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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 222x334, cover_finnegans_wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6416237 No.6416237 [Reply] [Original]

>Be at a used bookstore just now
>See Finnegans Wake
>"Oh cool, James Joyce, I always hear good stuff about him on /lit/"
>Read first page
>"What the fuck?"
>Throw it at an employee and leave
Have people here actually read this book?

>> No.6416261

read dubliners when you're 17
then portrait when you're 21
then ulysses when you're 25
then finnegans wake when you're 50

>> No.6416339

they don't read it to comprehend the story, they read it for the prose and multiple allusions to greek and biblical mythology

I've personally only read a couple chapters spending like an hour on each reading the annotations just so I can take in a little bit. Its actually really cool once you do start understanding what he was trying to do

>> No.6417843

When I was seventeen...

>> No.6417845

>read all those when I was 15-16

>> No.6417859

are his books actually good or a meme?

>> No.6417867

read it out loud, it's great

>> No.6417886

>read portrait at 16
>Dubliners and Ulysses at 17
>hope to read Finnegans by the time i'm 19


>> No.6417897

Joyce is who i would call the greatest modern author of all-time. Indisputable top 5 period. What the man did to and with language is just beyond me

>> No.6417899

It's shit if you read for the plot though.

>> No.6417904
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>Throw it at an employee and leave
I like you OP

>> No.6417911

>tfw I've been browsing the local stores for years and I've never run into a copy of finwake

feels bad

>> No.6417922



>> No.6417997
File: 99 KB, 600x571, 1389568203226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still a teenager and he's talking smack about reading Finnegans Wake soon

Bless your little heart, you do try.

>> No.6418253

You gotta read portrait when you're a teenager. Dubliners is "easier" but that doesn't need to be read at any particular age.

>> No.6418275


I'd recommend reading it maybe a year or two after you turn 18. I read it right before I turned 20 and it was perfect timing, blew my mind. Being able to participate in a retrospective like that all the way up to young adulthood but not being too far past is incredible.

>> No.6418444

But anon... I don't think I can make it that long. ;_;

>> No.6418447

Socrates is said to have loved what he understood of heraclitus and assumed what he didn't understand was also genius. That is how people feel about Joyce.

>> No.6418459

It was a very good year...

>> No.6418467

It's a meme, you dip!

>> No.6418584

meh, I got by Ulysses no problem and I plan on reading it with annotations so lets see who is the pleb when I plow through it.

>> No.6418589

If you arnt going to read Portrait before you are 20 don't even bother.

>> No.6418655

Incredible to spend 15 years on a book no one reads

>> No.6418658

Stephen Dedalus and Holden Caufield could have been buds.

>> No.6419877

>tfw read them all by 18

>> No.6419904
File: 383 KB, 1000x676, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw struggling to relate the fundamental essence of my conscious being to readers
>no one will understand how it feels for me to exist
>people will talk dumbly about me on a Dublin illustrated limerick board in perpetuity

>> No.6419918

Joyce is forever remembered in Ireland as being that compulsive masterbator in the park