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6413139 No.6413139 [Reply] [Original]

>ethically wrong

>> No.6413153


>> No.6413159
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> morally universal

>> No.6413166


That can certainly be a reasonable phrase. For example, one might wish to distinguish that writing "1+1=3" is "logically wrong" while cheating on a test is "ethically wrong."

>> No.6413182

Posters like you are always too subtle/dry, I can never tell whether you're joking or not

>> No.6413184

Ethics are aesthetics

>> No.6413185

>while cheating on a test is "ethically wrong."
no it is "testically wrong"
BALLS, man

>> No.6413193


I am not joking. Do you disagree?

>> No.6413195



>> No.6413196
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>cheating on a test is ethically wrong

>> No.6413219
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>mfw silly moral relativists near me

>> No.6413237
File: 5 KB, 258x248, instincts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having children in a pre-transhumanist world of scarcity where additional people are no longer necessary for survival or progress is ethically wrong


>> No.6413239


Cheating is seriously the best indicator of idiocy. You have to be a fucking idiot to cheat.

>> No.6413252

Yes, there is no right or wrong, however; both mathematics and ethics are artificial systems so your example is internally consistent in that sense.

>> No.6413253


I have a big problem with the phrase "where additional people are no longer necessary for survival or progress." I can't even figure out what you're trying to say. Are you concerned about overpopulation or something?

And transhumanism is for quacks.

>> No.6413264


Dude, just stop. You have nothing interesting to say and you're being an idiot.

>> No.6413265

I'd like to see you argue why the reverse isn't true

>> No.6413270

I agree, but you can just say 'nothing really matress' and no one can refute that

>> No.6413277


Do you mean "negation," baby?

>> No.6413280

>Are you concerned about overpopulation or something?
are you not?

>> No.6413296

ethically wrong would mean hitting a 7 year old in the face with a chair, I don't know what you guys don't understand

>> No.6413301
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>mathematics and ethics are artificial systems

>> No.6413303


I'm concerned about it and I hope it goes as smoothly as possible, but I also think it's totally possible to do just that.

Current estimates have population peaking ca. 2050 at a little more than 9 trillion, certainly less than 11 trillion. Current food outputs could sustain the lower end of that figure just by increasing distribution efficiency, and the enormous increase in agriculture efficiency which prevented Paul Ehrlich's "Population Bomb" from exploding indicate that technological hope is hardly misplaced (and you should obviously agree as someone who even tinkers with Transhumanism).

Go ahead m8, have some kids.

>> No.6413309

You haven't said why

You haven't said why not

>> No.6413314


I'm not entertaining you, go away. And pick up a fucking intro-to-philosophy book while you're at it.

>> No.6413318

You're not worth my time, I already get paid a shit wage to teach morons like you obvious shit, I'm not going to do it for free.

If you want information on this matter the SEP has very valuable and accessible articles.

>> No.6413321

If you have nothing to say then why bother?

>> No.6413330

You make a claim but you're not willing to back it up?

Whatever floats your boat

>> No.6413339


>pls respond

>> No.6413351

Overpopulation is a nonissue in modernized societies. If the West stopped letting in so many immigrants we'd be actually decreasing in number.

Africa is Africa, so they could stand shoulder to shoulder over the entire continent and it wouldn't effect us much besides the previously mentioned immigration rate.

>> No.6413370

Dude, just stop. You have nothing interesting to say and you're being an idiot.

>> No.6413371

A non-issue ?
All the major world problems are caused by over-population and people masturbating on each other like rabbits.

>> No.6413379

7 billion people and people think we need more people, more idiots to make shit posts like this

>> No.6413390

The world doesn't have any problems.

>> No.6413393
File: 15 KB, 160x160, q4Og5Ypb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read the articles anon, then report back.
Or are you too lazy to do so ?

>> No.6413540
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Yes, you buzzards never have anything of substance and I don't feel like masturbating.

>> No.6414064
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When will they learn?

>> No.6414091
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>And transhumanism is for quacks.

Ya I agree. It strikes me as just a 21st iteration of utopianism. I also think they ignore how contingent tech is, and how unpredictable the course of history is. For all we know global warming could send civilization in to a dark age in the coming decades.

>> No.6414107

Did you know that pepe is actually a toad

>> No.6414126
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>> No.6414147
File: 76 KB, 440x329, smug pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6414196

Every thread is the same way.

Ethical/moral realists get butt-mad, moral relativists try to get some sort of justification for their claims, then moral realists end with:

>You just aren't as well read as me.


>You don't know what you're talking about.

Or just plain

>*tips fedora*

But they never, ever, back up their assertions. They just whine and leave.

>> No.6414673

humanists pls leave