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/lit/ - Literature

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6419150 No.6419150 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, /mu/ here. Today I picked up a record from a book store and a 10/10 qt was working there. I plan on going back next week and talking to her. Recommend me something I can buy to impress her. Will Arthur Rimbaud impress? Help.

>> No.6419153

I recommend some epik Green, John.

>> No.6419154

Ann Ryan

>> No.6419157

Slav Zojek

>> No.6419163

history of sexuality vol. 3

truss mee

>> No.6419168

how to draw manga vaginas

>> No.6419169
File: 35 KB, 322x500, Marquis_de_Sade_-_The_120_Days_of_Sodom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arthur Rimbaud was gay m8
Better go with good ol' Sade

>> No.6419181

The Art of War

>> No.6419227


>> No.6419228

Are you serious OP or is this bate? If serious maybe buying a book without knowing background details of the authour could be a bad idea. What I would suggest is maybe making small talk with her. Maybe go into the store and see if there are those what we recommend books with a little note by those who work in the book store. Maybe find the types of book she recommends and search for a common thread running through them so you can talk about things with her. You wouldn't want to start talking about judith butler with her just because shes a woman and the qt is a woman wouldnt you? If all else fails buy romeo and juliet by shakespeare. just to show her you a romantic.

>> No.6419247

No I mean I will talk to her not about the book though. Just what do you rec that could impress her just on buying alone. Also I need to read more books. Have only read On The Road, Catcher In The Rye, Lord Of The Rings and Anne Frank's Diary. I started reading Day Of The Triffids and Brave New World but stopped.
Tfw book pleb. Is Steinbeck good or only good for babbys?

>> No.6419252

well what type of bookshop is it? is it second hand, a university book shop, a specialist shop or what? that can narrow things down. you got a name of the shop or the name of the girl. maybe we can narrow things down further...

>> No.6419276


>> No.6419291
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Why would you go to a bookstore to buy a record?
I understand that some carry them, but why not just go to a record store?

>> No.6419319

no record stores had it in this city

>> No.6419343

Don't buy translated literature, it will only expose you as the monoglot pleb that you are. Wallace Stevens might be a good choice.

>> No.6419344

Marcel Proust obv

>> No.6419395


If you're ever going to be well-read it's next to impossible to learn enough languages to read all of the work that you want to in native. Stop posturing like a desperate to impress maymay.

>> No.6419403

>Stop posturing like a desperate to impress maymay.

Do you realise what thread you are in?

>> No.6419441

I'm sure this will go well when you pick up a book and try to force her to small-talk about it while simultaneously not knowing what it's about.

That said, you really can't go wrong with Borges. From a purely "show-off" perspective, his stuff is sexy as shit. It's well-written, direct, dripping in philosophical subtext, and he's Latin so you get to flash your "multicultural man of the world" card by using what is arguably the sexiest culture on earth.

Now I feel like a whore for describing one of my favorite authors like that, but there you go.

>> No.6419448

As an addendum to this: do NOT pick up a John Green novel. Chicks love the SHIT out of them, but a dude picking one up is instantly marked as a beta. That's something you read later on in the relationship to show you're willing to do stuff she likes, not a pick-up writer.

>> No.6419453

>the fault in our stars
Dropped + my ex liked John Green.

I came here to semi-meme on /lit/ and semi-get a few recs. Ty tho fam.

>> No.6419464 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 299x168, 1429361407319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Twits by Roald Dahl is the best book ever and has good pictures, just flick through it and look cool bro, this beauty will be yours. It will show your deep understanding of literature at its best.
Talking points are the corn flakes in the beard etcetera, always wins a gal over.

>> No.6419905

start with the greeks

>> No.6419953

>That's something you read later on in the relationship to show you're willing to do stuff she likes

Who the fuck does that? I didn't even let my ex choose which films we would watch together.

>> No.6419960

Fault in Our Stars
Book on Romantic Poetry
Atlas Shrugged

>> No.6419975

Which is why she's an ex now, you control freak.

>> No.6420171

>Which is why she's an ex now


>control freak.

Because I refuse to waste my time on bullshit?

>> No.6420292
