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6423508 No.6423508 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that give you childhood nostalgia HARD

>> No.6423523

That book is what made me a furry

>> No.6423530

That book is what made me so hungry

>> No.6423533

I weep when I read the dumb bunnies

>> No.6423578

My friend's copy of taggerung is what got me into reading. Rest in peace Mr. Jacques.

>> No.6423605

I always wondered, are they all tiny, or are they human sized? Like, how big is a tree from their perspective?

>> No.6423631

That book taught me that our racial enemies must be purged.

>> No.6423666
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Why are there so many fantasy books about Rats/mice in battle?
Is Rat Fantasy its own genre?

>> No.6423685

firewing. went through the five stages of grief. haven't had that emotional response to anything since and I've travelled the world & several family members have died. fuck you kenneth oppel

>> No.6423704

I figured they were all regular animal sized, in Mossflower there's a lot of squirrels jumping through trees and shit. I know it was kind of beaten out of the canon but in the original Cluny arrives on the back of a horse cart, so he must by regular rat sized, but on steroids.

>> No.6423707

I remember reading mossflower and the scene where the empire underground is destroyed and forgotten got me so fucking bad. the whole idea of great things being lost and forgotten forever makes me feel so fucking bad, man

>> No.6424067

lest we forget

>> No.6424083

Never read it as a child. If I read it now, will I still feel the full impact? Like if you discover an old video game and you totally click with what made everyone love it years ago?

>> No.6424115

I suspect the food scenes will still work, yes, but the stories not so much

>> No.6424284
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Did anyone read the Deptford Mice trilogy? I read it when I was a lot younger and it still stays with me today oddly.

>> No.6424293
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Holy shit, absolutely. I loved those books. I barely remember anything, mainly just the Evil cat from the past's story which was really heart-breaking.

>> No.6424295
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>> No.6424304
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If you're on the younger side.

>> No.6424317

holy fuck I still have mine

I'm 25.

>> No.6424352

All 10 baby. What a wild ride.

>> No.6424379

Serves him right, he trusted a weasel.

>> No.6424392
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>> No.6424400
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>> No.6424416

That movie was absolutely baller. Loved it.

>> No.6424425
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Depends who you are. I bought it recently (missed them as a kid) and thought I'd love it. I hated his insufferable simplistic prose and dialogue so much I couldn't make it two chapters. Glad others like it, but I'll take Mouse Guard any day.

>> No.6424449

I think most people who like it like their memories from childhood more than the actual prose content of the book. In fact, I just pulled Redwall off a shelf and read a little bit, and as you say the simplistic prose was fairly obnoxious, despite me having read every book twice over in grade school.

>> No.6424478

Not that guy but I guess it's cool people have such a nostalgic connection with it, it shows they appreciate what really got them into reading in the first place. I don't know if I have that connection with a book outside of Where The Wild Things Are.

>> No.6424491

Sometimes you can't go home again. I find the early books I loved tend to be much better than the YA stuff. Tove Jansson's Moomin books, Lucy Boston's Green Knowe, the children's classics like Wind in the Willows, Winnie-the-Pooh, even up to Treasure Island or Alan Garner--all hold up amazingly as great books. But when I was 12-15 and reading any fantasy I found... well, let's just say Piers Anthony's Xanth novels are not written for adults.

>> No.6424498

If you didn't read Redwall, be aware that it's part of like, a 20 book series or something. It's pretty big. So we get nostalgia for these huge adventures we went on with these characters in this setting. Ah, the Long Patrol! Ah, the Badger king of Salamandastron! Ah, Martin the Warrior! and so on. It's like, if you read it, someone reminding you of The Wheel of Time or Harry Potter and all the good times you had with it.

>> No.6424522
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>> No.6424962
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>> No.6425474
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>> No.6426189
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Anyone else read this series back in the day?

>> No.6426202
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>> No.6426227
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>> No.6426263


holy shit, yes. wow.

>> No.6426373

Absolutely loved those footnotes.

>> No.6428058


>> No.6428089

aw yis

>> No.6428090

oh hell yes

The ranking system of the different demons and the intricate summoning circles, remember a specific scene where a magician gets cocky and sloppily draws a circle, only to get devoured and everyone around acts like it's normal and he should have known his shit better

and that ending, brought my preteen ass to tears

>> No.6428148

daily reminder that brian jacques was a philosophical calvinist / determinist and a crypto-racist, and if your foggy nostalgia goggles are clouding your judgment go back and read the end of outcast of redwall

>> No.6428169

I used to have a crush on Lyra. I can't read it anymore without feeling weird.

>> No.6428210

In the first novel, Redwall, they use horses to pull wagons, but horses were phased out in subsequent novels.

As a general rule, assume that they are human sized (and so natural objects like trees are the same as they would be for a human). But in limited circumstances, they are rodent sized. Like when a squatter colony of crows (or some bird) was found to have been living in Redwall's attic. The only way I see that they could innocuously live up there without anybody finding out would be if they're actual bird sized. Because magine 40 grown-ass men living in the attic of a medieval abbey... you would fucking hear them. So the birds are bird-sized, until you go to talk to them, and then they're the same size as the other abbey residents (i.e., human sized).

Another instance is with snakes... sometimes they are scaled proportionally to the rodent characters (like when the rodents walk through snake hole[1]), but then other times the snakes are the same size relative to rodents as they are to humans (like when a character ties a snake around a tree).

[1] - Another explanation would be that the rodent was scaled down to actual rodent size in order to navigate the snake's hole.

There is a cartoon adaption which may shed some light on it, assuming they got some of BJ's input.

>> No.6428248
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>> No.6428387

Don Quixote

>> No.6428551

The Edge Chronicles

>> No.6428557

Deltora Quest, and the Seventh Tower

Animorphs is also a given.

Seventh Tower and Animorphs were actually pretty fucking mature for the ages they were aimed at. I felt like such an adult reading them.

>> No.6428571


>> No.6428590
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>> No.6428615
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Also Gulliver's Travels, Little Prince and Alice in Wonderland.

My pop was set on reading me some fucked up/good stuff.

>> No.6428774
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>tfw cucked by Will

>> No.6428810

Old fag?

>> No.6428815

yesss, only preteen books i still have on my bookshelf, could never get myself to get rid of them.

>> No.6428816

god damn those were so good. favorite trilogy?

>> No.6428891

Mah nigga

>> No.6428902

Mouse guard goes hard.
I wouldn't call it nostalgia, but I definitely read it as a small child

>> No.6428909
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>MRW I didn't read as a child, I only looked at I Spy and Where's Wally books.

>> No.6428910



You didn't even read the titles?

>> No.6428912

that's his original English name, he gets called different names in different countries.

>> No.6428971



>> No.6429148

I loved these so much. Bartimaeus rules.

>> No.6429158
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>> No.6429169
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>> No.6429173
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>> No.6429202

why dubs guy?

>> No.6431081
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Muh nigga.

>> No.6431098
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