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6435904 No.6435904[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen anybody ask a question that a priest couldn't answer well. Are there any questions that would totally shut a catholic priest down?

>> No.6435926


"should I shave my tranny girlfriend's balls before I smother them with honey mustard and lick them off, or leave them to nature's jungle? What would you recommend?"

>> No.6435944

How does it feel to know that the Covenant were basically Catholics?

>> No.6435951

Explain the trinity logically without committing any heresy.

>> No.6435954

You should shave them, you loon!

>> No.6435956


They're all pretty well educated, very few people would know more theology than a Catholic priest, and very few of those feel like dreaming up "gotchya!"s in their spare time.

>> No.6435966

>I've never seen anybody ask a question that a priest couldn't answer well.
you haven't seen many priest answering questions i guess

>> No.6435969

Properly identify this who, what and where this character is from


>> No.6435987
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How Many kids Have you molested?

>> No.6436019
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That would be an ecumenical matter

>> No.6436055

Such a genius show

>> No.6436056
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And what do you say to a nice cup of tea?

>> No.6436060
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feck off, cup

>> No.6436074

Not that I can think of, priests are pretty patrish.

>> No.6436112

ITT: people think priests are monks.

>> No.6436154

Still waiting for a sufficient one for the problem of evil.

>> No.6436174

bad guy Satan is answer.

>> No.6436178

If God is eternal, why and how does he make decisions? Wouldn't an immutable being be set in decisions that couldn't be changed? And wouldn't this invalidate all free will?

>> No.6436201

If god has a divine plan what's the point of proselitism? The number of people entering the heavens is already set.

>> No.6436281

Not a priest, but evil can be seen as either the absence of God, or the act of turning away from Him. God is all-powerful, but because he allows us to have free will, there must be an alternative to Him. The alternative to God is evil.

>> No.6436301

And yet all is God and nothing exists outside of Him.

>> No.6436311
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Evil is a human concept. God is beyond good and evil.

>> No.6436338

"All your alter boys say you have a small dick and you're a lousy lay"

>> No.6436366

Yes, but he was created by God, so it's God's fault, which makes God either stupid or a cunt.

So he created people and then built in the option for them to forsake him and fuck their own shit up permanently, which wasn't necessary at all. which makes God either stupid or a cunt.

Please stick to the Christian theme.

>> No.6436386

>but evil can be seen as either the absence of God
you mean the almighty, ubiquitous god?

>> No.6436400

>Please stick to the Christian theme.
How is what I said against the christian theme? Have you read Job?

>> No.6436410

The horrible Jew God from the first edition doesn't count.

>> No.6436535

You're a retard. but god still loves you.

>> No.6436559

I should hope so, he made him like that.

>> No.6436579

Not a question

You really blew that one bro

>> No.6436582

of course it was necessary, without it we would be mere animals

>> No.6436588

>So he created people and then built in the option for them to forsake him and fuck their own shit up permanently, which wasn't necessary at all. which makes God either stupid or a cunt.

Oh, I'm sorry, would you like to live in a world where you have absolutely no free will and can only unquestioningly follow orders?

Such a world would be pointless for God to create, and equally pointless to live in.

>> No.6436629

>the vast majority of us should go to hell in order to earn the label 'not animal'
>the guy who decided this is neither stupid nor a cunt

>> No.6436639

I once realized that were I god and a good a one as they say, I wouldn't have bothered because I know better.

>> No.6436650

Surely he could manage a world where you don't go to hell if you get hit by a bus on the way to confession?

>> No.6436656

There are hard limits to the amount of suffering a man can cause in the universe. Even if you caused the maximum possible level of pain for the maximum possible amount of time to the maximum amount of matter in the observable universe, the end value would be completely finite.

How can you justify an infinite punishment for evil that is, by necessity, finite?

>> No.6436658

>wanting to be an mere animal
>implying you know how many people are in hell
>implying anyone knows
>being edgy
hey dont worry bro i was 15 too

>> No.6436659
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This, a benevolent God wouldn't have created anything.

>> No.6436672

Catholicism has pretty clear rules on how to get to Heaven and the vast majority of people fail to live up to them.

>> No.6436677

who says you would?
why would evil cause suffering, if anything, causing suffering is a kind of evil, not the whole picture

>> No.6436679


>causing pain to matter

since when does 'matter' 'feel' anything?

>> No.6436682

how can mentally ill and people who are not responsible for their own actions go to heaven?

>> No.6436689

Why do you presume to have an understanding of the will of a being that is all-knowing and all-powerful? How could you possibly understand what such an unfathomable being wants?

>> No.6436690

Any questions about Aquinas, the validity of vatican II/ sedevaticanism in general or this historicity of Jesus.

>> No.6436692

The evil of the hell-bound is not finite. Hell is eternal rebellion.

>> No.6436696

>Catholicism has pretty clear rules on how to get to Heaven
do you think it's kind of a club or something?
>and the vast majority of people fail to live up to them.
hey, just because you cant stop jacking off doesnt mean everyone cant

>> No.6436702
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>> No.6436707

if you are not responsible for your own actions by either mental disease, you were forced, you dont commit mortal sins

>> No.6436737

Free will and an omniscient creator cannot coexist.

>> No.6436759
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>> No.6436770

>do you think it's kind of a club or something?
The Roman Catholic Church is an institution of which you can become an official member. So yes.

>hey, just because you cant stop jacking off doesnt mean everyone cant
There are more sins than that. Non-Catholics are fucked to begin with, so less than two people out of ten in the world are in the right club. A lot of them don't even go to mass, which is a sin if not done without very good reason. Even less of them go to confession, which means stacking up sins as you go along without repenting. Without repentance there's no going to heaven.

Judged by Catholic rules, most of the world is fucked.

>> No.6436795

>Are there any questions that would totally shut a catholic priest down

4chan is for people over the age of 18.

>> No.6436805

Psalm 139:4
Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.

Psalm 139:16
Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

>> No.6436806

>The Roman Catholic Church is an institution of which you can become an official member. So yes.
i was referring to heaven, but alright
as to the rest of your post, the only kind of sin that can in theory send you to heaven is mortal sin, which requires certain conditions

>> No.6436810

>Oh, I'm sorry, would you like to live in a world where you have absolutely no free will and can only unquestioningly follow orders?
God could've created perfectly happy individuals with no free will. What do you need free will for if you're perfectly satisfied? It's a small price to pay, considering we already pay it without receiving the happiness part.

>> No.6436813

>God knows and doesn't know what I'm going to have for supper tomorrow.

Yeah. Nah.

>> No.6436831

>God could've created perfectly happy individuals with no free will.
and he did
we call them animals

>> No.6436833

>there's nothing wrong with rape if the victim achieves orgasm.

>> No.6436836

If satan rebelled to god and he got punished for this, and he is therefore his sworn enemy, why would he care about punishing the souls of the wicked? wouldn't they be his buddies or at the very least not give a shit about them?

>> No.6436849

you also cannot believe in jesus christ
>Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned

>> No.6436856

More like there's nothing wrong with limiting someone's liberty if the end result is beneficial for them; if you don't agree with this then you should move away from your condo in the city.

>> No.6436866

if you dont believe because you didn't know, youre not condemned

>> No.6436871

The ink is not dry on your bachelors degree

>> No.6436873


>> No.6436876

Infallibility of the Pope is a catholic church dogma, but if the Pope is infallible, how come different Popes throughout history had contradicting beliefs?

>> No.6436880

The fact that he is capable of knowing still prevents free will regardless of whether he chooses to access that knowledge.

>> No.6436883

>no argument

>> No.6436886

>some argue

>> No.6436893

well, i didnt see yours, so i assumed they werent necessary

>> No.6436897

>i didnt see yours

>> No.6436899

"Why do you support capitalism considering what Jesus said about the rich?"

>> No.6436906
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>> No.6436919

the animals are so happy when other animals are chomping on their necks.

>> No.6436922

>if you don't agree with this then you should move away from your condo in the city.
nice dogmatism

>> No.6436923
File: 214 KB, 400x399, frodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did God punish Adam and Eve for eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil if they couldn't know disregarding God's orders was bad before eating from the tree?

>> No.6436942

Your face when Tolkien is the Demiurge

>> No.6436949

because metaphor

>> No.6436958

For what, exactly?

>> No.6436992

>hypocrisy is actually good

>> No.6437023

still waiting for an answer mr. 'priests are so clever'

>> No.6437032

coz he wrote it down for us

>> No.6437036

a priest would just say that he doesn't
truly, that's their go-to response when they don't know what to say.

>> No.6437043

Obviously not. People wrote the Bible. Not God.

>> No.6437071

>asks for arguments
>doesnt provide any of his own
it sure is comforting m8

>> No.6437082

I know it is.
What exactly do you need explained?

>> No.6437084

what convinces you

>> No.6437098

[citation needed]

>> No.6437113

What are some examples?

>> No.6437129

Popes in the past started or approved of crusades, but since the second half of the XX century popes seems to feel the need to periodically say the church is very sorry about all the killing.
There's also the matter that the catholic church makes periodical doctrine changes to get ahead with the times. Of course the past popes didn't believe in current doctrines while the recent ones do.

>> No.6437133

5. The non-Christian may not be blamed for his ignorance of Christ and his Church; salvation is open to him also, if he seeks God sincerely and if he follows the commands of his conscience, for through this means the Holy Ghost acts upon all men; this divine action is not confined within the limited boundaries of the visible Church.

>> No.6437181

The Pope is only infallible when he speaks Ex Cathedra, that is, for the whole Church. This is only done on matters of important doctrine. Under such circumstances, it is presumed that the Holy Spirit is working through him.

For example, none of Francis' off-the-cuff remarks are infallible. If he were to proclaim something on, say, the nature of the Eucharist, however, he might speak Ex Cathedra, in which case he would be infallible.

>> No.6437192

What the fuck is the Holy Spirit?

>> No.6437210

I'm sure your answer is correct but it still doesn't make any sense at all.

>> No.6437258


>> No.6437266

Still waiting...
Still monitoring...

>> No.6437270
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It's just a getting shit done rule so that those pissy little cardinals stfu for once

>> No.6437278

There's also the verdict of the Magisterium that the Pope considers before making Ex Cathedra statements.

>> No.6437289

Though the pope can't authoritatively teach heresy, really in a lot of ways papal infallibility is a limitation.

>> No.6437292

1. thats not a question.
2. who said we have free will?
3. why are the two mutually exclusive?

>> No.6437328

1) How can Free Will and an omniscient creator coexist?

2) The one holy catholic and apostolic church. (Try to keep up.)

3) Me.

I am catholic, but haven't yet heard a satisfying answer to this dilemma. Just hand waving and shaming tactics.

>> No.6437335


3) if God knows that I'm going to have steak for dinner tomorrow, how can I have pork chops?

>> No.6437544

Humans are unique animals with free will. Free will is creating will from nothing it seems, like how god creates. Maybe god would relinquish power to enable free will. We are created in god's image but also with some of gods power in a way

>> No.6437684

fast and bulbous god, moses also tapers

>> No.6438145

Benevolence doesn't mean what you think it means.
>be me
>have a database of every decision everyone will ever make
>travel back in time
>now because I traveled back every decision everyone will make is predetermined just because I have knowledge of them
You can't. Which doesn't mean that it wasn't your choice. You could have had pizza. But you decided not to have it. Which makes the choice yours.

>> No.6438155

That's a great an very spooky picture. I especially love the skull delivery, the spoopy skellington charging forward on his horse, and the bard with the maiden in the lower right corner.

>> No.6438185


>> No.6438193

that is such a cop out
Yeah I guess when thousand of people get blown away by a hurricane it's the result of free will too.

>> No.6438201

Does it still count as molestation if the altar boy has poor blow-job technique?

>> No.6438203

>now because I traveled back every decision everyone will make is predetermined just because I have knowledge of them
If you wrote their personail ties by manually creating their brains molecule by molecule, including the parts that make decisions, while deliberately placing them in an environment that again you have molecule by molecule control over, knowing ahead of time exactly what the decisions will be because you made the people who will make them, yes, that would be predetermined rather than free will.

You can argue that Laplace's demon does not violate free will and is merely a perfect predictor of events. But God as traditionally presented doesn't just predict events, he controls them.

>> No.6438240

Your view on the problem is too materialistic. The traditional views on God do not reduce everything down to molecules. When looking at it it's important to include the spirit.

>> No.6438250

i guarantee either you or your mother are the type of person who floods peoples facebook feeds with lame religious platitudes written in comic sans

>> No.6438254
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>> No.6438257

Reconcile the spirit with head trauma, specific brain lesions, and drug chemical structure.

Even if you take the actual material mechanics out of the equation, your decisions are still a product of "yourself" and your environment, both of which are intimately crafted by God with exact foreknowledge of how said crafting will affect (or rather, determine) decision making.

>> No.6438263

I still don't get how people cling to dualism when confronted with the body-mind-problem. They usually point towards unclear wackiness in neuro-biology, which I am usually tempted by pushing my evidence into the future (aka: they will solve it, current neuro-science is not advanced enough for this), but I know that is not really a good argument.

>> No.6438266

just because what i said is on the money doesn't mean you have to get upset.
honest question though, who is it that makes the posts? your mum? your grandmother? an uncle that uses some verse as a segue into the fact that obama bridged the aids gap between the blacks and gays, and the white straights?

>> No.6438344

Lol, there is no free will and there is no God

But if he were to exist, there would still be no free will.

All these fucking teenagers.

>> No.6438351
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Who did Caine marry?
Why was there light three days before a light source?
Am I still allowed slaves?
Is just anyone allowed to write additions to the bible like they were originally?

>> No.6438364

Do you think jet fuel can melt steel beams???

>> No.6438422

I'll forward your commendations to Brugel the Elder when I meet him.

>> No.6438430

so then how does the mentally disabled man go to heaven if he does not have a conscience/isn't capable of following anything

>> No.6438438

How old are people in heaven? The age they died? Is heaven full of geriatrics and fetuses?

>> No.6438439

>Who did Caine marry?
Apparently, there were human-like beings outside the Garden of Eden. (Maybe it was a 'planet of the apes' kind of scenario; the story is unclear.)
>Why was there light three days before a light source?
They weren't three 'days', your translation is inaccurate.
>Am I still allowed slaves?
>Is just anyone allowed to write additions to the bible like they were originally?
No, the canonical book s of the bible collection have been fixed at that council which I forgot the name of.

>> No.6438447

>They weren't three 'days', your translation is inaccurate.
Regardless, light came before the stars.

>> No.6438453

We already do friend. Wake up

>> No.6438455

>Regardless, light came before the stars.
Stars aren't the only sources of light, of course.

>> No.6438456

>Oh, I'm sorry, would you like to live in a world where you have absolutely no free will and can only unquestioningly follow orders?

Like in a religion? :^)

>> No.6438457

Something like evil is the absence of good or some shit.

>> No.6438459

What else was there back then? Lamps?

>> No.6438466


>> No.6438470

Lava lamps?

>> No.6438524

whoever this guy is op i watched him for like 10 seconds he's a pedo

>> No.6438610

No you gotta say also a tin teardrop

>> No.6438641

Why was st thomas allowed not to have faith when every other person has to cling to baseless faith? Was jesus doing him a favor because he was his buddy? Thats nepotism.

>> No.6438947

The tree is just a tree. in and of itself it's rather arbitrary. Satan deceived eve, telling her it contained knowledge.

>> No.6438975

What exactly is God?

>> No.6439035

Sounds like you have a problem with Heaven.

>> No.6439040

Hell is punishment for Satan, its not not like Hell is just where we hangs out. And he is angry in Hell and takes his anger out on all those who he can get access too.

>> No.6439112

So satan is basically a dumbass.

>> No.6439118

Yep, heaven is like rape according to him.

>> No.6439151


How can beings, entirely comprised of energy that behaves in probabilistic ways, have control of their actions? How can those beings be held accountable for their actions if they're out of their control?

>> No.6439156

just take it to the logical extension
god could both provide us with a world of happiness and no suffering AND provide free-will AND provide the right environment for soul-making if he were truly omnipotent

>> No.6439160

Do Alzheimer's patients regain their memories when they reach heaven?

>> No.6439165

good question

>> No.6439167

Indeed, how?

>> No.6439169

I still dont understand why free will would be necessary in such a context.

>> No.6439175

nice non-biblical citation

john 14:6 "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

>> No.6439180

because these guys keep saying that if we don't have free will we are animals or robots or some shit even though that's obviously reductio ad absurdum

>> No.6439184
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Aether here

What do you think of the sentence "And I created God, and God was"? What if I believe in this? Would it be resented as an act of egoism? But man did create God and I must re-master it in order to understand it, which is really acknowledging the fact that I don't understand and then securing that image of God in my head which is commonly depicted, and thinking up my own thoughts about God. Screw the fact religion works for a moment--this directly accuses God's realness.

>> No.6439195


They can't, every one of their actions and thoughts are controlled by their circumstance.

>> No.6439205
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>mfw christfags realise their views are absurd and illogical and stop replying, stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes and have 'muh faith'

>> No.6439213

Welcome to catholicism

>> No.6439215

an animal is more intelligent than u, u fKN hooosexual

>> No.6439228

answer: do people born before Jesus' time get to heaven?

>> No.6439290

Before Jesus, everyone went to Sheol. There was an abyss between the righteous and unrighteous dead, though, so there was always separation. When Jesus died, he too went down to Shell, but took all the righteous dead up to heaven when he rose again. Currently, Hades/"hell" is a colloquial term for the unrighteous dead side of Sheol where suffering is constant. All the unsaved will go there or remain there until the end of days. Hades/Hell will be closed forever, and all sinners/demons will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

>> No.6439291
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>you will never be a priest living a comfy life in a small village where the whole community respects and relies on you

>> No.6439312

do u actually believe this

>> No.6439315

Dear mr. priest, how do you know everything you say is actually true? What evidence is everything you say based on?

>> No.6439324

I'm deathly afraid of heights. No seriously, nothing brings me more pain and suffering than being in a high place. Spending an eternity in the clouds sounds worse than hell could ever possibly be. Father, what are my options? must I commit to a life of sin to avoid the wrath of God's loft?

>> No.6439333

Because within the context we operate on, it doesn't matter whether or not free will *actually* exists. It's a useful concept for ordering society and thus it is employed.

On the scale of builsing a bridge, Newtonian mechanics work just fine. You don't need to work on a quantum level, and often times it's not useful. Same is true for everyday life.

>> No.6439345

The "Heaven" people will live in is New Jerusalem, a golden city on the purified earth. Clouds don't come into it for long.

>> No.6439351

>Satan deceived eve, telling her it contained knowledge

Satan wasn't the snake, at least not initially. The snake was a remnant of nature myth, they only reconciled it with Satan after the Babylonian exile

>> No.6439359
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>> No.6439375


>> No.6439382

the counter-fedora jerk has gone on long enough. /lit/ needs to re-embrace atheism

>> No.6439397

>On the scale of builsing a bridge, Newtonian mechanics work just fine. You don't need to work on a quantum level, and often times it's not useful.
Meanwhile we started adding carbon nanotubes to concrete. Surprise, there is quantum physics in a bridge building or soon will be. Same with free will. We really aren't far away from building artificial neuron networks of an animal complication level. Context we operate in changes rapidly, possibly faster then we are willing to adjust our thinking.

>> No.6439407

>this is what atheists actually believe

>> No.6439408


>It's a useful concept for ordering society

It's useful for those who benefit from it, but for those of us who aren't doing to well it's kind of a burden. We don't need to operate on the quantum level to get by, but it's not optimum to go with less.

>> No.6439411

thanks mr skeltal

>> No.6439412

Also fedora is pretty stylish as long as it doesn't go with neckbeard.

>> No.6439415


I say we go a degree higher.

>> No.6439425

When a concept stops being useful, it will be discarded. When the brain is fully mapped neuron by neuron, neurotransmitter by neurotransmitter and so on, I would not be surprised if we discard the concept of free will for something more nuanced. But until you can electrochemically prevent murders, we need to assume people are responsible for their actions so that murderers cannot continue hurting people.

>> No.6439513

You people are literally retarded. Literally. The tips fedora meme is aimed at the vocal atheists active on the Internet who are autistic as heck about it. These people do exist. Look at /r/atheism. Most people on 4chan I would bet are atheist -- or more specifically, just plain indifferent -- but nothing productive ever comes out of the absolute euphoria of spouting your shit. Christians might proselytize obnoxiously at your door in the real world, but atheists are the Jehovah's Witnesses of the Internet, and the tip fedora's meme is the GO AWAY sign stuck in our window.

>tips fedora

>> No.6439537

this the tips fedora is for autistic retards who can't tolerate the idea other people believe in Christianity or Buddhism or whatever. They themselves have made a religion out of anti theism.

>> No.6439540

They could've asked him.

>> No.6439555

Genesis 3:3
"But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."

>> No.6439557

Did you enjoy molesting all those kids?

>> No.6439560

How can knowledge of a concrete world exist when everything it's formed of probabilistic particles?

>> No.6439574

No priest would be able to argue with Steven Fry:


>How dare you

>> No.6439580


But as soon as he told him that, they would have knowledge of good and evil, thus making everything after it completely void

>> No.6439581

1. They don't. You don't have free will.
2. They're wrong
3. God always knew what you were going to have for dinner.

>> No.6439589

>wah wah! people suffer becuz u created things wah!
How dare he be this retarded?

>> No.6439591

The priest is the arbiter of God, so naturally he must present authority on all matters in order to serve as an appropriate stand-in

>> No.6439601

How is it that we don't have an Aramaic Gospel? Why is there no Nazarene Gospel? Even though we know that no one who wrote anything that is now in the New Testament had ever seen the historical Jesus, had ever heard him say a word, nevertheless, for any of this to make even an iota of sense, that person did not go around speaking Koiné, speaking demotic Greek. He went around speaking Aramaic. Aramaic and demotic Greek are totally different languages. The nuances of thought, expression and spirituality of one are not readily translatable into the other. How could you believe that you were hearing the ipsa verba, the actual words of the incarnate God, and not write them down and preserve them? And what makes me even more suspicious is, you will notice, as though they throw it in to show the authenticity of this inauthentic schmaltz, all through the Gospels suddenly you're thrown a phrase or two in Aramaic, including, you know, the last words spoken from the Cross. Why? And where's the rest of it?

>> No.6439647

>How is it that we don't have an Aramaic Gospel
Because Greek was the language of the educated.
> Even though we know that no one who wrote anything that is now in the New Testament had ever seen the historical Jesus
We don't know that.
>The nuances of thought, expression and spirituality of one are not readily translatable into the other
Unless you get blessed by the holy spirit to speak other languages.
> How could you believe that you were hearing the ipsa verba, the actual words of the incarnate God, and not write them down and preserve them?
They were written down, you know, the Gospels.

>> No.6439697

How do magnets work?

>> No.6439703

>the actual words of the incarnate God
You're confusing Christianity with Islam.

Christ never wrote down a thing during his life, even though he was most certainly literate.

Why? Because the holy verbiage is irrelevant to the revelation and practice of Christianity. Christ left us a) a Church and b) an example of resurrection and eternal life, not a book of holy quips. (Although the holy quips are certainly interesting and important, they do not constitute the meaning of Christianity.)

>> No.6439709

>We don't know that.
Unlikely to the point where we don't even have to consider it
>Unless you get blessed by the holy spirit to speak other languages.
Nothing indicates this
>They were written down, you know, the Gospels.
And no other contemporary sources, which makes them extremely suspicious

>> No.6439732

>Nothing indicates this
Not him but people speaking other languages during periods of religious affliction is well-documented, e.g. demonic possession and when in the grip of the Holy Spirit

>> No.6439748


Thanks, I almost forgot that I'm not ruled by an eternal magic man.

>> No.6439893

>Thanks, I almost forgot that I'm not ruled by an eternal magic man.

The fact that you aren't 'ruled' by an 'eternal magic man' is evidence of His eternal love and grace. Giving you the gift of free will to chose to deny His reality rather than smiting you down or forcing you to believe in Him is itself evident of His benevolence.

>> No.6439897


If it's anything like the speaking in tongues stuff we see today, then that was probably meaningless gibberish

>> No.6439899

>And no other contemporary sources, which makes them extremely suspicious
On the basis of which you'd have to disregard most of the history of the time. Most events have only 1 person writing things down, especially since Jesus wasn't that important while he lived. And they left 4 sources.
>Unlikely to the point where we don't even have to consider it
Considering they were all written within less than 100 years of Jesus' death it's very possible that they were either written by eyewitnesses or by people who lisened to them.
>Nothing indicates this

>> No.6439958

The speaking in other languages thing has been used as proof of reincarnation too. Tying it (and other phenomena like demonic possession) to one religion is parochial and retarded.
Most of it is gibberish, in any case, calling it "well documented" is a huge overstatement

>> No.6439973

If God is so smart, why do you fart?

>> No.6439992

>On the basis of which you'd have to disregard most of the history of the time

Not when those sources don't describe anything that simply can't happen, like walking on water. Caesar existing doesn't violate the laws of physics, him winning the Civil War by Jupiter intervening and burning all his enemies to death does

>Considering they were all written within less than 100 years of Jesus' death it's very possible that they were either written by eyewitnesses or by people who lisened to them.

Then why do they radically differ from each other and from Paul's version of the story? The resurrection isn't mentioned in the Q source, or in the Gospel of Mark. It isn't until Paul that we find it mentioned. He actually makes it the core of Christianity, despite the fact that he never met Jesus, and saw him in a dream.

What's most likely is that the resurrection comes almost entirely from Paul to Christianity. This view probably came from Stephen, who saw Jesus on the right side of God in heaven in Acts 7:55. Stephen was convert and an outsider to Christianity, so him interpreting his new faith completely differently than the established interpretation wouldn't be strange. Paul probably took this interpretation, had his revelation of Jesus and wrapped all of it into an official doctrine

>> No.6440058

Black plague?

>> No.6440079

Eh, purgatory isn't so bad.

>> No.6440092

>directly spoken to by god and his servants
>directly writing down events related to god
Really dude?

>> No.6440104

Because your definition of a good answer is "have faith" or some other stupid shit that can't be proven except by anything other than make-believe

>> No.6440109


Why does God rely on something as horribly unreliable as oral transmission, which aren't written down in books until much later? Why does he use language, which constantly changes and has the potential to die out? Why does he do all of this when he's omnipotent and can beam all this knowledge straight into our heads, without using horribly unreliable means which risks putting people in hell?

Either your god is incredibly incompetent, or intentionally evil

>> No.6440116

So, since anyone who actually studies theology ends up an atheist, how many years as a priest have you been an atheist?

>> No.6440124


>> No.6440125

Why are there sinners in the world? Why would God create them when he's omnipotent and omniscient? He's literally creating beings with feelings, etc. so they can BURN IN HELL for all eternity. And that god is good, righteous and worthy of praising for any reason other than out of fear? Give me a fucking break. Hail Satan, the light bringer. Remind me again why Adam and Eve were punished for something they did before they had eaten from the tree of knowledge? They didn't know right from wrong before that. God seems like a bully, or maybe - just maybe - the whole thing is fucking bullshit. 0/10 fiction, writer's a hack.

>> No.6440161

>3. God always knew what you were going to have for dinner.
In what way does that restrict free will? Let's say I know the exact outcome of a situation down to the most minute detail. The situation is between two creatures (humans I guess) who have "free will". Now, I KNOW exactly what will happen, but, if I interfere IN ANY WAY (down to a subatomic level), the outcome could be wildly different. I know what happened, what is happening, and what will happen, but that's totally fucking useless because my interaction to enforce what I "know" could create a polar opposite reaction. So, if an omnipotent being who had to interfere in everything to make sure it's narrative of the universe came true, well then it doesn't have free will then either does it?
The point of this (I'm not even sure what in arguing anymore, I feel like the idea of free will and omnipotence could be explored deeper, or it already has been, in that case, recommended reading?) is that if a gypsy woman could tell the future, does that mean she's an omnipotent goddess? No, knowledge of the future and enslaving people to your omnipotent narrative are not synonymous.

>> No.6440176
File: 185 KB, 487x1024, Teutonique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apologizing for the crusades
Literally why?

>> No.6440188

Kill yourself or read hegel

>> No.6440203

And why not? the church literally takes anyone as long as they pass the tests and most priests are such morons that you can't possibly not pass.

>> No.6440231

Cannot tip hard enough

>> No.6440238

great meme, mind if I post it on 9gag?

>> No.6440248

>Because your definition of a good answer is "have faith" or some other stupid shit that can't be proven except by anything other than make-believe

Like evolution, the 'universe from nothing', language, and thoughts themselves......

This is why fundamentalist STEM's should steer clear of philosophy

>> No.6440251

>wah wah! someone is not enabling my retardation!
i'm sorry i know it's upsetting

>> No.6440253


Confirmed for having no clue as to what it actually takes to become a priest.

>> No.6440256

spooked spooked spooked spooked spooked!

>> No.6440287

so far nothing has been posted that would stump a priest. try again next time maybe