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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 168 KB, 1096x1600, pessoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6419462 No.6419462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did Pessoa have legitimate Autism?

>Pessoa was a prolific writer, and not only under his own name, for he dreamed up approximately seventy-five others. He did not call them pseudonyms because he felt that did not capture their true independent intellectual life and instead called them heteronyms.

He wrote under 75 different aliases.

>> No.6419468

what does that have to do with autism? you're just spouting some meme nonsense.

>> No.6419496

autist detected

>> No.6419502

faggot detected

>> No.6419509

this forum doesn't take kindly to homosexual slurs so i think we'd all appreciate it if you'd apologise and promise not to do it again

>> No.6419521

>so i think
You're not sure?

>> No.6419532

he just made sock puppet accounts to troll with
nothing to see here

>> No.6419538

i am sure but i thought it would be polite to say it that way so i didn't come off as aggressive. it was a pretty big ask because usually the kind of people to use homosexual slurs don't take kindly to being told they shouldn't

>> No.6419544

Pessoa's premature death could be one of the biggest tragedies in literature:

"Fernando Pessoa claimed to be inhabited by thousands of philosophies, all of which he intended to develop in his unfinished project of English-language Philosophical Essays."

>> No.6419554

>my life could be one of the biggest tragedies in literature
>I'm inhabited by thousands of philosophies, all of which I intend to develop in my unfinished project of English-language Philosophical Essays

>> No.6419558

but you arent Pessoa

>> No.6419570

if he were alive today he'd call them "headmates"

>> No.6419576

he died a virgin

>> No.6419578

I don't know what's happening with this guy's work.

If he wrote so much, why is there only really one book of his available, The Book of Disquiet? That is around 500 pages.
There are also some poetry collections and philosophical fragments, but that will only add another 300-400 pages.

Where is the rest of his work? Or is it because no one has translated it to English yet?

>> No.6419641
File: 988 KB, 500x245, 1WU5JrF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6419648
File: 1.09 MB, 2148x3000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pessoa wrote also that he had "astral" or "etherial visions" and was able to see "magnetic auras" similar to radiographic images. He felt "more curiosity than scare", but was respectful towards this phenomenon and asked secrecy, because "there is no advantage, but a lot of disadvantages" in speaking about this.

so... I'm not the only one?

>> No.6419694

>Pessoa died on November 30, 1935, aged 47, having published four books in English and one alone in Portuguese: Mensagem (Message). However, he left a lifetime of unpublished, unfinished or just sketchy work in a domed, wooden trunk (25,574[46] pages manuscript and typed that have been housed in the Portuguese National Library since 1988). The heavy burden of editing this huge work is still in progress.

>> No.6419774

Jesus. I hope they do a good job.

If he manages to maintain the brilliance of The Book of Disquiet... one can only hope.

>> No.6419777

the term is heterosexist

>> No.6419786

Message is very good, you should try it, we study it in high school here

>> No.6419815

Is there an English translation?

By the way, do you have much information about his death?

I heard he died of liver cirrhosis, but that's it, just the diagnosis.

>> No.6419936


There you go, English translation with comments.

>> No.6420305


>> No.6422329

cool hat :^)

>> No.6422462

>25,574 pages

If he wrote under 75 'heteronyms', that means he can write approximately 341 pages for each one.

How the fuck can someone write so much?

>> No.6423780
