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6419914 No.6419914 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases? Getting stuck into steppenwolf at the moment then might move onto Ubik, breaking it up with a little schopenhauer..

>> No.6419920

>buying books
real patricians go to libraries.

>> No.6419933

Dang, I thought buying books to display on my shelf and never read was the way to fit in around ere'...

Good thing I kept my receipts.

But in all seriousness, I live in Australia, Adelaide to be exact and the libraries here are mediocre at best, they don't have much and the books they do have that are of any relevance to me are always on loan... Or crusty and old and disgusting.

>> No.6419948

YAWN. I'm sure all your friends are really impressed. Summer has come early this year.

>> No.6419957

It's actually cheaper for me to buy books than pay for the bus journey to get to the nearest library that has books that aren't military stories, softcore erotica or about abused children.

>> No.6420046
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>> No.6420064
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>> No.6420082

The plague is hella

>> No.6420103

Nice book, your carpet discomforts me for some reason though.

>> No.6420119

>post cops that aren't babbys first right above
>respond to the newfag instead.

kill yourselves

>> No.6420150

Your carpet looks lovely. Only 2 of purchases were worth it and you will know which ones later if you haven't already read them. Also newfags need encouragement so they adopt goods purchasing habits.

>> No.6420157
File: 63 KB, 960x540, recent books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do fam?

>> No.6420193


No pics but here's mine:

Midnight's Children-Salman Rushdie
Cloud Atlas-David Mitchell
The Corrections-Jonathan Franzen
Mere Christianity-CS Lewis

>> No.6420223

>as packed with arcana as Raiders of The Lost Arc

>> No.6420225

>look at these books I bought but will never read, the thread
fucking psuedos all of you

>> No.6420251

Do people actually do that?

>> No.6420271
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>buying books that've been in print for years
good fucking job, fag.

>> No.6420313

so far 3 were and for the price I can't see myself too disappointed with the others if at all.

at the end of the day my cops should be considered a refreshing sight in contrast with the highschool tier shit like in these posts

>> No.6420315
File: 951 KB, 2048x1536, 20150417_231622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a tight budget this month and could only afford these.
I finished reading Lover's Dictionary and Sputnik Sweetheart, gonna start on Cloud Atlas tomorrow.

>> No.6420321

No pics. But here's what I got last night

The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha: New Revised Standard Version
Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I

>> No.6420325

please tell me this is bait that you took from r/books.

>> No.6420346

Reddit does


>> No.6420347

Not a bait, sadly. I'm just looking for some light reading. Lover's Diction was shit and Murakami was meh, should have bought something else instead.

>> No.6420351

I've found Sputnik Sweetheart to be one of murakami's lesser-middling novels, in that it is neither very weak nor very good, as far as his works go. I'd hardly deem it a good starting point for his writing anyway. If you're going to start an interest in Murakami I'd thoroughly recommend "after the quake".

>> No.6420365

Ah, I see, thanks for the recommendation. What about After Dark? Have you read it? Is it any good?

>> No.6420382

I have not. It's 2 books down on my internal reading list. Jay Rubin translating it is a good sign though, so it's bound to be worth a read.