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6426706 No.6426706 [Reply] [Original]

>implying philosophy didn't end with these two krauts
>implying whether one affirms or denies the will isn't the only question that matters

>> No.6426818

Nietzsche's mustache perfectly complements Shoppy's chops. They are truly two parts of one whole <3

>> No.6426861
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>implying all philosophy didn't end with Our Lord and Savior, Marx
Name one inaccurate thing he said

>> No.6426868

Nah, Aristotle is the only philosopher worth reading/engaging with.

The rest is just cool if you're an academic philosopher who needs to write papers or someone who is addicted to a bad hobby (philosophy).

>> No.6426869

I think that Camus' question of whether life is worth living is valid

>> No.6426885

>Who is Kant?

>> No.6426917


>> No.6426935


>> No.6426940
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>> No.6426942

>nah engels, bitches love the moustache

>> No.6426970
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there is yet work to be done

>> No.6426988


more like

>name one accurate thing he said

>> No.6427021

>rights 10,000 pages in which the only conclusion of his work is it's impossible to convey things 100% accurately through language.
>implying we didnt already know for 10s of thousands of years

>> No.6427024
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That's not this guy.

>> No.6427026


>mathematics and linguistics

>> No.6427038

He debunked philosophy as a lingual problem.

>> No.6427048


>> No.6427092

You only say allegedly because it makes you uncomfortable that philosophy is merely a collection of pseudo-problems. Philosophical truths will not come about by answering philosophical questions, but by showing that the language that the questions are spoken in is the problem. It's been thousands of years and the most basic philosophical problems have yet to have been answered. Quietism is the only way out of this madness.

>> No.6427111

o mein gott

>> No.6427113

>yfw wittgenstein read nietzsche and got his world rocked by it
>yfw wittgenstein loved kierkegaard and augustine

Muh pseudo problems
muh no one's worth reading but who I like

>> No.6427116

> It's been thousands of years and the most basic philosophical problems have yet to have been answered

And my question is 1) why should they be answered? and 2) if they were to be answered, why should we be content with any such answer?

Philosophy is an exercise of thought, as it is mediated through our time and place in history. Tell me, when you lift weights, do you lift just the one time and call it good?--that's it you're fit for life now? No.

>> No.6427138

Devote mental energy towards actual problems.

>> No.6427154

>Tell me, when you lift weights, do you lift just the one time and call it good?--that's it you're fit for life now? No.
you lift for a purpose which is the gains, not lift for the sake of it. and >>6427138

>> No.6427170

There are more than enough minds to go around, Anon. Not all of us are born with git'r'dun' dispositions.

Besides, it's all kaputt in the long run, why not enjoy oneself with some meaningless howdoyoudo?

>> No.6427194

Philosophy is a series of questions without answers. All attempts to answer these questions will lead to needless suffering because of an inability to answer them.

Maybe it is part of your will that you wish to carry the moon on your shoulders. The inability to do so will cause suffering until you use reason to temper your will.

>> No.6427235

>use reason to temper your will

You don't soothe burns with ice. You use lukewarm water.

>> No.6427239

I refuse to be mediocre.

>> No.6427257
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Tough luck.

>> No.6427270
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>> No.6427279

>implying there is an end to philosophy.

>> No.6427284




Wicked trips mane

>> No.6427686


>> No.6427688

accuracy is a spook

>> No.6427711

Philosophy was demolished by Frege and started anew. Everything before Frege is useless and only those who follow in Frege's footsteps are worth studying today.

>> No.6427781

The angriest man in recorded history. He married a prostitute and then gave her syphilis and beatings just to show her inherent female inferiority.

>> No.6427835
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"capitalism is going to collapse from its inner contradictions."

I tend to agree.
All the people passionate about debating Freud (as a topic relevant for today), I wish they knew that Freud is just the grandson of these two guys.

>implying whether one affirms or denies the will isn't the only question that matters
"To be, or not to be?"
Yes, it's fascinating how it took the most depressed, introverted, buddhist philosopher to provoke a younger one to take a stand, try to build everything again from nothing (called "nihilism", nothingness).
Some make fun of how Nietzsche lost his mind long before old age, but fuck, what amount of work he had done!
One thing I love is how clearly they write, as compared to so many professional philosophers who hide behind jargon.

Lately I heard that the 1st western philosopher inspired by Eastern philosophies was David Hume. Hume deconstructed everything. Kant built it all again.
Then Schopenhauer deconstructed everything again (in a more existential way), and Nietzsche built it all again.

Also reminds me of the masterpiece by Lars von Trier, Melancholia, with the two polar opposite sisters, one who believes in Science, the other, in Fate.

idk if I affirm or deny the will.
I guess that I deny it too often, wasting time, smoking, and not getting enough sleep.
But it's certainly a dialectic thing.
Schopenhauer, like Hume or Descartes, had the strength to deny, question everything. These guys, like a Woody Allen, can seem weak, because they doubt so many things. But doubting can also be a big shout that something else is possible.

Actually, now I learnt to notice my Schopenhauerian trends, like when I hear the lies on the radio and tell myself to grow up : "how childish it is to believe in an absolute reality, a thing in itself. It's all will, everywhere!"
This way of thinking is soothing, but also dangerous.
Because if you stop believing in the idea of Truth, then you also give up believing in the Self, in Progress, in Action.

At some point, you have to say, I'm a human being, goddammit!
One one side, maturity, cynicism, Schopy, wisdom, surrendering. On the other side, young Nietzsche, naive, violent, stupid and full of life!

>> No.6427980

Arthriech Nietzschenhauer

>> No.6427993


I have become WILL