275

No i agree with Houellebecq in the context of the novel. Not some faggot who chose a particular quote to fit their own argument about women and capitalism.

Chances are you can't get laid because you lack novelty, passion and individual creativity i.e. you suck.

>> No.6436276

maybe sex infulences gender?

>> No.6436283

Don't you mean gender roles, then? Gender is the same as sex.

>> No.6436285


You realize you're doing the same things you accuse women of doing right now, in this post.


Sure. But, they're still different.

>> No.6436286


I do get laid. I just don't put women on a pedestal.
Thanks for caring though.

>> No.6436287

And who invented the theory of gender? Wasn't it that convicted pedophile whose work has been discredited for other reasons in every field but gender studies?

>> No.6436294

Gender is a sexual construct, not a social one
no chick is ever going to be a dude. at the best they'll look like a goofy faggot dyke

>> No.6436296

>Women seem to love judging men on the things they don't have control over (like height, dick size, voice, etc)

And the very reason they make those criticisms is because they know those criticisms hurt and they know those criticisms hurt because they've spent a lot of time with men. In other words, it's because *men* overvalued those traits to the point of insecurity that some women learned to use those insecurities against them.

>> No.6436297


What is there to agree with in the "context of the novel"?
The book is one flying contradiction of statements, it doesn't have an end conclusion, like most of Houellebecq's work.
You're one transparant faggot who claims to read but didn't, or you didn't read it well enough.

>> No.6436303


>Gender is the same as sex.

Not really. Gender roles, gender, and sex, are three different issues, all related.


>pedophile whose work has been discredited for other reasons in every field but gender studies?

If you're accusing Foucault of being a pedoiphile or even being convicted you are the biggest moron and also you're a liar.

Liars tend to go to hell, so since you're a good Christian, maybe the lies should stop.


Gender is a sexual construct as much as you relate it to yourself as one.

>> No.6436314
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>Those two actually got teaching positions in university durgin their lifetime.
Schopenhauer spent his life trying to get a teaching position. Maybe he was a teacher assistant as a young brilliant grad student. For anything more (say, after 30y/o), I require source.

Nietzsche : I was not talking about his being the youngest college Professor in Switzerland, while he was a philologist. Sure, back then, he had status. But then his destiny became wildly different from someone like Hegel. Instead of become a famous college Professor, Nietzsche was fired (mostly for atheism), and never found a college teaching position again.

>in XIXth century Protestant Germany
granted, maybe he was not a womanizer
but I meant that contrary to OP's claim, Hegel was certainly not your average AFC. He probably had all the women he wanted, even though, granted, he didn't live in a time when you could be openly unfaithful to your wife.

>> No.6436315

Not the creator of gender theory. This is why you don't trip because it proves how much of a retard you are for posterity as everyone screencaps it.

>> No.6436316

Jesus fucking Christ every thread this faggot manages to make about himself and his cum gargling BDSM philosopher.

Just filter him already.

>> No.6436317

Gender and sex are both determined by your chromosomes. Gender roles are determined by your community.

>> No.6436319

Not associating your sex with the proper gender (i.e. xy chromosomes with being a man) is mental illness. This social justice bullshit is way out of control and I'd expect better from /lit/. This nonesense didn't happen before the end of the 20th century in any appreciable numbers.

>> No.6436322

>And all human beings have "too much chaos" in them.

>muh we are all the same

we are not

>> No.6436324
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>gender theory

>> No.6436325

Well, I'm 6'3, hairy, and have a penis, so I'm a man

>> No.6436326

says the James Joyce fanboi.

>> No.6436330

Yup, created by a child molester who made little boys have sex while he watched.

>> No.6436333

If i was 6'3, hairy, had a penis, but was a woman, would I still be a man? What's your argument about gender again I forgot

>> No.6436335

>For anything more (say, after 30y/o), I require source.


Says he was an instructor at the University of Berlin from 1820 to 1830.

>> No.6436341
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>had a penis
>was a woman
A very rare disorder that is corrected at birth.

>> No.6436342

Your sex would be male. Your gender would be female.

I know this is where you all rage and say "le mental illness SJW", etc. But, honestly, who the fuck cares if some biological male calls herself a female? Figure out why you started to care. I'll be it's more political than it is logical.

>> No.6436344

It's perhaps about how we encourage them rather than merely how much we encourage them.

I plan on raising the first 150+ IQ 0 friends Aspergers 18+ virgin mathematical genius of the XXIth century. Should keep me busy for a decade or two.

>> No.6436348

>women are good at being empty receptacles

wow anon, who would have thought

>> No.6436349
File: 155 KB, 634x1024, rs_634x1024-130725104308-634.snooki.cm.72513[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they ashamed of what they like?
>Maybe women have some kind of dissonance which stops them from admitting that they want to be dominated.
like the overwhelming majority of human beings, most women never engage in any sort of productive introspection, which means that they don't stop to think about themselves and their behaviour. whether they're psychophisically attracted to something or something else, this is obviously not a cognitive reaction, more like an instinctive one; they don't choose to be aroused by certain behaviours as much as you didn't choose to be aroused by big butts or whatever makes your ding dong chime. When they get old this kind of stimuli start having less effect on them, not just because they get old, but also because their priorities might have changed, for example if they now have a family. When you're not very interested in the sexual innuendo you start seeing certain things in a different light: a male being cocky is just an annoying twat if he doesn't make your pussy tingle. Now of course what happens is that they try to fight the annoyance in every way because people don't like to be annoyed.
Also talking about a situation and being in that situation are two very different things. It's very easy for me, as a male, to say that I wouldn't have sex with pic related because she's gaudy, obnoxious and retarded, but would I say the same if I hadn't been masturbating for a week and she were begging me for sex? This shit happens to women too, of course if you talk with them about obnoxious behaviour they're gonna say it's obnoxious, but then what would they do firsthand?

>> No.6436351

Bruno and Christiane's relationship as a narrative vehicle ends when she commits suicide? He's critiquing capitalism's effects on and valuation of the body, not the need to impress a girl on your first date.

>> No.6436352
File: 18 KB, 500x159, tumblr_n42366nHzO1rv3sb1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Many more are laughing at White Nationalists.


Sex is determined by chromosomes, gender is how we react to it.


Even if that was true, what would be the problem with mental illness? You're trying to sound hard and deep when you're just grasping at straws trying to branch out into another group of ethics. Posturing that Mental Illness is the larger Other you should totally discredit, if not possibly sterilize.


Damn what a great example of how White Nationalists still look today.


God that projection.


It depends on where, when, what time, etc. Sexually male, and if you associate that with men, it's still your call.

Still, you dipshits tend to take more absurd concepts from Evola or Technocrats seriously, so it's interesting on your part the first instance of sexuality coming into play is one of total panic and projected laughter.

>> No.6436355

Our problem today is that masculinity today is a subject of derision.
Only working class/pleb dudes
Everything above that, middle class and such, is now at odds with what makes a man a man.
Hence all the retarded lumberjack looks you see around to signal that which isn't obvious anymore.

So it is a construct in the sense that when it isn't reinforced and otherwise inhabits a virtual and not an actual space.
Now we have a culture who panders to the poor dears among us, but lets the men figure it out on their own, without any guidance whatsoever ( except that everything is politically incorrect when they act as they're biologically wired to do )
You feel a sense of relief when you read those old chaps again instead of Butler-ian nonsense on how a man being a man is a Hitler in the making.

Oh and I'm awaiting the "u cant get any pussy' replies now.

>> No.6436361

I don't think women want men to use their toilets and change rooms, m8. Nor do they want men competing in their sports or other competitive activities.

>> No.6436362


Only working class/pleb dudes live in a social climate where it isn't a matter of debate, but survival, to be authentically masculine*

>> No.6436363

how do I filter him?

>> No.6436367

>act as they're biologically wired to do

How are we biologically wired to "act" again?

>> No.6436368

There are no transsexuals in the animal kingdom - only in mankind. There are some incredibly rare cases of homosexuality in certain species of animal (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18370797)) but it is a complete aberration of what animals naturally do; there will always be mistakes and mental illness stopping the proper behaviour from occuring some of the time. I do not wish for trans people to be subjugated, ostracised or discriminated against but they fundamentally need help to become normal people like everyone else before they commit suicide or some other horrible act.

>> No.6436369

>gender is how we react to it.
Yes, the body reacts to it by developing physically male.

>> No.6436371


1. Highlight someone's tripcode, it's the string that follows the exclamation point, which looks like this: !9YRObBkkAM

2. Copy the highlighted tripcode.

3. Scroll to the top of the page and look for "Settings" in the top-right corner.

4. Click on "Settings". It's right next to home.

3. Under advanced, look for Filters & Highlights

4. Drag your mouse over where it says [EDIT].

5. Click where it says [EDIT].

6. Hit ADD.

7. In the box that says "Pattern" paste the tripcode you wish to filter. Look back at step 1 if you must.

8. Make sure to select "Tripcode" under "Type" from the drop box.

9. Check the check-box that says "Hide".

10. Click Save, bottom-right corner.

11. This brings you back to the "Settings" menu. Don't panic!

12. Then click the "Save Settings" button at the bottom of the page.

13. Your page should refresh, and your trip(s) filtered.

>> No.6436373
File: 56 KB, 881x630, 1408872550988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have different strengths. We are two sides of the same coin that work in harmony. Of course we should offer the opportunities, but ignoring this for pseudoscience made by dykes and kikes that it doesn't even apply to is suicide.

>> No.6436377

Find out what your type is and go after them yourself. Not doing this has been my failing.

These traits are bred and groomed into people from the cultures they grow up in. Look at women who don't live near a shopping mall or who don't live in a wealthy country. Gender roles are real and the one we have here in the "first world" commercial empire, the women are the same bougies that always arise in this sort of socioeconomic climate.

Capitalism must be destroyed!

>> No.6436378

Confidence around the opposite sex stems from success, not the other way round.

In the eyes of a female, the confident man is understood as carrying other women's stamp of approval.

>> No.6436379

So I can either be male, female, or a butt-fucking faggot nigger sociologist who died of AIDS?

>> No.6436380

agreed, but maybe be more cynical.
women are dominated by their husband. Then they dominate their sons.
sure, a perfect mother would raise her son to be assertive. Practically, it's more the father's job, or the son's job to imitate his father.
Anyway, you shouldn't listen to what your mother says, but look at what she does.

Also, your post reminded me of DH Lawrence's Sons and Lovers. It's the story of his childhood with a patrician mother, and a violent father (alcoholic miner)

>> No.6436389

>In other words, it's because *men* overvalued those traits to the point of insecurity that some women learned to use those insecurities against them.

This. The kind of shitty women who reduce men to their penis size only do it because a man was scared that's all he was.

>> No.6436390


You can even be edgy.

>> No.6436393

It's funny you mention kike, because I'm actually one, so whatever the gender, my hcildren will have a genetic predisposition for mathematical excellence.

Thanks for reminding me.

>no animal do it
>except exceptions
>so it's bad
>and people who do it should be helped

Your reasoning is so clumsy I don't know if I really want to agree with your conclusion even if I'm tempted to.

>> No.6436396

>Maybe women have some kind of dissonance which stops them from admitting that they want to be dominated
This has been proven time and time again, nothin new here

>a male being cocky is just an annoying twat if he doesn't make your pussy tingle. Now of course what happens is that they try to fight the annoyance in every way because people don't like to be annoyed.
can confirm this as fact with how much my ex-gf fucking hates me and every word that comes out of my mouth when we hang out

>> No.6436397

so you can't possibly conceive how the two things are related?

>> No.6436401


Would explain why boys raised by single mothers turn out to be betas so consistently

>> No.6436402


>There are no transsexuals in the animal kingdom

Comparing the two would be bupkis, but damn you still manage to fuck up.

>> No.6436406


Assertive, outcome independent, edginess ( not the 4chan kind, but the general lack of care as to how others perceive him, which is a feminine trait ), pursuit of sex for the sake of sex ( compare a dude who has had 2 partners to one with 30, you'll catch my drift ) and lead, both in the relationship but also in the world.

Also among men a general sense of loyalty. Not the infighting passive aggressive nonsense that I see among the men my age, which is again a very very feminine trait.
Which is absent among more and more men of our generation, who rather spend time with their girlfriends than with their friends. Like I can't imagine my dad or granddad ever preferring that. They rather went fishing with their friends than be their wife's handbag.
This isn't the case anymore. Look at the number of guys with gf's who suddenly disappear from your social radar.
All signs of emasculation.

>> No.6436409

>emphasizes novelty, passion and individual creativity
absolutely disgusting!

>> No.6436411

>Even if that was true, what would be the problem with mental illness? You're trying to sound hard and deep when you're just grasping at straws trying to branch out into another group of ethics. Posturing that Mental Illness is the larger Other you should totally discredit, if not possibly sterilize.

The problem is that it is treated as if it is normal in today's society by leftist extremists who believe that anything other than a white, Christian, cis male is desirable... because, uh, they are responsible for every problem of society ever. Unfortunately these social justice Nazi's will fool idiots into agreeing with them, get their way, and we will still live in a fucked up world once their world is created.

Also, suicide rates amongst trans people are so high, not because of awful cis people, but because it is a massive mental instability that causes this and their existence is tormented. They need help to change, not society.

I don't want them to commit suicide, or be unhappy, anymore than you do.

>> No.6436413

Thank you. My life has been significantly improved.

Worst tripfag I've seen in my 7 years on this site

>> No.6436419

rap music and television must be destroyed

>> No.6436423

You're so autistic your sarcasm almost sounds serious.

>> No.6436425


You didn't respond to anything I said.


When I become an author that's going to be on the front cover.

>> No.6436433

You really think men all acted like that prior to your generation?

>> No.6436434

>Why do all quality writers and thinkers ( Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Hegel, Céline, Bukowski etc etc ) hate women?
Women should consider that if most intellectuals consider women common behaviour bad or an object of critique, is not just because they hate women.

Maybe, just maybe, women have some problems.

>> No.6436435

I don't know if you can't get any pussy, but if you can't, it's probably because you're too afraid or not self-conscious (in the productive, healthy way of making yourself happier or more alive, not in the regressive way of judging yourself based on a juvenile standard).

>> No.6436440
File: 37 KB, 250x325, 1326560628248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally never filtered anyone before on this board until Foucault !!8WvUZxvX53M, and I've been here the entire time.
Really says somethin

>> No.6436445


Nice reaction image.

>> No.6436447

The irony of this post is soul crushing.

>> No.6436453

I'm sure you'd sell so many books to fat dykes

>> No.6436455

>a dozen of alcoholics, mentally crippled war survivors, ivory tower German idealist and the Ancient Greek (that is to say basically old style Arabs with democracy) don't like women
>all women in existence must have some general problem

>> No.6436458


I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.6436459

mkay. But I don't know how (un)prestigious was a Privatdozent. And the following is actually quite funny/sad :
>In 1820, Arthur Schopenhauer became an instructor (Privatdozent) at the University of Berlin and taught there until 1830. Although he was active at the University of Berlin almost at the same time as Hegel was teaching in Berlin (1819-1831), Schopenhauer never wanted to admit that Hegel's popularity among students was due to the superiority of his philosophy. Furthermore, Schopenhauer was perhaps overwhelmed by the great fame and popularity of Hegel who collected hundreds of students in a huge lecture hall. Because of his conviction of the profundity of his own philosophy and through his competitive spirit, Schopenhauer deliberately scheduled his lectures at the same time as Hegel's. In consequence, he had only a few students in his classes, that deeply depressed Schopenhauer every semester and had to take a long refuge to Italy every summer to recuperate from his failure in teaching at the university and depression from his disappointment in the blindness of the general populace not to be able to recognize Schopenhauer's philosophy.

>> No.6436465

>Anyway, you shouldn't listen to what your mother says, but look at what she does.

That's what all kids do. They learn by imitation more than anything else.

>> No.6436467


Of course not.
But as I said, the number increases.


I don't even know if that was aimed at me personally or a general observation.

>> No.6436472

>all women in existence must have some general problem

Rather than a problem is just a fact, a plain fact that women present irrational behaviour more often than men.
And this can be explained by science! They are attracted to a certain type of men because that's the kind of animal that offers security between animals, it's just a matter of instincts.

>> No.6436479
File: 20 KB, 483x504, 1391459857547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436480

actually I wonder if there's a translation problem here. It's surprising to see Houellebecq despising individual creativity.

>> No.6436481
File: 26 KB, 460x300, peterhitchens460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unwilling or unable to respond - always a sure sign your opponent has lost.

>> No.6436487

I'm more interested in the fact that women will never admit this. This kind of shit happens to men all the time and they candidly admit they behave like retards.

>> No.6436489


Dude you posted doesn't have a neck.

>> No.6436498

the truth hurts

>> No.6436503

I meant that when she says you should be nice, insteading of listening to her, a son should instead look at what she does, i.e. sleeping with a man that she says is a mean bastard.
learning by imitation, yes, but at some point you have to decide if you imitate your mother, or your father.

>> No.6436504

>I don't even know if that was aimed at me personally or a general observation.

A general observation that could help or not help you. I dunno man, I'm not your therapist, you need to do some of the work also.

>> No.6436507


Except what you just said was total bullshit

>> No.6436513


Not even the real Foucault has the level of faggeness that this tripfag has

>> No.6436514

>And the following is actually quite funny/sad

Surprised you didn't know about that. There have been a few "Schopenhauer was just butthurt because Hegel was more popular" threads here, and even Existential Comics made a comic referencing it.

>> No.6436518


What kinda work then?
It's rather entertaining to never see a counter-argument. As soon s you question the whole female-male interaction of today you're a KV or in need of therapy.

>> No.6436520

Now to figure out why men act so irrationally when they discover they aren't that certain type

>> No.6436524

There was no sarcasm. You want an improvement in society you change it.

>> No.6436533

women are just really hot monkeys.

if you're a half decent looking guy. you'll look better than women your age now who look much better than you, when you're both 45, and then keep looking better for the rest of your life.

>> No.6436534

>however this would be a pretty sexist comment in the current gender discourse. i also dont know if he sees contemporary civilization like this or if this is a feature of femininity as such does anyone else have a clue?
Being sexist or not, or if his argument would be criticized in the PC idiocy times we live now has nothing to do with his argument.
>women only exists as far as men fail to actualize or eminate. women dont have a phallus (not to be confused with the penis, i think phallus is some kind of Maker-meme in Lacan). Furthermore men can speak the truth, whereas women are spoken by the truth

This is pretty spot on, but in order to get it you need to understand that men and women are not equal.

Men are defined by their actions, by what they do. Women are defined by their bodies, what they are.

>> No.6436537

If you wanna go to a piss contest make sure you have a squirt gun between your legs.

>> No.6436544
File: 106 KB, 768x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily remindervthat Foucault is a chinless nigger

>> No.6436546

Thank you so, so, so much anon. Thank you so much.

I'd never even needed to filter someone before, and I had no idea.

>> No.6436547

I know too much about you to take you seriously.

>> No.6436549

>learning by imitation, yes, but at some point you have to decide if you imitate your mother, or your father.

It's really not a matter of mother vs father, at least when you become adult and it becomes less about finding a role model than about actually doing shit with your life. At some point you should be able to decide what trait you want to take from your parents, and what trait you want to avoid.

The idea that you should learn assertivity from your father and obedience/love from your mother is also a bit bogus. You learn those things from everyone around you, to the extent you're sensitive to them, and to the extent you're willing to learn from them. Those fixed gender roles are a mix of old habits, propaganda for someone else's use (the state, big companies, whoever has the leverage to use this in a large scale really), and lazy schematic thinking. They are useful only to an extent. You're not the embodiment of the possibility of Man, you're something in an environment governed by randomness (randonmess has laws, but it has its own way of following them). How you grow up is a matter of navigating, and having luck. There are of course universal necessary conditions (you need to eat, to talk, etc.) but past that it's probably more healthy to recognize the particuliarity of each situation (your father and mother a both assertive, but in different way, so you learn to be assertive with flexibility, although you have to cope with the fact that they're constantly clashing and that clash is mirrored by opposing trends in your own behaviour...).

>> No.6436551

I'm hot i don't need a penis

>> No.6436554

But Avril and Su41 frontman broke up, anon. She's married to the Nickelback frontman now

>> No.6436555

>implying you're a hot girl
I'm not impressed
for all I know, you're a fat virgin neckbeard.

>> No.6436560


That literally isn't a picture of me lmao. I live in San Diego why the fuck would I wear clothes like that.


How many fo you really don't know how to fucking block trips? Let alone use a version of 4chanx? Like how do you end up that way?

>> No.6436562
File: 64 KB, 561x422, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As soon s you question the whole female-male interaction of today you're a KV or in need of therapy.

Aw, little victim.

Maybe you somehow don't realize this, but this argument of "women suck lol" has been going on here at 4chan for several years and almost every point you've made has been made on this very board probably within the last 24 hours.

At least some of the time, the arguments are interesting, but yours is just the textual version of shit like pic related. You cherry pick examples from the past in order to rationalize both your general anger and resentment (which has nothing to do with gender) and your own inability to become like those cherrypicked examples (if only the culture weren't so feminized, I'd be just like that!).

>> No.6436564

The difference is that most women aren't willing to give the average man affirmation.

>> No.6436569

You're not hot enough to make liquids squirt a long way from you.

>> No.6436572

>Posting a 2-year-old picture of me

Grow up.

>> No.6436580

here is most of the information I have on Foucault. I started my file when he first started posting and have been updating it ever since.

Foucault the Tripfag
>Lives in San Diego where he works as a night watchman at a warehouse and another job “watching”
>currently attends SDSU where he takes classes on social welfare. He plans on being a social worker as a career. In California they make $60,000 a year
>Interested in aliens, believes they have infiltrated the human race and are responsible for movements like fascism in the thirties.
>When multiple people disagree with him he accuses them of “being in a Skype group” coordinating arguments against him. This is troubling as it is indicative of paranoia and delusions of grandeur.
>Is african american. Distant relationship with Father, close with mother.
>Believes himself to be the only black “normal” person on 4chan. Believes anyone who claims they aren’t a “fat NEET white nationalist” is attempting to deceive him.
>Despises Ayn Rand and other altruistic ideologies.
>Doesn’t exhibit much interest in any literature related topics. Mostly confines his opinions to politics and ad hominem based pseudo discussions about absolute morality.
>Has almost no knowledge of philosophy or logic. Reasoning skills are poor.
>enjoys hip hop and new age techno.
>favorite food is spaghetti.

>> No.6436581


Fuck! That's so convincing!

>> No.6436585


You are a woman, that's why you can accept the former truth about your behaviour and how it is predetermined partially because of your sex. Therefore in order to solve the cognitive dissonance you answered as you did before.

The fact that females are capable of carrying children determine the animal behaviour of them in every species, taking a different form in each one.

Women don't go after the guy with the big muscles or after the guy with the fat wallet because they're whore or sluts, but because they are biologically programmed to feel attracted to men who offer security for her and their breed.

Humans are one of the few exception where sex is not a mean of breeding alone, yet, how this determined our species all the way to us left a mark, a mark which determines the sexual behaviour of both sexes. In particular, the behaviour of women we're talking about.

>> No.6436586

I doubt you know me very well.
However I know enough about you. Unless of course you're just trolling

>> No.6436587

I see this fantasy posted a lot these days. How many decent looking 45 year old men do you know? When you hear the phrase "man in his 40s" what kind of image comes to your? I'm not gonna assume it's fat and balding, but we both know it's fat and balding.

It's interesting that the age which most prolongs adolescence also hopes that success with women can also be postponed until the future. "Hehe, when she's ugly and withered I'll have a chance!"

>> No.6436591


Oh boy, you're not even reading my actual post are you?

I'm not saying women suck, I say the cultural climate sucks.
Big big big difference chap.

>> No.6436592


>classes on social welfare


>Interested in aliens, believes they have infiltrated the human race and are responsible for movements like fascism in the thirties.

Fuck I wish.

>Ayn Rand and other altruistic ideologies.

Are you fifteen

>> No.6436595

wouldn't you like to know anon ;)

>> No.6436597

>Hegel was the most famous philosophy college teacher of his time.
With an average of three students at every class.

>> No.6436601

well, I'm sorry for the cliches
my parents are the poster couple of the 1950's, manly man and delicate woman.
I chose not to imitate my father because he was a fucking sadist.
Later, I realised my mother, though in part a victim, was also a fucking masochist.
Now I'm mostly a loner, with my own perversions.

>> No.6436602

You're a tripnigger. I know more about you than anyone has a right to and not just because everything you post is in the archive.

>> No.6436603

>It's rather entertaining to never see a counter-argument.

Since when are you under the impression that I'm arguing to counter you ? You made a remark on males and the "can't get no pussy" attitude that's so prevalent here (in two forms: virgins complaining, and others mocking them) so I figured I could just make a comment as to how this situation can be avoided. I'm just trying to help here.

Also I've been raised by a (rather) progressive family, and they still think being assertive is a positive trait, simply that it shouldn't be an exclusively male trait, or that a male is a subhuman for not being assertive, so I don't find your criticism of modern gender role very compelling, probably because it doesn't apply nearly as much where I live. Not a counter-argument, simply a remark that the paradigm change you describe is not that large (at least not in the form you describe). There's also the problem of what being assertive actually means (I know people who are always willing to play the chest-humping game but would chicken out at the first real confrontation-we tend to confuse assetiveness with its image, to the extent that that image has become a form of assertivenes of its own).

>> No.6436605

I like you Foucault. I wouldn't keep a file on you if i didn't like you.

>> No.6436606


Also, I don't see this is as cherrypicking, this is definitely how things were.

I'm not agreeing with you unless you prove otherwise, boy.

>> No.6436607


Stop being an internet tough guy it doesn't work.

>> No.6436610
File: 59 KB, 641x482, 1428018547954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know enough

>> No.6436611

so much for their happy ending...

>> No.6436613

Replace that picture with Tim Curry in the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Hugh Jackman in Australia.

>> No.6436614


Almost. My favorite food is now pizza, and I only read Ayn Rand occasionally.

>> No.6436616

>I started my file when he first started posting
>my file
wait for it

Alright, so while Foucaultrip is disappointing at best, we're all supposed to hate him more than the person who goes around keeping "files" on 4chan users.

>> No.6436621



>> No.6436627

>not keeping files on all tripfags to use against them
It's like you don't remember why you left regular forums.

>> No.6436631


That's creepy as fuck

>> No.6436633


Well your own personal situation is anecdotal too. I'm not interested in how well you fared, I'm more interested in a general malaise, which is apparant, you can't deny that.

I think the Sixties and the pill helped a lot in ascribing a whole new set of values and discomfort that is now showing its true colours and its true effects.

When a chick is ovulating, she seeks out a dominant protector, or a real man who's smart. When pregnant she hormonally needs a pussy who will cater to all her needs that she can dominate. There's a reason why in the fifties, the ideal sex symbol was bogart, Cagney, etc. square jawed, rugged, etc. and now it's Aaron carter, justin bieber, etc. the pill works by tricking the body into thinking it's pregnant so it doesn't ovulate. So girls marry these preppy pussies. Then they come off it when trying to conceive, and a switch kicks on in the brain, so they go fuck an NBA player. They need a rebel, an intelligent badass who's a real man, but they have a total pussy sleeping across from them, so the marriage falls apart, and they have no idea why.

>> No.6436634

I like a good dicking from time to time tbh

>> No.6436641


I wish

>> No.6436648

See >>6436459
Hegel was quite the big deal, though given the era and the man it's unlikely he did get lots of poon, or even wanted to.

>> No.6436651

Jesus Christ, the broscience of this one.

>> No.6436652

I was calling those men whom I am not biologically programmed to feel attracted to irrational.
I was doing this because visiting 4chan would not be a included in the behavior of an attractive male.
Thus I can assume, from the truth of your posting on this site, that it is predetermined that you are in fact, ugly.

>> No.6436654

I see you weren't here 10 years ago when it was the topic dujour and have never been on tumblr where it is a sport.

>> No.6436660

Hegel was a necromancer.

>> No.6436662

>Thus I can assume, from the truth of your posting on this site, that it is predetermined that you are in fact, ugly.
I am ugly, and since both of us are here, both of us are ugly.
I'm glad we agree.

Regards, Anon.

>> No.6436664
File: 109 KB, 850x900, leave the lady be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have anything else, faggot? Or is shitposting your shield?

>> No.6436668

Yes, vulturous and desperate behavior is something worth being elitist about!

>> No.6436673

>I chose not to imitate my father because he was a fucking sadist.
>Later, I realised my mother, though in part a victim, was also a fucking masochist.

What you said is really interesting, because it applies to a lot of families. I've seen several people blame their fathers on ruining their childhood while not realizing their mothers deliberately let them exposed to it, out of cowardice in most cases.

The terrifying thing about dysfunctional couples is, as long as you're part of it, you're an accomplice.

Good luck anon, and be comforted knowing you've seen through your own parents' failings and lies. That's the first step in shedding a bad childhood.

>> No.6436678

You seem confused about the qualities they look for. First you want to understand they're generally traumatized (possibly by the overflow of shallow interest that often disappoints and the lack of healthy relationships (of any kind)), mostly they find it difficult to trust another human but have also been conditioned to see themselves as weak and frail or have a very weak concept of 'self' in general (the concept is largely formed through human relationships, extremely shallow ones that generally don't engage ones 'personality' would leave them feeling disconnected). This makes most of their existence desolate and terrifying as effectively they're alone with not even themselves to comfort them. What they want is what they almost never have, a feeling of safety and comfort. Now you might think this means a really nice lapdog who'll provide them but you don't seem to understand how safety and trust works. They're inspired by strength not good intentions. Someone who can't stand up for themselves, assert their will, demand respect.. can not provide safety, they're an unreliable child who would only cause more anxiety. This is where most of your confusion lies, you tend to sum up qualities that ultimately make you weak and therefore untrustworthy as niceness and then despair over why it never seems to have the desired effect. Unfortunately even the ones who manage to conjure up an illusion of strength long enough to capture their interest can't actually satisfy their rather extreme needs (most likely no one can) which leads to unhealthy relationships and being seen as 'insane' although their internal systems aren't actually all that chaotic, perhaps just hard to understand and not often expressed. It's just an unfortunate dissonance between what is needed and what is available. Keep in mind that strength doesn't mean a narcissist or a moron of large stature, the easiest example I can think of is Nietzsche's concept of strength, they end up with the former or something inbetween because the latter generally doesn't exist in pure form.

>> No.6436680


Funny to see Zizek agree with rabid misogynists and general inspirators of the right.
Not surprising really, he is read by radical right wingers. It would be glorious if he were.

“Women have no existence and no essence; they are not, they are nothing. Mankind occurs as male or female, as something or nothing. Woman has no share in ontological reality, no relation to the thing-in-itself, which, in the deepest interpretation, is the absolute, is God… Woman has no relation to the idea, she neither affirms nor denies it; she is neither moral nor anti-moral; mathematically speaking, she has no sign; she is purposeless, neither good nor bad … she is as non-moral as she is non-logical. But all existence is moral and logical existence. So woman has no existence.”
— Otto Weininger, “Sex and Character”

>> No.6436684

I'd consider the likelihood that you're an unnattractive female posting here significantly higher than if you were a male

>> No.6436685

this is a great image

>> No.6436687

Calling people's parent's up at work because they're too dumb to shitpost anonymously when they have the option to is just plain fun. I don't know where you got that elitist bs from.

>> No.6436693

In summa, girls would like an attractive, dominant and self assured (read, one who does not need to be constantly validated over the internet) male - preferably one that can also fuck, but this is a secondary concern.

>> No.6436697

>There's a reason why in the fifties, the ideal sex symbol was bogart, Cagney, etc. square jawed, rugged, etc.

Cherrypicked. What about Fred Astaire? Jimmy Stewart?

>now it's Aaron Carter, justin bieber, etc.

Who the fuck still cares about Aaron Carter? What about Chris Hemsworth, Channing Tatum, The Rock, Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman?

You're not giving this a lot of thought. Seems like you *want* your theory (aka someone elses theory) to be true, but haven't really thought about it. Why do you want it to be true, anon?

>> No.6436710


Because maybe I'm not that kissless virgin you imagine to be?
If I were I'd be thinking those muscles would be the objects of desire, wouldn't I? And be depressed because "bad bad women like actual men".
You're not giving this much thought either. What are you trying to debate here? Are you actually agreeing without noticing?

>> No.6436711

Low test manlet with no fortitude or moral fiber, probably.

>> No.6436734

The overuse of the rhetorical question technique makes you come off sort of like a...flustered woman.

>> No.6436735


Also, The Rock and Channing Tatum are both metrosexuals, and Brad Pitt is more known for being nurturing to Angelina and her adopted immigrant children

>> No.6436738

thanks Anon
it's nice to be rewarded for honesty from time to time.

>> No.6436739
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>I'm a jew that will reproduce


fuck off and die kike

>> No.6436742


She is fucking crazy, but at least she has nice tits.

>> No.6436744


And only married women consider Hugh Jackman a sex symbol

>> No.6436749


What the fuck is a metrosexual?

>Brad Pitt is more known for being nurturing to Angelina and her adopted immigrant children

Did you read this in your latest tabloid, woman?

>> No.6436757


Look it up.
And I turn on my TV a few times yes.

>> No.6436768
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Hugh Jacman's daughter is a cute Loli, but his wife is an old fugly.

>> No.6436771

>Well your own personal situation is anecdotal too.

Actually what I said applies to a majority of families I know, so it's around a thousand people. But that doesn't change my point, which was, how can you measure the actual extension of the phenomenon ? If you haven't even asked yourself this question, you're essentially building intellectual sandcastles.

>I'm more interested in a general malaise, which is apparant, you can't deny that.

This malaise, at least the way you describe it, is only apparent on 4chan and the most hysteric part of the intersphere (ie the most hysteric part of the internet and tv mostly). Outside of that, there are issues, debates, as there have been since before the invention of print, and there is a malaise, but it is multiform and appear sometimes as a chickenification (as you describe it), sometimes as a general hidden or explicit objectification of women (as feminist denounce) sometimes as something else. It seems like everyone have a different idea of what "the problem" is, and everyone has a different solution. You'll note how most of this happens on media venues that function like they have been designed to create new problems and blow them out of proportion. It's a giant bubble machine, and you've just picked your bubble, congratulations I guess.

And strangely enough, when you get off the internet for a couple days and focus on working, seeing friends, doing sports (try it-48 hours without internet or paying attention to whatever is being debated on tv), the problem seem to fade into irrelevance. I don't think I've met more dominated or effeminate males in my life than you could find in sixteenth century literature, probably even less so. Again, anecdote, but what in this thread isn't ?

And that drives us to the bottom line: of what importance it is, to your life, to the people around you, that masculinity is changing ? Do you really feel that castrated ? If yes, ask yourself who gets the tightest grip on your penis (hint: if you're over 18; it's not your penis). If no, why do you care ?


>the ideal sex symbol was bogart, Cagney, etc. square jawed, rugged, etc. and now it's Aaron carter, justin bieber
>justin bieber a sex icon for anyone who isn't a dumb 14 years old girl

I guess your problem is that dumb 14 years old girls are too sensitive to marketing. Agreed, that's an issue.

I'm handsome, but that's irrelevant.

>> No.6436781

political ideas don't exist in a vacuum, you can be in the left and be critical of others who are in the left.

>> No.6436782

Actually attractive isn't even that relevant, just dominant and self assured to the extreme but that's the aspect of asserting will, she also wants that will to be primarily directed towards her, as in she expects absolute resolve in love as well as your other undertakings. If those conditions are met being average or even below average in appearance would make no difference.

>> No.6436784

And only teenage girls consider Justin Bieber a sex symbol.

Neither of our statements are true, actually. But I suppose this is turning more into a game of you denying reality in favor of the "men are femininized these days" meme, which always cherrypicks examples and is never a good measure of what you're trying to prove.

>> No.6436804


Men and women have different life histories. A manhood is defined by action, by completing the hero’s journey. Women are defined by their bodies. They do not strive for some abstract ideal of “Womanhood” because it simply happens to them.

Think about it, at twelve or so a girl gets her first period. That’s the first step. Over the next few years she grows breasts, undergoes pregnancy. Nurses. Eventually goes through menopause. Womanhood happens. It’s not something that is brought about. The experience of being female is so thoroughly occupying that women are literally incapable of talking about anything else. Incidentally, that is why feminists are so fixated on women’s bodies, #freethenipple, #vaginaknitting, etc. Their minds cannot get past navel gazing about the subjective experience of being a woman.

Contrast that with men. Things don’t happen to powerful men. Powerful men happen to the world. The hero’s journey, and really the journey for any man, is to somehow change the world. I don’t mean this is an activist sort of way, either. It could be setting up a successful business, or being an effective PUA, whatever. The point is that men are defined by action, whereas women are defined by being women.

>> No.6436809

I don't know if he hates women. He's saying an experienced, confident womanizer will be the first to pump and dump a beautiful woman before a "nice guy" who is too afraid to talk to her.

>> No.6436816

My pleasure. It's strange how little we talk about those actual issues, and how much time we spend on useless nonsense like what if blacks actually inferior IQ and how reliable is the Western Canon.

Nice tactic but I'm still not doing. You might want to reconsider your strategy.

That's why we have to run everything through conspiracies, because you goyim can't be trusted to do anything, even genocide.

>> No.6436819

they are all homosexuals.

>> No.6436820


Schopenhauer hated Hegel and others like him because they were charlatans, pretenders and academic buffoons. He despised Hegel long before ever becoming a lecturer, and continued to despise him long after quitting. Schopenhauer idolized Kant and held all unworthy successors to him in absolute contempt.

>> No.6436826

Women can't distinguish their "becoming women" as especially unique because they can't actually contrast it with the experience of "becoming men." It's their baseline, their normal. It only seems especially significant to you because it didn't happen to you.

>> No.6436829

How is this so confusing, she always wants *both*. A dominant protector who will cater to all her needs. Which way the coin falls is dependent mostly on chance, possibly mood or hormones if there's a choice. Either way it leads to dissatisfying relationships with a half life, impermanence is a fact of life there's really no point in trying to find a culprit for it.

>> No.6436832
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Wow. Nearly topped out in under three hours.

/r9k/, please leave

>> No.6436845

godddddddddddddddddddddammmn what is he DOIN!?!?
he could be banging prime 16-25 yo pussy, why is he with that

>> No.6436850



The ideal romantic partner is a compromise struck between the ideal sexual partner and the ideal supportive partner. The 'husband' is neither her ideal lover nor her ideal friend, but lover and friend enough.

>> No.6436861

le women are all algorithms

>> No.6436865

he met her when she was ~39y/o, probably a hot reassuring MILF
not a good idea to pick a woman just before menopause. The decay is then pretty fast.

>> No.6436869

You first.

>> No.6436877

Who says he isn't? A woman like that is likely a trooper. She knows what her situation is compared to his. She wouldn't play the jealous wife card.

>> No.6436881

I love that movie!

>> No.6436889


Sexual selectivity can be understood as a kind of internal calculus. She weighs the traits of potential suitors and strives for a balance.

Or, she sleeps with an sexually attractive male and tries to con a sympathetic, supportive one into raising his offspring. This second fellow is a wittol.

>> No.6436896
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Houellebecq with second wife Marie-Pierre

>> No.6436904

But that's the thing, womanhood is inherently part of their lives.

While becoming a man is something a man has to work to achieve

Woman have had inherit value since the beginning of times,this is because they are "Keepers" of life.

Men on the other hand has zero value just because of his gender, a men in order to become "relevant" has to do, make.

Or do you deny this?

>> No.6436909

almost czech'd em.

>> No.6436912

Having been both a white knight and a womanizer, let me tell you that the women you have casual sex with and the women the white knights defend are two very different breeds. The former are unprincipled whores; the latter, unprincipled prudes.

>> No.6436918

>While becoming a man is something a man has to work to achieve

I thought your balls just had to drop. Or is gender a construct again?

>> No.6436930
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>> No.6436937
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>Butterfly will never not be a lesbian
End my suffering.

>> No.6436952
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>tfw you read Schopenhauer's "On Women" and agreed with most of it

IMO it has more to do with the environment in which girls are raised than anything biological.

>> No.6436960

“I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself from above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man.”

>> No.6436967


Your micropenis would still fit inside her anon, don't worry

>> No.6436975

Well geez guys.

Wollstonecraft already came to this conclusion

>> No.6436988


A woman who is somewhat of an intellectual, but ugly.
No surprise.

>> No.6436994

Not even close.

>> No.6436995

from Houellebecq's fr.wikipedia biography :
>En 2008, alors qu'il n'a pas revu sa mère depuis dix-sept ans et qu'il déclare dans des interviews qu'elle est probablement morte, cette dernière sort un livre, L'Innocente, dans lequel elle déclare notamment « Mon fils, qu’il aille se faire foutre par qui il veut avec qui il veut, j’en ai rien à cirer »7.
<< In 2008, while he hasn't seen his mother in 17 years and he declares in interviews that she's probably dead, she publishes a book, The Innocent, where she declares : "My son, may he go get fucked by whoever he wants, I don't give a shit."

>Houellebecq was born in 1958 on the French island of Réunion. He lived in Algeria from the age of five months until 1961, with his maternal grandmother. As his website gloomily states, his parents "lost interest in his existence pretty quickly" and at the age of six, he was sent to France to live with his paternal grandmother, a communist, while his mother headed off to live the hippie lifestyle in Brazil with her newly met boyfriend. His grandmother's maiden name was Houellebecq, which he took as his pen name.

>> No.6437001

Men who don't grow up and get a carrier/job/profession (big children) are pariahs of society, they don't contribute and rather take from society.

A women on the other hand could do the same (or not do) the same thing and her "worth" is still intact, since she can just open her legs and get pregnant, and by this achieve her existence justified.

Or do you deny this?

>> No.6437005

she 'aight

>> No.6437006

You're still creating this false dichotomy. There's no 'ideal sexual partner' and 'ideal supportive partner'. These are not two separate people, nor can they be separated. If they are they're both equally undesirable. I can't take turns with one and the other to be satisfied. I want neither.

Refer to >>6436678. A psychologically weak and feminine male is the last thing someone would want for safety. These qualities are not desirable for anyone other than perhaps narcissistic control freaks. The desired support is a logical conclusions of strong character traits combined with affectionate feelings (>>6436782).

Strong does not equal an inability to provide support, it only requires a will to do so (whereas weak is a hilarious combination of being unable to not provide support in intention and being unable to provide support in practice). Of course without that will they're just as undesirable as a partner, sexual or otherwise.

>> No.6437011

>those big man hands

>> No.6437014

next step is reading Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.6437019

Put your trip back on.

>> No.6437026

Come on now, you could have at least said Oscar Wilde instead.

>> No.6437038


Lel typical French women

Hitler should have gassed them right alongside the jews

>> No.6437044


calm down

>> No.6437053

+1 to filtering annoying faggots

>> No.6437057

funny how Céline was also Destouches' grandmother name.

>> No.6437115

real name Michel Thomas, son of René Thomas, a ski instructor/mountain guide, and Lucie Ceccaldi, a medicine Doctor (anesthesiologist). Both militant communists.
WP :
>he was sent to France to live with his paternal grandmother, a communist, while his mother headed off to live the hippie lifestyle in Brazil with her newly met boyfriend.

>> No.6437127


There's nothing false about it you dunce.

Let's take the typical American girl. In high school there are guys she's sexually attracted to and guys she isn't. The latter can still play a huge role in her life, but only as friends, i.e. as supportive partners. They can never make themselves sexually appealing to her for whatever reason. These men have certain traits that make them ideal as companions: they are sympathetic, entertaining, good listeners, thoughtful, kind, polite, flattering, and so on. As a result, their utility lies in being kept as attendants. In better times, other women (servant girls) would have fulfilled this role. Today effeminate men are used instead. This is also the reason girls and women keep homosexual men around as companions. They present no sexual demands.

The former class is quite different. This sort is usually brash, arrogant, exceptionally good looking, less intelligent, daring, and so on. His chief utility lies in being used as a mate, and so he is. But unfortunately, he is by nature a poor support: his attention wanders, he is unreliable, he fancies other women, he doesn't care about her, and so on. Thus a need for compromise arises.

With the romantic partner, the boyfriend or husband type, she seeks to strike a balance between these two types via a third, which possesses qualities of both classes in good measure. It might not be a perfect balance; indeed, women often prefer to marry a man who falls more towards the 'sexual partner' side of the spectrum. But ideally, a romantic partner will combine the desirable traits of both sides into one, being able to serve both as a good friend and as a satisfactory lover/father.

The history of romance attests to this compromise. Romance in its most primitive form was a fantasy wherein a lady of class would be wooed and gradually won over by someone who by custom could never be intimate with her. It is an evolution of non-physical, non-intimate 'courtly love'.

>The conception of romantic love was popularized in Western culture by the concept of courtly love. Chevaliers, or knights in the Middle Ages, engaged in what were usually non-physical and non-marital relationships with women of nobility of whom they served. These relations were highly elaborate and ritualized in a complexity that was steeped in a framework of tradition, which stemmed from theories of etiquette derived out of chivalry as a moral code of conduct.

>Since marriage was commonly nothing more than a formal arrangement,[9] courtly love sometimes permitted expressions of emotional closeness which may have been lacking from the union between husband and wife.[10] In terms of courtly love, "lovers" did not necessarily refer to those engaging in sexual acts, but rather, to the act of caring and to emotional intimacy.

>The bond between a knight and his Lady, or the woman of typically high stature of whom he served, may have escalated psychologically but seldom ever physically.

>> No.6437135

>live for TODAY and dont give a fuck about anything or anyone
>dont respect women you'd fuck
>dont think about the possible consequences of actions or words
>pussy coming at you from everywhere

True story, spent 2 weeks drunk and not giving a fuck because I hate my life, so little rejection from girls, lots of scoring, had girls come at me. Ended up feeling more like shit than ever because I'm a romantic fag and I can't ever get some love. Tfw you realize meaningless sex is meaningless, good for a while but leaves you empty afterwards.

>> No.6437144


>french cunts
>militant communists

Truly the scum of Europe. A people ripe for extinction

>> No.6437174


"One afternoon in October, Bruno found himself talking to Patricia Hohweiller. She was an orphan and had to stay in school year-round, except for the holidays, when she went to stay with her uncle in Alsace. She was blonde and thin and talked very quickly, her animated face occasionally slipping into an odd smile. The following week he was shocked to see her sitting, legs spread, on Brasseur’s knee. His arm was around her waist and he was kissing her. Bruno drew no particular conclusions from this. If the thugs who had terrorized him for years were popular with the girls, it was because they were the only ones who dared to hit on them. He had noticed that Pelé, Wilmart and even Brasseur himself never bullied the younger boys if there were girls around."
- Michel Houellebecq

So yeah he does say women get all the bad boys.

>> No.6437200

>Ended up feeling more like shit than ever because I'm a romantic fag
Swiss author Arthur Miller writes about this in his novel Belle du Seigneur.
He's attracted by a woman who's wife material.
He dresses as a beggar because he's tired of all the women who fall for his looks and money, he thinks this one is different.
But she rejects the beggar.
So he decides to seduce her like the others, in 30 minutes, by being an asshole.
He gets her, but is sad she's quite like all women.

Anyway, guys, what we need is money. Or lesbians.

>> No.6437256


Money isn't attractive to women.
It's a calculated move whereby she looks beyond the initial repulsion a man has and goes for the wallet as the aspect of his that outweighs the cons.

If money really was that which makes their pussy wet bitches would have Bill Gates on their walls and not some six pack model.

>> No.6437333


Should read that one.
Women aren't really attracted to money, looks or even "qualities", experience and women (good friends in confidence) have taught me that they like a guy who feels confident and doesnt give a fuck, that's why most young womanizers are stupid, they're not awarw of their stupidity or even consider that they could be better (at something other than lifting heavy things).

>> No.6437341

If only she had known that falling in love and traveling to Brazil would unleash this poor wretched soul unto the world!
Oh woe! The world is such suffering! Why love at all!?

>> No.6437356

Women have zero accountability of their acts, are driven by emotions, and like a dog will follow the strongest sent

>> No.6437362
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Financial security is a consideration. The modern equivalent of the damsel in distress. But now that things are somewhat more equalized, we have men, "pussies" in the eyes of some, who actually need a woman to come and rescue them.
And that's probably happened a handful of times, but not nearly enough.

Are there any books about this sort of thing?

>> No.6437363

Sounds like the media and academia.

>> No.6437372

You describe a section of humanity that I can't deny exists, but I do deny the exclusivity of your generalization. Don't bother denying the zero accountability of the doggiest of men.

>> No.6437373


I think that's just the "motherhood" kicking in.
In the end, for most, they will resent the dude who can't take care of himself and is unable to move on.
I've seen it happen, a lot actually.
But I've also seen women marry the total loser dork who can't even look people straight into the eyes.
They all have one thing in commong: most of these women are psychologists.

>> No.6437414

Yeah yeah. The guy who has stability is preferred by a certain kind of woman.
I knew a woman who rejected me for not making as much money as her. I'm like, 'what, you wanted to quit your job?'
She did actually. Still probably single

The type that takes the slob (the NEET even) is still looking for attractive or is just in the same class/mental state, IE both will have low self esteem.

There are matches out there for you guys.

>> No.6437442

All you have proven are low standards and desperation in your feverish attempt to cram a somewhat foreign psyche into a box you can comprehend. These servantile men you speak of are kept as "friends" not because they're ideal friends (true friendships are also built on reliability and strength) but because a) nothing better is available and sadly most people are desperate to fulfill their excessive social needs or b) they're being used for their services while being privately sneered at for their pathetic nature. Either way the use of the word friendship is ridiculous these days, to the point it lacks all meaning. Both are really acquaintances at best, there's little to no mutual trust or openness involved.

All these oversimplified archetypes, my god. Nothing you listed is sexually desirable, it's only potential leftovers of a facade of strength (really just a different manifestation of weakness, still repulsive). It's like saying people eat fries because they're great fans of saturated fat, the thought of it just arouses them so much.

> women often prefer to marry a man who falls more towards the 'sexual partner' side of the spectrum
Please, where did you get that information?

>People in arranged married seek for their desired partner (friendship, romance, sex) elsewhere, in the Middle Ages high standards for morality and unpleasant consequences for infidelity were more prevalent, thus the sex part was often left out.
>Therefore women want to fuck alphas and be friends with betas

Are you even capable of a coherent train of thought or will you just throw in anything that has the semblance of correlation to your misguided opinions despite a clear lack of logical connection?

I as a female have never had a friend I was not sexually attracted to, keep in mind that I have high standards for friendship, nor have I ever had or desired a sexual partner who wasn't also my closest friend. (The requirements for both friendship and romantic relationships for me are: highly intelligent and rational, strong in the Nietzschean sense, (for the sake of example, not overly fond of him) high self awareness, internally consistent, honest, capable of empathy. The rest can easily be derived from these qualities. As most people have very limited self awareness and are not that fond of rational thought , love and friendships are just events that happens to them, often leading to unpleasant surprises along the way. Not because they have conflicting desires but because they have little to no understanding of what their desires are and are willing to go with the first instance of mutual interest based on some superficial criteria. This applies to both males and females. There's no magical formula that sums up an entire gender. Human relationships are really just a chaotic mess of cognitive imperfections. If you feel the need to oversimplify it, transactional analysis does a much better job than your /r9k/ based philosophy.

>> No.6437503

"Desire is no light thing." - Anne Carson

>> No.6437569


The idiosyncrasies of one or two aberrant individuals such as yourself are no evidence against a general trend that can be readily observed anywhere in the Western world where love matches are the rule. The key points have clearly sailed over your head and your reluctance to accept an accurate formulation of complex human relationships is pathetic. You invoke conceptions of Nietzschean strength which lie far beyond anything wedded to intuition, on which all sexual attraction is based. No one has ever reasoned his way into a woman's pants, and many of the swooning, 'I would do anything for you' approaches are completely ineffective and in many cases counterproductive. As always, to disregard is to win regard.

>The requirements for both friendship and romantic relationships for me are: highly intelligent and rational

You must be a fool to think this is common. Women especially are wont to look for anything else in choosing a partner. A symmetrical face and upper quartile height get one further with women than most any gift of intellect or reasoning powers. Nor is 'reliability' anywhere near as significant a factor as you state; indeed, ordinary experience demonstrates again and again that women are willing to lay with men who are the opposite of reliable: criminal types, womanizers, low-income and low-education males. You criticize my idea of orderliness in human interaction even while advancing your own spurious conception of the thing. Reliability is something sought later, usually when pregnancy has rendered her dependent.

Menstrual orientation is also a key factor in how women view and choose the company of men around them. This is scientific fact, confirmed through empirical study. Freud famously asked what do women want; the answer of course is that what women want changes over time, not only across the years, but also day to day. For all intents and purposes, the female menstrual cycle has two major stages, namely fertile and infertile. The kind of men she likes to keep about her varies depending on which stage she is currently experiencing. Hormonal contraception interferes with this cycle and produces artificial sterility, which in turn affects her feelings towards the men around her.

The dynamics of high school romance and sexuality are really the most rewarding to study, because high school occurs at a time where puberty is already in full swing, but the necessities and bothers of adult life have not yet begun to impact decision-making with respect to partnership. Materialistic tendencies, which drive mate selection later in life, are mostly absent among young women, who still have their needs provided for by their parents for the most part. The males thus compete for their affections on much fairer ground than in the 'real world' where privation and encroaching obsolescence drive female volition. Abstract considerations enter less into the equation of like and dislike during these years; intuitive attraction prevails.

>> No.6437572
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>read this PUA tier armchair psychology, then see
>I as a female have never had a friend I was not sexually attracted to

holy shit /lit/ is a hell of a drug

>> No.6437586


>can't refute any of the actual points
>greentext and reaction image

/lit/ is a cesspool of shitposters and college kids

>> No.6437598

>quoting Freud
>this is scientific fact, confirmed through empirical study
>no studies provided
>high school romance
>rewarding to study
>fairer ways

underage confirmed

>> No.6437601

>Why do all quality writers and thinkers ( Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Hegel, Céline, Bukowski etc etc ) hate women?
because women are pure sexual beans, therefore having no other purpose than to spread their legs

>> No.6437638

For you.

Seriously. First they're too deep, too complex, then they're shallow. You assume they're a different species because they are other, but fail to notice just how much of a reflection they really are. 'They are all flaws, while I am all virtue'
Whiners and fools.

>> No.6437647

>There's no magical formula that sums up an entire gender. Human relationships are really just a chaotic mess of cognitive imperfections. If you feel the need to oversimplify it, transactional analysis does a much better job than your /r9k/ based philosophy.

Also >>6437598. Read some actual psychology and stop being so attached to the ideas you conceived in high school as a synthesis of /r9k/ and pop science magazines.

>> No.6437667


here are a few studies of interest:

implying you'll actually read any of them



already posted by anon above:


Freud is obviously exploded, but he's still useful as a reference.


There's nothing magical about it. It's a formula that fits the facts. Is it perfect? By no means. But it does account for many common phenomena. You see chaos because you want to see chaos; orderliness and predictability would make you despair of human relations.

>> No.6437682

>to disregard is to win regard
bit tired of this Master/slave dialectics tbh

>> No.6437688


the hell are you on about? that's an old Italian proverb.

gtfo with your Hegelian nonsense

>> No.6437696

>Hegelian nonsense
well he draws on this proverb, in a rather brilliant way
no idea why it triggers you
the struggle for recognition is the attempt to reduce the other as an Object, and get him/her to recognize you as a Freedom.

>> No.6437716


>the struggle for recognition is the attempt to reduce the other as an Object, and get him/her to recognize you as a Freedom.

this is the fucking issue with Hegelian types. Capitalizing random nouns is not a substitute for clear thinking or explaining what the hell you mean. Schopenhauer would have torn this sort of thing apart without mercy.

See also:

Derrida and every French philosopher of the 20th century

>> No.6437944

>The Dark Triad Personality
>good genes hypothesis

Why do I bother.

>does not disclose the instrument
>reading a "study" without a detailed description of the instrument
>basing your opinions on it
>quoting it
> the instrument is a personality test type quiz of dubious quality
>hypothesis is based on horoscopes with no scientific value
>Big Five personality factor
>a hundred ~20 year old British females in college represent all females
>reading anything with the words "dark triad personality"

Could you be any more desperate in trying to cater to your confirmation bias? Why even bother wasting time on intellectual pursuits when your only interest is confirming your idiotic beliefs while learning as little as possible? You do realize there's a wealth of studies with mutually exclusive results on pretty much any topic and you're actively cherrypicking the ones lowest on the spectrum of credibility? You might as well quote a self help book. Why be so intellectually dishonest? What's the point?

That aside, let's pretend your self help book holds any weight (a stretch of imagination, I know). It's as related to your "hypothesis" as your ventures into what you learned in your primary school history class, which I hope you understood (I know you struggle with these things) goes into the negatives.

>Women like certain traits (but not the ones I have, they're wrong!)
>Therefore men are split into two archetypes, one is mean and sexy and the other is nice but not hot enough, no ideal synthesis exists
>Women want one for lunch and one for dinner, just like people love to split bread and butter into two separate meals

Do you have any awareness of your trains of thought?

>Freud is still useful as a reference
And what exactly where you referring to, other than his name (in some desperate incoherent attempt to appeal to authority)?

>Tries to sum up all of human relationships in one sentence derived from pseudoscience

The only non-idiotic thing you've said is "by no means". You have no understanding of what facts are. It's deterministic chaos you absolute fool, it's predictable but not by the willful ignorance you portray. I referred you to a better way of make predictions in the same sentence.

>> No.6438112

>also fuck, but this is a secondary concern.
today, sex matters more than everything else in a woman's life

>> No.6438169

Our private and public fate are invariably devoted to creating structure where there is none and sustaining it where it has been created: a fight against the foul, the inadmissible abyss. Chaos is terrifying. We need our time structured, our thoughts, our environment, our passions. We love structure, we thrive in it. Our minds operate in terms of structure, they convert all that is perceived into structure - artificial or otherwise. A human can not choose to see chaos or be comforted by it.

>> No.6438414

What MDE video are these from?

>> No.6438745
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