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/lit/ - Literature

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6413971 No.6413971 [Reply] [Original]

Should I Pull the Plug?

>> No.6413979

>check em :DD

>> No.6413995

I meant dying as in stopping from the endless cycling of me strapped to a bike powering my own life support

>> No.6414068

Bump for any more suicidal college stories

>> No.6414408

um, no? why would you kill yourself because you did poorly on an exam? who gives a shit. it's just an exam, dude.

>> No.6414430

one time I took a midterm hungover as fuck and I was on the cusp of puking the entire time

my friend got wasted the night before a final and I dragged him to it (9AM) and he doesn't remember taking it

>> No.6414504
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>drop out of college because depression
>lose contact with all friends
>haven't passed a community college class since spring '14
>earn nothing through work
>family's repulsed that you're still in this state
>pain 24/7
I-It c-could be worse...

>> No.6414523

>I-It c-could be worse...
You could be me who didn't even do the college part

>> No.6414530

My phallus is only of average length, but it has pronounced bend in it that hurts girls when we copulate. You guys should really stop acting like you have it all that bad, it could always be worse.

>> No.6414534

>drop acid
>go to final exam on course regarding Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
>get 97
>realize I'm not smart sober
>still wanna kill myself

>> No.6414576


>> No.6414587

yeah well I got a fucked up dick AND I failed a class

>> No.6414590

Ha ha

>> No.6414601
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>tfw 7" dick
>tfw life isn't so bad

>> No.6414614

>only average

Huh? There's nothing wrong with having an average-sized dick.

>> No.6414625

>5.5/10 on an Intro to Lit quiz
The entire class failed but I feel so dumb

>> No.6414626

At least you're not in debt. I would give quite a bit to be in your position.

>> No.6414632
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>tfw going to college in the fall
>tfw have a large scholarship to go


>> No.6414645
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what kind of questions

tfw about to lose megadosh scholarship due to low GPA

>> No.6414661

I dropped my GPA by an entire 1.0 in one semester. I am about to graduate, and hopefully get a job after college, but I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for all the partying I did that semester.

>> No.6414664

you're missing a 6

>> No.6414665

It was on poetry, the questions I got right were just basic terms and the ones I got wrong were on poetic foot

>> No.6414671

dont worry syllables are worthless

>> No.6414679

I'm not sure if you are being serious or not.
When my professor explained them he loudly clapped his hands while saying "BUM bum bum BUM bum bum BUM bum BUM" for like 5 minutes straight and it was awkward as fuck.

>> No.6414698


>5 minutes straight and it was awkward as fuck
>still fail at identifying simple trochees and iambs

Maybe you should've paid closer attention during those awkward 5 minutes, huh?

>> No.6414702


>> No.6414712

hail satan. bah bah black sheep

>> No.6414736

>got an 85% on a quiz that is worth 5% of my grade
>gained 4 pounds overnight
>massive pimples sprouting due to lack of sleep

Can't wait for this semester to end.

>> No.6414753
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feels general?

>birthday this weekend, not doing anything, not telling anybody
>incapable of having bf/gf relationship with anyone
>only thing keeping me going is the hope that some day I'll publish my novel while I'm still young to critical acclaim and be the next DFW. not even being ironic

>> No.6414779
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i don't do this often but...

>didn't try in highschool, got good grades blah blah
>moved the week after graduating highschool
>applied to schools before i moved so can't go to any close because out of state bullshit fees
>take a year off of college but have no friends
>have life threatening organ problem but surgery fixes it after 3 days of very bad pain
>got a job as cashier
>2 years after move, still no college
>disillusioned with the idea of college, with the idea of progress, with the idea of love and children, philosophy is meaningless and so is literature
>my last nursery is classical music and that is even becoming unsatisfying
hold me bros

>> No.6414792

start taking classes at the local community college, if you enjoy it get an associates degree and transfer into a uni, if you don't like it at least its cheap and you were exposed to higher learning

>> No.6414830

isolation is a key component in the /lit/erary life. But just remember if you want a break you can ALWAYS travel to cheap locations for months at a time and meet new people, or even just move to a new state and start over

>> No.6414832
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would you say, from personal experience, that community college would be a place for intellectual growth?

High school was very easy for me, and not worth the time spent, and from the people I have met that said community college was easy, they were very ignorant academically, I feel it would be worthless although I know it is simply a launching pad.

>> No.6414845

I have not attended cc, but can tell you that first and second year classes at a 4 year university are a joke as well. You only delve into truly challenging, major oriented things in junior and senior years. The first two years are just general ed requirements and other bullshit.

Getting those 2 years done at CC will save you money and let you decide if you want to commit to it without spending too much. The fall semester should start soon, if you register soon you should be able to start classes in August.

>> No.6414857

thanks man, i really appreciate you spending time to give me advice

>> No.6414869
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>Huh? There's nothing wrong with having an average-sized dick.
nah, have extra width or you are nothing

>> No.6414875
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>tfw in the 95th percentile

>> No.6414879


>tfw I am one of the largest-dicked men in the world at 7 inches

>> No.6414933

Honestly dude, don't bother unless you're absolutely willing and prepared (you're not) to sit through 2 years of soul-crushing loneliness and boring bullshit with peers that don't care before you get into 3rd year at a real uni, like the other guy said.

Save your money. Go sit in on university courses, larger classes do not take attendance and you can literally just walk into lectures and learn. If the class is less than 40 people though you'll want to do it at the beginning of the semester or it'll be sus

>> No.6414940

Well, with the billions of Indians, Chinese, and babies does that really surprise you?

it totally should

>> No.6414953
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>he thinks he can escape the cycle by killing himself