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/lit/ - Literature

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6432246 No.6432246 [Reply] [Original]

Are we at the point where being a so-called cis white male writer is a disadvantage in terms of getting published?

>> No.6432255

If it means that people like your pic related will be disadvantaged from writing books, then i have nothing against it.

>> No.6432316

Being a CIS white male is at a disadvantage in everything and should be. That's the whole point. It's not you individually who benefits from equality but everyone else. Check your personal privilege and acknowledge your equality to others. Admit the white man's collective role in society's influence is disproportionally great to his numbers.

>> No.6432340

No. The tiny amount of people who actually care about the author's ethnicity, are currently overwhelmed by those who are intelligent enough to remain unbiased.
Enforcing equality by handicapping the majority contributers you might be encouraging minorities to get their foot in the door, but you're hurting literature as a whole.
If you want to support egalitarianism, wouldn't blanketing all white men and discounting them all hurt more than those with "privelage"?

>> No.6432370

Literature can't hurt. It doesn't have feelings. It's not a person. You're comparing a human being to bound paper?

This is not only about equality of people but equality of ideology. It's not the white man who himself who we would harm but his ideas. An equal world is one where everyone is represented equally as a person regardless of their skin, race, gender, culture, whatever. All people, created equal.

>> No.6432384

That's cute but you're an annoying faggot and niggers are objectively retarded. Please die <3

>> No.6432390


>> No.6432401

I'm serving a permaban on my home IP right now newfag. Your response is a pretty typical admission that niggers actually are retarded, and you know it, but you've been brainwashed to get upset on their behalf. What a fucking pathetic piece of garbage you are.

>> No.6432404

The trouble of course is that some of us do not believe all ideologies are equal. Some of us are rather convinced that there are superior ideologies and inferior ideologies, and that the former are to be preferred to the latter.

>> No.6432405


Wow why'd you have to drag us into this. Pretty fucking rude.

>> No.6432409

>all this repression
>all this self-denial
>all this ignorance of the will to power

>> No.6432412

>Literature can't hurt. It doesn't have feelings. It's not a person. You're comparing a human being to bound paper?
Would you rather I have said "It would damage the industry?"
>An equal world is one where everyone is represented equally as a person regardless of their skin, race, gender, culture, whatever. All people, created equal.
Races are not equal. Some are physically superior than others, and others are mentally superior to some. That's not racist.
Bigotry and racism come into play when you're discriminating against a select individual through the generalizations of their race.
Collectively, some ethnicities of authors will be able pump out more masterpieces than others. This is not a problem to fixed, there is arguably no problem and there's nothing that can currently be done to remedy it.

>> No.6432415


>> No.6432419

>i want to be more represented in media so i am easier to target through marketing
>this is actual fourth wave feminism

>> No.6432430

>Collectively, some ethnicities of authors will be able pump out more masterpieces than others

>> No.6432432

You're never going to magically make niggers not retarded anon. Does it hurt? Do you cry out of your little bleeding faggot heart for the inarticulate smelly beasts your fat maladjusted dyke professor forced to you care about?

>> No.6432436


I am a "nigger" and I have more money than you. I'm in higher education, and you are not. Suck my titanic dick asshole.

>> No.6432441

Yes? Are you whining about the subjectivity or the term masterpiece or do you sincerely believe that all races are equal in every way?
>complains about the other anon misrepresenting him
>muh dick
You really are the worst trip

>> No.6432446

whoa don't go giving him first hand case studies there, buddy

>> No.6432454

>I'm an insufferable lying marxist
>Lol money is p cool


>> No.6432459

I hope so. I'm not interested in hearing about the experiences about fucking american white men to the same extent as in the past.

>> No.6432461


My titanic dick.


My titanic cock.


I have to admit, money, friends, and education, is pretty nice. Sorry you don't have any of those things. It's not too late to change your hikikomori ways.

>> No.6432470

Ha fair point.

>> No.6432476

>a bloo bloo bloo hurrr durrr

It's a shame hear about your insecurities over your finances and popularity but I sincerely don't give a fuck.

>> No.6432481
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>> No.6432483

I'm arguing both sides of this.
Do you really believe that each and every "nigger is retarded"?
Is your head so deep into your own sphincter that you can't look around and see minority individuals (niggers included) accomplishing amazing things, more than you ever will?
>implying white male writers can only write white male characters

>implying any other race and sex cannot write about white male characters
>implying that they usually don't

>> No.6432488
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>My titanic dick.
>My titanic cock.

you're like stan without the actual charm. it sucks that we always have to settle for lesser versions of good posters as time goes on.

i guess you are the lesser version that we are stuck with for the time being. play your little role then you subpar substitute.

>> No.6432493

I'm positive the irony of what a perfrctly predictable creepy little drone person you're being now is utterly wasted on you.

>> No.6432508

Do you sincerely not know any black people? People get upset when queers like you denigrate blacks because we know blacks. I'm a white guy, and my greatest friend in the world is a black guy, so yeah, I get annoyed when people say "niggers are retarded." You're so convinced people only care about things because of some misguided caving into social pressure. I've never even had a professor in my life to influence me.

>> No.6432511

Not yet literature actaully hasn't been hit hard yet by the neo-left

The most you get is "muh old crusty white men and their racist irrelevant work" which is largely ignored since people interested in literature have actually you know read literature

I guess it isn't perceived as important as other mediums like art, movies, vidya, etc. to them as well

The next thing to probably be attacked is the only bastion from that thought on a college campus (STEM)

>> No.6432516


What exactly do you want? Respect?


>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

No...? I don't have to respect you.

>> No.6432520

I actually have known a looooot of black people. Of them, two are good people who don't act like pieces of shit and I respect. They are also both mixed. Most other young black people I have encountered do things like sell cocaine or rob people's houses. Obviously not every black person on planet earth is clinically retarded. That said, ghetto glorification culture and most of Africa are an absolute waste of everyone else's resources and time.

>> No.6432521

Not him but you're one anecdotal experience with a black male makes everything else irrelevant?
Have you ever had to live in a majority black area before?
No one (not even /pol/) says they're all bad but that doesn't mean the majority are good

>> No.6432523
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>bastion of thought

>> No.6432525


>> No.6432526

And now the textbook hysterical freakout. You really are all the exact same retarded person. It is literally brainwashing. Did you not miss me making fun of you for being a marxist and then posturing about wealth? Holy shit. Are you really this stupid? Are you actually black like you said? I'm beginning to believe it.

>> No.6432529

It's your'e, you idiot. Your + are = your'e

>> No.6432533

You don't have put on the red light

>> No.6432535


It makes you paranoid as hell.


>have encountered do things like sell cocaine or rob people's houses

That literally, never happens. I could give you a white trash stereotype for every time someone does that. And whites happen to be on more welfare. Which isn't a bad thing, poverty isn't a joke or an argument. You just are terribly ignorant due to the popularization of music, yes, black people enjoy. Who cares.

I've yet to see you unfairly categorized with hair metal.


I'm sorry I called you a hikikomori. I am truly sorry.

>> No.6432538

It's more free then all the other places on a campus
Other than Philosophy which always sits at the top with Physics and Math

You aren't treated like your decisions or views are morally wrong if they don't agree with the teacher

>> No.6432543
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>It's more free then all the other places on a campus

>> No.6432546
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>What exactly do you want? Respect?

i want you to buckle down and perform your little substitute role to the best of your abilities.

we both know that you're no stan, so don't beat yourself up after you try to fill his shoes and end up failing us - it was going to happen anyway.

>> No.6432550

>we both know that you're no stan,

Stop saying that. You are not cool. You are not edgy. You are walking hyperbole.

>> No.6432553

Paranoid as hell has preserved society for eons
I think you're naive to assume every group is out for your best interests
Ah but you'll see if the west ever falls onto to truly hard times you'll see the cracks with race in America first

>> No.6432556


>You are walking hyperbole.

lol i've got him so riled he's forgotten his entire post history.

not a good start, boy. you need to buckle down and focus now.

>> No.6432557

>Have you ever had to live in a majority black area before?

Every single time the suburb living faggots throw out this garbage. I grew up in the Bronx (not Riverdale). I've never had any more trouble with blacks than I have with whites. Yeah, it's my anecdotal experience. What the fuck else would I base my opinion of PEOPLE on? Do you look up the crime statistics of the race of a person you meet? I can tell when someone's an asshole or a criminal, I'll avoid that guy.
>I actually have known a looooot of black people.

The list goes on!

Also, what the hell is wrong with dealing coke? Does it make the little suburb baby uncomfortable? You know who's doing most of that coke, by the way?

You're a special kind of stupid.

>> No.6432558
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Perhaps it is not that you are "so-called cis white male writer", but rather that publishers are not interested in your stories about cuckholding because they would not sell to a general audience?

>> No.6432560

Wonderful evidence champ
You've sure convinced

>> No.6432562


>Paranoid as hell has preserved society for eons

You're not society. You're a person.


Finish puberty.

>> No.6432563

Your are a special kind of stupid
if you really want to force the contraction, at least have the common decency to use it correctly

>> No.6432568


It's a general consensus of assumption that stirs me in the wrong way and why I deal with philosophy more.

>> No.6432569

Nothing is really wrong with dealing coke, it's more the "and robbing houses", "and being a dirty, retarded thug nigger".
>I can tell when someone's an asshole or a criminal, I'll avoid that guy.

Yeah exactly. See? You get it!

>> No.6432576
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>> No.6432579


>Finish puberty.

lol speaking of new to the scene you are too new to even remember who i've been talking about this entire time, aren't you?

>> No.6432580


A man of equivalent talent will have more difficulty getting published than her, but idk about your claim tbh, it's hard to measure.

>> No.6432589


Finish puberty.

>> No.6432593

Yeah you should probably avoid him as well. It's too bad most back people still suck bad despite your epic, overly-lengthy memes.

>> No.6432604


>It's too bad most back people still suck bad

Get out of your fucking house you antisocial cowardly pipsqueak making excuses for not being social antisocial bitch.

>> No.6432607


>i'm n-not n-n-new this is m-my b-board

who knew you were such a fucking newposter lol you are an even worse substitute for stan than i thought you'd be.

at least work on your personality a bit you simple simon ass motherfucker lol.

>> No.6432610

dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality dichotomy precludes equality

>> No.6432612

It's not "you're." "Your" refers to possession. Hence, "your experience," not "you are experience." If you can't see this, you're not worth arguing with any further.

Blacks do commit more crime AS A GROUP, but that crime is committed by a tiny percentage of blacks. A greater percentage than whites, yes, but the overwhelming majority of blacks are NOT criminals.

The vast majority of blacks that you are scared of pose no threat to you.

>> No.6432615

You're only proving his point here.

>> No.6432620

Curb the ressentiment.

>> No.6432627

It's not you're, it's your'e

>> No.6432630

Literally no you.

How about this one:

Either the majority of society agrees witb me and you're just some wierd edgy kid no one likes, or black people are actually agreed to be pretty like, cool, man, and your rage against the machine is just a laughable demonstration of everyone's mental caricature of an absolutely shitter shartered redditor.

Actually, that's exactly what it is whatever the case.

>> No.6432641

"Your'e" is not in the dictionary.

>> No.6432642
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It is objective fact I own this board. Get a job you bitch.




I exist to literally piss nationalists like you off with my own beliefs I casually express. It makes my day, more than you'll ever know.

>> No.6432646

>scared of

No. I just think they are gross and pretty fucking stupid. It's just evident by knowing and encountering them.
>hurr durr xphobia!

Kill yourself.

>> No.6432650

Says you. Mine says otherwise.

>> No.6432653


Scared bitch boy

>> No.6432656

Hahahahahaha. I have clearly won. Stay eternally mad and retarded, you glorious idiot.

>> No.6432663

Focault, you're so boring and retarded, and this is coming from this guy>>6432508

I don't mean in the sense of xenophobia. I mean in the sense of dumb suburban fruit who thinks "maybe we shouldn't be walking in this neighborhood at this time! (11:30 PM)"

>> No.6432664
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>Hahahahahaha. I have clearly won Stay eternally mad and retarded, you glorious idiot

>> No.6432668


Do you think my being retarded, let's say somehow this is true, makes my enjoyment of nationalist anger any less true?

>> No.6432672

You really shouldn't be walking around in a bad neighborhood that late at night. That's a good way to get mugged, raped, etc.

>> No.6432679

>My caricature is stronger than yours!

Yeah but it actually isn't. See: rap music, a random black male between 17-25 (any higher they start to thin out from the shootings you know how it is), apparent instituational racism, etc. Stay Mad™

>> No.6432680

Doubtful? I mean, money talks, and contrary to what you might think, tumblr is a minority. Most people got no problem reading a white dude's work, and most people don't even think about it. I would say women are favored simply because they have a talent for churning out moneymakers like YA, but even in that sector a person like John Green can shoot to the top.

I routinely see new white male authors, although I don't read a lot of contemporary.

Here's the thing, people might talk shit all day long, saying cis white male this and cis white male that, but at the end of the day, when they're all alone, they just want to read something that keeps their interest.

>> No.6432682
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>It is objective fact I own this board.

it is an objective fact that you are too much of a newposter who even know what trip I was talking about lol

you got your ass well prolapsed itt don't worry newposter it will be okay

>> No.6432685

Shhhh baby don't cry cause it's over. Be happy it ever occured.

Now post them feet. It's okay you're stupid, I still love you.

>> No.6432689
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Oh my god.


I am a new poster and I own this board now.


Shave your neck. Buy some moisturizer.

>> No.6432693

You're a caricature, bud. I've never felt nervous once walking in any neighborhood.

>These kids today with their rap music!

You know who made rap music hugely popular? White kids in the suburbs. That's just a fact.

>a random black male between 17-25

I know plenty. Most males between 17 and 25 are insufferable.

>> No.6432696
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>I am a new poster

i know this already you fucking newposter lol

>> No.6432697

>I grew up in the Bronx
I am so sorry

>> No.6432703


I still own this board. I haven't posted since like, 2013? I suppose that makes me new. Yet I'm already sick of your shit.

>> No.6432706
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Post. Your. Feet.

>> No.6432709

Are you one of those people who believes what he sees in the movies?

>> No.6432710


nigga what the fuck I'm not posting my feet

>> No.6432712


By the way, you are doing disservice to yourself far more than I can by posting by got damn feet.

Your skin is terrible dude.

>> No.6432715

>You're a caricature, bud.
Race has no immediate impact on what defines a "bad neighborhood". It's only common sense that if there's a block or two designated for drive-by shootings and crack shacks, you'd avoid it.
>I've never felt nervous once walking in any neighborhood.
Then you've either never been to a dangerous neighborhood or you're ignorant of your surroundings.
You aren't gay, are you? Gotta keep those shoes on to hide those dainty effete pigs?

>> No.6432718

Most of everyone is insufferable. White kids in the suburbs made rap music popular with white kids in the suburbs. Are you pretending right now that young black people do not by-and-large listen to rap music and to varying degrees emulate its culure? Really? Inb4 bringing up cheesy rich wiggers as a "varying degree" as if this pedantic posturing fixes black neighborhoods or accomplished anything.

Seriously, jesus fucking christ, man. What is the goal here? Fake it til you make it? I guess? You need more black people willing to fake it for that to work, you know.

>> No.6432719


What the fucking is wrong with you dude why would I show my feet to someone as weird as you

>> No.6432727

Two different people want to see your feet, newdyke. Now put shoe in head and post your fat cunbeard feet, you lumberjack looking brown dyke.

>> No.6432732
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>I suppose that makes me new.

i get it you are new you are someone who feels new to this board i understand okay.

>> No.6432734

He's just an attention whore. Pay him no mind.

>> No.6432735

Blacks listen to hip-hop and club music. You clearly don't actually know any black people. You're completely wrong about rap. Sure, blacks listen to rap, but rap's main demographics is young white men, they're 80% of the market and is has nothing to do with wiggers.

I've been to neighborhoods that are considered dangerous statistically. It's not a concern to anyone with a head though. Much as the tabloids like to play it up though, crime is by and large not random. I'm not worried about getting killed in a drive-by because I'm not slinging rocks, and I'm not worried about getting mugged because I don't walk like a milquetoast hunched over with my eyes darting around nervously.

>> No.6432736


>Two different people want to see your feet, newdyke

And I am telling you my feet are mine. Stop asking for them.

>> No.6432739


>He's just an attention whore. Pay him no mind.

Welcome to fucking bizarro thread.

>> No.6432751

>hip hop VS rap

Dude just shut up. This is honestly fucking pathetic. Again, you are being a fucking pedant. This solves nothing. You are obviously not changing my or anyone elses mind by splitting hairs nd pretending to be retarded. You literally have no argument. Society, the state of the world, and all of the statistics don't lie. I don't really see a point in respond to you any further at this point. You think you can save the world by redefining it, and that is so dangerously retarded it honestly makes me deeply saddened every time I encounter and subject myself to arguing with one of you vacuous robots.

>> No.6432768

I won't share you with another boy

>> No.6432772

And now for the hysterical meltdown. Cam you show yourself out or do you need to do it yourself? Yeah, there's a difference between hip-hop and rap. I'm not much of a fan of either, I'm listening to CSN right now, but there's a difference. I doubt when you were complaining about rap music you meant "sexy" guys crooning over and over again about how much they love their girls. You were obviously complaining about gangster shit, which yeah, blacks listen to it, but is overwhelmingly listened to by whites.

>> No.6432776


You're both retarded how about that.


I will spit through the screen before you see my fucking feet

>> No.6432778

*Can you show yourself out or do you need someone to do it for you?

>> No.6432785

You idiot. Of course white people make up 80% of the market for rap. Black people are only 13% of the population in the US. Doesn't mean that they don't listen to fucking rap all the time.

>> No.6432790

There's more than just black and white in this country, ya' dope.

>> No.6432809

Yeah but white people represent like 76% of the population.

>> No.6432816

Absolutely disgusting dude. Enjoy being frustrated and wrong forever. You deserve it.

>> No.6432836

I'm not particularly frustrated. You're the one melting down right now. Obviously I was mildly incensed by some inflammatory remarks, which led me to entering the conversation but at this point I'm not feeling any anger or annoyance. I started out angered but now that's gone away. You seem to have taken the opposite route.

>> No.6432843


>> No.6432845

Yeah whatever because I'm being blunt about many people experiences, the statistics, and the portrayals of blacks and their self-destructive actions over the last oh say half century I'm "le buttmad xD". For not beating around the bush and telling you that it's how it obviously is and it's not changing anytime soon because -they're- not changing anytime soon I'm clearly furious, and therefor wrong. No resume railing against society and all of it's evil oppressions in a battle you will never win. No really, go on, do it! You fucking warrior, you. You are a hero, anon. An absolute champion!

>> No.6432850

this is actually the maddest post

>> No.6432851 [SPOILER] 
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Here you go

>> No.6432856

This thread just made me sad...

>> No.6432860

Sigh...me, too

>> No.6432862

You're clearly angry. Why do you deny it? There's nothing wrong with being angry, I admit anger was got me into the exchange.

Sorry I don't agree with you Mr. Straight-talk express, Mr. Tells-it-like it is. You've got the perfect blend of self-righteousness and red-faced bombast to run for office.

>> No.6432865

Anon, stop being retarded okay? It doesn't matter how mad you think me being vulgar on 4chan is. Pretending black people aren't thug niggers is still apparently a reactionary and provocative minority opinion. Your very existence here proves this. Kanye West's very existence proves this. Now please stay mad.

>> No.6432867

>see this thread hours ago with 0 replies
>didn't take the bait, ignored the thread
>come back later
>111 replies

you guys really dropped the ball on this one

i did my fucking best here and you guys just fucking dropped the ball

im so goddamn dissapointed in all of you

>> No.6432869

ITT: angry people telling each other that they are mad while deny denying that they themselves are angry

>> No.6432871

So basically you rely on manipulating perceptions to even pretend to have something to say? Is that why you spent two posts pretending rap and hip hop are significantly different and black people don't listen to them?

>> No.6432872

I hope to everything intelligent and sacred that was written sarcastically. Tumblr bitches get the fuck out of /lit/

>> No.6432873

exams are coming to an end, the influx of undergrads is making /lit/ unbearable

>> No.6433953

>This bait

Haha, you got me! I got rused lol :^)

>> No.6433988
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>Tfw the rest of 4chan calls /lit/ the "intelligent" board
>Tfw the majority are retarded like these guys


>> No.6434016
File: 784 KB, 538x693, 1428041800242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no "intelligent" board
/sci/ is plagued by IQ threads and circlejerks
/lit/ is haunted by high-modernist memes and alternative politics
/fa/ is the last unsullied bastion of the aesthetic philosopher

>> No.6434042

I hope youre joking about /fa/...
/fa/ doesnt discuss aesthetics beyond their trendy knowledge of what "looks dope"