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6414684 No.6414684 [Reply] [Original]

Is Arnie an Übermensch?

>> No.6414691

>right wing peabrain with a bloodstream full of aged steroids

yeah, pretty much

>> No.6414861

>I know nothing about Arnold

This guy is amazing in terms of reaching his achievements. He works tirelessly to do what he wants to achieve.

1. Mr universe. Done.
2. World famous actor. Done.
3. President. (hindered by law, got as far as he could)
4. Married into the most influential family in the US (the Kennedys) through schriver

>> No.6414868


>any of those things

way to set the bar low

>> No.6414885

Doesn0't he also have a psychology degree?

>> No.6414908

5. Banged the housekeeper behind wife's back resulting in "love-child" (Done)

Not my idea of über, but I wish I had his confidence

>> No.6414919

>calling strong guys dumb

How's that ressentiment working out for you?

>> No.6414920

Well while achieving all of these things he also bagged mad pussy, bought the same tank he drove in the Austrian Army, and has the grace to laugh at himself from time to time. So what have you been doing with your life?

>> No.6414936

What is your idea of uber?

>> No.6414945
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>> No.6414963


>> No.6414975

Wasting his life desperately trying to gain respect from others. A baby hiding behind a suit of armor.

What an übermensch.

>> No.6414978

Oh hi you must be new here :)

I would link it but I'm sure somebody else will

>> No.6414980

you just defined masculinity

>> No.6414982

Pippi Longstockings is my favourite über-Menschen


>> No.6414984


>> No.6414985

>that fiery red hair
>those large maxillary central incisors
>that life affirming smile with a hint of schandenfreude
>that predatory tension building in the neck, like a cheetah preparing to pounce on its prey
>those braids, carelessly tied yet perfect, like a zen master inkwork

confirmed for ubermensch

>> No.6414986

>trying to gain respect from others
He succeeded. Who exactly doesn't look for respect in life?

>> No.6414994

Better than being a left wing peabrain with pencil wrists and a limp dick

>> No.6414997

>Becoming the governor of California is not an achievement

>> No.6415006



>> No.6415007

Ressentiment -> slave morality

>> No.6415015


why not respond to the posts like a good boy without any of those nasty buzzwords ;)

>> No.6415021

Who happened to not even respect himself. The merit in his ideas aside, there's a point where that kind of stuff just becomes unhealthy.

>> No.6415032

It wasn't really his achievement. He was pushed in by a GOP coup of sorts. You remember the circus it was?

>> No.6415068

>1. Mr universe. Done.
Nothing to say against that. He put in the work and became a big guy like he wanted.
>2. World famous actor. Done.
Literally only because he's a big guy and Hollywood cares more about appearance instead of ability. Him mostly starring in OK or good films is due to sheer luck because people like Cameron, Verhoeven, McTiernan etc. were all there at the same time. To his credit though he's generally fairly entertaining.
>3. President. (hindered by law, got as far as he could)
Kek no. And there's no way in hell he would have gotten elected governor if he wasn't extremely famous (and rich) in the first place. Being elected was an achievement in Greek democracy maybe, but it's a joke in the modern world.
>4. Married into the most influential family in the US (the Kennedys) through schriver
This would count if there was anything selective in such marriages, but there isn't. Marriage is not and never has been an achievement.

>> No.6415089

>Literally only because he's a big guy and Hollywood cares more about appearance instead of ability.
Lmao you're so ignorant of his story, he got laughed at in Hollywood for being too big

In any case take your ressentiment and shove it, you're a bore

>> No.6415090

Surely it's just unimaginable to be a bad boy and not give a fuck what you think

>> No.6415110


link is ded. any other way to read this?

>> No.6415122

Oh sorry
Just search Pippi Longstocking as Friedrich Nietzsche’s overhuman, and there should be some other .pdfs to choose from.

>> No.6415130

Again, he came into the country as a relative nobody with set goals in mind, which he achieved. You can whitewash the whole thing with cynicism, but it's silly to pretend this wasn't a man who used his mind and body to reap great rewards.

>> No.6415131

>Pippi Longstocking as Friedrich Nietzsche’s overhuman

I can't find it on any sites that don't require you to sign up and pay for access. Herp

>> No.6415146


Fuck off namefag

>> No.6415155

It's the great rewards thing that I'm skeptical of. Champion bodybuilder means took the most steroids to me. He made cheesy Hollywood action movies. Then became governor of California. All of this sounds like a vapid and empty life to me. A honey coated hell.

>> No.6415167

Well good that you are not the one living it.
The guy achieved the things he wanted to when he had nothing to start with.

Shit like "vapid and empty life" are meaningless spooks.

>> No.6415170

Good for you dude, but why don't you call Mommy and tell her? I'm sure she would actually care, unlike us.

>> No.6415184

I am sure you are much better than him, anon. After all, reading Borges and knowing a thing or two about meme literature makes you a better person than he will ever be.

>> No.6415193

>Shit like "vapid and empty life" are meaningless spooks.
so's shit like ubermensch

>Good for you dude, but why don't you call Mommy and tell her? I'm sure she would actually care, unlike us.

insecurity detected

>> No.6415194

>Lmao you're so ignorant of his story, he got laughed at in Hollywood for being too big
And succeeded because he was a good actor, right?
There's no resentment here. I'm just saying it as it is.

Oh I'm not saying that he didn't do anything -if that was the case we wouldn't know of an Arnold Schwarzenegger, would we? I'm just saying that his achievements shouldn't be exaggerated, which is always the case with him. It's also a lie that Arnold had nothing when he came to America, his family back home was quite rich if I remember correctly. It doesn't matter either way.
I'm not interested in those "great rewards". I don't think that material success counts for anything beyond your ability to support your family (or in rare cases to use your money for the good of others in a durable way). On that point I agree with >>6415155.
In the end it boils down to what you see as important in life and what truly is important. That position won't be swayed over some 4chan posts.

>> No.6415196


not that guy but I would rather have my own life than schwarzneeger. why would any one want to be an american politician? why would anyone want to be famous? I'd rather be poor and obscure and just do mostly what I want instead of being under scrutiny all the time. he's not even that jacked anymore. there are some achievements I just don't want. like imagine how shitty tiger woods feels right now, he'll never be the top man again, and he ruined his marriage so now his kids will grow up in a broken home. fuck look at what caesar's success brought him.

>> No.6415200

Those are your own values retard. I made this thread to ask whether Arnold fits Nietzsche's concept, not to listen to you rabble about your values from a nihilistic perspective (which you would understand means I don't value them, and this you're trying to spook me).

In other words, you're not contributing to anything and your words are falling on deaf ears. Whatever though, people like you are why I hardly redirect my browser to this forum anymore; you're narcissistic enough to think your stupid values mean anything at all.

>> No.6415206

>he's likes bodybuilding, so he's necessarily dumb
>becoming a famous actor and a successful politician required no effort from his part

Top kek

>> No.6415207

Not really tbh, he is admirable because he achieved what he desired not because he achieved the specific things.

Fulfillment of goals and desires is a transcended concept

>> No.6415208

Let's see yours bitch

>> No.6415209


>> No.6415211

>Champion bodybuilder means took the most steroids to me
Roids were a rather new thing at the time, his generation of bodybuilders were in a way the guinea pigs for them. Either way, bodybuilders put as much work in the gym as an Olympic athlete.
>made cheesy Hollywood action movies
Some, others timeless classics. He can be a better actor than many give him credit for, but having your personality become a Hollywood staple like Tom Cruise is no small feat.
>became governor of California
Which many tried to do and failed

These individually are lifelong dreams for many peope and he did it all before retirement age.

>A honey coated hell

>> No.6415213

Ressentiment and spooks, esp. broken home lmao I must hold the spook of "whole homes" higher than myself

>> No.6415214

>I'm just saying it as it is.


>> No.6415224

>I'm just saying it as it is.
Yes, you've articulated that spook exactly as it is.

>> No.6415225

>Champion bodybuilder means took the most steroids to me
Confirmed for not lifting a pound in your life

>He made cheesy Hollywood action movies
Which were watched and enjoyed by milions and are considered classics up to this day.

>Then became governor of California
If people literally kill for power there may be something in there, don't you think anon?

He achieved everything he wanted. If he decided he is gonna walk on the sun I bet he fucking would. How about you anon, how many of your goals you achieved so far?

>> No.6415233

>>he's likes bodybuilding, so he's necessarily dumb
but that's true anon

>> No.6415239

>Not really tbh, he is admirable because he achieved what he desired not because he achieved the specific things.

Fulfillment of goals and desires is a transcended concept

If the goals were shit from the get go it's not admirable. He's more Nietzsche "Last Man" than ubermensch

>> No.6415242

That's because I don't believe they are just subjective values.
In any case, you're narcissistic enough to think that your very opinion (about how values can only be subjective, about spooks, about Nietzsche, about everything in fact) means anything at all. You're so attached to your views actually that not only you've become angry, you've also made a false projection about me, as those who do not admire worldly success and believe in the capitalist system are not necessarily nihilists.
This is a free site. We have the right to post whatever we want as long as we stick to the rules, even if it doesn't relate to the topic the way you want. We have the right to say things that go against your ideas or beliefs, and that can even hurt you. You have the right to ignore them, to engage in a critical discussion about it, or... to rage like a 12 year old, the way you're doing right now. By your own admission you can't take this, and that is fine. Staying away from 4chan will make you less angry, and therefore be more beneficial to you. I'm sure that hugboxes for those holding your views exist somewhere on the net.

I didn't know that stating facts also count as spooks. I won't keep that in mind because I couldn't care less about le spooky man.

>> No.6415243

He's Patrick Bateman with a funny accent. Nothing more.

>> No.6415248


>> No.6415262

>was a good actor, right?
He's a permanent part of Hollywood history whether you like it or not. He has the smarts to have become a better actor, but there's also a thing called Marketing an Image.

>had nothing when he came to America
That wasn't the contention. Any rich prick can ride on coattails. Arnold didn't.

In the end, Arnold is loved by millions and has lived the life he chose tremendously. Whatever bleak philosophical pit you wish to throw him is where you shall remain.

>> No.6415277


lol what are you fags even talking about why does everyone talk about "spooks" all the time what does that even mean?? like name one thing that isn't a spook to you faggots jesus christ

also why would I be envious of arnie? I'd take his money but that's it. he was a jokey character actor, he picked the gayest political party possible, he got married and then fucked it up, he took steroids, he has natural children, the list goes on.

maybe it's you fags who dream about that stuff but not me. why does everyone take my lack of ambition as an affront? i get that shit from everyone.

>> No.6415287

Sociopathic, sure. Serial killer corporate douchebag? nah .

>> No.6415296

Please stop trying to force the Arnold Schwarzenegger was a good actor meme.

>> No.6415298

>like name one thing that isn't a spook to you faggots jesus christ
To me nothing is a spook because I made everything my property.

>> No.6415300

No one did?

>> No.6415308

Spooks are just the values that you pose like I should hold higher than myself

Literally 99% of debate is based on these values that we're supposed to treat as "higher" than ourselves

So, as always on 4chan, some faggot comes out posturing that if you don't value his value, you're "bad", which is a spook.

Just because 4chan is retarded doesn't mean EVERYTHING is a spook, really it just means 4channers only know how to argue by asserting values

I skimmed the rest and don't care to think on it so have fun being who you are

>> No.6415313

So you're a cocksucker then?

>> No.6415315

Dude what?

>> No.6415318


Yes. Truly one of the greatest human beings ever.

He has inspired and entertained millions, while achieving every goal he ever set for himself, without compromising on the ambitiousness of these goals.

Anyone who disagrees is just jelly.

>> No.6415349

you forgot to mention that he was a self made millionaire from before he became a world famous actor

>> No.6415359

Read Ozymandias ffs

>> No.6415369

And what decay and despair has Arnold left in his wake?

>> No.6415415

Are you sure he meant the poem?

>> No.6415545

actually he's got a point...
the older i get the more i realize arnie's just a huge bullshitter. his whole empire is built on illusion, including giving people the perception that he's working the hardest.
he claims to run, he has terrible form. he overeats, his ELO of 1300 is highly improbable (possible)
pumpin iron was edited to the point of making him look charismatic. he says retarded shit in front of mariah's family, does stupid shit like fucks mexican broads
and steroids get absorbed by the brain, there is nothing exceptional to quote him on.
have you ever seen him carry on?

i mean terminator was a long time ago folks

>> No.6415548

>5. Banged the housekeeper behind wife's back resulting in "love-child" (Done)

Literally my dream

>> No.6415604

>calls Arnold peabrained
>'oh he's saying all bodybuilders are stupid LOL'

Captcha: select all hamburgers below

>> No.6415616

Considering that's the only tangible reference the name brings and the general line of discussion has been on Schwarzenegger's accomplishments, yes.

>> No.6415659

Wow dude

>> No.6415670

>the child as final transformation after the camel and the lion
>does whatever she wants in a mischievous innocence
>not encumbered by external values trust upon her but creates and lives by her own values instead
>effortlessly strong and intelligent
>even has two power animals just like zarathustra

i feel it

>> No.6415677
File: 113 KB, 634x723, jew fucking shits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the closest thing to the Übermensch in Hollywood.

>> No.6415749

grasping at straws

>> No.6415852

You've all misunderstood what Nietzsche meant by Übermensch. It´s not man transcended, it´s man transcended over. If man is a rope between beast and übermensch, what you're showing pictures of is just slightly longer ropes.

>> No.6415873

Hey /fit/.
Ruin California with bad policies: check

>> No.6416303

Cali was doomed from the start

>> No.6416313

No one is

>> No.6416317
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The missing piece is the best ubermensch

>> No.6416697

>Ruin California with bad policies: check
Are you actually Californian? I am, and odds are you're fucking retarded and know nothing about our politics.

Especially people from Texas, oh boy do Texans fucking love thinking they know everything about why Texas is better than California

>> No.6416700
File: 8 KB, 229x220, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've all misunderstood Nietzsche

>> No.6416720
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>> No.6416802

He was a strong candidate for ubermensch in 2003. By now he's lost his job and left the governors office in disgrace, his wife left him, and his big return to hollywood has been a massive failure. Guy just couldn't keep it together.

>> No.6416832
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I suppose you're right, but he still had a solid 30-40 year run

>> No.6417367
File: 12 KB, 303x570, 1407246985820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well explain to me how Cali isn't fucked up at the moment. Convince me that I'm completely wrong.
>tfw no water

>> No.6417471


does anyone have the arnie-jamie lee curties pasta?

>> No.6417554

>And there's no way in hell he would have gotten elected governor if he wasn't extremely famous (and rich) in the first place.
Implying that politicians don't have to be rich and popular to get elected

>> No.6417574

and what have you done?

>> No.6417734

Of course it is, but that has little to do with Arnold

>> No.6417925

California is a democracy, virtually everything has to be passed into law by election, retard

>> No.6418081

No, Everything wrong was passed into law by representatives. Representatives can change their positions, misrepresent themselves to the public, or do things they never discussed in their campaign. Once representatives are in office, the public has about zero control over them...lobbying grounds might have some day, but the general public does not.

Voting for people rather than policies is always going to be screwy.