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6417106 No.6417106 [Reply] [Original]

>he reads the text
>he doesn't go straight to the footnotes

>> No.6417179
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> he reads the footnotes at the end

>> No.6417189
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>mfw I didn't read the footnotes

>> No.6417193

I did this. felt kind of dumb afterward.

>> No.6417208

what movie has inspired that pepe?

>> No.6417249

>meme author does an AMA on reddit


>gets 3000 cuckvotes

>> No.6417311
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>dfw I pontificate

>> No.6417520

>book has less than a three digit figure's worth of footnote pages

>> No.6417528

i listened to him. he was pretty good. the thing about writing a long novel is that it starts badly

>> No.6417530
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>he makes the same thread over and over

>> No.6417545
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>he posts the same image over and over

>> No.6417550

why is john green such a scapegoat here lol

dude just writes books, he's never claimed to be james joyce or anything, he writes for his fans, he makes money, idk. what's the point of hating him. it's not like hating dfw where dfw is actually sort of taken seriously, hating john green is actually basically just getting into a pissing match with 14-24 year old girls that don't even post here

>> No.6417579


no one hates him; many hate his work, and its effect on the culture of book-readers and the marketing directed toward that culture

>> No.6417580

because he's pompous and if there's anything pompous people hate it's other people's pomposity

>> No.6417586

I hate him, his youtube videos are fucking disgusting

>> No.6417590

> no one hates him
well that's just not true

> its effect on the culture of book-readers and the marketing directed toward that culture
john green has nothing to do with it. he's a symptom, not a cause. people just want to sell YA books so they like to pretend it's ok for adults to read them. john green has nothing to do with that

>> No.6417595


>we hate him

well, alright.

>he's a symptom, not a cause

but don't you think his sudden proliferation re: fault in our stars and subsequent movie deals exacerbated a once isolated problem?

>> No.6417606

i think his shit gave people an excuse to write new yorker articles about YA but i dont view john green as actually the problem at all, and i think if he didn't exist there would be some other writer we would be having this conversation about. i think jk rowling is more important for the whole thing anyway, YA readers are just older HP readers.

>> No.6417615
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People tend to designate "footnotes at the end" as 'endnotes', lad.

>> No.6417874
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>has never jested infinitely
>doesn't into a broken narrative

you just don't get it, dude
footnotes are footnotes, even when they're at the end

Uncle Dave taught me that much