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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 95 KB, 480x298, anal-rand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6431795 No.6431795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"[The Native Americans] didn't have any rights to the land and there was no reason for anyone to grant them rights which they had not conceived and were not using.... What was it they were fighting for, if they opposed white men on this continent? For their wish to continue a primitive existence, their "right" to keep part of the earth untouched, unused and not even as property, just keep everybody out so that you will live practically like an animal, or maybe a few caves above it. Any white person who brought the element of civilization had the right to take over this continent."
― Ayn Rand

I now get why /lit/ has chosen Ayn Rand to be the queen of /lit/.

>> No.6431806

I think you are mistaken. /lit/ isn't racist, so it wouldn't adopt Ayn Rand as its queen.

>> No.6431812

>Private property only exists when I feel like it

>> No.6431818


I know Rand was pretty batshit and said something similar about oil in Iraq (Iran?), but I find it hard to believe she actually said this. There any source for it?

>> No.6431821

>Any white person who brought the element of civilization had the right to take over this continent.

>> No.6431822

Source: "Q and A session following her Address To The Graduating Class Of The United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, March 6, 1974"

>> No.6431825


Bitch needed a good fucking. And no sane man would deliver the cock. Thus, this.

>> No.6431828

I mean she has a point.

It's like bringing an entire buffet of food to class, not letting anyone have it, then just sit there and eat 1 or 2 bites and nothing else. What a waste

>> No.6431835
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Let the butthurt comments begin

>> No.6432056 [DELETED] 
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But its true.

In order to call something your property you must mark or fence it in an unambiguous way. Just because i go to a forest and sit my ass down on the grass does not mean that entire area of few hundred square kilometers around me is now my property, because "muh ancestors".
How many native americans were there? Like few tens of millions tops. For a landmass of this size...its like saying that the moon is American colony, because they are the only ones to ever send people there and plant flags.
Natives barely had any agriculture going on, they didn't even domesticate animals for fucks sake and that is why they needed massive extents of land to chase pray on, sometimes for days at a time. Tribes worked on hunter-gatherer levels of inefficiency and that is why needed huge spaces to balance it out, but it does not justify their idiocy.

White man coming to the New World raised the bar of natural selection and he was completely justifiable in doing so. Would make sense to you if you didn't get your knowledge about era of geographical discovery from fucking Pocahontas.

>> No.6432088


Implying the motherfuckers that conceived of manifest destiny were starving. They were greedy, it's obvious. It's like you're actually suggesting that conservation of resources is idiotic.

>> No.6432100

Because they can

>> No.6432103
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>>6431795 (OP)
But its true.

In order to call something your property you must mark or fence it in an unambiguous way. Just because i go to a forest and sit my ass down on the grass does not mean that entire area of few hundred square kilometers around me is now my property, because "muh ancestors".
How many native americans were there? Like few tens of millions tops. For a landmass of this size...its like saying that the moon is American colony, because they are the only ones to ever send people there and plant flags.
Natives barely had any agriculture going on, they didn't even domesticate animals for fucks sake and that is why they needed massive extents of land to chase pray on, sometimes for days at a time. Tribes worked on hunter-gatherer levels of inefficiency so as as the result they needed huge spaces to balance it out and keep resources in circulation, but it does not justify their idiocy.

Then they sold some of their land to white people, cause lol those dumb whities gave us so much vegies and tools for that shit tier field with no waterhole or any animals at all.
And then of course their butts got blasted by jealousy, when they saw how effectively the land they regarded as barren was brought to prosperity by agricultural miracle brought by the newcomers. So they flipped out like 5 year old, cause that is just "not fair".

White man coming to the New World raised the bar of natural selection and he was completely justifiable in doing so. Would make sense to you if you didn't get your knowledge about era of geographical discovery from fucking Pocahontas.

>> No.6432104

> and were not using
They lived on it
Fished and hunted and gathered and farmed from it

>> No.6432109

You're delusional. It's obviously Virginia Woolf.

>> No.6432110


>might makes right

goddamn it, do you even into plato?

>> No.6432113
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I think she was chaotic neutral

>> No.6432114

Wow what a horrid analogy. Stay in school, kiddo.

>> No.6432115

not a native speaker so sorry if its unpleasant to read or anything.

>> No.6432116


Even if that was true, the genocide committed was worth it? Giving them small pox was worth it for the resources? Murdering and raping the remaining was worth it in the end?

You are looney toons man.

>> No.6432118

They tribe or clans of a tribe shared in what they used collectively
And they had their territory they lived in and was fenced by geographical features possibly did not care for others to enter without permission or a gift or exchange - is that not a concept of property and boundary?

>> No.6432119


So genocide is permissible if there is a reward of resources to be gained?

>> No.6432120

She's not neutral she's arguing its right to use force
So much more libertarian non violence
And all because someone has a different concept of property to you

>> No.6432122

>I now get why /lit/ has chosen Ayn Rand to be the queen of /lit/.

Why was I not informed about this vote?

>> No.6432138

Plato uses ideals and a sense of progress which are not relatable to nature, if you can do something then is your right by nature, it doesn't matter if is sustainable for society or if it violates human rights

>> No.6432140


Oh shut the fuck up you edgy bastard

>> No.6432141

Its only edgy if you think nature is edgy

>> No.6432143

thats how merica have always operate.

>> No.6432151


It's edgy to be a dog and not a man. And you are less than that. Shove your social darwinist shit right up your ass. Nature works on a level above our own behavior you arrogant fool. Man isn't some master actor for a grand plan you fucking uneducated dingle berry.

Humans are a social species, to claim everything is in a level above ourselves is not only arrogance but total misunderstanding of science.

>> No.6432154


>> No.6432156
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You are talking about what happened way later, after US army already existed. There was no genocide to speak of when the Europeans have just landed on the New World. And that is the subject brought up by Ayn Rand isn't it.

It is not unambiguous. Fencing by "natural features" is bullshit. You have to make a tangible effort to call a piece of the universe... of the natural world your "property". In other words you need to invest some energy output into securing it. That is how it worked since the dawn of time. That is how we divided up the sandbox when i was a kid, it really doesn't get more intuitive.

>> No.6432160
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>There was no genocide to speak of when the Europeans have just landed on the New World

>> No.6432170

Killing a thing or making going for a walk here and there form time to time, is not a tangible investment.

You might argue that it made sense by their cultural standards, but such argument for me almost falls under the category of an appeal to emotion.

There are objective standards for claiming of property in this world. Its literally the oldest issue there is in human history. We had this shit figured out for quite some time.

>> No.6432177

I think you misunderstood me, I was trying to say that if its doable then its doable, nature and ours work on the same level I don't understand what you're trying to say with "nature works on a level above", of course man isn't some actor for a grand master plan and I think that gives more weight to what I said, man are a social species but that "social" part shows itself in many ways, it could be domination (and wanting OTHERS to look up to you) or genocide of other groups in favor of yours so I don't understand how anything that you said contradicts what I wrote before...

>> No.6432180

>It's like bringing an entire buffet of food to class, not letting anyone have it, then just sit there and eat 1 or 2 bites and nothing else. What a waste

That sounds more like hunting the buffalo to extinction, which the "civilized" white man did, than what the tribes were doing with the land.

>> No.6432184

>. You have to make a tangible effort to call a piece of the universe... of the natural world your "property". In other words you need to invest some energy output into securing it. That is how it worked since the dawn of time.

In other words, you need to initiate force

>> No.6432188
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>There are objective standards for claiming of property in this world

Why do you moronic fuckers always believe in the myth of human objectivity?


You are so utterly incompetent. Men are social. To claim that we work behaviorally the same way nature works in a grand scale is a critical misunderstanding of science.

If you make such a claim, you have to remember what other apes do to their brethren who think like this, upset the balance of community. They rip them apart. In my opinion, any claim that selfishness is good should be regarded in the same fashion.

>> No.6432214

Then in which way do you think we behave?

>> No.6432222


It's pointless to argue how we behave because human nature as you understand it cannot be discovered. Shrouded by linguistics and subtext.

>> No.6432225

>implying agriculture and western civilization is good

>> No.6432227

No. I mean in kinetic/mechanical way yes, but not against other humans.

In other word alter the enviroment in semi-permanent way. Raise a structure or surround an area with a fence.

>> No.6432237

Well so explain to me why am I wrong when I think that we behave in an extremely similar (if not identical) way to animals?
The way I see it is the same power struggle that we see in the rest of the living beings only with more variables

>> No.6432244
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>> No.6432253
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>Well so explain to me why am I wrong when I think that we behave in an extremely similar (if not identical) way to animals?

You don't even understand animals.

>> No.6432260

Well if you do then please explain why am I wrong

>> No.6432264


Except that isn't true. Property is a legal concept.

>> No.6432270


Quads speak the truth.

>> No.6432272


Animal minds operate totally differently than our own and encompass billions of different kinds of vertebrates throughout the history of life on Earth. What the fuck do you mean specifically by, "animal" when you mean animal behavior.

Not only are we not objective viewers, our understanding of ourselves from a biological standpoint is inherently biased from our own short comings in linguistics and bias through subtext.

Your claim you have any "objectivity" is as laughable as an orangutan claiming it can understand its kind's behavior through its own limited vocabulary, if you could call it that.

You are claiming you are scientific when you probably flunked out of high school physics.

>> No.6432300

rights qua power to use the land. which is not a spook, and insofar that its an egoist argument about right Rand is correct.

>> No.6432304

Meanwhile, from the left:

>> No.6432309

>Not only are we not objective viewers, our understanding of ourselves from a biological standpoint is inherently biased from our own short comings in linguistics and bias through subtext.

I bet you're going to claim that this is an objective fact

>> No.6432311


You are no closer to the meaning of life than the rest of us. That is it.

>> No.6432314


Oh fuck you got me! Regardless, even if I could (I cannot), it doesn't stop the fact it's objective humans are not objective observers.

>> No.6432321

stop contradicting yourself, retard. you're applying different standards to arguments that you're emotionally opposed to.

>> No.6432324

I'm not claiming to be anything, but let's try again, I'll write the whole thing and I hope that you understand what I'm saying now because you misundertood it since the begining, we behave similar in the most general sense (we look for food and social interaction) now because we have of course a different configuration to the rest of the animals (and a deer also will have a different configuration to the rest of the animal species) then other variables will come into play but in essence we do crave those basic things, now depending of our environment we'll try to archieve those things differently as I said before, maybe someone will want to have a lot of power and other person would only want to have a partner to love.
Back on the main topic I agree with you the we are not part of a master plan and that everything has to be "ideal" therefore things that could go against society (genocides for example) are not in contradiction with wanting social interaction, also I never say that selfishness in the most traditional sense of the word was a good thing (although I do believe that everybody moves because of selfish impulses) but if you can manage to be a extremly selfish person and get away with it then it could be considered good for that person independetly of the harm that could cause to the rest of the people. So again my main point is that if its doable then its doable.

>> No.6432332
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Prove to me that humans are objective observers.


Appeal to human nature. Try again.

>> No.6432336

literally nothing wrong

>> No.6432344

prove to me that they aren't. i'm not the one claiming things that are beyond me.

>> No.6432346

I'm not appealing to it because I'm not saying if its good or not, I'm just saying that is possible

>> No.6432352

Any proletarian who brings the element of class consciousness has the right to take over the means of production.

>> No.6432362


>prove to me that they aren't.

We've been over this. I'll give you one example, Physics. You can't interact with quanta without changing it. Yet you have no way of knowing it's changed.

That's a very simplistic example. On the other hand, you have limits in linguistics. We've been over this.

Scientific objectivity is a long held myth that is one of the many reasons Biological Science can never be the science of Physics.


You are appealing to it still, right now.

>> No.6432367

>Fencing by "natural features" is bullshi

So pretty much all the borders of European and Asian countries are bullshit?

Most borders are done my natural features you fool, especially when you're looking on a grand scale. Fuck all people can be bothered building huge fucking walls over the middle of who gives a shit land, when mountains, rivers, and deserts do that shit for you.

Of large scale manmade borders there are three: The Great Wall of China, Hadrians Wall, and the Gates of Alexander, none of which are even used by their respective countries as borders anymore.

>> No.6432369

We've been over this. You're still contradicting yourself.

>> No.6432372

Not in the moral sense which is when you tend yo use the "appeal to nature" fallacy

>> No.6432375

blah blah blah

>> No.6432379


Human nature is still bullshit. Scientific Objectivity remains a myth.


You are using it in the same moral sense.

>> No.6432387

>You are using it in the same moral sense.
Explain why please because I don't see it

>> No.6432392

>Humanism only when I feel like it

>> No.6432393
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That is the problem.

>> No.6432399

You're confusing me with someone else. I don't care about "human nature", whatever that means. But don't let me stop you from spamming your retarded metaphysical notions.

>> No.6432407

Why do people on this board respond to name/trip fags?
And so seriously too?

>> No.6432411
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I swear I tried to have a nice conversation

>> No.6432416

>"[The Native Americans] didn't have any rights to the land

So just to clear up confusion with these "savages", you show up and tell them you're now going to run their land the way you did it back in your land? Oh, and be sure to only use "rights" in a way that would excuse manifest destiny.

>What was it they were fighting for, if they opposed white men on this continent?
To be able to live without worrying about someone just turning up in the middle of your tribe and saying "this is ours now, you have to leave the place you've lived for generations because I say so."

>For their wish to continue a primitive existence

Ayn Rand doesn't even know fucking cultural relativism. A culture or society's technological capability doesn't determine what they should be allowed to keep as "theirs".

>to keep part of the earth untouched, unused and not even as property
It wasn't untouched and unused. They were using agriculture, horticulture, and were hunting way before Europeans showed up. The idea of "property" as Europeans understood it didn't exist in NA because they hadn't been in fucking contact with Europe. They lived in their own country with their own land systems.

>just keep everybody out so that you will live practically like an animal, or maybe a few caves above it. Any white person who brought the element of civilization had the right to take over this continent."
So she's also a racist, as well?

>> No.6432417
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Scientific Objectivity still doesn't exist and that isn't metaphysics, it's actual physics.

>> No.6432424

TL;DR: If I can destroy you, I should. In fact, it is my moral obligation.

>> No.6432439

She's only wrong in that she throws a blanket over natives

The truth is natives hated each other since a lot of them were still pretty tribal
This meant that some took onto to the Euros fairly well had friendly trade the whole nine yards and that others were just niggers
A lot of them didn't fight the white men
A lot of them hated the white
A lot of them didn't give two shits

Also no one has a right to shit and I'm surprised people still feel guilt over/care about shit they had no control over and that happened 100s of years ago
Then again the west gives itself rather well to guilt you know with the whole Christian thing

>> No.6432440

"[My neighbor] didn't have any rights to the car he kept in his backyard and there was no reason for anyone to grant him right to a car he didn't use. What was he even fighting for in court, if he wanted this car back? For his wish to keep it in his shed, his right to continue to let it rot, unused and untouched? Just to keep it as if it were a junker, or maybe a few steps from that? Any person who saw that car had the right to take it for himself."

>> No.6432514

nice 'objective fact' there bud

>> No.6432587

>It is not unambiguous. Fencing by "natural features" is bullshit
Look at most nation and state borders, they're defined by rivers or mountains a lot of the time

>> No.6432597


Scientific Objectivity still doesn't exist

>> No.6432598

Using materials gathered from the land to live
>walking from here to there
>they're all just dumb savages
the Iroquois and Mound Builders and Pueblo and a few others in North America and everyone in South America lived in permanent settlements and farmed the land

>> No.6432605

objectivity within a scientific framework exists

you are confused

>> No.6432606

>There are objective standards for claiming of property in this world
No, there are modern western legal standards

>you people who have never heard of property registration form a subsection b have failed to register it with my registry office on the other side of the world - you do not own this land you live and work on!

>> No.6432614
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Oh my gentle Jesus. Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be any stupider you reveal that you're believe in naive realism.

>> No.6432616
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>objectivity within a scientific framework exists

>> No.6432621
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>all of these people sitting in their air conditioned college classrooms trying to talk about how evil colonialism was
I can't be the only one who doesn't give a shit. I mean, seriously, colonialism seems pretty great from here.

>> No.6432622
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Human nature doesn't exist either bitch.

>> No.6432626
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You don't give a shit because you're a bitch.

>> No.6432636

Natives gave the white man syphilis to be fair

>> No.6432645
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>being this btfo

undergraduate please go

>> No.6432648


If you're a graduate on 4chan you must really be an attention whore

>> No.6432649

those classes are fun, you learn so many innovative ways to oppress

>> No.6432654

filtered, you should get back to those exams

>> No.6432657


Did my attention make you wet grandfather

>> No.6432684

>thinking graduating college changes anything for a 4channer

If anything it only gets worse.

>> No.6432699
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I can imagine that.

>> No.6432775


Good quote.

It was beneficial to the Natives to be civilized anyway, and not only that but it was inevitable that eventually someone more technologically advanced would come in and shit stomp them. They're lucky it was someone nice like the British, considering basically anybody else would have been worse.

>> No.6432781


This single retarded liberal though is destroying our culture.

>> No.6432784

Foucault, you so called equality, the negation of domination and power struggles is in itself a dogma

There are power struggles, why you want to put everything of them to an end is nonsense

>> No.6432786
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>It was beneficial to the Natives to be civilized anyway



Good. Fuck your culture.

>> No.6432793
File: 7 KB, 180x212, 180px-Neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FUCK! You just disproved everything! Rand was right this whole time!

Lmao bitch

>> No.6432795


The biased you have against western society just shows that you want to have domination over it. You want to take a power struggle to put your own one over it, this is hypocrisy

>> No.6432803
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>The biased you have against western society just shows that you want to have domination over it. You want to take a power struggle to put your own one over it, this is hypocrisy

Yes. I As A Black Anarchist Want To Harness The Magical Powers Of Western Society To Totally Rape White Women Including Your Mom In Totality Once And For Bearing Black Children All Across Europe All And Make Your Worst Most Terrible Scientific Nightmares A Reality.

>> No.6432808

The whole idea behind Objectivism is what you can take is yours and rightfully yours since you had the power to take it.

>> No.6432820


I don't understand your point. If someone takes something by power, what do you expect to happen? Why you are debating about nature on this? Do you expect nature to make your brain go insane because you took something by violence and might?

If they were being dominated, they have to fight to free themselves, a la Jews and Egypt. If they can't free themselves, then, what the fuck do you expect? Why do you fight a freedom that doesn't belong to you in the first place?

>inb4 because it's moral

>> No.6432824


It means you're thinking about stupid shit and you're edgy and you need a fucking job. If power is so great, I earned it to fuck the entire human race because I'm just that ripped,

>> No.6432838


I just wondered why you keep debating about nature and objectivity just because some people where opressed

You don't even need social darwinism or 'being right through dialogue, reason, science, (insert whatever framework of dettached thought)' to use power against others. You don't even have to give reasons to do it or being right. And you definitely doesn't need to be right to free yourself from opression (see again egypt and jews).

Why so obsessed with being right to do things srs

>> No.6432840

Every single human being, if they were in the position that the natives were in when they were uprooted and sent packing, would be against it. Especially Ayn Rand.

Anytime someone says, "might makes right" or "they deserved it" or something to that effect, I just remember how fucking fast they'd shut their mouths if they were ever put in that position. Same with people who insist the poor deserve their situation. How can some people look at reality and just ignore it?

>> No.6432842

>I just wondered why you keep debating about nature and objectivity just because some people where opressed

Your ethics are terrible, you're edgy, you can't spell, and you're a bitch. It is my objective power to ignore your mad babble.

>> No.6432853


Might makes right works two ways, it's different than "they deserved it".

It means that the natives have to engage in the struggle to get away from it. There is no 'it's just that the native are opressed', it's just they were opressed and they couldn't do nothing against it. I'm not a native, so why should I care?


You still don't engage in what I said. You are literally more obsesed with being right than Ayn Rand

>> No.6432855

>You still don't engage in what I said

I wonder why

>> No.6432858

>le poor iq 10 animal

>> No.6432861


You mean Europeans?

>> No.6432868

itt: newtrip shitposts

>> No.6432874

Dude. This guy you won't answer is fucking destroying your shit tier philosophy and based on how he's writing English probably isn't his first language.

>> No.6432877
File: 601 KB, 1084x816, f3b6528c5c5513319a3bc32f2931d3c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude. This guy you won't answer is fucking destroying your shit tier philosophy

He isn't and I don't care, because I'm right. Once again.

>> No.6432881

Yep. youre getting btfo dude, call it quits...

>> No.6432882
File: 148 KB, 420x440, 4you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking english
Smart enough to cuck you apparently

>> No.6432885




What about that whole "Whites Are An Endangered Species!" you go on about? You're sure quick to compare yourselves to frogs.

>> No.6432889


A le upvote to you for your dank meme, my good sir.

>> No.6432890

I'm not white you cuck, I'm just pointing out how dumb you look insulting the intelligence of a group who've outclassed you with little effort.

>> No.6432892



I don't think so?

>> No.6432896
File: 14 KB, 462x353, 122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are seriously an insufferable cunt. Do you ever wonder why everyone hates you on /lit/? It's shit like this. Instead of engaging with someone who is making valid points you can't refute you criticize their spelling errors and say you're right. Again. I can't imagine what people think of you IRL if you go around spouting your bullshit but I doubt you're able to communicate with people very well. You try to hide your narrow minded ignorance behind pedantic nonsense but it's evident to anyone with any sort of education at all.

>> No.6432900


You're not correct I don't care, because I'm right. Once again.


>> No.6432901

you just summarized undergrads in one post

>> No.6432902
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>> No.6432910

michel spectacularly getting BTFO itt

>> No.6432915



>> No.6432922


>no reply
>better cry and throw around some insults

Why are all liberals the same?

>> No.6432929


Don't patronize me. You're more liberal than I.

>> No.6432934


>throw out random insults
>d-don't patronize me

Jesus dude.

>> No.6432936


That's what I just said? Don't patronize me. You are a cowardly cock sucker and in no position to patronize.

>> No.6432945

Post feet

>> No.6432948


I'll tell you what.

As soon as you post your bushy greasy micropenis covered in a fine sheath of smegma, I'll post my voluptuous.

Got the balls for the challenge?

>> No.6432960


i like where this is going....

>> No.6432966

Nope post feet whore
>mfw you admitted to being a nigger
Holy lol. Lets see them beetus toes.

>> No.6432969


I'm not posting my feet.

>> No.6432987

>implying it has feet
>implying it isn't just two hands and a penis

>> No.6432990


>implying you're not in a skype group right now

>> No.6433003

>read horrendously "racist" statement about how whitey deserved to conquer the reds
>don't care at all about the racism
>just bugs me that her argument is so shallow in terms of its political philosophy


it's not that it's offensive, it's that it's fucking meaningless 5th grader shit

>> No.6433023

the immigrants who arrived could have fucking tried to atleast make peace and show the natives how to advance technology etc instead they killed all in their way and grabbed the land

>> No.6433041


It's not meaningless. If it was meaningless than that wouldn't be how the world works, but it is.

>waaah it's meaningless because I don't agree with it

>> No.6433044


No they didn't.

>> No.6433047

it's meaningless because those terms and moralisations are completely unnecessary

>the roman empire conquered gaul because it could

it's meaningless

you're taking a psychological or historical or economic truism (the strong will generally impose upon the weak who have stuff that the strong want) and expressing it in terms of desert or post-hoc justification

it's not that justifying brutality offends me (it doesn't, brutality is part of human nature and 'judging' past empires from a modern perspective is meaningless, deal w/ it), it's that she's being redundant and saying nothing profound whatsoever

>> No.6433050


She's laying some well deserved smack on natives.

It may not be profound but she's right andn we never get to hear things like this in our censored society so it's interesting to hear somebody actually say the thng that everybody was already thinking.

>> No.6433058

>Here, we'll show you how to use this advanced technology which you can then use to drive us out once you've modernized, despite having no obligation for us to do this whatsoever!

And honestly, do you think some poor immigrant, risking his life to cross the Atlantic after living in poverty for all his life in some overcrowded disease-ridden city would give a single fuck about a half-naked native that's lobbing arrows at him? It's all well and good making judgement in your comfy 21st Century life about the actions of those in the past, but try putting yourself in their shoes for a moment.

>inb4 is not moral!

Necessity and opportunity fucks morals in the face.

>> No.6433154

I've never read Rand, and don't think I'll ever get around to it, but just a question:

Isn't Objectivism self-defeating?

If might makes right, then what is to stop people from using their power of assembly to fuck up those "mighty" übermenschs that are to stupid to use collective power?

If a social democratic state oppresses your freedom, then fuck you, you're not powerfull enough to make your whining matter.

Might makes right seems like nothing but a justicifation of what is the case, like >>6433041


>> No.6433157

>The State is good when it enforces property laws that benefit capital

>> No.6433158

We're talking about forced relocation here, genius. Trail of Tears mean anything?

>> No.6433324


Did I succesfully BTFO Rand?

Whats my price? Eternal communist paradise?

>> No.6433502

It's Harper Lee you dumb cunt.
Jesus Christ you're such a fucking pleb. Go back to reddit. Literally literal the literal.

>> No.6433531

>private property can't be owned collectively

>> No.6433541

People who say that might makes right are the same people who believe that they can achieve anything and get motivated by courage wolf maymays. You wont get anywhere with them with that reasoning even if youre right.

>> No.6433598

Objectivism is retarded because it's fucking nothing.

>> No.6435101

quit being a goose