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/lit/ - Literature

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6415990 No.6415990 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelves: patrician edition

I'll show you mine, and you'll show me yours.

>> No.6416002

Mine's huge you can't handle it

>> No.6416003 [DELETED] 

Det er nok den værste bogreol jeg nogensinde har set. Kondenseret dårlig smag blandet med /lit/ memes.

>> No.6416011

faen, sverige

>> No.6416013

>Dust Covers

>> No.6416157
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My shelf. Pretty happy with it now.

>> No.6416164

Why should they be removed when on the shelf?

>> No.6416167

At last, Tao Lin is seen among his peers.

>> No.6416168
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Your taste is weird haha cool books though

>> No.6416204


>> No.6416247

>Chilly Scenes of Winter
my nigga

>> No.6416256

Are you guys posting bookshelves from reddit again?

>> No.6416276

Is that literally Tao Lin's shelf?

>> No.6416282

cant be. no richard yates, schopenhauer or mckenna

>> No.6416298
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>> No.6416314

Can't see most of the titles.

>> No.6416318

Nigger of all the series you could have gone with you chose that one

>> No.6416330

Not to be a dick but this is my first time hearing about this Tao Lin guy. I read a couple reviews on his works and decided to start reading Taipei just now. I'll reserve actual judgement for later but so far the exposition is ridiculously amateurish. It actually reads like something a high school English as a second language AP English student would write. Am I supposed to forgive that or is it intentional?

>> No.6416338
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Broder vafan håller du på med?

Och vad ska du med toapappret till?

Captcha related

>> No.6416342

Yeah the cameras shit on this tablet. Needless to say they are all mad patrish

>> No.6416343

It is, there is nothing hidden or deep about it. It's just plain bad. Tao Lin is a /lit/ meme author is all. He was here a couple of times and viraled his books, until mentioning Tao Lin was a bannable offense.

>> No.6416357

Oh is that part of his shameless self-promotion I saw tons of headlines about? Didn't have time to read the articles.

>> No.6416592


ha no, he seems to like the same short story and minimalist writers though, based on this article http://thisrecording.com/books/2008/7/8/in-which-your-guide-to-fine-realist-literature-is-tao-lin.html

>> No.6416595

mad patrish

>> No.6416724

>Not recognizing books from the spines alone

Smh can you BE more pleb?

>> No.6416964

why does realism in film denote quality but is tied to really awful writers in literature? The only way I could see Lin's writing being realistic is if someone only hangs out with extremely vapid people void of a single original thought and the ability to speak without sounding like 12 year old girl gossiping.

>> No.6417160

literally the most entry level shelf I've ever seen. No challenge 4 u, huh? Not including OP's shelf, which did not even get a 1/10 for me.
Be more subtle, op

>> No.6417180

is this a fucking joke

>> No.6417181

asså finns fan inga människor som personifierar Reddit så mycket som svenskar.

>> No.6417211
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true patrician coming through

>> No.6417281

>buying those crappy vintage hemingways
I know you go them from half price books, so why didn't you just wait until they had a better copy on their shelves.

>> No.6417316

the literature is literally pleb 101

>> No.6417337

>keeping your engineering textbooks

>> No.6417346

i'm still in uni, and some are really good for reference.

>> No.6417349

Vi är nog ett av de mest illiterata i-länderna i världen.

>> No.6417534
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>>still in uni

>> No.6417556
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>> No.6417726
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>> No.6417739

>There's some money on the table and a pistol on the floor
>Some old paper back books of Louis L'Amour
>She says, "Honey, don't worry 'bout judgement day."
>All these people goin' to heaven, they're just in our way

>> No.6417761
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>> No.6417760


I got them from Amazon and then found them at HPB :( i really like them

>> No.6417762


Haha literature has to be a challenge? Everybody look at this retard

>> No.6417776


>Haha literature has to be a challenge?

Literature should be a challenge from time to time, yes. But it doesn't have to be all the time.

He is partially right that if you truly want to be a discerning reader you should at least be challenging yourself *some* of the time. But he does come off like a little try hard wank about it.

>> No.6417841

Go outside some time, bro. The sun misses you.

Almost got me with that b8, son.

How many thrift shops did you have to go through to buy all those books?

I hope you never become a food critic because I can tell you have no taste.

That's a weird bookshelf.


how's those thoughts of suicide doing for ya?

>> No.6417857

Which edition of American Psycho is that?

>> No.6417889


mmmm nice books we have read a lot of the same stuff, dat hadrian.

>> No.6417915


Most of my books were bought at my local bookstore where I have a gorillion dollars in credit

>> No.6418489
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>> No.6418492
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>> No.6418493
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why did the mods delete that thread? the trolls were staying out...

>> No.6418494


oh boy here we go

at least bring us some new picture

>> No.6418497
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>> No.6418500
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>> No.6418505


It's like a shrine to mediocrity.

>> No.6418506


you like a lot of 'postmodern' authors. Reactionary novels, I guess. How does Tao Lin's minimalist style fit in your taste? That novels sort of stands out

>> No.6418515

I actually enjoyed it but I could also sort of relate to it. I also liked Delillo so I wouldn't be opposed to more minimalist authors, but I know I'm not big into Hemingway.

>> No.6418525
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Suitable enough thread to ask since these books are gonna be put on my bookshelf eventually. Thoughts on these recent purchases? I would post my bookshelf but no camera.

>> No.6418537


DeLillo's dialogue is a lot like Hemingway. Did you read Hemingway's first novels or his war stuff? The later books are pretty weak, but I consider Hemingway one of my favorite writers

>> No.6418586

What's wrong with Louis L'Amour? It's not high literature, but I'll be damned if I don't love a good western novella. They could have picked a worse western writer. Western folklore is rad too.

>> No.6418667

Looks ok.

>Dover thrift


>> No.6418682


Not him, but they're cheap. what's the sperging for?

>> No.6419449

I actually ended up not getting most of those anyway, including that one. But why exactly is it bad?

>> No.6419459
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>Which edition of American Psycho is that?

>> No.6419478

thread ruined

>> No.6419508

When is this cunt getting banned, mods?

>> No.6419640



>> No.6419674


lol well meme'd

>> No.6420042
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