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6426392 No.6426392 [Reply] [Original]

I have been assigned with writing a impact speech about something I care about. I truthfully don't care about anything. I'm trying to care but can't seem to find anything. Any suggestions?

>> No.6426408

Write about how you care about books.

>> No.6426515
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dunno about topics, but if you are detached it can improve the impact because you can be your own heckler.
somebody who is sincerely passionate about the topic usually doesnt want to address any potential objections, which makes the speech much weaker.

for example
>The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
is an answer to a potential (and omitted)
>why should we risk dying in this war?

its better to assume that you are talking to a room full of enemies.

>> No.6426519

Write about empty nihilism lol

>> No.6426547

>lol guys I don't care about anything
>but I do care about my homework :(

Every faggot who says this shit is lying and trying to garner pity and attention