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/lit/ - Literature

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6416364 No.6416364 [Reply] [Original]

>taking literature classes at uni
>first day of class
>most people seem chill and cool
>I look at the back of the room
>there's just this one weird dude reading Marx
>I look at him for a while
>he's on the same page for the last 5 minutes
>professor comes in
>introduces himself
>starts talking about what we'll learn during the semester
>"and we'll also read about some people who use Evola in their literary theory like Alexander Dug-"
>the Marx reader suddenly rises from his seat and interrupts
>"You DO know that trying to put his theories into practice have lead to the exploitation of 100 million people, right?"
>the professor looks confused
>there's some laughter in the room
>"Right... well, in this case it's just about literat-"
>"Like Germany and the Indo-Aryan tradition, right?"
>Yeah... typical. Learn basic dialectics "
>he sits down and continues to read Das Kapital
>I hear him repeat "muh bourgeoisie values" quietly to himself a few times during the rest of the lecture

>> No.6416374

This hurts to read

>> No.6416379

>being so obsessed with Marxism that you create the same thread every day

>> No.6416397

>muh bourgeoisie values

>> No.6416412


>> No.6416424


>> No.6416431

Go back to your red pill forum

>> No.6416435
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>be a mathematics graduate student
>everyone arrives to class early, takes their seat, opens their notebook, and prepares their writing utensil
>professor arrives
>asks if there are any questions
>professor begins lecturing
>entire class diligently takes notes
>my visage

>> No.6416442

I do browse reddit, its fun if you avoid the comments.

This is the left wing board is all Im saying. /pol/ is for the far right conspiracy theorists.

>> No.6416448


Evola you thought you were safe? I've returned.

>> No.6416455

>This is the left wing board
this is the literature board

>> No.6416457


I didn't realize you left

>> No.6416462
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>> No.6416470
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>> No.6416505
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>> No.6416526

Man I feel you, I go to a university where the maths and physics campus is on the other side of town (like a 45 minute bus ride) from the rest of the university.
It's just full on STEM here, there's no culture, no literary or non vidya clubs, no political scene, student or otherwise.

>> No.6416540

Go to any technical school and you see the same thing. There's no campus culture at those places beyond video games and some random /tv/ autists maybe

>> No.6416542
File: 269 KB, 567x960, Comfy pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw pretending to be a reactionary monarchist (Canadian)
>mfw people always get mad when I explain my fake political position

>> No.6416568

I feel your pain, living in a place without constant SJW brainwashing re-education must be hellish for you.

>> No.6416576
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>mfw all monarchists and republicans are just trolling each other

>> No.6416628 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 250x250, 84e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the left wing board

>> No.6416632
File: 52 KB, 250x250, 84e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the left wing board

>> No.6416645

Wow, that is one dank rare pepe.

>> No.6416694

Fuck tripfags

>> No.6416695

You totally made that up

>> No.6416732
File: 869 KB, 500x281, alien shock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bickering of web revolutionaries vs web counter-revolutionaries is a dank and relentless source of memes

>> No.6416738

You're the worst tripfaggot this board ever saw.

>> No.6416753


...isn't it?

>> No.6416795

No, there are right wingers on here. Like me.

>> No.6416801

holy shit, Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ posters are the worst

>> No.6416804

>implying the right read

>> No.6416813

feminister was worse

>> No.6416826

Wort tripfag powerranking:

2. Ebola Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Kid
3. ????

>> No.6416833


>> No.6416838

I'm so glad Feminister got run out of /lit/

Fucking tranny mtf roleplaying, and trying to COMBINE Stirner and feminism? Now that's some grade A stupidfuckery

>> No.6416847

feminister was an elaborate hoax and we've still not fully understood the purpose

>> No.6416849


>> No.6416850

mental disease, anon.

>> No.6416891

>Introduction to English Literature course
>500 people seated in a room
>one loud bitch who I know browses Tumblr raises her hand
>"Do you know the 6 word story: baby shoes for sale, never worn??
>tries to impress the prof
>he just awkwardly acknowledges it and moves on
I feel like browsing /lit/ has killed a lot of the wonders of the literary world for me

>> No.6416901

you don't smoke you autistic fruit.

>> No.6416926


you can't be serious. right?

>> No.6416936

the majority are and you know it.

>> No.6416951

Were you in the thread about monarchy where my argument against it was based on a champagne fountain?

>> No.6416972

Nope, I've never pretended to be a monarchist on 4chan.

>> No.6416981
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the majority probably live their lives like they are moral-atheists (although they might not self identify as such).

besides that I have 0 idea how you would get lit to agree on anything political.
Besides pol this is probably the board with the highest number of totalitarians and no-monarchists; although people here most likely have a more mature understanding of these ideas here.

And on top of all of this, this is not a "left" or "right" board qua limited discussion of the opposing side. And that is 100% bet your life on it.