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640933 No.640933 [Reply] [Original]

Name an experience when you read something that had a big impact on you.

>> No.640952

The letter that informed me about the DA dropping the charges.

Reading that was all like "fuck yeah, I can do whatever I want!"

>> No.640955

When I finished In Search Of Lost Time.

>> No.640972

I once read this book about aliens when I was little, and I have been terrified ever since.

>> No.640975


>> No.640980

Billions and Billions by Carl Sagan.

>> No.640981

The Bible.

>> No.640985


We are all connected.

>> No.640989

We're made of star stuff. We are a way, for the Cosmos to know itself

>> No.641004

I raped a girl after reading the 120 days of sodom ... and I watched skat porn and liked it

>> No.641022
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>> No.641099

I read The Once & Future King when I was in 8th grade and it made me realize that old books can be fuck awesome.

It also motivated my interest in Arthurian literature. Today I have probably close to 50 books that deal with Arthurian literature or historical fiction set in that time period.

>> No.643517

"120 days of sodom " actually scarred me. All those priests and upper classes doing all that nasty stuff to young boys and girls. Well, I still can't believe it's all non-fiction.

>> No.643528

The Hobbit.

>> No.643535
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>>"120 days of sodom " actually scarred me

You should try watching the movie version...Pier-Paolo Pasolini's "Salo". It's not technically legal to show it in the UK but it was put up at the Institute for Contemporary Art....a grown man ran screaming out of the cinema, he was so disturbed by it. I have never seen that happen in a cinema before or since.

Ironically, when I was about 14 I bought a copy of the 120 Days at a local bookshop. I hadn't noticed the price was over 20, I just gave the man a 20. Then he said "Ahem". ANd I said, OH sorry, I didn't realise it was more expensive. And he gave a sort of creepy chuckle and said "We have to pay for our pleasures...."

My favorite bit is still when they serve the coffee, and the Bishop says "But where is the milk?" And then four naked children climb up onto the table, and.....

>> No.643538

Franny and Zooey

>> No.643537

Similar experience, only it was a movie.

Dragons of Eden is better.

>> No.643544


It's fiction bro

>> No.643547

the Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter.

I realized that people condescend to the past, that a book 2000 years old was not necessarily going to be dull and moralistic like the Bible, it could quite possibly be a fast-paced shocking sexy read.

>> No.643549
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>And he gave a sort of creepy chuckle and said "We have to pay for our pleasures...."

>> No.643563

i liked that book a lot. then i read 9 stories and everything since it has been null in comparison

>> No.643564

Reading Siddhartha was crucial.
Without it, I would have never thought of living life.

>> No.645599

Whenever something epic in fantasy books that I read, such as sword fights and dragons, I get really excited and do seated jumps on my bed.

>> No.645606



jesus christ this board is slow

and i love it

>> No.645610

World War Z
I read it when I was about 12, so everything that happened was basically real to me. I was so freaked out that I had to turn my light back on before going to sleep and listened to the clicking of the fan outside my room, believing that it kept the zombies away, I freaked out when that stopped...
I still sleep with a knife under my pillow...

>> No.645649

Seeing a cute little girl carrying Lolita really changed my life.

>> No.645651

Oddly enough, Folk Tales and other short stories.

They have all these little morals here and there that are much more meaningful than full blown novels.

>> No.645736

Huysmann: Nothing catalysated my hate on the world better.

>> No.645767

>read it when I was 12
>World War Z released in 2006
Underaged b&. Reported.

>> No.647606

The Bible

Oh, God. I feel like a Christfag.

>> No.647625

The first time I saw a naked woman.
Then the first time I saw a naked man.