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/lit/ - Literature

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6409400 No.6409400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'm spiritual but not religious

>> No.6409412

What does that even mean?

>> No.6409417

>calling Spinoza pleb

>> No.6409423

>"I'm really into existentialism."

>> No.6409427

Not affiliated with OPs church.

>> No.6409431
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>Aristotle was wrong about pretty much everything
>No, I haven't actually read him, I just heard about him on a John Green video

>> No.6409434
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>We behave this way today because is an evolutionary advantage

>> No.6409436

What an insightful post
Now answer the question

>> No.6409438

>Shakespeare is just murder and dick jokes

>> No.6409443

>my philosophy is...

>> No.6409447
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>the west only prospered once it rediscovered its classical past

>> No.6409453

>I mostly read Post-Modernism

>> No.6409454

>i feel like, in today's society...

>> No.6409455

>I'm a follower of Christ

>> No.6409460

>I'm a critical thinker

>> No.6409466

>in modern times
>the zeitgeist of 21st-century America now is...
>culture has changed significantly in the past five years
>social media has changed the fabric of American culture
>being a social media consultant

>> No.6409470

>Religion is holding the world back
>Religion causes most wars

>> No.6409473

This question?
>What does that even mean?
Does this anon mean to ask this of the OP?
>I'm spiritual but not religious
This is my answer: Not affiliated with OPs church.

I mean to say OP is offended that someone could be "spiritual" but not interested in a particular institution or even vein of thought. They could be Abrahamic or Buddhist of *gasp* Unitarian of some kind.

OP, an anonymous poster, is shit posting none literature, none philosophical crap. Report and move along.

>> No.6409482
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>You can't know nuffin, therefore Christ

>> No.6409485

I know someone who vehemently hates religion but swears that ghosts and demons are real

>> No.6409491

You can be spiritual without being religious. However in that case it really is just a basis of "I don't know what's going on, I refuse to let any institution tell me what's going on, but I believe in demons/spirits/ghosts etc."

I'm not one of those people btw, I just know how that train of thought works.

>> No.6409494
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>> No.6409524
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>any phrase using the word pleb

>> No.6409525

HOW is it even POSSIBLE to be THIS





>> No.6409537

>crime and punishment was a crime novel

>> No.6409539

It's theistic-agnostic. There's plenty of them. They sometimes become "born again" Christians.

How do you even mean this?


>> No.6409543

Typically, their belief system is literally just "I want to believe." Their beliefs aren't based on anything with merit, it's just a desire for the supernatural. In that sense, it's less spiritual and more fantasizing.

>> No.6409564

At least they're mature enough to know there isn't any differences between what they're doing and what the Pope and such are doing.

>> No.6409566

It's a completely neutral, politically correct answer that means literally nothing. It's said by people who don't have the balls to commit to any belief. It's like saying "I listen to everything" when someone asks you what your favorite type of music; it makes you look like an unthinking, amorphous blob with no personality

>> No.6409636

>everything but rap and country

>> No.6409638

>I think something that doesn't align with your world view

>> No.6409870

r u in my english class?

>> No.6409898
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>I don't believe in God, but God is the universe and is all around us

>> No.6409905


>> No.6409917

>x is unfalsifiable

>> No.6409922

Teaching new group of tards:
>Bless you!

Fedora chimes in:
>And science!

Others look at him
>Why do you keep saying that?
>Well, you know, it's just a quirky thing I do, hehe

This actually happened.

>> No.6409930

Today I was in a pedagogy class and some girl behind me told her friend in a not so low voice
>oh, god, this woman is obsessed with christianity
while the professor was explaining the first Jesuit teaching institutions.

>> No.6409955
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>Jesus didn't exist
>Jesus is just a ripeoff of other sun deities

The last one kills me. I mean "sun" and "son" in english may be homophones, but in Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek they are certainly not; however, it still see this garbage spouted sometimes.

>> No.6409962
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>> No.6409966

>I'm white

>> No.6409977

>>being a social media consultant



no; but every half-wit english major who keeps a poetry diary and "just can't get into Faulkner's prose" prefaces their inane, tangential, and largely anecdotal in-class comments with this clause to simulate having actually thought about them (the comments) before hand, whereas, in reality, they a. are making shit up as they go along and b. aren't answering the question posed by the professor. what's even more astounding to me is that when the next person to raise their hand offers some kind of reply to the first, a reply which will be just as irrelevant and rambling, the professor will not only allow such "discussion," itself always having N O T H I N G to do with the book or poem or story on the syllabus for that day, but will in fact encourage it (the "discussion"), with, at least ostensibly, a face of rapt attention and even pleasure, mouth watering and eyes, widened, as if awakened to some new truth by the articulate debate unfolding before him, following its grotesque, verbally diuretic metastasis from one corner of the lecture hall to the other.

>> No.6409984
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I was in a higher level philosophy of religion class, and the kid in front of spent the entire lectures day in and day out browsing r/atheism memes.

>> No.6409986

>I think it would be interesting to travel to these off-the-grid places and meet these strange people!
>BUT in today's society, its not safe for a woman to do so

bitch this society is literally catered to women, with one of the main pillars making sure women dont get raped. You can bet if our civilization ends, you'll be in for a whole lotta more rape

>> No.6409991
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>Christian complaint threads.

>> No.6410004
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>> No.6410008

>some reason they are all obsessed with saying 'black/brown bodies'

>anytime the word 'intersectionality' is used

>"I think its typical in Western society for (insert 'bad' thing literally present in every other society in history)

>Using the phrase 'people that look like me'

>"its crazy to think slavery just recently ended!" (no its actually more widespread and there are more slaves now than any point in history, its just over in the evil West)

>> No.6410009

>All religions are just different paths up the same mountain!

It's tolerable coming from Sikhs or Baha'is because it's a core part of their theology, but otherwise it just comes across as ignorant.

>> No.6410012

>not knowing what a trip is

>> No.6410024


Because it was. It no longer is, but it was.

>> No.6410031

>unless it's a core belief it's ridiculous

>> No.6410072

/x/phile who has actually studied occultism. Theres a little bit to this. You have to understand that there is a difference between personal religion and cultural religion. Theres a difference between the religion of a Catholic shopkeeper who goes to mass and occasionally prays and the religion of an ash eating self flagellating saint.

If youre talking about the kind of Religion that is used as a social organizer, then yeah its pretty stupid to say there different ways to the same goal. But when you look more at the personal religions, the mysteries, Zen, Esoteric Christianity, they very much are talking about the same general thing. They have different takes on it, but its describing the same phenomenon. The Mystical Experience is a constant all cultures.

>> No.6410076

Most people who say this are just too lazy to research/contemplate any kind of religious system/phillosophy. Or atleast that's my two cents on that. I mean, a lot of people adhere to some 'general' spirituality, believing in some sort of higher power and acknowledging its presence in their life, but they never really question it. I find that pretty odd, given that human being are in general really curious about just about anyhting.

But there are also people (or appear to be), who had some kind of immediate religious experience (epiphany) but can't really place it into any already existing religious matrix. I mean, I was one of those for some time, untill, after a lot of digging and many lucky coincidences (if you'll allow for a little crazy, 'divine intervention' of sort), I found an ancient world-view that fit almost too perfectly to my experiences, so I began to adhere to it and research its line of thought further.

>> No.6410081


You're forgetting:

Sufi tradition

- and those are just off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure there's more I can't recall right now.

>> No.6410104
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fug...in my defense it's late here

>> No.6410127

Liver curtains? Cheeto?

>> No.6410130

>mfw people confuse ideology with philosophy
No wonder why most don't take it seriously.

>> No.6410140


Yeah. It's also interesting to see how most world religions become dogmatized in the course of their revolution, to such extent that a mystical experience becomes a privilege of the clergy (or eventually not even them), and more (and eventually all) emphasis is put into conforming to the social norms the belief system imposes.

>> No.6410203

>But when you look more at the personal religions, the mysteries, Zen, Esoteric Christianity, they very much are talking about the same general thing. They have different takes on it, but its describing the same phenomenon. The Mystical Experience is a constant all cultures.

See, I'm skeptical of the idea that all forms of mysticism are describing the same thing (William Harmless calls it the 'sunny universalism' proposed by William James). Sufis like Ibn Arabi consider God alone to have inherent existence, Madhyamaka Buddhists deny that anything has inherent existence. When Christian mystics write about their visions of the Trinity or the Eucharist they use conceptual categories which would be completely alien to a Kabbalist or a Tibetan meditator. Of course we can learn from comparing different religions but mysticism is too strange and complicated to reduce to a single kind of experience.

>> No.6410211

Whats really, really fucking weird that you should look into, is Manly P Halls interpretation of the indigenous South American cults. He shows pretty conclusively that theyre exactly the same as the European mysteries. Like, exactly the same. So either:

A) The Amerinds had the mysteries before they came to American, which would make the mysteries god knows how fucking old

B) The Amerinds discovered the mysteries independently and formed an almost identical system.

Its the kind of thing that really really makes you re-evaluate human history.

>> No.6410231

If you look at the explanatory systems of mysticism and magic you will find very very few things in common with them all.

If you look at the practical models, the actual nitty gritty of what you do and experience it overlaps a lot.

>> No.6410262
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>I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal

>> No.6410393

Using the term networking instead of "making friends".

>> No.6410401


aka. "i'm a sociopath"

>> No.6410421

More like "i took business school seriously" which is almost as bad.

>> No.6410440
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>I'm learning [Obscure language spoken only in barbaric shithole]
>they have such a rich a vibrant culture
>inserts phrases from said language into their speech
Fucking stop kidding everyone and yourself.

>> No.6410461

>Netflix and dogs

>> No.6410498

>I don't have a political opinion

>> No.6410502
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>I believe procreation is fundamentally amoral

>> No.6410537
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>there is a distinction between literary and genre fiction

>> No.6410562

>>"I'm really into existentialism."
as soon as I hear existentialism, I think of her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnKuS-d4waU

>> No.6410576
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>there isn't a distinction

>> No.6410762

It hurts just reading it

This is some of the worst. Reminds me of Chesterton on 'All religions are the same".
Invoking mysticism is a cheap way of getting away with politically correct bland statements like OP.

>> No.6410767


>> No.6410787
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>I identify myself as a pantheist

>> No.6410796

>I'm a Hegelian

>> No.6410798
File: 854 KB, 320x240, 70949-simon-cowell-please-stop-gif-UNRo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a libertari-

>> No.6410817


quotes from the independent bookstore I work at:

>where are your Paddington bears?
>after browsing the store for a while in a confused state, a customer paused and very slowly asked "what is fiction?"
>where is your Ayn Rand section?
>where is your bestseller section?
>where is the book that recently won that ______ prize?

>> No.6410833

Wow, a rare Uncle Doddie, thanx.

>> No.6410841

>Aquinas' five ways are flawless

>> No.6410847

It's nobody else s fault you don't do your homework.

>> No.6410875
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>i will pray for you

>> No.6410881



>> No.6410951

>I'm spiritual
>social construct
>so this guy came and gave me a religious pamphlet, so I told him to fuck off because I'm vegetarian and I don't eat anything with a face
>x peoples opinions/reasoning don't count because y and y is because x
>the community
>I meditate
>I'm in an anarchist collective
>I'm a social media manager
>I work for an online magazine
>why didn't you like my photo on x
>social media anything
>all I want to do is help people
>I don't think reading is important
>the secret

The Ultimate Pleb: "You should read eckhard tolle"

>> No.6410967

oh christ eckhard tolle. I had the misfortune of someone explaining that to me (something about gaia theory etc.) I told him he was an idiot. then called me conceited for not being open to new possibilities or something. in hindsight i should've used tact and just held my tounge and nodded politely.

>> No.6410975

you idiot, people think he's a ripoff because of the parallels between the Rebirth and the Winter Solstice movements of the Sun; look it up. I'm not saying it's true thoguh

>> No.6410979



According to Macrobius, Dionysus was born on the 25th of December; his Resurrection was in April, and both of these were celebrated.

>> No.6410983

>As a woman,

>> No.6410984


>wikipedia articles

>> No.6410985



>> No.6410986

Also, note that eating a slain animal (torn apart like Dionysus was) was supposed to represent eating Dionysus, and communion with the divine.

>> No.6410988

Macrobius is not a Wikipedia article.

>> No.6410991

Yeah, wikipedia sure is useless:

== Literature ==
* Albinus, Lars. 2000. ''The House of Hades''. Aarhus.
* Alderink, Larry J. ''Creation and Salvation in Ancient Orphism''. University Park: American Philological Association, 1981.
* [[Apostolos Athanassakis|Athanassakis, Apostolos N.]] ''Orphic Hymns: Text, Translation, and Notes''. Missoula: Society of Biblical Literature, 1977.
*Baird, William. ''History of New Testament Research''. Vol. 2. 2002, 393.
* Bernabé, Albertus (ed.), ''Orphicorum et Orphicis similium testimonia et fragmenta. Poetae Epici Graeci. Pars II. Fasc. 1.'' [[Bibliotheca Teubneriana]], München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2004. ISBN 3-598-71707-5
* Bernabé, Alberto. “Some Thoughts about the ‘New’ Gold Tablet from Pherai.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 166 (2008): 53-58.
* Bernabé, Alberto and Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal. 2008. ''Instructions for the Netherworld: the Orphic Gold Tablets''. Boston: Brill.
* Betegh, Gábor. 2006. ''The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation''. Cambridge.
* Bikerman, E. "The Orphic Blessing". ''Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes'' 2 (1938–39): 368-74.
* Bremmer, Jan. "Orphism, Pythagoras, and the Rise of the Immortal Soul". ''The Rise and Fall of the Afterlife: The 1995 Read-Tuckwell Lectures at the University of Bristol''. New York: Routledge, 2002. 11-26.
* Bremmer, Jan. "Rationalization and Disenchantment in Ancient Greece: Max Weber among the Pythagoreans and Orphics?" ''From Myth to Reason: Studies in the Development of Greek Thought''. Ed. Richard Buxton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. 71-83.
* Brisson Luc. "Orphée et l'orphisme dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine". Aldershot: Variorum, 1995, env. 200 p. (pagination multiple), ISBN 0-86078-453-3.
* [[Walter Burkert|Burkert, Walter]]. 2004. ''Babylon, Memphis, Persepolis: Eastern Contexts of Greek Culture''. Cambridge, MA.
* [[Walter Burkert|Burkert, Walter]]. "Craft Versus Sect: The Problem of Orphics and Pythagoreans". ''Jewish and Christian Self-Definition: Volume Three - Self-Definition in the Greco-Roman World''. Ed. B. Meyer and E. P. Sanders. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982.
* [[Domenico Comparetti|Comparetti, Domenico]], and Cecil Smith. "The Petelia Gold Tablet". ''The Journal of Hellenic Studies'' 3 (1882): 111-18.
*Dungan, David, and David Laird Dungan. ''A History of the Synoptic Problem: The Canon, the Text, the Composition, and the Interpretation of the Gospels (The Anchor Bible Reference Library)''. 1999, 54-55.
* Edmonds, Radcliffe. ''Myths of the Underworld Journey: Plato,
* [http://orphicplatonism.com/ Orphic Platonism]

And so on...

>> No.6410993


What's wrong with this?

>> No.6410996


And what is your point, commoner?

>> No.6410998

he doesnt agree with it and he's so uncertain he needed it to be known by everyone that the truth is written in stone.

>> No.6411003

>I set arbitrary standards of what constitutes plebeian discourse on a taiwanese origami forum

Inb4: meta

>> No.6411008

>I set arbitrary standards of what constitutes plebeian discourse

>> No.6411013

>I'm spiritual but not religious
Every "atheist" woman ever.

>> No.6411016
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You sound like the ugliest son of a bitch I've ever heard

>> No.6411024


The person should indeed say "Abrahamic religions"

>> No.6411028

>not theist
>but i believe in a higher power

>> No.6411035


trash so fucking much

>> No.6411040

>I love stories with a message

Because it means "I love having my own opinions repeated back to me" 100% of the time.

>> No.6411041


>As a coloured woman...

>> No.6411049

It doesn't.

>> No.6411055


>As a trans coloured woman...

>> No.6411056

Because it means "I am too lazy to try to understand the point myself, so I want it formulated and presented for idiots"

>> No.6411066

So you're one of the people who uses this phrase? Please, then explain what you mean by it.

>> No.6411067

A book can have a message (or more) in 2 ways: it either shoves it down your throat, or it talks about it more subtly, generally spread out through the whole narrative.
Reading something of the latter type is not bad.
Or do you think that only le ebin postmodernism counts as literature?

>> No.6411073
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>There's no place for X in a modern society

>> No.6411077

In the latter sense everything has some message, so there's absolutely no need to empathise it.

>> No.6411082


>> No.6411276
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>As a follower of Stirner
>X is a spook
>Marx was right
>I'm an anarcho-[insert buzzword]
>Islam is a religion of peace
>That's not true Christianity, only Catholicism / eastern orthodox is

>> No.6411292

The fuck is macropoetry?

>> No.6411305

>implying you've even read stirner

>> No.6411327

>I'm a freelance journalist
>I don't disagree
>women should be able to X
>it is what it is
>(post contains the word "I" more than 15 times.)
>I'm an X but not like other X's
>the scientific method is completely apolitical, it's a fact.
>philosophy is about how to live the best life.
>music is my life
>if it makes you happy, do it.
>if it's not hurting anyone, do it.
>it's 2015

>> No.6411332

do acid and come back to tell us what you think

>> No.6411338

What if i do listen to everything?

>> No.6411346

You don't.

>> No.6411351
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>do acid and come back to tell us what you think

>> No.6411352

That's interesting. What was the ancient world-view called? I wanna know more now.

>> No.6411361

>a rare Hitle
thank you anon

>> No.6411370

this shit always makes me feel so awkward

>> No.6411374

>Phrases that instantly identify a pleb

"Phrases that instantly identify a pleb"

>> No.6411377

Sure buck-o
>metal core
>hip hop
>rock and roll
>english rap
>aussie pop

Literally everything

>> No.6411378

Just say thanks.

>> No.6411386

How can your opinion on an experience have any validity when you've never actually had the experience itself? Now go spend 25 dollars on a tab of acid and tell me how it was when you're done.

>> No.6411389
File: 1.13 MB, 320x240, told you so.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just say thanks

>> No.6411390

Because such 'experience' can only happen when you're under the effect of a drug it's the very reason it undermines it. Pure (totally distorted in this case, to tell the truth) sense-perception is the lowest way to attain any sort of knowledge about anything.

>> No.6411393

Nobody knows when Christ was born in the year, convention put it on the great feast of Saturn.

Easter's date comes from long before Christ, who died and resurrected aound the sabbath of easter.

The use of the expression "Abrahamic religions" makes me legitimately mad.

>> No.6411396

What else? "Fuck you, being polite is for plebs"?

>> No.6411399

>I browse /lit/

>> No.6411405

Why so? They're quite the same religion: judaism, judaism for romans and judaism for arabs respectively

>> No.6411408
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why can't i stop laughing

thanks for making my day anon

>> No.6411409


free form jazz? I doubt it.

>> No.6411411


Not him but I don't need to commit murder to know that it's wrong. There may be psychopaths who say it's a great thrill but that doesn't mean I need to try it to discredit it. Moreover I would not break the law and take an illegal substance just to prove a point on 4chains.

>> No.6411414

>do you understand that your views are by definition biased?

>> No.6411421

Even scat, you hipster

>> No.6411423

What's the case of usage? You're a white cis male so you can't talk about feminism?

>> No.6411426
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kek, I don't even like free form jazz. Just thought I might have cornered you there.

free form ruined miles davis

>> No.6411429

you can but it'd be stupid to not acknowledge your privilege

>> No.6411431

>Giving a fuck about drug laws


>> No.6411435

White women in the modern world are the most privileged lifeforms that have ever existed.

>> No.6411439

Why should my privileges matter in a scholarly discussion? Is it a form of repentance?

>> No.6411442
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>being a degenerate

>> No.6411443


Hahaha, gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6411446

in theory it's limited, but in practice it always bolis down to

I establish myself as enlightened and pretend I won the argument by just uttering that phrase

>> No.6411451

This post is mighty euphoria.
First, romans were not the first Christians and Christianity is not tied to any region.
And the reference to Abraham is stupid. Muslim claim it is the name of a muslim guy, whose religion had been perverted by Jews and Muhamad restored it.
There is nothing about the guy similar to any patriarch in the Bible. It's a convenient use of the name of a reknown guy.

At best the expression could denote all religion making some reference to some Abraham. It wouldn't mean anything else and could not be used the way it is.

For instance, some hebraic people in ancient Levant were polytheists and considered themselves sons of Abraham. Do they count in the "Abrahamic religions"?

Without going into psychobabble, I think it's obvious, as your comment suggest, that the expression is only ever used as a cheap way to lump Christianity and Islam together.

>> No.6411457

Nice memes. Stay retarded

>> No.6411461

Well, Islam was supposed to be backward-compartible with Christianity, as they recognise Jesus as one of the prophets. And these three religions share a lot of inner structure in common.

>> No.6411477

They share pretty much nothing in common exept words.
There is nothing backwards compatible. Jesus is not considered in any way similar to the New Testament.

first, they consider Jesus was muslim. That he did not die but someone else took his place on the cross. That all of his disciples to the last were liars that invented Christianity in some big conspiracy against Islam.

And seriously have you read you post? Christianity literally means Messianism. There is no going about "why, Jesus is fine, he was a prophet". How is it "backward compatible" when they explicitely deny the only thing defining Christianity?

The two religions share nothing. Christianity is a call for salvation. Islam is a culture, a law, customs, a political project.

>> No.6411484

Jesus is considered a Messiah that forgave sin and all that crap, and of course that a religion that focuses on prophets will ignore the friends of the messaih, it's surprising that christians are so cool with that. And "muslim" just means follower of the abrahamic religion, of course christians are muslims and so are jews. Muslim doesn't mean follower of islam particularly.

>> No.6411490

Looks like someone's Christ-tism was triggered.

>> No.6411491

definitely a pleb tier

>> No.6411492

Am I mistaken or are you implying there's no slavery in the west?

>> No.6411501

Right now there isn't

>> No.6411508

>As a mother...

>> No.6411513

>there is no forced prostitution
>there is no absolute exploitation in big farms, including child work and no pay.
>there are no people working in exchange of food and a roof

>> No.6411515

Math rock?
Prog rock?
Break beat?
Post Punk?
Technical progressive death metal? (Yes, that one's real, too)

It's like you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh wait...

>> No.6411521

>obscure at all

Everyone who knows even a little bit of jazz knows what scat is.

>> No.6411530

>in the West

>> No.6411534

>Prog rock?
What's this one doing here? It's entrylevel as fuck.

>> No.6411538

>If it's not obscure it's bad
go away hipster boy

>> No.6411542

We were talking about obscure music

>> No.6411550

>I listen to everything
>doesn't list everything

That's why it's there.

>> No.6411554

oh well

>> No.6411576

>there are no primitive and advanced societies, just different viewpoints
>[tribe which reproduces primarily through kidnap and rape of neighbouring tribeswomen] is so beautiful and in tune with nature
>[rambling rant against Western society]

>> No.6411593
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Spinoza is pleb. So is Hesse without context and understanding. So is Kerouac. He probably didn't even lift.

>> No.6411594

>It's a deconstruction of...

>> No.6411599

societies aren't all that different, really

>> No.6411625

Where can I find more info about this?
This concept is really interesting

>> No.6411632

literally nothing wrong with the last two, you're just a cunt who spends too much time here

>> No.6411637

I'm not that anon, I would recommend taking Halls with a grain of salt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manly_Palmer_Hall

>> No.6411645

all of those things happen in the west

>> No.6411649

>anons attemp at bant
I clearly said so in my first post

>> No.6411654

banana thong? Stepdad?

>> No.6411670

That's more or less true. Society is largely overated by ... social scientists. Classic example of someone thinking the thing he studies is all explaining.

If western societies are "better", it's because western men are "better", not society.

>> No.6411702

I'm sorry but why does one necessarily have to join a religious institution to have spiritual phenomena? I mean Taoism, Buddhism and Shintoism these religions can be followed without actually joining their institutions. Nor is their anything wrong with following all three at the same time. I mean to me, what is more pleb are people who hold religions as a nationality and don't even actually follow it or study about it. Let's be honest how many people in the modern world are actually devout to their self proclaimed religion?

>> No.6411768

Being religious is a more broad term than joining a religious institute. Saying you're not religious is like rejecting all of these religions' content, which sounds retarded combined with spirituality.

>> No.6411806

That's a progressive development of consciousness. Organized religions are zombie organizations at this stage in history.

>> No.6411825

You should've greentexted this

>> No.6411847

>Christianity is a call for salvation. Islam is a culture, a law, customs, a political project.

But there are cultures, laws and political systems that have also been influenced by Christianity.

>> No.6411852

>Primitive societies
>Advanced societies
Primitive or Advanced with respect to what?

>> No.6411856

I agree with you on this, but it is a modern phenomena that one can be religious without being in the said institution. If you were a Christian who did not follow the Catholic church in 16h century Spain you would be considered a heretic. I think there is something that when people say they don't accept religion yet they thirst for this spirituality. I doubt, these people reject all teachings of religion when they say they are not religious. I can say I'm not religious yet follow the eight fold path of Buddhism or the concept of Adam and eve on a metaphorical concept. In these liberal institutions people don't want to be bound by a set of rules of religion; I say people are even encourage to finding their own spiritual path.I get why this would irk people however, where people say they are spiritually atheist nonchalantly but I am certain this is not the case for all people who deeply pursue their spirituality.

>> No.6411860

>I dig Nietzsche.
Me last semester

>> No.6411862

>Islam is a culture

What a useless thing to say.

>> No.6411865

How is it not?

>> No.6411866

Agree with what you said, but what does the following mean:
>Adam and eve on a metaphorical concept

>> No.6411867
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>What do you mean? According to wikipedia X is right and you are wrong

>> No.6411870


My western standards, hippie.

>> No.6411872


>> No.6411879

I agree, I wasn't the one that said it.
>How is it not
Because Muslims around the world can differ in the way they live their lives (the languages they speak, the moral values they hold, the holidays they celebrate) i.e. they differ in their Culture.

To generalize a little, the average Indonesian Muslim and the average Saudi Muslim are as different Culturally as the Average Ukrainian and Average American Christian.

>> No.6411884

That instead of believing in Adam and Eve as a literal thing (two humans on earth). One can say that the case of Adam and Eve shows why there is suffering for mankind. Where due to our consciousness (by leaving god) seeing good and evil; we will always be in a perpetual cycle of finding the former and avoiding the latter. However, man must find their god again by religion to gain salvation. Again, I would say that finding one's way back is broad but many Christians would clearly be cutthroat about salvation. It is much more powerful to see the message of Adam and Eve in this way rather than the literal sense of origin of humans physically.

>> No.6411917

>implying namefags aren't the worst

>> No.6411919

>Wrong side of history
>I think we can all agree that...
>Passive-aggressive insults
>Smug "your argument is invalid" after a cheap fallacious quip

>> No.6411926

Nah, it can help you internalize the fact that senses don't correspond to objectivity. Yeah, everyone knows that, but knowing and experiencing something are different

>> No.6411929
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>There's no point in even worrying about God or religion

>> No.6411946


>dark ages

>> No.6411962
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>dark ages were a myth. Thanks to the Catholic Church science progressed

>> No.6412019

i completely disagree. If you have any imagination and don't subscribe to an organized religion then you probably have devised some kind of personal ideas about reality that other people would deem 'spiritual.' It makes absolute perfect sense to say "spiritual but not religious' because it explains what you are in a way that people understand without you having to go into an elaborate explanation about your personal ideas. if you are the only member of your religion it doesn't make sense to elaborate on it to random people unless they are actually curious about it, which if they are they would ask a follow up question.

you guys are plebs.

>> No.6412041


>Brown people are savages

>there are more slaves now than any point in history, its just over in the evil West

Holy shit, how dumb are you?
The world population is higher than ever before. Of course the absolute number is going to be higher. How can you not understand the importance of relative numbers here? Ancient Rome's population was like 25% slaves.

Secondly, most sexual human trafficking involves women and children from third world countries being moved to richer ones.

>> No.6412072

i don't mean anything by it, but are you a homosexual?

>> No.6412073

OP is referring to California and Arizona sweat lodge hippies.

The concept of abrahamic religion refers to the two sons. Issac which led to jews and christians and ismail which founded saudi arabia and islam. Its entirely ok to lump the three together.

>> No.6412082


>> No.6412083

>standarizing language and writing
>creating free schools
>funding artists and scientifics doing silly shit kings didn't care about
yeah, those monsters

>> No.6412085

so basically budda is right, consiousness = suffering

>> No.6412096

but they were not FOSS so they were bad.

>> No.6412156

It's true, but dark ages were a real thing. Not as many people think, but it existed.
Plus most of what you say happened after the Medieval Age.

>> No.6412271

I prefer women, but I occasionally fuck men. Not sure if it's because I'm legitimately bisexual, or if being a horny boy makes me settle for easier sex.

What made you ask?

>> No.6412284
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I've read queerkwagard

>> No.6412313

>I'm an agnostic/gnostic atheist/theist.

>> No.6412320

>I'm religious


>> No.6412322

Drone Metal?
Black metal?
Future funk?
Ocean grunge?
Big room house?
Deep house?
PC music?
Emotional Rap?
Happy Hardcore?
>muh mixtape 🔥

>> No.6412324

Saaame. Also the gay dudes I've fucked are always willing to get me drug hookups, whatever.

>> No.6412351

But people are usually very vague about this. If I actually asked follow-up questions to these "spiritual" people, they'd be stuck: "uh-uh-uh, I believe in spirits...and god...and..." THEY DON'T HAVE A 1 PERSON RELIGION, THEY DON'T HAVE A THEOLOGY, THEY DON'T HAVE A PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS FOR THIS BELIEF.

"Spiritual people" are the worst because more than likely, these are your regular stoners or History teachers, not some profound intellectual who has single-handedly discovered a spiritual realm. "Spiritual people" are the kinds you find on /x/. Totally mystified and blown away by things that can be explained mundanely. At least religious people (and Deists), have an actual philosophy, theology, and belief. Catholic priests, imams, and Buddhist monks can all give me a better explanation (albeit a wrong one) of the world than some "spiritual" idiot ever can.

>> No.6412366

>"if you have an imagination"

TRUTH IS NOT SUBJECT TO IMAGINATION. Yes, it's a nice, imaginative thought to think we came from the alien Xe'Ku-Von after he slew the Cosmic Dragon, but is this true? Just because we think it is? NO. The point of religion, philosophy, and spirituality isn't to find the most imaginative lie to believe in because "ew, atheism is so boring." Even religion is in pursuit of truth. I acknowledge that even though I disagree with most religions and "spiritual beliefs" on mostly everything. Your statement made me cringe.

>> No.6412370

So they have a vague, good emotion many people feel but no one can explain, so they don't try. But, no, the autists who quantify it, categorize it, argue about its definitions, the annoying fan boys, they're the plebs.

Anything beyond spirituality is a perversion. Religion is the genre fiction of spirituality.

>> No.6412404

That's the thing too! Spiritual people admit it's "just a feeling." It's not numinous, it's not divine, it's not the Holy Spirit or some stupid shit like that. It's a feeling. They'll criticize organized religion, but unorganized religion (spirituality), is fine? It's the same illogical philosophical foundation! It's like saying "I don't believe in Nazism, but yeah, I am a white supremacist." At least the Nazis had a goal and a political platform!

The difference between believing in an incarnate God who died for humanity and believing in ghosts, monsters, elves, isn't very wide. Spiritualists think they're superior than people who associate with a religion. They see themselves as open-minded. But they still aren't open-minded enough to see how much they're still wrong. A Christian can't prove that Christ has risen. A spiritualist can't prove that an afterlife or spirits exist. (they'll usually point to a grainy film or give an anecdotal experience of "feeling" a hand on their shoulders or something like that)

>> No.6412407

you're an idiot. we evolved our behaviours to adapt to survival over millions of years. Just because in the last few hundred things have changed that doesn't mean our behaviors have instantly usurped our learned behaviours of a protracted history

>> No.6412418
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You pay 25 bucks for a tab? That's hilarious.

>> No.6412452

>spiritualists = fedoras trying to write their own fantasy fiction novel after reading LotR.

>"Hey this sounds a lot like Lord of the Rings. Were you inspired by Tolkien?"

>"Nooo, it's an original idea! And it's not fantasy! It's magical non-realism! A completely new thing! I made it!"

>"But you can clearly see the influence of Tolkien here..."

Spiritualists read bits and pieces of the Bible, the Koran, and ancient mythologies. They liked the symbolism and the emotional high it gave them. And it made them feel secure! There is life after death! So they imagined their own religion (without actually writing a book) and subscribed to a vague notion of "spirituality."

>> No.6412463

I assumed most people who describe themselves as such are merely deists

>> No.6412466

None of these are quality genres, though.

>> No.6412479


Provide objective arguments, please.

>> No.6412493

deists (like Spinoza) are ok. It's spiritualists (who never solidly explain what it is they believe) who get annoying. It's almost always New Age crap, pantheism, or alternate versions of already-existing religions, but slightly different so as to not seem "religious." (because then you'd be a "dogmatic and unthinking zombie")

>> No.6412520

>hobbies include netflix and my dog
>hanging out in sweatpants with netflix and my dog
>family is really important to me
>I'm fluent in sarcasm
>I'm pansexual, pantheist panpsychic
>systematic oppression
>capitalism is easily exploited, we should be communists instead
>x is creepy
>eckhard tolle
>speaking out against Islam? you racist! islamaphobe!
>wow you don't know what you're talking about, have you even taken a quick look at the Wikipedia article?
>I own an e-reader, that way I can carry books around with me the same way I do music on my ipod, even though I don't listen to 90% of the music on my ipod
>I'm a Christian
>your citations weren't in the proper format
>if you like X book or X music you're a pleb

>> No.6412537

>having short bangs. having even shorter bangs
>wearing problem glasses
>dressing affectedly fashionable yet having short bangs

>> No.6412551

>>all I want to do is help people
>>I meditate
What's wrong with these?

>> No.6412611

>can we just agree to disagree?
>hate cannot be removed by hate. Only love can do that.
>4/20 BLAZE IT
>marijuana is wrong because it's illegal
>I don't care what anyone says, but I'm a Christian.
>250 likes, yay ~ I feel so badass :D
>I'm gay. Who supports me?
>We have a black prez, now we need a woman in the White House for once! It's 2015!
>only god can judge me
>liberals & commies are 1 & da same :DD
>cis gendered white male
>tell it like it is
>speak the truth
>yo man, I heard you read a lot. I do too. I LOVE The Catcher in the Rye and Twilight. Oh and also The Bible!
>hey, what's that book you're reading about? **reading A Critique of Pure Reason**
>stop complaining. If you don't like capitalism, start a revolution or some shit
>you should listen to this awesome band! **plays System of a Down, Eminem, or Nickleback. =_=
>what religion are you? My religion is atheism. And science. But also music.
>don't feel bad. It could always be worse

>> No.6412648

>parents = "someday you're going to sell a lot of books."

>me = "you mean I'm going to write a novel?"

>them = "yes, and you will outsell them all! I know you can one day!"

>me: "but it's not about selling. Popular writers aren't always good..."

>them: "you won't be successful with that attitude!"

>> No.6412677

>I'm not religious but I believe there is a God.

>> No.6412702


People who tell the world how selfless and charitable they are are generally cunts. So are people who overtly brag about meditating unironically.

>> No.6412709
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>> No.6412721

Oh, so it's about the bragging aspect. Alright then.

>> No.6412725
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>I've had a spiritual awakening
>The self

>> No.6412728

You did not go where I thought you were going with that anon. 10/10, impressed as hell.

>> No.6412731

You seem bitter.

>> No.6412777

band or artist is what I meant.

And yeah, I'm bitter. But I'm not wrong about any of this. These are all legitimately stupid people who say things like these. It's not "just my opinion" or what personally annoys me. The statements are contradictory, nonsensical or just plain wrong.