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6412813 No.6412813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did "Reads a lot" stop being a positive quality for a male to have, in a woman's eyes?

>> No.6412820

>being this /r9k/

>> No.6412824

Start lifting you faggot

>> No.6412827

As fucking always, it depends on the woman.

>> No.6412836
File: 83 KB, 319x750, 1422956678527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw women wants to give me Latin lessons and says spanking when the student messes up is proven in studies and she'd like to try it with me while she tutors me
>mfw she insists "but I'm not hitting on you"

>> No.6412845

Ask her if she teaches Greek

>> No.6412846

>tfw this fucking stupid image made you laugh out loud

>> No.6412850

>reads a lot
>a quality

>> No.6412851

She's hasn't taught it but she can read and write it.

>> No.6412861

I'm 100% guilty of this

>> No.6412866
File: 62 KB, 700x700, tmp_9509-1429174504373-1304769068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Where do I start with philosophy, anon?
> Start with the Greeks, then with me getting your number

Works every time

>> No.6412877


When women started reading.

They only read YA and romance novels, so being women they automatically assumed that this was all that men who read read as well.

And they can't respect a man who reads YA and romance.

>> No.6412880


Nobody ever gets laid by just reading books.

For crying out loud you stupid assholes, nobody fucks you or starts a relationship with you because you're 'intelligent', it's a nice add-on.
People are shallow cunts, even you assholes.

>> No.6412882

>tfw you're so regressive that you've fetishized a sneaker

Welcome to 99% of men.

>> No.6412891


Are these guys considered 'hot'?

>> No.6412904

If you wan't to learn which men women consider hot - it's impossible, it's totally random. I talked with lots of my female friend and I see absolutely no rule.

>> No.6412912

>I see absolutely no rule.

I see one. Not fat, not balding, and dark hair.

>> No.6412919


When girls say they think Benddatdick Cuminbitch is hot, I'm lost.

>> No.6412926

>I'm lost

Are you really? Do you not think it has to do with his starpower/status?

>> No.6412929

but ulyesses is demonstrably good

>> No.6412932


I don't see girls fawning over Danny DeVito.

>> No.6412937

There are thousands of famous men who don't look like feet who don't get a fraction of the attention Bendydick Cuminsnatch gets, though.

>> No.6412943

Still I bet he has more bitchez than all of us together.

>> No.6412947

If someone regards themselves as intelligent then they will naturally invest that trait with a high value in general. Happens with both sexes.

>> No.6412948
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If /soc/ didn't know him they'd rate him a 2.

>> No.6412954

when you became ugly

>> No.6412956

define high value
Something valuable in a seeking of enlightment may not be valuable in fence painting

>> No.6412957

I think it's his voice and demeanour. Every woman I've asked IRL* said that they don't get it either, though.

*(two women)

>> No.6412960
File: 567 KB, 660x1877, ALPHA AS FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget the woman slayer tennis player, he kills two birds with one stone.

>> No.6412962

go away retard

>> No.6412964


Fuck off r9k. Being swole, literary, witty, having a decent income and a stable temperament basically guarantees you top tier women in any society.

>> No.6412967

Danny DeVito definitely gets bitches, but he's an outlier. He's abnormal even in regular standards.

It's partly just the arbitrary nature of the media machine. He happens to be getting good roles/attention, so he's getting good pussy/attention.

Like, do you honestly ascribe it to some mystical essence? It's the fact that the media (ie, the modern Superego) is telling people that he's important (whether through attention or through the fact that he's a lead on a popular show).

>> No.6412971
File: 98 KB, 555x475, 1423082686121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no kinky patrician not-gf to spank me while teaching me dead languages

>> No.6412972

Women fuck for status, not looks. The only quality women are ultimately attracted to is money. They fuck paychecks. They marry bank accounts.

>> No.6412975
File: 56 KB, 500x516, rarest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out this blue pill faggot.

Women do fuck for looks. A dude with a wallet has a different role than Chad.

>> No.6412984

Holy shit I don't know what it is; I haven't even read Stirner but I laughed so freaking hard and I have no idea why.

>> No.6412987

And what do you need for looks? Money. You think eating your shitty poorfag diet and being unable to maintain muscle mass because you can't afford protein and your skin going to shit because your diet is so bad and dressing in rags and your hair looking like steel wool and your craniofacial morphology being fucked up because your hormones are out of wack from malnutrition will get the bitches wet? Looks are dependent on status, not the other way around.

>> No.6412995

>And what do you need for looks? Money.

Bone structure has nothing to do with money.

>> No.6412998

I've never seen so much BTFO in one image before, even if it's fiction

>> No.6413001


Yes I do think that.
If you stay relatively washed and arrogant with a good look, you can.

>one guy I know
>doesn' t have a degree, a job or even a particularly interesting life
>lives with his mom
>fucks 8's and 9's on a weekly basis who are working full-time and a life of their own going
>probably has something to do with his 11 inch dong

>> No.6413004

Yes it does, dumbshit. I have a degree in anthropology. I literally studied this shit in school. You can tell who grew up poor just by looking at their skeletons. Google epigenetics.

>> No.6413006

Did you know that after spending a certain amount of time in space, your body literally needs to recreate its skeleton? If you have enough money, you could go to space or long enough, then return and your body would recreate the bones, but maybe if you gamed it hormonally (steroids) you could get a better bone structure.

>> No.6413010



That's not biology you fucktard, le_bill_nye_meme.png

>> No.6413012

Probably grew up middle class.

>> No.6413016

Yes it is you uneducated ignoramus.


>> No.6413017


Most KV NEET's are middle class or they wouldn't be NEET's.

>> No.6413024

>Yes it does

Hm, does it? I can't wait to see the proof this anon provides!


Well, that was unnecessary. He must have a lot of evidence on his side.

>I have a degree in anthropology

Uh, okay. What does that have to do with anything?

>I literally studied this shit in school

You studied skeletal structures changing because of money in school? Wow, I'm surprised.

>You can tell who grew up poor just by looking at their skeletons

That might be true, but that doesn't have anything to do with bone structure, ie the size of your jaw. It probably has more to do with bone degradation, ie who didn't get enough calcium and got osteoporosis.

>Google epigenetics

I did, and it didn't help. So I searched added the word "bones" to help out. All I got were studies related to diseases. I don't think you realize how important a wide jawline is to male attractiveness (literally on a scientific scale).

>> No.6413038

Because "Read a lot" usually translates into not taking action to live your own life.

>> No.6413043

>middle class or they wouldn't be NEET's

Lmao. No. To get government aid, being poor is a benefit.

>> No.6413048


I'll never understand this.

One doesn't have to stay in one spot in order to read.

>> No.6413069

>spanking when the student messes up is proven in studies
I do not see how "spanking when the student messes up" is a proposition. Is this a mere joke?

>> No.6413079

One doesn't have to, but one usually does. Hence the "usually"

>> No.6413080

>You studied skeletal structures changing because of money in school? Wow, I'm surprised.

I took classes on biological anthropology, nutritional anthropology, forensic anthropology, etc. all of which talk about the effect of social status and money on human biological diversity. You're only surprised because you know nothing about the field. Shit, you can tell how much fish someone ate by looking at their bones. You can tell whether or not they cracked their knuckles, or played tennis, or bore a child, or which was their predominate hand.

>That might be true, but that doesn't have anything to do with bone structure, ie the size of your jaw.

It has everything to do with bone structure. Poor people's long bones don't develop properly, so they end up shorter. They also suffer hormone imbalances that effect their craniofacial morphology, everything from the size of their cranial vault to the development of bosses. Because of their diet their teeth don't develop properly and end up crooked and they need orthodontic work which they can't afford.

>> No.6413087

>you can tell how much fish someone ate by looking at their bones

No you can't. What the fuck? Please put your degree in the garbage if this is what you were taught (it probably wasn't, you just misinterpreted).

>> No.6413097

>. Poor people's long bones don't develop properly

Lol so all poor people necessarily have the same diet, etc? Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? There are three types of macronutrients: carbs, proteins, and fats. You can get them in tons of different kinds of food, most of which poor people have access to. What are rich people eating that makes their bones so much better?

>> No.6413098

Marx needs to go to bed.

>> No.6413101

That osteological technique is used literally all the time in archeology to determine whether a prehistoric individual lived close to the ocean or far away.

Your willful ignorance is astounding.

>> No.6413107

>to determine whether a prehistoric individual lived close to the ocean or far away.

Right, and that's a lot more general than his fucking diet.

>> No.6413113

>Your willful ignorance is astounding.

Maybe. But honestly, what are you on about? What are rich people eating that makes their jaws wider?

>> No.6413119

Dont trust people who wont let you read alone.

>> No.6413129

They look at the chemicals in the bones to tell how much fish an individual ate. That's their diet, retard.

Poor people have different skeletons than rich people. Take a 101 level class in biological anthropology, archaeology, or forensic anthropology and dispel your ignorance.

>> No.6413134

>They look at the chemicals in the bones to tell how much fish an individual ate.

Are you serious, dude? You think the diet of a person stays in their bones forever? Jesus Christ, man. Somebody else help me out here. Let's take this to /sci/.

>> No.6413141

this is retarded

People will naturally want to spend a lot of time with people similar to them. You don't get more similar than in intelligence. By your logic dumb people value dumbness higher.

>> No.6413145

Of course it does, you willfully ignorant fool. Here's an example of the technique in practice.


>For example, isotope studies of Mesolithic humans from the Danube Gorges in Southeastern Europe indicate that the majority of protein was from freshwater fish, which is supported by the archaeological evidence of fishing equipment and large numbers of fish bones

>> No.6413154

>dumb people value dumbness higher
Have you spent much time around dumb people? They loathe intelligence.

>> No.6413169

Because in a woman the following occurs unconsciously:

>read a lot
>probable lack of physical strength
>having a weak body makes you an easy catch to other predators
>breed with the male will result in creatures with a genetical disadvantage

Just maybe.

Obviously women aren't thinking about having children when they first met a person, but a lot of what takes place in making a decision to pick a partner is pretty much determined by the fact that women just like men are animals, and their choices are undermined by an unconscious animal instinct (in this case, reproduction).

>> No.6413171

yea. they do.

>> No.6413179

That study is using archaeological evidence to *corroborate* a hypothesis based on isotope studies. It is absolutely not saying that what you eat is absorbed by your bones for the rest of your life. Christ.

>> No.6413186

That's exactly what it's saying.



>> No.6413187

>The only quality women are ultimately attracted to is money
This claim is generally made by people who were completely out of social contact during their early adulthood, it seems. It's not important whether a girl showed an interest in you or not, but were you people really so isolated that you couldn't observe other people around you in college or something? I'm not even talking about friends, just groups that you saw frequently.
Or, even a simpler example, is there seriously such a large gap between the status of your parents? Is there a large gap between their looks?

Maybe this is the case for some of you. But don't expect people to buy into this retarded theory when it's not the case for most of the 1st world if not the world. And no, there's nothing to do with genes and selective advantage either.

Sure, money is a gigantic factor between certain types of people, generally after a certain age. No one will say anything against that nor argue against whether "gold digging" exists or not, since it does.

>> No.6413204

think before you type bullshit please, thank you

>> No.6413207


>to make nutritional inferences
>These chemical signatures reflect long-term dietary patterns

Are you not getting this, you scientifically illiterate dullard?

>> No.6413210

lol yeah bro. Middle class bachelors get laid just as much as millionaires. You're the one who doesn't observe his surroundings if you think this. You probably think getting laid more than once in the same month is "a hot streak". You don't have a clue mate

>> No.6413212

Like I said, you can tell someone's diet from their skeleton.

You refused to believe that because you're ignorant.

You've been defeated. Fade away.

>> No.6413218

Jesus fucking Christ. Look at the bone structure of your typical African. You'll see large bones, wide jaw, etc. Now look at your typical narrow jawed Jewish New Yorker.

>> No.6413222

but e's right

>> No.6413233

They are jealous of how enlightened by it you are.

>> No.6413235

Negroids exhibit more sexual dimorphism than Caucasoid. Negroid males tend to have more testosterone. That doesn't negate the overall effect of diet on craniofacial morphology development in any way.

>> No.6413236

>Middle class bachelors get laid just as much as millionaires
Got any citations that say anything on the subject?

Dirt poor Africans and Arab farmers get laid more than your projected image of millionaires by the way. Unless you think that the number of time you can have sex doesn't count, it's the number of partners that counts.

>> No.6413249

Oh, wow, so like genetics have a stronger influence on bone structure (and thus beauty) than epigenetics? Who would have known.

>> No.6413256

You honestly think that Negroids are more beautiful than Caucasoids?

>> No.6413271

If they were white and had regular hair, they would be. The point is that their bone structure is largely predetermined.

>> No.6413276

Take two identical twins. Separate them at birth. Give one to a rich family. Give one to a poor family. The rich one will grow up to be better looking than the poor one because they have better access to a good diet, dentistry and healthcare. The difference can be enough that one is considered hot and the other is not. This isn't a difficult thought experiment.

>> No.6413282


Operative word.

>> No.6413283

>This isn't a difficult thought experiment.
But where is the real world data.

The white race is so beautiful innit my Aryanoid brothers :^)

>> No.6413297
File: 17 KB, 250x300, albino-african-lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they were white and had regular hair, they would be.


>> No.6413302

>This isn't a difficult thought experiment.

This statement alone shows the wide gap in your grasp of logic. The difficulty of a thought experiment has nothing to do with the truth.

You're literally just restating your hypothesis (as yet unproven) and expecting people to go "uh huh that is what would happen!" even though we have no reason to believe that's what would happen.

Money affects skin, clothes, haircuts, etc. But the ultimate arbiter of beauty is genetics (your skull shape, bone width, how you store fat). I don't deny that diet affects bones at all, obviously it does. But it doesn't affect the structure to the point that a certain diet will determine whether or not you have a chiseled jaw (excluding extreme circumstances).

>> No.6413304

Albinos are usually hideous

>> No.6413307

>But where is the real world data.

You mean data about rich people being healthier than poor people?


>> No.6413312

>The difficulty of a thought experiment has nothing to do with the truth.

So you're actually arguing that the poor twin would end up being uglier? Or that they'd end up looking identical?

Wide gap in grasp of logic indeed.

>> No.6413316

We're talking about looks. Face.

>> No.6413320

Note that this post has no actual argument or evidence, it's literally you just saying "wait, you would ACTUALLY believe the opposite of what I'm implying?! LOL @ U!"

>> No.6413327

straight men are the whiniest fuckers on the internet

>> No.6413331

I think last wave feminists and/or SJWs come first.

>> No.6413332

Yeah, what a great counterargument. Albinos, who are at the extreme end of white and tend to have black hair, aren't attractive. Thanks for the input.

>> No.6413333

Biologist here, laughing my ass off.

>> No.6413335

>But the ultimate arbiter of beauty is genetics (your skull shape, bone width, how you store fat).
Skull shape is effected by diet. So is bone width and length. Not sure about fat storage mechanisms, however much relevance that actually has.

>I don't deny that diet affects bones at all, obviously it does.
This has been denied in this thread, if not by you then by another anon.

>But it doesn't affect the structure to the point that a certain diet will determine whether or not you have a chiseled jaw (excluding extreme circumstances).
Yes it can. If you grow up eat nothing but soft food you'll end up with a gracile jaw and crooked teeth. Any dentist can tell you that.

>> No.6413343

Dude, thank you. I thought I was going crazy for a minute.

>> No.6413347
File: 55 KB, 307x477, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6413349

Or your argument is just shittily begging the question.

Facial looks are the #1 indicator of health, actually. People who starve as children have asymmetrical and poorly developed faces.

You're not a biologist if you're that ignorant of a related field.


>> No.6413352

I always say
>aye bae want to read some Russell/Marx/Nietzche and discuss with me in my house?
It always work. But then most of /lit/ can't even speak to a girl.
If you read then it's really easy to fuck women.

>> No.6413353

seem pretty equal to me

>> No.6413358

You realise that Western living standards allow even poor people to be muscular and healthy right? Malnutrition is basically unheard of, in fact the opposite is the problem. People have too much food.

>> No.6413364

That does not make any sense.

Choosing to spend time reading is 'living your own life'.

>> No.6413369

>People who starve as children have asymmetrical and poorly developed faces.
I didn't realize we were talking about Bill Gates tier rich vs. Somalian life tier. Sorry.

>> No.6413372

>be out
>at club, looking fresh, free and fly
>talk to some random -albeit hot- club stank
>lay out an exegesis of Ulysses
>at this juncture the floor beneath us is literally soaked in vaginal fluids
>tells me she usually does not hook up with random dudes, but I seemed like a special kind of guy
>feign interest in her because I need validation from attractive girls to feel a sense of self-worth
>she clearly wants the D
>begs me to go back to her place
>follow her
>kissing passionately in the hallway, open door, continue to bed
>she undresses and urges me to please fuck her
>notice poster hanging on wall by bed
>weird motif with text above saying: "bad ass"
>contemplate the wording because it seems an external or internal voice of conscience has stopped me and my erection in our tracks
>"bad ass"
>[internal monologue] "bad ass... bad ass... hmm... a mean bastard .. mean ass .. mean butt .. mean hine end .. there's something here .. mean end... MEAN-END!"
>Kant's categorical imperative to never treat people as means to an end surfaces and shuts off any desire to treat this poor girl as an indistinguishable masturbatory device for my crude fantasy and pleausure
>tell her I'm sorry, but I have to go, apologize profusely
>hear her in her London accent scream "CUNT" at me
>sounds exactly like "Kant"
>leave morally pure and spiritually intact

>> No.6413375

If you're below the poverty line you're at serious risk of malnutrition. The over-consumption of calorie-dense, nutrient sparse food is usually a reaction to having less access to food overall.

It's a myth that middle class people tell themselves that everyone in western countries eats like a king.

>> No.6413378

>Bill Gates tier rich vs. Somalian life tier

Even if we are, look at Bill Gates. There are tons of Somalians more attractive than him.

>> No.6413380

In America? Never.

In Europe. Since reading was a thing.

>> No.6413381

>just maybe

If they are idiotic maybe. Then again the people on this board who actively defend not exercising are little better.

>> No.6413383

You motherfucker

>> No.6413388

Give us some specifics, then. What does a good diet that would guarantee optimum bone growth look like? And are you positive that rich people are eating that?

>> No.6413397

What are trends vs. anecdotes?

>> No.6413398

>Women fuck for status, not looks
Partially but not fully true. A woman who's largely secure and comfortable in her own skin will disregard looks and fuck whomever they please. A woman insecure about her looks or other items of herself will go for a more objectively attractive man to quell her need for social validation. Think about it, how many 9's and 10's do you see with their male smv counterpart? I see none

>> No.6413404

10/10 gave me a proper chuckle

>> No.6413405

Okay, then. Look at most millionaires. Do you really think they have chiseled jaws, symmetrical faces, etc? And can you prove it?

>> No.6413413

I know beans and rice isnt going to fulfill your needs

>> No.6413414
File: 261 KB, 300x306, clapping spaceman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is pasta, I don't even care, simply bravo

>> No.6413415

Anytime someone says "women do ___", you can substitute "desperate people" for "women" and then remember that you're just as bad and would stoop to the same levels.

>> No.6413417

If you live below the poverty line in the richest country on earth you're not going to be eating well.

Sorry. Don't have time. I've been in this thread for like two hours+ and I've to go shopping. My silence from this point on isn't an admission of defeat.

>> No.6413419

spoiled rich kids are usually hot

>> No.6413420

I knew a girl in College who refused to date men who hadn't read "The Handmaiden's Tale"

She didn't date.

>> No.6413422

You'll still be eating much better than Somalians. Sorry.

>> No.6413424

>Secure women do not care about looks

That makes no sense whatsoever, if money or status is not a factor then they choose based on how attractive they find the person. Do you honestly think deciding to fuck someone based on physical attraction makes someone 'insecure'? Because that is not even slightly how people work.

>> No.6413425

frozen broccoli ain't that expensive

>> No.6413430

That's what you want to be true. But can you prove that? I know plenty of ugly rich people. You might too. Maybe you just don't remember them as "rich" because of the alleged "halo effect" that attractive people convey?

>> No.6413432

You're also eating poorly enough to effect your looks significantly. Sorry.

>> No.6413434

Have you ever even been in a poor neighbourhood? Cheap fruit and vegetable shops fucking everywhere.

Eggs, chicken and many kinds of fish are extremely affordable as well.

>> No.6413436

>girl mentions the possibility of spanking you
>insists she's not hitting on you
>you believe her

I'm pretty sure it has actually happened to some of you irl. /lit is that clueless.

>> No.6413439
File: 52 KB, 500x500, tast2ful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot pic related, except she was prettier and less slutty

>> No.6413441

>Sorry. Don't have time

Fine. I won't assume that you've run away, but when you have time, bump the thread with some nutritional tips for us poor folk so that our bones are as pretty as they could possibly be!

>> No.6413448


>> No.6413458

Getting spanked by a girl is one of the best pleasures I've ever experienced.

>> No.6413462

I dont care actually, rich people can just afford nutritionists, cosmetic surgery, and shopping at whole foods daily, they have a buffer to their genetics whether they be shitty or not

>> No.6413463

Your mom ?

>> No.6413469

>Do you honestly think deciding to fuck someone based on physical attraction makes someone 'insecure'?
can't be answered broadly. while men are biologically hardwired to fuck for youth, fertility and femininity (expressed almost exclusively through physical traits), females are hardwired to fuck for someone who has a greater social rank, which is often expressed via personality, also social status. So it doesn't make a man insecure, but a woman goes for one of the most attractive men she can land she's effectively doing it for social validation, ie she's insecure

>> No.6413477

My ex-girlfriend. I'd get tied up and fingered too.

>> No.6413483

Cool broscience bro.

>> No.6413485

Except there are a huge number of women who choose their sex partners based on attractiveness because they want to fuck someone they find attractive.

How can you even attempt to claim otherwise?

>> No.6413487

I was talking about (hypothetical) anon not trying to fuck a girl that offered to spank him simply because she said she's "not hitting on him". But I'm glad to hear that anyway.

>> No.6413490

his favorite pick up artist says different

>> No.6413512

>drinking with student friends
>meet hot foreign girl, bond over Roald Dahl's early stories
>turns out she's gay ok whatever
>become close friends
>we start having nights where we just drink wine and write poetry with her flatmate
>flatmate is a dance student
>endless parade of incredibly attractive international dancers joining us for those nights
Okay so real talk, I see them as people not just green text characters, I'm not hitting on anyone and most of my time is spent sat on my own. But during those moments, life is good, really good. The first girl is by far my favourite person in the world right now.

>> No.6413523


>> No.6413532

>I'm not hitting on anyone
Why not? Unless you don't want to for whatever reason.

>> No.6413541

he likes living out his harem animes

>> No.6413542

I don't have the time to pop up scientific citations for you but go ahead and continue ignoring hard facts of evolutionary biology because of your feels

>> No.6413546

Oh so you're naive enough to think that the average rich person is going to a nutritionist (which, by the way is useless if you're not on the extreme end of fat or skinny and don't have a metabolic issue), thinks cosmetic surgery is at the point where it can alter bone structure, and thinks whole foods isn't middle class tier? Nice. Guess you're poorer than you thought.

>> No.6413548

>Except there are a huge number of women who choose their sex partners based on attractiveness because they want to fuck someone they find attractive.
I'm not saying that's part of the equation, it merely factors in a different amount based on the choosing mate's personality

and who might that be

>> No.6413552

I'm working through some shit so I don't want to. It's nice to feel like the option is there, that's all.

I don't watch anime.

>> No.6413553
File: 43 KB, 707x800, 10 out of 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you written a love letter yet, /lit/?

>> No.6413554

>he seriously believes evolutionary biology can account for something as arbitrary and non-biological shit like personality and status

>females are hardwired to fuck for someone who has a greater social rank, which is often expressed via personality, also social status
>females are hardwired to fuck for someone who has a greater social status, which is often expressed via social status

>> No.6413559

You should watch Yahari Ore No Seishun Rabu Kome Wa Machigatteiru.
And Boku no Pico.

>> No.6413560


What you look like is biological for the most part and that influences status.

>> No.6413562

okay guy, Im not sure why your this concerned with determining who is and isnt ugly

>> No.6413568

I know what harem anime means I'm just not interested in it.

>> No.6413569

And yet you can be of very high status and look like an ugly son of a bitch.

>> No.6413581

Watch Yahari anyway. It's not a harem beyond the fact that there are many girls around the MC and some are sort of interested in him

>> No.6413587

It hasn't. Whenever I read in public I always get more looks from girls. Girls like depth of personality, so as long as when you talk about the books you read you make it sound interesting then they will love you for it.

>> No.6413591

>determining who is and isnt ugly

Lol what? I don't think you're* as good as passive aggressively reducing things to their exposing fundamentals as you wish you were.

>> No.6413600

I understand that I should watch studio ghibli and maybe evangelion and akira but on what grounds are you recommending yahari? I just don't care for anime generally, or manga.

>> No.6413604


>> No.6413637

>giving a shit about women

>> No.6413638

The protagonist is great. If you were a loner during high school you'll love him.

As a side note, add Legend of Galactic Heroes and Kaiji to that list. I'm skeptical about Evangelion being that impressive for people who have gotten over their adolescence issues and frustrations.

>> No.6413642

studio ghibli a shit, so is Akira
stay contemporary
berserk, cowboy bepop, Tekkinkonkreet, monster, summer wars, texhnolyze

>> No.6413651
File: 59 KB, 858x720, east asian nationalist tips his fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

>> No.6413654

escapism for scrawny teenagers
>cowboy bebop
escapism for pseudos
edgy masturbation
>Summer Wars
it was okay but couldn't rise above mediocre because the limitation of genre

The rest I didn't read/watch

>> No.6413656

Weak bait, please, no more

>> No.6413660

I was under the impression there was a lot of interesting complex stuff going on in evangelion but I'll take what you say into consideration. I just didn't get into anime at the ages most fans seem to have so I lack the ability to "read" and motivation to watch it. I'm quite happy being set in my ways in terms of the media I consume, but I'll make a note of the three you've mentioned.

Now I already know I'm uninterested in cowboy bebop. I know he did it first but what can I gain from that which I haven't already from firefly? There's very little in terms of complex ideas or subtlety there. That I know of. If there is then I'll have to learn an entirely new audiovisual language and I'm not sure if it's worth my while.

>> No.6413681

>edgy masturbation
Considering that it's the story of a man who chases what seems like the embodiment of evil, while helping the downtrodden along the way without even using violence, you have to be retarded to call it edgy.
Should've gone with overrated shit mr memerino

Well Evangelion is still not bad, and I don't think it would be a waste of time to watch it- but I'm just not convinced that those who hail it as the best thing ever would be as impressed with it had they not related to Shinji.
I mean the movie End of Evangelion is basically 2 hours of great animation and high as fuck imagery set to the background of Anno telling you to stop being a NEET otaku and embrace the normie life.
Of course Anno sold out later with the Rebuild movies but that's another story.

>> No.6413687

How is it not edgy ? The entire story is about how epik kool le monster is :^^^^^)
You should see the dweebs jerk off all over this series at cons, it's embarassing.

It's fast food for teenager, and if you disagree, you might be one.

>> No.6413699

Yeah, the film and all its remakes and sequels were what made it sound worthwhile. Plus even a series of films is probably less time consuming than a TV show with multiple seasons. I don't know, I had no solid plans to watch any of it, just that I probably wouldn't have objected if someone else had put it on. I'll find some streams of one or two of the shows you mentioned but brutal honesty; I'm not going to give them the benefit of the doubt if they take a while to hook me.

>> No.6413702

>The entire story is about how epik kool le monster is :^^^^^)
This isn't even bait.

>> No.6413703

Ulysses is escapism too. So what?

Also Cowboy Bebop had a great atmosphere

>> No.6413706

The fedoraism in this post.

>> No.6413708

I didn't read Ulysses
You're right, it had a great atmosphere. But a weak universe.
Generally speaking if your lore can be wholly theorized on TVTropes your worldbuilding skills are probably not on par to give birth to something above average.

>> No.6413709

Great use of the ad fedoram, friend.

>> No.6413711

my point is you should just watch something other than just ghibli films, theres a lot more than disney-tier cartoons

anime isn't a new audiovisual medium, think of a movie with obnoxious and hevy handed themes, and the worst flow and timing ever, then Imagine it at as a cartoon drawn at 20 frames a second

>> No.6413723

I don't really thing you need that much worldbuilding in anime, it's not a Silmarilion. If we judge other forms of art acodrding to literature criteria then well, everything except literature is shit.

[spoiller] it pretty much is [/spoiler]

>> No.6413749

I don't even want to watch the ghibli to be honest, I'm just trying to pay lip tax to a part of culture I'm not interested in because I realise it's important to many. I have other things I can learn more from simply because I'm familiar with them so I can tell what they're doing right or wrong. I think anime as an audiovisual language may be more complex than you give it credit, as you're accustomed to it.

>> No.6413805
File: 157 KB, 289x369, 1424231736001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask her what she reads.
>"Robert Ludlum"

And to think I once found her attractive.

>> No.6413809
File: 11 KB, 300x299, 1405656190542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardwired to fuck for X
>hard facts of evolutionary biology

>> No.6413848

its not that complex
its a cartoon, but its from japan, where the concept of pacing is really bad. You can do a lot of things in cartoons you cant do visually in film (perfect blue), but a country with a fascist sense of sociability and assembly line level production of cartoons is going to have a lot of shortcomings, for every one of the animes I suggested, nobody gave better alternatives to my apparently Fedora-tier post

>> No.6413951

well you've obviously not read it because you refer to it as "The Handmaiden's Tale" when it's "The Handmaid's Tale", ya dumbass.

>> No.6414204

>ITT men not understanding the difference between the one-night-stand guy (a good hot lay) and the partner (good connection and tender feelings)

>> No.6414208

Why wouldn't you want to be friends after having sex? Why have sex with someone you don't want to be around?

>> No.6414215

>Why have sex with someone you don't want to be around?
Do you understand casual sex at all?

>> No.6414218

some guy once said, "don't fuck someone you don't want to be," but I can't place the name.

>> No.6414220

>tfw freshman year chem 1 lab in uni
>lab partner girl flirts with me every time and i'm too much of an autist fresh out of an all boys high school to notice
i can't read body language for shit in the moment