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/lit/ - Literature

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641871 No.641871 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ may we have a very nice and tear provoking baw thread? i would be grateful, i need to shed a few tears... my dog died and now i feel an empty gap the size of the sun eroding the rest of my body.

>> No.641882

Wouldn't a happy thread be better?

>> No.641889


I don't have any literary baw.
Somebody post some baw, my cat disappeared.

>> No.641891
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i never fail to cry to this

>> No.641914

I read that years ago.

And yet I'm still tearing up. Fuck.

>> No.641953

Actually, if you want to baw over a book, read Marley & Me. Holy shit, I was crying over that.

>> No.642155
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>> No.642251
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>> No.642295
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Postan propaganda.

>> No.642536
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>> No.642551


left me cold

does that meam i have no heart?

>> No.642558

And no one will ever love you.

>> No.642560

It's not the sudden plottwist that creates the impact that hits you.
It's how the story is told and how the writers builds up to the climax.

>> No.642603

I have never cried to this. Not when I came across it 2 years ago, not the many times I've read it since. The story uses every single silly cliche to tug at our heart strings, nearly on a Dickensian level, if not worse. Dead children and dead animals, it's been saturated to the point that I laugh whenever someone brings it up in fiction. That's right, I found your badly written story about a dead cat hilarious. It's so obvious and annoyingly cloying that I find it strange how e/lit/ist can fall for this crap. AND he states the moral of the story at the very end, as if he hadn't hammered the "HERP DERP don't judge people by their covers" bullshit enough into our heads.

I prefer my bawwing subtle and sophisticated, not this tripe for philistines and dilettantes. Yes, I'm pretentious, but I've read better and my opinion is more important than yours.

>> No.642619
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>> No.642621
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>but I've read better and my opinion is more important than yours.
>but I've read better and my opinion is more important than yours.
>but I've read better and my opinion is more important than yours.
>but I've read better and my opinion is more important than yours.
>but I've read better and my opinion is more important than yours.
>but I've read better and my opinion is more important than yours.

>> No.642642

You know it's true.

>> No.642866
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this is understandable, i mean certain things just can't effect some people as it does others, that whole hit's home sort of thing.. i admit i cried but that's cause i'm a pussy girl, i cry to those animal trust adverts and cried 4 times to kung fu panda... in cinema... my friends have never let me hear the end of it.. pure shame.

>> No.642886
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>> No.642889
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>> No.642896
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>> No.642900

s T o p B e I N g A p S y C H o c O p y C A T T h i e f M O o T a k A C H r I S T O p H e r P o o L E F R o M n E W Y o r K H T T p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.642948

The Giving Tree, man.

Just the Giving Tree.

>> No.642953

your dog died? try this one:

Dog's Death by John Updike

She must have been kicked unseen or brushed by a car.
Too young to know much, she was beginning to learn
To use the newspapers spread on the kitchen floor
And to win, wetting there, the words, "Good dog!
Good dog!"

We thought her shy malaise was a shot reaction.
The autopsy disclosed a rupture in her liver.
As we teased her with play, blood was filling her skin
And her heart was learning to lie down forever.

Monday morning, as the children were noisily fed
And sent to school, she crawled beneath the youngest's bed.
We found her twisted and limp but still alive.
In the car to the vet's, on my lap, she tried

To bite my hand and died. I stroked her warm fur
And my wife called in a voice imperious with tears.
Though surrounded by love that would have upheld her,
Nevertheless she sank and, stiffening, disappeared.

Back home, we found that in the night her frame,
Drawing near to dissolution, had endured the shame
Of diarrhoea and had dragged across the floor
To a newspaper carelessly left there. Good dog.

>> No.642961

The Mower

The mower stalled, twice; kneeling, I found
A hedgehog jammed up against the blades,
Killed. It had been in the long grass.

I had seen it before, and even fed it, once.
Now I had mauled its unobtrusive world
Unmendably. Burial was no help:

Next morning I got up and it did not.
The first day after a death, the new absence
Is always the same; we should be careful

Of each other, we should be kind
While there is still time.

Philip Larkin (1922-1985)

>> No.642964


On shallow straw, in shadeless glass,
Huddled by empty bowls, they sleep
No dark, no dam, no earth, no grass -
"Mam, get us one of them to keep."

Living toys are something novel,
But it soon wears off somehow,
Fetch the shoebox, fetch the shovel -
"Mam, we're playing funerals now."

Philip Larkin (1922-1985)