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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 430 KB, 1700x1633, demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6430760 No.6430760 [Reply] [Original]

Why are conservatives stuck on the romantics (and conflating it with modesty)?

Modern art is both sublimely frightening and beautiful.

>> No.6430793

>like their

It was self-evident fagt

>> No.6430798
File: 114 KB, 957x709, Victory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why to liberals make sweeping generations about a group of people and then get mad when conservatives do the same thing?

>> No.6430806


>> No.6430807

Conservatives like old things. Haven't you figured that out yet?

>> No.6430818

I think modernity is pretty hard to live through. I believe that's why people still love to cling to ideals as much as before, probably more. We live in a time of flashy lights but also of anesthestics and so there is constant seeking of sugar and greatness, sublime aesthetics and so on. Hollywood and videogames basicly cover it, but visual and other arts are kept to the sides. Then, when these people turn to look, they see museums taken by a small quantity of vain collectors just raising prices, speculating and investing. They still believe in museums and capitalism as figures of authority. They still see only on a shalow technical and aesthetic level. They don't look towards what they cultivate, the art of architecture, the art of films, the art of cooking. They think it's absurd to pay millions for a paint splatter, but they don't think it is absurd to pay to drink poison like Coca-cola. There is a huge distance between high brow and low brow arts, two very conceited planes that do not interact as often as people think they do.

>> No.6430827

>drink poison like Coca-cola

>> No.6430832

>I think modernity is pretty hard to live through.

Most of "modernist" art is basically about this and how shit everything is, why don't conservatives see this

>> No.6430838

>why don't conservatives see this

>> No.6430893

That piece of art is shit though OP

>> No.6430914

Not objectively.

>> No.6430948

because art is for homos

>> No.6430980

>Why are conservatives stuck on the romantics (and conflating it with modesty)?
because pop culture memetically planted in their heads the concept that every artistic piece made after 1930 is artsy fartsy pretentious bullshit. Most of these people complaining about contemporary art (most of the time calling it "modern") aren't really interested in any art at all.
When they complain that they don't "get it" you can safely wager that they don't really get romanticism or whatever they consider "real art".

>> No.6430985
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>> No.6431020

>There are people posting in this very thread who will defend modern art

Explain yourselves!

>> No.6431025

who are you quoting?

>> No.6431042
File: 163 KB, 467x599, 467px-Van_Gogh_-_Country_road_in_Provence_by_night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people so bad at understanding a medium they attempt to declare all of it invalid.

He's not quoting, he's implying. Keep your low-brow memes elsewhere. They aren't even true memes.

>> No.6431167

>Modern art is both sublimely frightening and beautiful.
picture not related, i hope

>> No.6431295

find a better one (not-op)

>> No.6431303

Because Conservatives are philosophically opposed to subjective notions of value and bureaucratization of judgement of taste that underline most modern art.

You can't expect the people who opposed Soviet commissars telling them what is right and wrong to suddenly support self-appointed art commissars telling them what is good and bad.

>> No.6431319
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Case in point.

>> No.6431346

Great art died with Impressionism, and has been in a slow decline ever since.

> tfw there will never be more Rococo art ;_;

>> No.6431363
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>> No.6431378
File: 163 KB, 841x457, 1424216219128[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art clearly peaked in the 19th century.

>> No.6431391

>all that war art made it plateau.

>> No.6431394


You're liberals all the way down though. Everyone on this board is a liberal including you. This board is my property.

>> No.6431395

>original graph do not steal

>> No.6431398

fucking prager 'university'.

>> No.6431399


That graph is a machine.

>> No.6431401

>>the concept of private property is a spook

>> No.6431406


I disagree with private property. However the internet doesn't physically exist, so it is moral for me to claim this board by divine right.

>> No.6431418

>*You're classical liberals all the way down though


>> No.6431419

>the internet doesn't physically exist
ah yes, i always forget data is trascendent magic

>> No.6431422


You're a liberal, stop trying to worm your way out of responsibility.


It is information. And it is my property.

>> No.6431430
File: 94 KB, 531x484, art history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1797= Art started 1807-1837=classical art 1847-1857 = golden age of art for old painters 1867=perfect age for avante-garde rebels 1877=improved good art and also the year for impressionists and expressionists 1887=art is still good and modernists started to appear 1888-1892=art is changing 1893=modernists but good and deep like cubism 1894=crappy art is spreading 1895=you gotta be kidding me this isn't art 1896=Picasso 1897=RIP art

>> No.6431432
File: 195 KB, 1207x672, vaginawizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431437

Daily reminder the only modest romantic was Lady Caroline Lamb who wrote a roman a clef in terrible prose to explain why she and everyone else still wanted to suck Byron's cock after the sodomy.

>> No.6431439
File: 12 KB, 356x496, georgelaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This board is my property now.

>> No.6431442

Wasn't Michel a bottom until he got AIDS?

>> No.6431446
File: 21 KB, 520x646, >liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm a liberal than liberals are fascists.

>> No.6431448


No, he was getting fucked by Analytics until the day he died.

>> No.6431449
File: 30 KB, 306x423, article-2142947-130BAA25000005DC-676_306x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the richest man here.


You're a liberal.

>> No.6431452
File: 42 KB, 640x360, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Board is still my property now.

>> No.6431459

foucault est meilleur que toi, ppuh

>> No.6431460

>I'm the richest man here.
Wasn't Foucault more concerned with power when he became a switch? What are riches then?

>> No.6431463
File: 20 KB, 250x250, clooney01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Board es property my own bought for little shit.


My ability to gain the board.

>> No.6431466

the foucalt in question makes minimum wage as a security guard at a children's museum.

>> No.6431468

>My ability to gain the board.
That's a pretty shitty limit experience; even blending a rat on /b/ is better.

>> No.6431486
File: 66 KB, 858x536, 1120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a warehouse you dingus. And I'm in university. I have two jobs and money. No need to be jealous, I understand property isn't something anyone can afford.


Nonetheless /lit/ is my property as of right now.

>> No.6431488

j'ai dit: pppppppppuh!

>> No.6431490

>Nonetheless /lit/ is my property as of right now.
Why would you void your previous claims?

>> No.6431492

>1797= Art started
the first production of an art occurred in 1795. it was a song called ye olde heltere skeltere and many people consider it the first wood song. 1797 is derivative

>> No.6431494
File: 32 KB, 700x499, alicia-meseguer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, I've never meet a conservative who didn't identify neo-classical enlightenment art and architecture as not only the pinnacle of high art, but quite possibly the only legitimate form high art.

And it's not even classical art they like; it has to be neo-classical. Take them Washington D.C. and watch them gawk in awe at the colonnades, porticoes and giant dome cupolae and all the marble statuaries and crap. But take them to Greece or Rome and they will fidget about skeptically like a child who is forcing down his vegetables.

Sometimes they do have a bucolic sentiment that appears a bit romantic, but it is never the "terrific precipice of the infinite void" sort of high romanticism, more like populist volkskraft mixed up with Franklin, Burke and Dickens.

And a lot of liberals aren't really great with Modern art either, but that is usually because they are too undisciplined to develop genuine aesthetic insight, instead gulping down glossy Macintosh products, gauche continental coffees, Ikea furniture and collections of hand bags or whatever. .

>> No.6431495
File: 26 KB, 300x400, George-Clooney_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it's my property dumb fuck!


Calm down, I know this is a lot to take in.

>> No.6431499

>Because it's my property dumb fuck!
It wasn't the majority of times you claimed it ITT by your own admission. Why should I believe you now?

>> No.6431506


Why should I believe you? It's my property.

>> No.6431509

t'es dégoûtant !

>> No.6431511

Why did you remind me that video exists god damnit I won't even sleep right now.

>> No.6431512

I'm not asking for your belief; your belief is cheap.

>> No.6431515
File: 114 KB, 190x281, 1429389509508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only disgusting thing is your lack of real estate.

>> No.6431516

they like rockwell too and generally any kind of photorealism

>> No.6431517
File: 29 KB, 306x423, article-2577897-12D2A716000005DC-848_306x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This board is cheap. Just like your mother.

>> No.6431522

>This board is cheap.
And yet you can't afford it off payment plan.
>Just like your mother.
She lays, not does layaway.

>> No.6431531


I own this board. It is my property. Get a fucking job you lazy sack of shit.

>> No.6431541

je suis en train d'appeler le commissariat !

>> No.6431545


Calling the police can't save you. Not this time.

>> No.6431548

You really suck at panopticon projection, why would I think you have property?

>> No.6431553


This board is my property if you like it or not bitch.

>> No.6431556

Is modern art a thing of its own, or an experiment towards an end?

If its an experiment we can explain why people shit on it incessantly. First drafts are usually bad. And it can only be called beautiful for its potential. Also, we explain why people are trying to integrate what was learned with older traditions. If awkwardly, as in Vapor Wave album covers. Of course, modernists themselves say that they are experimenting too, so there's that.

It's hard to defend modernist art as end in itself.

>> No.6431561

No, that is not how property or control works; it's a social construct.

>> No.6431567


Exactly. So this board is mine.

>> No.6431575


>> No.6431581


Yep. My property.

>> No.6431588

Are you supposed to be like emo faggot fifteen year old I cut myself Foucault when he was trying to get out of class? He owned more property than you.

>> No.6431597

est-ce que nous pouvez le partager ?

>> No.6431602


Mine. This board is mine.

>> No.6431610

If it's only meant to be you that's internalising this, I see no reason in posting it. Perhaps you are trying to devalue the board to your price range?

>> No.6431613


Dude shut the fuck up this board is my property now. Fucking get a job.

>> No.6431616

Tell you what, I'll sell the board to you.

>> No.6431627


How can you sell to me what is already mine asshole

>> No.6431629


barf my fucking guts up, the only people who can get away with liking rococo are old ladies who smell of overpowering lavender

>> No.6431634

Why do you want to buy it so bad? That's going to add about another three fitty to the asking price.

>> No.6431662


Some days I wish there were monarchs again just to support the arts in such an opulent manner. Bill Gates should put some of those billions towards the arts instead of curing malaria. Versailles 2.0, so to speak.

>> No.6431808

>only religious art before romanticism
>romanticism begins in 1848
>romanticism ends, realism begins, and quality goes up

chart discarded

>> No.6431851
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, do you think it's humiliating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431876

Because Conservatives think artists have it too easy. Then they see a romantic painting and go "that looks difficult, why don't you do that instead? It even has a pretty lady or muscular guy on it. I might look at that.". It's jealousy.

>> No.6431927

you realise celebrities are basically this, right?

>> No.6431946

j'possède ton cul maintenant !

>> No.6431955

Yeah going to college for 9 years in the same major to get drunk and build cement monstrosities that get thrown out must be incredibly trying.

>> No.6432215

j'possède ceci maintenant !

>> No.6432279


>> No.6433140

I think it's because conservatives tend to value skill over creativity, and the skill involved in modern art is not nearly as apparent as in Romantic art.

>> No.6433150

Its not about being "conservatives" in the political or economical sense of the word. Its about being new to art, being unfamiliar with art history.
You can be an ethnic minority socialist atheist lesbian Who is pro choice and not like post modern art.
People new to art, have a lot of aesthetic art to take in, they have not yet experienced it and felt they needed something different.
They dont know that a lot of their favorite classical era paintings were shocking for their time, pushing the frontiers of what was allowed by the ruling powers or favored by the populace.

I think this is mostly bullshit. Its always easy to think that the time you live in is somehow historically special. post modernity is not hard to live through at least in the west. We today, have so much aesthetic art its unbelievable. Aesthetic things are also widely available to be experienced even if its not first hand and is done through a tv or computer screen.
It again has to do with what one is interested in. If you are specifically interested in art you will enjoy modern and post modern art. If you dont care much about art you will enjoy the purely aesthetic classical era works which are accepted by all as "works of art". The dilettante art lover will cling to these since they are both simply to enjoy and universally accepted.

>> No.6433156

Since when did art start in the 18th century and not in prehistory?

>> No.6433191

>not knowing the maymay
educate yourself

>> No.6433196

Just realised it might actually be hard to find the source so here you go http://i.imgur.com/6xakDFJ.jpg

>> No.6433206

Bah im on monitored and restricted network atm.

>> No.6433219

And yet here you are on fucking 4chan.

>> No.6433241

I dont know, this minotring system is not very consistent, I think it has certain problems with images..I have no idea how it works.

>> No.6433334

fucking critical theory amirite